import math import paddle import numpy as np import paddle.nn as nn import paddle.nn.functional as F from ppdet.core.workspace import register from ppdet.modeling.initializer import normal_ from ppdet.modeling.lane_utils import Lane from ppdet.modeling.losses import line_iou from ppdet.modeling.clrnet_utils import ROIGather, LinearModule, SegDecoder __all__ = ['CLRHead'] @register class CLRHead(nn.Layer): __inject__ = ['loss'] __shared__ = [ 'img_w', 'img_h', 'ori_img_h', 'num_classes', 'cut_height', 'num_points', "max_lanes" ] def __init__(self, num_points=72, prior_feat_channels=64, fc_hidden_dim=64, num_priors=192, img_w=800, img_h=320, ori_img_h=590, cut_height=270, num_classes=5, num_fc=2, refine_layers=3, sample_points=36, conf_threshold=0.4, nms_thres=0.5, max_lanes=4, loss='CLRNetLoss'): super(CLRHead, self).__init__() self.img_w = img_w self.img_h = img_h self.n_strips = num_points - 1 self.n_offsets = num_points self.num_priors = num_priors self.sample_points = sample_points self.refine_layers = refine_layers self.num_classes = num_classes self.fc_hidden_dim = fc_hidden_dim self.ori_img_h = ori_img_h self.cut_height = cut_height self.conf_threshold = conf_threshold self.nms_thres = nms_thres self.max_lanes = max_lanes self.prior_feat_channels = prior_feat_channels self.loss = loss self.register_buffer( name='sample_x_indexs', tensor=(paddle.linspace( start=0, stop=1, num=self.sample_points, dtype=paddle.float32) * self.n_strips).astype(dtype='int64')) self.register_buffer( name='prior_feat_ys', tensor=paddle.flip( x=(1 - self.sample_x_indexs.astype('float32') / self.n_strips), axis=[-1])) self.register_buffer( name='prior_ys', tensor=paddle.linspace( start=1, stop=0, num=self.n_offsets).astype('float32')) self.prior_feat_channels = prior_feat_channels self._init_prior_embeddings() init_priors, priors_on_featmap = self.generate_priors_from_embeddings() self.register_buffer(name='priors', tensor=init_priors) self.register_buffer(name='priors_on_featmap', tensor=priors_on_featmap) self.seg_decoder = SegDecoder(self.img_h, self.img_w, self.num_classes, self.prior_feat_channels, self.refine_layers) reg_modules = list() cls_modules = list() for _ in range(num_fc): reg_modules += [*LinearModule(self.fc_hidden_dim)] cls_modules += [*LinearModule(self.fc_hidden_dim)] self.reg_modules = nn.LayerList(sublayers=reg_modules) self.cls_modules = nn.LayerList(sublayers=cls_modules) self.roi_gather = ROIGather(self.prior_feat_channels, self.num_priors, self.sample_points, self.fc_hidden_dim, self.refine_layers) self.reg_layers = nn.Linear( in_features=self.fc_hidden_dim, out_features=self.n_offsets + 1 + 2 + 1, bias_attr=True) self.cls_layers = nn.Linear( in_features=self.fc_hidden_dim, out_features=2, bias_attr=True) self.init_weights() def init_weights(self): for m in self.cls_layers.parameters(): normal_(m, mean=0.0, std=0.001) for m in self.reg_layers.parameters(): normal_(m, mean=0.0, std=0.001) def pool_prior_features(self, batch_features, num_priors, prior_xs): """ pool prior feature from feature map. Args: batch_features (Tensor): Input feature maps, shape: (B, C, H, W) """ batch_size = batch_features.shape[0] prior_xs = prior_xs.reshape([batch_size, num_priors, -1, 1]) prior_ys = self.prior_feat_ys.tile(repeat_times=[ batch_size * num_priors ]).reshape([batch_size, num_priors, -1, 1]) prior_xs = prior_xs * 2.0 - 1.0 prior_ys = prior_ys * 2.0 - 1.0 grid = paddle.concat(x=(prior_xs, prior_ys), axis=-1) feature = F.grid_sample( x=batch_features, grid=grid, align_corners=True).transpose(perm=[0, 2, 1, 3]) feature = feature.reshape([ batch_size * num_priors, self.prior_feat_channels, self.sample_points, 1 ]) return feature def generate_priors_from_embeddings(self): predictions = self.prior_embeddings.weight # 2 scores, 1 start_y, 1 start_x, 1 theta, 1 length, 72 