import paddle import paddle.nn as nn import paddle.nn.functional as F from ppdet.core.workspace import register from ppdet.modeling.clrnet_utils import accuracy from ppdet.modeling.assigners.clrnet_assigner import assign from ppdet.modeling.losses.clrnet_line_iou_loss import liou_loss __all__ = ['CLRNetLoss'] class SoftmaxFocalLoss(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, gamma, ignore_lb=255, *args, **kwargs): super(SoftmaxFocalLoss, self).__init__() self.gamma = gamma self.nll = nn.NLLLoss(ignore_index=ignore_lb) def forward(self, logits, labels): scores = F.softmax(logits, dim=1) factor = paddle.pow(1. - scores, self.gamma) log_score = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=1) log_score = factor * log_score loss = self.nll(log_score, labels) return loss def focal_loss(input: paddle.Tensor, target: paddle.Tensor, alpha: float, gamma: float=2.0, reduction: str='none', eps: float=1e-8) -> paddle.Tensor: r"""Function that computes Focal loss. See :class:`~kornia.losses.FocalLoss` for details. """ if not paddle.is_tensor(input): raise TypeError("Input type is not a torch.Tensor. Got {}".format( type(input))) if not len(input.shape) >= 2: raise ValueError("Invalid input shape, we expect BxCx*. Got: {}".format( input.shape)) if input.shape[0] != target.shape[0]: raise ValueError( 'Expected input batch_size ({}) to match target batch_size ({}).'. format(input.shape[0], target.shape[0])) n = input.shape[0] out_size = (n, ) + tuple(input.shape[2:]) if target.shape[1:] != input.shape[2:]: raise ValueError('Expected target size {}, got {}'.format(out_size, target.shape)) if (isinstance(, paddle.CUDAPlace) and isinstance(, paddle.CPUPlace)) | (isinstance(, paddle.CPUPlace) and isinstance(, paddle.CUDAPlace)): raise ValueError( "input and target must be in the same device. Got: {} and {}". format(, # compute softmax over the classes axis input_soft: paddle.Tensor = F.softmax(input, axis=1) + eps # create the labels one hot tensor target_one_hot: paddle.Tensor = paddle.to_tensor( F.one_hot( target, num_classes=input.shape[1]).cast(input.dtype), # compute the actual focal loss weight = paddle.pow(-input_soft + 1., gamma) focal = -alpha * weight * paddle.log(input_soft) loss_tmp = paddle.sum(target_one_hot * focal, axis=1) if reduction == 'none': loss = loss_tmp elif reduction == 'mean': loss = paddle.mean(loss_tmp) elif reduction == 'sum': loss = paddle.sum(loss_tmp) else: raise NotImplementedError("Invalid reduction mode: {}".format( reduction)) return loss class FocalLoss(nn.Layer): r"""Criterion that computes Focal loss. According to [1], the Focal loss is computed as follows: .. math:: \text{FL}(p_t) = -\alpha_t (1 - p_t)^{\gamma} \, \text{log}(p_t) where: - :math:`p_t` is the model's estimated probability for each class. Arguments: alpha (float): Weighting factor :math:`\alpha \in [0, 1]`. gamma (float): Focusing parameter :math:`\gamma >= 0`. reduction (str, optional): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output: ‘none’ | ‘mean’ | ‘sum’. ‘none’: no reduction will be applied, ‘mean’: the sum of the output will be divided by the number of elements in the output, ‘sum’: the output will be summed. Default: ‘none’. Shape: - Input: :math:`(N, C, *)` where C = number of classes. - Target: :math:`(N, *)` where each value is :math:`0 ≤ targets[i] ≤ C−1`. Examples: >>> N = 5 # num_classes >>> kwargs = {"alpha": 0.5, "gamma": 2.0, "reduction": 'mean'} >>> loss = kornia.losses.FocalLoss(**kwargs) >>> input = torch.randn(1, N, 3, 5, requires_grad=True) >>> target = torch.empty(1, 3, 5, dtype=torch.long).random_(N) >>> output = loss(input, target) >>> output.backward() References: [1] """ def __init__(self, alpha: float, gamma: float=2.0, reduction: str='none') -> None: super(FocalLoss, self).__init__() self.alpha: float = alpha self.gamma: float = gamma self.reduction: str = reduction self.eps: float = 1e-6 def forward( # type: ignore self, input: paddle.Tensor, target: paddle.Tensor) -> paddle.Tensor: return focal_loss(input, target, self.alpha, self.gamma, self.reduction, self.eps) @register class CLRNetLoss(nn.Layer): __shared__ = ['img_w', 'img_h', 'num_classes', 'num_points'] def __init__(self, cls_loss_weight=2.0, xyt_loss_weight=0.2, iou_loss_weight=2.0, seg_loss_weight=1.0, refine_layers=3, num_points=72, img_w=800, img_h=320, num_classes=5, ignore_label=255, bg_weight=0.4): super(CLRNetLoss, self).