// Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/analyzer.h" #include #include #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/pass.h" #include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/ut_helper.h" #include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/helper.h" #include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_api.h" DEFINE_string(infer_ditu_rnn_model, "", "model path for ditu RNN"); DEFINE_string(infer_ditu_rnn_data, "", "data path for ditu RNN"); DEFINE_int32(batch_size, 10, "batch size."); DEFINE_int32(repeat, 1, "Running the inference program repeat times."); namespace paddle { namespace inference { namespace analysis { TEST(Analyzer, analysis_without_tensorrt) { FLAGS_IA_enable_tensorrt_subgraph_engine = false; Argument argument; argument.fluid_model_dir.reset(new std::string(FLAGS_inference_model_dir)); Analyzer analyser; analyser.Run(&argument); } TEST(Analyzer, analysis_with_tensorrt) { FLAGS_IA_enable_tensorrt_subgraph_engine = true; Argument argument; argument.fluid_model_dir.reset(new std::string(FLAGS_inference_model_dir)); Analyzer analyser; analyser.Run(&argument); } void TestWord2vecPrediction(const std::string &model_path) { NativeConfig config; config.model_dir = model_path; config.use_gpu = false; config.device = 0; auto predictor = ::paddle::CreatePaddlePredictor( config); // One single batch int64_t data[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; PaddleTensor tensor; tensor.shape = std::vector({4, 1}); tensor.data = PaddleBuf(data, sizeof(data)); tensor.dtype = PaddleDType::INT64; // For simplicity, we set all the slots with the same data. std::vector slots(4, tensor); std::vector outputs; CHECK(predictor->Run(slots, &outputs)); PADDLE_ENFORCE(outputs.size(), 1UL); // Check the output buffer size and result of each tid. PADDLE_ENFORCE(outputs.front().data.length(), 33168UL); float result[5] = {0.00129761, 0.00151112, 0.000423564, 0.00108815, 0.000932706}; const size_t num_elements = outputs.front().data.length() / sizeof(float); // The outputs' buffers are in CPU memory. for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min(5UL, num_elements); i++) { LOG(INFO) << "data: " << static_cast(outputs.front().data.data())[i]; PADDLE_ENFORCE(static_cast(outputs.front().data.data())[i], result[i]); } } namespace { struct DataRecord { std::vector>> link_step_data_all; std::vector> week_data_all, minute_data_all; std::vector lod1, lod2, lod3; std::vector> rnn_link_data, rnn_week_datas, rnn_minute_datas; size_t batch_iter{0}; size_t batch_size{1}; DataRecord() = default; explicit DataRecord(const std::string &path, int batch_size = 1) : batch_size(batch_size) { Load(path); } DataRecord NextBatch() { DataRecord data; size_t batch_end = batch_iter + batch_size; // NOTE skip the final batch, if no enough data is provided. if (batch_end <= link_step_data_all.size()) { data.link_step_data_all.assign(link_step_data_all.begin() + batch_iter, link_step_data_all.begin() + batch_end); data.week_data_all.assign(week_data_all.begin() + batch_iter, week_data_all.begin() + batch_end); data.minute_data_all.assign(minute_data_all.begin() + batch_iter, minute_data_all.begin() + batch_end); // Prepare LoDs data.lod1.push_back(0); data.lod2.push_back(0); data.lod3.push_back(0); CHECK(!data.link_step_data_all.empty()) << "empty"; CHECK(!data.week_data_all.empty()); CHECK(!data.minute_data_all.empty()); CHECK_EQ(data.link_step_data_all.size(), data.week_data_all.size()); CHECK_EQ(data.minute_data_all.size(), data.link_step_data_all.