coordinates, score[0] = negative prob, score[1] = positive prob priors = paddle.zeros( (self.num_priors, 2 + 2 + 2 + self.n_offsets), dtype=predictions.dtype) priors[:, 2:5] = predictions.clone() priors[:, 6:] = ( priors[:, 3].unsqueeze(1).clone().tile([1, self.n_offsets]) * (self.img_w - 1) + ((1 - self.prior_ys.tile([self.num_priors, 1]) - priors[:, 2].unsqueeze(1).clone().tile([1, self.n_offsets])) * self.img_h / paddle.tan(x=priors[:, 4].unsqueeze(1).clone().tile( [1, self.n_offsets]) * math.pi + 1e-05))) / (self.img_w - 1) priors_on_featmap = paddle.index_select( priors, 6 + self.sample_x_indexs, axis=-1) return priors, priors_on_featmap def _init_prior_embeddings(self): self.prior_embeddings = nn.Embedding(self.num_priors, 3) bottom_priors_nums = self.num_priors * 3 // 4 left_priors_nums, _ = self.num_priors // 8, self.num_priors // 8 strip_size = 0.5 / (left_priors_nums // 2 - 1) bottom_strip_size = 1 / (bottom_priors_nums // 4 + 1) with paddle.no_grad(): for i in range(left_priors_nums): self.prior_embeddings.weight[i, 0] = i // 2 * strip_size self.prior_embeddings.weight[i, 1] = 0.0 self.prior_embeddings.weight[i, 2] = 0.16 if i % 2 == 0 else 0.32 for i in range(left_priors_nums, left_priors_nums + bottom_priors_nums): self.prior_embeddings.weight[i, 0] = 0.0 self.prior_embeddings.weight[i, 1] = ( (i - left_priors_nums) // 4 + 1) * bottom_strip_size self.prior_embeddings.weight[i, 2] = 0.2 * (i % 4 + 1) for i in range(left_priors_nums + bottom_priors_nums, self.num_priors): self.prior_embeddings.weight[i, 0] = ( i - left_priors_nums - bottom_priors_nums) // 2 * strip_size self.prior_embeddings.weight[i, 1] = 1.0 self.prior_embeddings.weight[i, 2] = 0.68 if i % 2 == 0 else 0.84 def forward(self, x, inputs=None): """ Take pyramid features as input to perform Cross Layer Refinement and finally output the prediction lanes. Each feature is a 4D tensor. Args: x: input features (list[Tensor]) Return: prediction_list: each layer's prediction result seg: segmentation result for auxiliary loss """ batch_features = list(x[len(x) - self.refine_layers:]) batch_features.reverse() batch_size = batch_features[-1].shape[0] if self.priors, self.priors_on_featmap = self.generate_priors_from_embeddings( ) priors, priors_on_featmap = self.priors.tile( [batch_size, 1, 1]), self.priors_on_featmap.tile([batch_size, 1, 1]) predictions_lists = [] prior_features_stages = [] for stage in range(self.refine_layers): num_priors = priors_on_featmap.shape[1] prior_xs = paddle.flip(x=priors_on_featmap, axis=[2]) batch_prior_features = self.pool_prior_features( batch_features[stage], num_priors, prior_xs) prior_features_stages.append(batch_prior_features) fc_features = self.roi_gather(prior_features_stages, batch_features[stage], stage) # return fc_features fc_features = fc_features.reshape( [num_priors, batch_size, -1]).reshape( [batch_size * num_priors, self.fc_hidden_dim]) cls_features = fc_features.clone() reg_features = fc_features.clone() for cls_layer in self.cls_modules: cls_features = cls_layer(cls_features) # return cls_features for reg_layer in self.reg_modules: reg_features = reg_layer(reg_features) cls_logits = self.cls_layers(cls_features) reg = self.reg_layers(reg_features) cls_logits = cls_logits.reshape( [batch_size, -1, cls_logits.shape[1]]) reg = reg.reshape([batch_size, -1, reg.shape[1]]) predictions = priors.clone() predictions[:, :, :2] = cls_logits predictions[:, :, 2:5] += reg[:, :, :3] predictions[:, :, 5] = reg[:, :, 3] def tran_tensor(t): return t.unsqueeze(axis=2).clone().tile([1, 1, self.n_offsets]) predictions[..., 6:] = ( tran_tensor(predictions[..., 3]) * (self.img_w - 1) + ((1 - self.prior_ys.tile([batch_size, num_priors, 1]) - tran_tensor(predictions[..., 2])) * self.img_h / paddle.tan( tran_tensor(predictions[..., 4]) * math.pi + 1e-05))) / ( self.img_w - 