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# Detection and Tracking Module of PP-Human
Pedestrian detection and tracking is widely used in the intelligent community, industrial inspection, transportation monitoring and so on. PP-Human has the detection and tracking module, which is fundamental to keypoint detection, attribute action recognition, etc. Users enjoy easy access to pretrained models here.
| Task | Algorithm | Precision | Inference Speed(ms) | Download Link |
|:---------------------|:---------:|:------:|:------:| :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| Pedestrian Detection/ Tracking | PP-YOLOE-l | mAP: 56.6
MOTA: 79.5 | Detection: 28.0ms
Tracking:33.1ms | [Download Link](https://bj.bcebos.com/v1/paddledet/models/pipeline/mot_ppyoloe_l_36e_pipeline.zip) |
| Pedestrian Detection/ Tracking | PP-YOLOE-s | mAP: 53.2
MOTA: 69.2 | Detection: 22.1ms
Tracking:27.2ms | [Download Link](https://bj.bcebos.com/v1/paddledet/models/pipeline/mot_ppyoloe_s_36e_pipeline.zip) |
1. The precision of the pedestrian detection/ tracking model is obtained by trainning and testing on [COCO-Person](http://cocodataset.org/), [CrowdHuman](http://www.crowdhuman.org/), [HIEVE](http://humaninevents.org/) and some business data.
2. The inference speed is the speed of using TensorRT FP16 on T4, the total number of data pre-training, model inference, and post-processing.
## How to Use
1. Download models from the links of the above table and unizp them to ```./output_inference```.
2. When use the image as input, it's a detection task, the start command is as follows:
python deploy/pipeline/pipeline.py --config deploy/pipeline/config/infer_cfg_pphuman.yml \
--image_file=test_image.jpg \
3. When use the video as input, it's a tracking task, first you should set the "enable: True" in MOT of infer_cfg_pphuman.yml, and then the start command is as follows:
python deploy/pipeline/pipeline.py --config deploy/pipeline/config/infer_cfg_pphuman.yml \
--video_file=test_video.mp4 \
4. There are two ways to modify the model path:
- In `./deploy/pipeline/config/infer_cfg_pphuman.yml`, you can configurate different model paths,which is proper only if you match keypoint models and action recognition models with the fields of `DET` and `MOT` respectively, and modify the corresponding path of each field into the expected path.
- Add `--model_dir` in the command line to revise the model path:
python deploy/pipeline/pipeline.py --config deploy/pipeline/config/infer_cfg_pphuman.yml \
--video_file=test_video.mp4 \
--device=gpu \
--model_dir det=ppyoloe/
--do_entrance_counting \
- `--do_entrance_counting` is whether to calculate flow at the gateway, and the default setting is False.
- `--draw_center_traj` means whether to draw the track, and the default setting is False. It's worth noting that the test video of track drawing should be filmed by the still camera.
The test result is: