set(PART_CUDA_KERNEL_FILES) function(op_library TARGET) # op_library is a function to create op library. The interface is same as # cc_library. But it handle split GPU/CPU code and link some common library # for ops. set(cc_srcs) set(cu_srcs) set(hip_cu_srcs) set(miopen_hip_cc_srcs) set(cu_cc_srcs) set(cudnn_cu_cc_srcs) set(CUDNN_FILE) set(mkldnn_cc_srcs) set(MKLDNN_FILE) set(op_common_deps operator op_registry math_function) set(options "") set(oneValueArgs "") set(multiValueArgs SRCS DEPS) set(pybind_flag 0) cmake_parse_arguments(op_library "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) list(LENGTH op_library_SRCS op_library_SRCS_len) if (${op_library_SRCS_len} EQUAL 0) if (EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${TARGET}.cc) list(APPEND cc_srcs ${TARGET}.cc) endif() if (EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${TARGET} list(APPEND cu_cc_srcs ${TARGET} endif() if (EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${TARGET}.cu) list(APPEND cu_srcs ${TARGET}.cu) endif() if (EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${TARGET} set(PART_CUDA_KERNEL_FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${TARGET} ${PART_CUDA_KERNEL_FILES} PARENT_SCOPE) list(APPEND cu_srcs ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${TARGET} endif() if (EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${TARGET} list(APPEND hip_cu_srcs ${TARGET} endif() string(REPLACE "_op" "_cudnn_op" CUDNN_FILE "${TARGET}") if (EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${CUDNN_FILE} list(APPEND cudnn_cu_cc_srcs ${CUDNN_FILE} endif() if(WITH_AMD_GPU) string(REPLACE "_op" "_miopen_op" MIOPEN_FILE "${TARGET}") if (EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${MIOPEN_FILE} list(APPEND miopen_hip_cc_srcs ${MIOPEN_FILE} endif() endif() if(WITH_MKLDNN) string(REPLACE "_op" "_mkldnn_op" MKLDNN_FILE "${TARGET}") if (EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${MKLDNN_FILE}.cc) list(APPEND mkldnn_cc_srcs ${MKLDNN_FILE}.cc) endif() endif() else() foreach(src ${op_library_SRCS}) if (${src} MATCHES ".*\\$") list(APPEND hip_cu_srcs ${src}) elseif (${src} MATCHES ".*\\.cu$") list(APPEND cu_srcs ${src}) elseif(${src} MATCHES ".*$") list(APPEND cudnn_cu_cc_srcs ${src}) elseif(WITH_AMD_GPU AND ${src} MATCHES ".*$") list(APPEND miopen_hip_cc_srcs ${src}) elseif(WITH_MKLDNN AND ${src} MATCHES ".*$") list(APPEND mkldnn_cc_srcs ${src}) elseif(${src} MATCHES ".*\\$") list(APPEND cu_cc_srcs ${src}) elseif(${src} MATCHES ".*\\.cc$") list(APPEND cc_srcs ${src}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "${TARGET} Source file ${src} should only be .cc or .cu") endif() endforeach() endif() list(LENGTH cc_srcs cc_srcs_len) if (${cc_srcs_len} EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "The op library ${TARGET} should contains at least one .cc file") endif() if (WIN32) # remove windows unsupported op, because windows has no nccl, no warpctc such ops. foreach(windows_unsupport_op "nccl_op" "gen_nccl_id_op" "warpctc_op") if ("${TARGET}" STREQUAL "${windows_unsupport_op}") return() endif() endforeach() endif(WIN32) set(OP_LIBRARY ${TARGET} ${OP_LIBRARY} CACHE INTERNAL "op libs") list(LENGTH op_library_DEPS op_library_DEPS_len) if (${op_library_DEPS_len} GREATER 0) set(DEPS_OPS ${TARGET} ${DEPS_OPS} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() if (WITH_GPU) nv_library(${TARGET} SRCS ${cc_srcs} ${cu_cc_srcs} ${cudnn_cu_cc_srcs} ${mkldnn_cc_srcs} ${cu_srcs} DEPS ${op_library_DEPS} ${op_common_deps}) elseif (WITH_AMD_GPU) hip_library(${TARGET} SRCS ${cc_srcs} ${hip_cu_srcs} ${miopen_hip_cc_srcs} ${mkldnn_cc_srcs} DEPS ${op_library_DEPS} ${op_common_deps}) else() cc_library(${TARGET} SRCS ${cc_srcs} ${mkldnn_cc_srcs} DEPS ${op_library_DEPS} ${op_common_deps}) endif() # Define operators that don't need pybind here. foreach(manual_pybind_op "compare_op" "logical_op" "nccl_op" "tensor_array_read_write_op" "tensorrt_engine_op" "conv_fusion_op") if ("${TARGET}" STREQUAL "${manual_pybind_op}") set(pybind_flag 1) endif() endforeach() # The registration of USE_OP, please refer to paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h. # Note that it's enough to just adding one operator to pybind in a * file. # And for detail pybind information, please see generated paddle/pybind/pybind.h. file(READ ${TARGET}.cc TARGET_CONTENT) string(REGEX MATCH "REGISTER_OPERATOR\\(.