__init__() self.cls_loss_weight = cls_loss_weight self.xyt_loss_weight = xyt_loss_weight self.iou_loss_weight = iou_loss_weight self.seg_loss_weight = seg_loss_weight self.refine_layers = refine_layers self.img_w = img_w self.img_h = img_h self.n_strips = num_points - 1 self.num_classes = num_classes self.ignore_label = ignore_label weights = paddle.ones(shape=[self.num_classes]) weights[0] = bg_weight self.criterion = nn.NLLLoss( ignore_index=self.ignore_label, weight=weights) def forward(self, output, batch): predictions_lists = output['predictions_lists'] targets = batch['lane_line'].clone() cls_criterion = FocalLoss(alpha=0.25, gamma=2.0) cls_loss = paddle.to_tensor(0.0) reg_xytl_loss = paddle.to_tensor(0.0) iou_loss = paddle.to_tensor(0.0) cls_acc = [] cls_acc_stage = [] for stage in range(self.refine_layers): predictions_list = predictions_lists[stage] for predictions, target in zip(predictions_list, targets): target = target[target[:, 1] == 1] if len(target) == 0: # If there are no targets, all predictions have to be negatives (i.e., 0 confidence) cls_target = paddle.zeros( [predictions.shape[0]], dtype='int64') cls_pred = predictions[:, :2] cls_loss = cls_loss + cls_criterion(cls_pred, cls_target).sum() continue with paddle.no_grad(): matched_row_inds, matched_col_inds = assign( predictions, target, self.img_w, self.img_h) # classification targets cls_target = paddle.zeros([predictions.shape[0]], dtype='int64') cls_target[matched_row_inds] = 1 cls_pred = predictions[:, :2] # regression targets -> [start_y, start_x, theta] (all transformed to absolute values), only on matched pairs reg_yxtl = predictions.index_select(matched_row_inds)[..., 2:6] reg_yxtl[:, 0] *= self.n_strips reg_yxtl[:, 1] *= (self.img_w - 1) reg_yxtl[:, 2] *= 180 reg_yxtl[:, 3] *= self.n_strips target_yxtl = target.index_select(matched_col_inds)[..., 2: 6].clone() # regression targets -> S coordinates (all transformed to absolute values) reg_pred = predictions.index_select(matched_row_inds)[..., 6:] reg_pred *= (self.img_w - 1) reg_targets = target.index_select(matched_col_inds)[..., 6:].clone() with paddle.no_grad(): predictions_starts = paddle.clip( (predictions.index_select(matched_row_inds)[..., 2] * self.n_strips).round().cast("int64"), min=0, max=self. n_strips) # ensure the predictions starts is valid target_starts = ( target.index_select(matched_col_inds)[..., 2] * self.n_strips).round().cast("int64") target_yxtl[:, -1] -= ( predictions_starts - target_starts) # reg length # Loss calculation cls_loss = cls_loss + cls_criterion( cls_pred, cls_target).sum() / target.shape[0] target_yxtl[:, 0] *= self.n_strips target_yxtl[:, 2] *= 180 reg_xytl_loss = reg_xytl_loss + F.smooth_l1_loss( input=reg_yxtl, label=target_yxtl, reduction='none').mean() iou_loss = iou_loss + liou_loss( reg_pred, reg_targets, self.img_w, length=15) cls_accuracy = accuracy(cls_pred, cls_target) cls_acc_stage.append(cls_accuracy) cls_acc.append(sum(cls_acc_stage) / (len(cls_acc_stage) + 1e-5)) # extra segmentation loss seg_loss = self.criterion( F.log_softmax( output['seg'], axis=1), batch['seg'].cast('int64')) cls_loss /= (len(targets) * self.refine_layers) reg_xytl_loss /= (len(targets) * self.refine_layers) iou_loss /= (len(targets) * self.refine_layers) loss = cls_loss * self.cls_loss_weight \ + reg_xytl_loss * self.xyt_loss_weight \ + seg_loss * self.seg_loss_weight \ + iou_loss * self.iou_loss_weight return_value = { 'loss': loss, 'cls_loss': cls_loss * self.cls_loss_weight, 'reg_xytl_loss': reg_xytl_loss * self.xyt_loss_weight, 'seg_loss': seg_loss * self.seg_loss_weight, 'iou_loss': iou_loss * self.iou_loss_weight } for i in range(self.refine_layers): if not isinstance(cls_acc[i], paddle.Tensor): cls_acc[i] = paddle.to_tensor(cls_acc[i]) return_value['stage_{}_acc'.format(i)] = cls_acc[i] return return_value