1) prediction_lines = predictions.clone() predictions[..., 6:] += reg[..., 4:] predictions_lists.append(predictions) if stage != self.refine_layers - 1: priors = prediction_lines.detach().clone() priors_on_featmap = priors.index_select( 6 + self.sample_x_indexs, axis=-1) if seg = None seg_features = paddle.concat( [ F.interpolate( feature, size=[ batch_features[-1].shape[2], batch_features[-1].shape[3] ], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) for feature in batch_features ], axis=1) seg = self.seg_decoder(seg_features) output = {'predictions_lists': predictions_lists, 'seg': seg} return self.loss(output, inputs) return predictions_lists[-1] def predictions_to_pred(self, predictions): """ Convert predictions to internal Lane structure for evaluation. """ self.prior_ys = paddle.to_tensor(self.prior_ys) self.prior_ys = self.prior_ys.astype('float64') lanes = [] for lane in predictions: lane_xs = lane[6:].clone() start = min( max(0, int(round(lane[2].item() * self.n_strips))), self.n_strips) length = int(round(lane[5].item())) end = start + length - 1 end = min(end, len(self.prior_ys) - 1) if start > 0: mask = ((lane_xs[:start] >= 0.) & (lane_xs[:start] <= 1.)).cpu().detach().numpy()[::-1] mask = ~((mask.cumprod()[::-1]).astype(np.bool)) lane_xs[:start][mask] = -2 if end < len(self.prior_ys) - 1: lane_xs[end + 1:] = -2 lane_ys = self.prior_ys[lane_xs >= 0].clone() lane_xs = lane_xs[lane_xs >= 0] lane_xs = lane_xs.flip(axis=0).astype('float64') lane_ys = lane_ys.flip(axis=0) lane_ys = (lane_ys * (self.ori_img_h - self.cut_height) + self.cut_height ) / self.ori_img_h if len(lane_xs) <= 1: continue points = paddle.stack( x=(lane_xs.reshape([-1, 1]), lane_ys.reshape([-1, 1])), axis=1).squeeze(axis=2) lane = Lane( points=points.cpu().numpy(), metadata={ 'start_x': lane[3], 'start_y': lane[2], 'conf': lane[1] }) lanes.append(lane) return lanes def lane_nms(self, predictions, scores, nms_overlap_thresh, top_k): """ NMS for lane detection. predictions: paddle.Tensor [num_lanes,conf,y,x,lenght,72offsets] [12,77] scores: paddle.Tensor [num_lanes] nms_overlap_thresh: float top_k: int """ # sort by scores to get idx idx = scores.argsort(descending=True) keep = [] condidates = predictions.clone() condidates = condidates.index_select(idx) while len(condidates) > 0: keep.append(idx[0]) if len(keep) >= top_k or len(condidates) == 1: break ious = [] for i in range(1, len(condidates)): ious.append(1 - line_iou( condidates[i].unsqueeze(0), condidates[0].unsqueeze(0), img_w=self.img_w, length=15)) ious = paddle.to_tensor(ious) mask = ious <= nms_overlap_thresh id = paddle.where(mask == False)[0] if id.shape[0] == 0: break condidates = condidates[1:].index_select(id) idx = idx[1:].index_select(id) keep = paddle.stack(keep) return keep def get_lanes(self, output, as_lanes=True): """ Convert model output to lanes. """ softmax = nn.Softmax(axis=1) decoded = [] for predictions in output: threshold = self.conf_threshold scores = softmax(predictions[:, :2])[:, 1] keep_inds = scores >= threshold predictions = predictions[keep_inds] scores = scores[keep_inds] if predictions.shape[0] == 0: decoded.append([]) continue nms_predictions = predictions.detach().clone() nms_predictions = paddle.concat( x=[nms_predictions[..., :4], nms_predictions[..., 5:]], axis=-1) nms_predictions[..., 4] = nms_predictions[..., 4] * self.n_strips nms_predictions[..., 5:] = nms_predictions[..., 5:] * ( self.img_w - 1) keep = self.lane_nms( nms_predictions[..., 5:], scores, nms_overlap_thresh=self.nms_thres, top_k=self.max_lanes) predictions = predictions.index_select(keep) if predictions.shape[0] == 0: decoded.append([]) continue predictions[:, 5] = paddle.round(predictions[:, 5] * self.n_strips) if as_lanes: pred = self.predictions_to_pred(predictions) else: pred = predictions decoded.append(pred) return decoded