from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import paddle from ppdet.core.workspace import register from .meta_arch import BaseArch __all__ = ['FasterRCNN'] @register class FasterRCNN(BaseArch): __category__ = 'architecture' __inject__ = [ 'anchor', 'proposal', 'backbone', 'neck', 'rpn_head', 'bbox_head', 'bbox_post_process' ] def __init__(self, anchor, proposal, backbone, rpn_head, bbox_head, bbox_post_process, neck=None): super(FasterRCNN, self).__init__() self.anchor = anchor self.proposal = proposal self.backbone = backbone self.rpn_head = rpn_head self.bbox_head = bbox_head self.bbox_post_process = bbox_post_process self.neck = neck def model_arch(self): # Backbone body_feats = self.backbone(self.inputs) spatial_scale = 0.0625 # Neck if self.neck is not None: body_feats, spatial_scale = self.neck(body_feats) # RPN # rpn_head returns two list: rpn_feat, rpn_head_out # each element in rpn_feats contains rpn feature on each level, # and the length is 1 when the neck is not applied. # each element in rpn_head_out contains (rpn_rois_score, rpn_rois_delta) rpn_feat, self.rpn_head_out = self.rpn_head(self.inputs, body_feats) # Anchor # anchor_out returns a list, # each element contains (anchor, anchor_var) self.anchor_out = self.anchor(rpn_feat) # Proposal RoI # compute targets here when training rois = self.proposal(self.inputs, self.rpn_head_out, self.anchor_out, # BBox Head bbox_feat, self.bbox_head_out, self.bbox_head_feat_func = self.bbox_head( body_feats, rois, spatial_scale) if not bbox_pred, bboxes = self.bbox_head.get_prediction( self.bbox_head_out, rois) # Refine bbox by the output from bbox_head at test stage self.bboxes = self.bbox_post_process(bbox_pred, bboxes, self.inputs['im_shape'], self.inputs['scale_factor']) else: # Proposal RoI for Mask branch # bboxes update at training stage only bbox_targets = self.proposal.get_targets()[0] def get_loss(self, ): loss = {} # RPN loss rpn_loss_inputs = self.anchor.generate_loss_inputs( self.inputs, self.rpn_head_out, self.anchor_out) loss_rpn = self.rpn_head.get_loss(rpn_loss_inputs) loss.update(loss_rpn) # BBox loss bbox_targets = self.proposal.get_targets() loss_bbox = self.bbox_head.get_loss([self.bbox_head_out], bbox_targets) loss.update(loss_bbox) total_loss = paddle.add_n(list(loss.values())) loss.update({'loss': total_loss}) return loss def get_pred(self): bbox, bbox_num = self.bboxes output = { 'bbox': bbox, 'bbox_num': bbox_num, } return output