# Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from paddle.trainer_config_helpers import * is_predict = get_config_arg("is_predict", bool, False) ####################Data Configuration ################## if not is_predict: data_dir = './data/' define_py_data_sources2( train_list=data_dir + 'train.list', test_list=data_dir + 'test.list', module='mnist_provider', obj='process') ######################Algorithm Configuration ############# settings(batch_size=50, learning_rate=0.001, learning_method=AdamOptimizer()) #######################Network Configuration ############# data_size = 1 * 28 * 28 label_size = 10 img = data_layer(name='pixel', size=data_size) # light cnn # A shallower cnn model: [CNN, BN, ReLU, Max-Pooling] x4 + FC x1 # Easier to train for mnist dataset and quite efficient # Final performance is close to deeper ones on tasks such as digital and character classification def light_cnn(input_image, num_channels, num_classes): def __light__(ipt, num_filter=128, times=1, conv_filter_size=3, dropouts=0, num_channels_=None): return img_conv_group( input=ipt, num_channels=num_channels_, pool_size=2, pool_stride=2, conv_padding=0, conv_num_filter=[num_filter] * times, conv_filter_size=conv_filter_size, conv_act=ReluActivation(), conv_with_batchnorm=True, conv_batchnorm_drop_rate=dropouts, pool_type=MaxPooling()) tmp = __light__(input_image, num_filter=128, num_channels_=num_channels) tmp = __light__(tmp, num_filter=128) tmp = __light__(tmp, num_filter=128) tmp = __light__(tmp, num_filter=128, conv_filter_size=1) tmp = fc_layer(input=tmp, size=num_classes, act=SoftmaxActivation()) return tmp predict = light_cnn(input_image=img, num_channels=1, num_classes=label_size) if not is_predict: lbl = data_layer(name="label", size=label_size) inputs(img, lbl) outputs(classification_cost(input=predict, label=lbl)) else: outputs(predict)