# Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import collections import re from paddle.trainer_config_helpers.default_decorators import wrap_name_default import paddle.trainer_config_helpers as conf_helps class LayerType(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): method_name = attrs.get('METHOD_NAME', None) if method_name is not None: method = getattr(conf_helps, method_name) if method.__doc__ is not None: mapper = attrs.get("__map_docstr__", None) if mapper is not None: attrs['__doc__'] = LayerType.__map_docstr__( mapper(method.__doc__), method_name=method_name, name=name) else: attrs['__doc__'] = LayerType.__map_docstr__( method.__doc__, method_name=method_name, name=name) return super(LayerType, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) @staticmethod def __map_docstr__(doc, name, method_name): assert isinstance(doc, basestring) # replace LayerOutput to paddle.v2.config_base.Layer doc = doc.replace("LayerOutput", "paddle.v2.config_base.Layer") doc = doc.replace('ParameterAttribute', 'paddle.v2.attr.ParameterAttribute') doc = re.sub(r'ExtraLayerAttribute[^\s]?', 'paddle.v2.attr.ExtraAttribute', doc) # xxx_layer to xxx doc = re.sub(r"(?P[a-z]+)_layer", r"\g", doc) # XxxxActivation to paddle.v2.Activation.Xxxx doc = re.sub(r"(?P[A-Z][a-zA-Z]+)Activation", r"paddle.v2.Activation.\g", doc) # TODO(yuyang18): Add more rules if needed. return doc class Layer(object): __metaclass__ = LayerType def __init__(self, name=None, parent_layers=None): assert isinstance(parent_layers, dict) self.name = name self.__context__ = {} self.__parent_layers__ = parent_layers self.__children_layers__ = [] # used for evaluator. def append_child(self, layer, parent_names): self.__children_layers__.append((layer, parent_names)) def to_proto(self, context): """ function to set proto attribute """ self.__context__ = context # short cut if myself is parsed before. if self.context_name() in context: if self.use_context_name(): return context[self.context_name()] else: return context[self.name] # parse parent before myself kwargs = dict() for layer_name in self.__parent_layers__: if not isinstance(self.__parent_layers__[layer_name], collections.Sequence): v1_layer = self.__parent_layers__[layer_name].to_proto( context=context) else: v1_layer = map(lambda x: x.to_proto(context=context), self.__parent_layers__[layer_name]) kwargs[layer_name] = v1_layer # parse myself. ret_val = self.to_proto_impl(**kwargs) if self.context_name() is not None and \ self.context_name() not in context: context[self.context_name()] = ret_val # parse children. for layer, pnames in self.__children_layers__: drop = False # child will only be parsed if all parents are in context. for pname in pnames: if pname not in context: drop = True break if drop: continue layer.to_proto(context=context) if self.context_name() is None: return ret_val elif self.use_context_name(): return context[self.context_name()] else: return context[self.name] def to_proto_impl(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() def context_name(self): """ Context name means the context which stores `to_proto_impl` result. If multiple layer share same context_name, the `to_proto_impl` of them will be invoked only once. """ return self.name def use_context_name(self): return False def calculate_size(self): """ lazy calculate size of the layer, should be called when to_proto_impl of this layer is called. :return: """ return self.__context__[self.context_name()].size def __convert_to_v2__(method_name, parent_names, is_default_name=True, attach_parent=False): if is_default_name: wrapper = wrap_name_default(name_prefix=method_name) else: wrapper = None class V2LayerImpl(Layer): METHOD_NAME = method_name def __init__(self, **kwargs): parent_layers = dict() other_kwargs = dict() for pname in parent_names: if pname in kwargs: parent_layers[pname] = kwargs[pname] if attach_parent: pnames = [x.context_name() for x in parent_layers.values()] for pname in parent_layers: layers = kwargs[pname] if not isinstance(layers, collections.Sequence): layers = [layers] for layer in layers: layer.append_child(self, pnames) for key in kwargs.keys(): if key not in parent_names: other_kwargs[key] = kwargs[key] name = kwargs.get('name', None) super(V2LayerImpl, self).__init__(name, parent_layers) self.__other_kwargs__ = other_kwargs if wrapper is not None: __init__ = wrapper(__init__) def to_proto_impl(self, **kwargs): args = dict() for each in kwargs: args[each] = kwargs[each] for each in self.__other_kwargs__: args[each] = self.__other_kwargs__[each] return getattr(conf_helps, method_name)(**args) return V2LayerImpl