*REGISTER_OPERATOR\\(" multi_register "${TARGET_CONTENT}") string(REGEX MATCH "REGISTER_OPERATOR\\([a-z0-9_]*," one_register "${multi_register}") if (one_register STREQUAL "") string(REPLACE "_op" "" TARGET "${TARGET}") else () string(REPLACE "REGISTER_OPERATOR(" "" TARGET "${one_register}") string(REPLACE "," "" TARGET "${TARGET}") endif() # pybind USE_NO_KERNEL_OP # HACK: if REGISTER_OP_CPU_KERNEL presents the operator must have kernel string(REGEX MATCH "REGISTER_OP_CPU_KERNEL" regex_result "${TARGET_CONTENT}") string(REPLACE "_op" "" TARGET "${TARGET}") if (${pybind_flag} EQUAL 0 AND regex_result STREQUAL "") file(APPEND ${pybind_file} "USE_NO_KERNEL_OP(${TARGET});\n") set(pybind_flag 1) endif() # pybind USE_CPU_ONLY_OP list(LENGTH cu_srcs cu_srcs_len) list(LENGTH cu_cc_srcs cu_cc_srcs_len) list(LENGTH mkldnn_cc_srcs mkldnn_cc_srcs_len) list(LENGTH hip_cu_srcs hip_cu_srcs_len) list(LENGTH miopen_hip_cc_srcs miopen_hip_cc_srcs_len) if (${pybind_flag} EQUAL 0 AND ${mkldnn_cc_srcs_len} EQUAL 0 AND ${cu_srcs_len} EQUAL 0 AND ${cu_cc_srcs_len} EQUAL 0 AND ${hip_cu_srcs_len} EQUAL 0 AND ${miopen_hip_cc_srcs_len} EQUAL 0) file(APPEND ${pybind_file} "USE_CPU_ONLY_OP(${TARGET});\n") set(pybind_flag 1) endif() # pybind USE_OP_DEVICE_KERNEL for CUDNN list(LENGTH cudnn_cu_cc_srcs cudnn_cu_cc_srcs_len) if (WITH_GPU AND ${cudnn_cu_cc_srcs_len} GREATER 0) file(APPEND ${pybind_file} "USE_OP_DEVICE_KERNEL(${TARGET}, CUDNN);\n") endif() # pybind USE_OP_DEVICE_KERNEL for MIOPEN if (WITH_AMD_GPU AND ${miopen_hip_cc_srcs_len} GREATER 0) file(APPEND ${pybind_file} "USE_OP_DEVICE_KERNEL(${TARGET}, MIOPEN);\n") endif() # pybind USE_OP_DEVICE_KERNEL for MKLDNN if (WITH_MKLDNN AND ${mkldnn_cc_srcs_len} GREATER 0) # Append first implemented MKLDNN activation operator if (${MKLDNN_FILE} STREQUAL "activation_mkldnn_op") file(APPEND ${pybind_file} "USE_OP_DEVICE_KERNEL(relu, MKLDNN);\n") else() file(APPEND ${pybind_file} "USE_OP_DEVICE_KERNEL(${TARGET}, MKLDNN);\n") endif() endif() # pybind USE_OP if (${pybind_flag} EQUAL 0) # NOTE(*): activation use macro to regist the kernels, set use_op manually. if(${TARGET} STREQUAL "activation") file(APPEND ${pybind_file} "USE_OP(relu);\n") elseif(${TARGET} STREQUAL "fake_dequantize") file(APPEND ${pybind_file} "USE_OP(fake_dequantize_max_abs);\n") elseif(${TARGET} STREQUAL "fake_quantize") file(APPEND ${pybind_file} "USE_OP(fake_quantize_abs_max);\n") elseif(${TARGET} STREQUAL "tensorrt_engine_op") message(STATUS "Pybind skips [tensorrt_engine_op], for this OP is only used in inference") elseif(${TARGET} STREQUAL "fc") # HACK: fc only have mkldnn and cpu, which would mismatch the cpu only condition file(APPEND ${pybind_file} "USE_CPU_ONLY_OP(${TARGET});\n") else() file(APPEND ${pybind_file} "USE_OP(${TARGET});\n") endif() endif() endfunction() function(register_operators) set(options "") set(oneValueArgs "") set(multiValueArgs EXCLUDES DEPS) cmake_parse_arguments(register_operators "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) file(GLOB OPS RELATIVE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" "*") string(REPLACE "_mkldnn" "" OPS "${OPS}") string(REPLACE ".cc" "" OPS "${OPS}") list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES OPS) list(LENGTH register_operators_DEPS register_operators_DEPS_len) foreach(src ${OPS}) list(FIND register_operators_EXCLUDES ${src} _index) if (${_index} EQUAL -1) if (${register_operators_DEPS_len} GREATER 0) op_library(${src} DEPS ${register_operators_DEPS}) else() op_library(${src}) endif() endif() endforeach() endfunction()