import os import cv2 import numpy as np import os.path as osp from functools import partial from .metrics import Metric from scipy.interpolate import splprep, splev from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment from shapely.geometry import LineString, Polygon from ppdet.utils.logger import setup_logger logger = setup_logger(__name__) __all__ = [ 'draw_lane', 'discrete_cross_iou', 'continuous_cross_iou', 'interp', 'culane_metric', 'load_culane_img_data', 'load_culane_data', 'eval_predictions', "CULaneMetric" ] LIST_FILE = { 'train': 'list/train_gt.txt', 'val': 'list/val.txt', 'test': 'list/test.txt', } CATEGORYS = { 'normal': 'list/test_split/test0_normal.txt', 'crowd': 'list/test_split/test1_crowd.txt', 'hlight': 'list/test_split/test2_hlight.txt', 'shadow': 'list/test_split/test3_shadow.txt', 'noline': 'list/test_split/test4_noline.txt', 'arrow': 'list/test_split/test5_arrow.txt', 'curve': 'list/test_split/test6_curve.txt', 'cross': 'list/test_split/test7_cross.txt', 'night': 'list/test_split/test8_night.txt', } def draw_lane(lane, img=None, img_shape=None, width=30): if img is None: img = np.zeros(img_shape, dtype=np.uint8) lane = lane.astype(np.int32) for p1, p2 in zip(lane[:-1], lane[1:]): cv2.line( img, tuple(p1), tuple(p2), color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=width) return img def discrete_cross_iou(xs, ys, width=30, img_shape=(590, 1640, 3)): xs = [draw_lane(lane, img_shape=img_shape, width=width) > 0 for lane in xs] ys = [draw_lane(lane, img_shape=img_shape, width=width) > 0 for lane in ys] ious = np.zeros((len(xs), len(ys))) for i, x in enumerate(xs): for j, y in enumerate(ys): ious[i, j] = (x & y).sum() / (x | y).sum() return ious def continuous_cross_iou(xs, ys, width=30, img_shape=(590, 1640, 3)): h, w, _ = img_shape image = Polygon([(0, 0), (0, h - 1), (w - 1, h - 1), (w - 1, 0)]) xs = [ LineString(lane).buffer( distance=width / 2., cap_style=1, join_style=2).intersection(image) for lane in xs ] ys = [ LineString(lane).buffer( distance=width / 2., cap_style=1, join_style=2).intersection(image) for lane in ys ] ious = np.zeros((len(xs), len(ys))) for i, x in enumerate(xs): for j, y in enumerate(ys): ious[i, j] = x.intersection(y).area / x.union(y).area return ious def interp(points, n=50): x = [x for x, _ in points] y = [y for _, y in points] tck, u = splprep([x, y], s=0, t=n, k=min(3, len(points) - 1)) u = np.linspace(0., 1., num=(len(u) - 1) * n + 1) return np.array(splev(u, tck)).T def culane_metric(pred, anno, width=30, iou_thresholds=[0.5], official=True, img_shape=(590, 1640, 3)): _metric = {} for thr in iou_thresholds: tp = 0 fp = 0 if len(anno) != 0 else len(pred) fn = 0 if len(pred) != 0 else len(anno) _metric[thr] = [tp, fp, fn] interp_pred = np.array( [interp( pred_lane, n=5) for pred_lane in pred], dtype=object) # (4, 50, 2) interp_anno = np.array( [interp( anno_lane, n=5) for anno_lane in anno], dtype=object) # (4, 50, 2) if official: ious = discrete_cross_iou( interp_pred, interp_anno, width=width, img_shape=img_shape) else: ious = continuous_cross_iou( interp_pred, interp_anno, width=width, img_shape=img_shape) row_ind, col_ind = linear_sum_assignment(1 - ious) _metric = {} for thr in iou_thresholds: tp = int((ious[row_ind, col_ind] > thr).sum()) fp = len(pred) - tp fn = len(anno) - tp _metric[thr] = [tp, fp, fn] return _metric def load_culane_img_data(path): with open(path, 'r') as data_file: img_data = data_file.readlines() img_data = [line.split() for line in img_data] img_data = [list(map(float, lane)) for lane in img_data] img_data = [[(lane[i], lane[i + 1]) for i in range(0, len(lane), 2)] for lane in img_data] img_data = [lane for lane in img_data if len(lane) >= 2] return img_data def load_culane_data(data_dir, file_list_path): with open(file_list_path, 'r') as file_list: filepaths = [ os.path.join(data_dir, line[1 if line[0] == '/' else 0:].rstrip().replace( '.jpg', '.lines.txt')) for line in file_list.readlines() ] data = [] for path in filepaths: img_data = load_culane_img_data(path) data.append(img_data) return data def eval_predictions(pred_dir, anno_dir, list_path, iou_thresholds=[0.5], width=30, official=True, sequential=False):'Calculating metric for List: {}'.format(list_path)) predictions = load_culane_data(pred_dir, list_path) annotations = load_culane_data(anno_dir, list_path) img_shape = (590, 1640, 3) if sequential: results = map(partial( culane_metric, width=width, official=official, iou_thresholds=iou_thresholds, img_shape=img_shape), predictions, annotations) else: from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count from itertools import repeat with Pool(cpu_count()) as p: results = p.starmap(culane_metric, zip(predictions, annotations, repeat(width), repeat(iou_thresholds), repeat(official), repeat(img_shape))) mean_f1, mean_prec, mean_recall, total_tp, total_fp, total_fn = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ret = {} for thr in iou_thresholds: tp = sum(m[thr][0] for m in results) fp = sum(m[thr][1] for m in results) fn = sum(m[thr][2] for m in results) precision = float(tp) / (tp + fp) if tp != 0 else 0 recall = float(tp) / (tp + fn) if tp != 0 else 0 f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) if tp != 0 else 0'iou thr: {:.2f}, tp: {}, fp: {}, fn: {},' 'precision: {}, recall: {}, f1: {}'.format( thr, tp, fp, fn, precision, recall, f1)) mean_f1 += f1 / len(iou_thresholds) mean_prec += precision / len(iou_thresholds) mean_recall += recall / len(iou_thresholds) total_tp += tp total_fp += fp total_fn += fn ret[thr] = { 'TP': tp, 'FP': fp, 'FN': fn, 'Precision': precision, 'Recall': recall, 'F1': f1 } if len(iou_thresholds) > 2: 'mean result, total_tp: {}, total_fp: {}, total_fn: {},' 'precision: {}, recall: {}, f1: {}'.format( total_tp, total_fp, total_fn, mean_prec, mean_recall, mean_f1)) ret['mean'] = { 'TP': total_tp, 'FP': total_fp, 'FN': total_fn, 'Precision': mean_prec, 'Recall': mean_recall, 'F1': mean_f1 } return ret class CULaneMetric(Metric): def __init__(self, cfg, output_eval=None, split="test", dataset_dir="dataset/CULane/"): super(CULaneMetric, self).__init__() self.output_eval = "evaluation" if output_eval is None else output_eval self.dataset_dir = dataset_dir self.split = split self.list_path = osp.join(dataset_dir, LIST_FILE[split]) self.predictions = [] self.img_names = [] self.lanes = [] self.eval_results = {} self.cfg = cfg self.reset() def reset(self): self.predictions = [] self.img_names = [] self.lanes = [] self.eval_results = {} def get_prediction_string(self, pred): ys = np.arange(270, 590, 8) / self.cfg.ori_img_h out = [] for lane in pred: xs = lane(ys) valid_mask = (xs >= 0) & (xs < 1) xs = xs * self.cfg.ori_img_w lane_xs = xs[valid_mask] lane_ys = ys[valid_mask] * self.cfg.ori_img_h lane_xs, lane_ys = lane_xs[::-1], lane_ys[::-1] lane_str = ' '.join([ '{:.5f} {:.5f}'.format(x, y) for x, y in zip(lane_xs, lane_ys) ]) if lane_str != '': out.append(lane_str) return '\n'.join(out) def accumulate(self): loss_lines = [[], [], [], []] for idx, pred in enumerate(self.predictions): output_dir = os.path.join(self.output_eval, os.path.dirname(self.img_names[idx])) output_filename = os.path.basename(self.img_names[ idx])[:-3] + 'lines.txt' os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) output = self.get_prediction_string(pred) # store loss lines lanes = self.lanes[idx] if len(lanes) - len(pred) in [1, 2, 3, 4]: loss_lines[len(lanes) - len(pred) - 1].append(self.img_names[ idx]) with open(os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename), 'w') as out_file: out_file.write(output) for i, names in enumerate(loss_lines): with open( os.path.join(output_dir, 'loss_{}_lines.txt'.format(i + 1)), 'w') as f: for name in names: f.write(name + '\n') for cate, cate_file in CATEGORYS.items(): result = eval_predictions( self.output_eval, self.dataset_dir, os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, cate_file), iou_thresholds=[0.5], official=True) result = eval_predictions( self.output_eval, self.dataset_dir, self.list_path, iou_thresholds=np.linspace(0.5, 0.95, 10), official=True) self.eval_results['F1@50'] = result[0.5]['F1'] self.eval_results['result'] = result def update(self, inputs, outputs): assert len(inputs['img_name']) == len(outputs['lanes']) self.predictions.extend(outputs['lanes']) self.img_names.extend(inputs['img_name']) self.lanes.extend(inputs['lane_line']) def log(self): # abstract method for getting metric results def get_results(self): return self.eval_results