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < data.link_step_data_all.size(); j++) { for (const auto &d : data.link_step_data_all[j]) { data.rnn_link_data.push_back(d); } data.rnn_week_datas.push_back(data.week_data_all[j]); data.rnn_minute_datas.push_back(data.minute_data_all[j]); // calculate lod data.lod1.push_back(data.lod1.back() + data.link_step_data_all[j].size()); data.lod3.push_back(data.lod3.back() + 1); for (size_t i = 1; i < data.link_step_data_all[j].size() + 1; i++) { data.lod2.push_back(data.lod2.back() + data.link_step_data_all[j].size()); } } } batch_iter += batch_size; return data; } void Load(const std::string &path) { std::ifstream file(path); std::string line; int num_lines = 0; while (std::getline(file, line)) { num_lines++; std::vector data; split(line, ':', &data); std::vector> link_step_data; std::vector link_datas; split(data[0], '|', &link_datas); for (auto &step_data : link_datas) { std::vector tmp; split_to_float(step_data, ',', &tmp); link_step_data.push_back(tmp); } // load week data std::vector week_data; split_to_float(data[2], ',', &week_data); // load minute data std::vector minute_data; split_to_float(data[1], ',', &minute_data); link_step_data_all.push_back(std::move(link_step_data)); week_data_all.push_back(std::move(week_data)); minute_data_all.push_back(std::move(minute_data)); } } }; void PrepareInputs(std::vector *input_slots, DataRecord *data, int batch_size) { PaddleTensor lod_attention_tensor, init_zero_tensor, lod_tensor_tensor, week_tensor, minute_tensor; lod_attention_tensor.name = "data_lod_attention"; init_zero_tensor.name = "cell_init"; lod_tensor_tensor.name = "data"; week_tensor.name = "week"; minute_tensor.name = "minute"; auto one_batch = data->NextBatch(); std::vector rnn_link_data_shape( {static_cast(one_batch.rnn_link_data.size()), static_cast(one_batch.rnn_link_data.front().size())}); lod_attention_tensor.shape.assign({1, 2}); lod_attention_tensor.lod.assign({one_batch.lod1, one_batch.lod2}); init_zero_tensor.shape.assign({batch_size, 15}); init_zero_tensor.lod.assign({one_batch.lod3}); lod_tensor_tensor.shape = rnn_link_data_shape; lod_tensor_tensor.lod.assign({one_batch.lod1}); // clang-format off week_tensor.shape.assign( {static_cast(one_batch.rnn_week_datas.size()), static_cast(one_batch.rnn_week_datas.front().size())}); week_tensor.lod.assign({one_batch.lod3}); minute_tensor.shape.assign( {static_cast(one_batch.rnn_minute_datas.size()), static_cast(one_batch.rnn_minute_datas.front().size())}); minute_tensor.lod.assign({one_batch.lod3}); // clang-format on // assign data TensorAssignData(&lod_attention_tensor, std::vector>({{0, 0}})); std::vector tmp_zeros(batch_size * 15, 0.); TensorAssignData(&init_zero_tensor, {tmp_zeros}); TensorAssignData(&lod_tensor_tensor, one_batch.rnn_link_data); TensorAssignData(&week_tensor, one_batch.rnn_week_datas); TensorAssignData(&minute_tensor, one_batch.rnn_minute_datas); // Set inputs. auto init_zero_tensor1 = init_zero_tensor; init_zero_tensor1.name = "hidden_init"; input_slots->assign({week_tensor, init_zero_tensor, minute_tensor, init_zero_tensor1, lod_attention_tensor, lod_tensor_tensor}); for (auto &tensor : *input_slots) { tensor.dtype = PaddleDType::FLOAT32; } } std::string DescribeTensor(const PaddleTensor &tensor) { std::stringstream os; os << "Tensor [" << tensor.name << "]\n"; os << " - type: "; switch (tensor.dtype) { case PaddleDType::FLOAT32: os << "float32"; break; case PaddleDType::INT64: os << "int64"; break; default: os << "unset"; } os << '\n'; os << " - shape: " << to_string(tensor.shape) << '\n'; os << " - lod: "; for (auto &l : tensor.lod) { os << to_string(l) << "; "; } os << "\n"; os << " - data: "; int dim = std::accumulate(tensor.shape.begin(), tensor.shape.end(), 1, [](int a, int b) { return a * b; }); for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { os << static_cast(tensor.data.data())[i] << " "; } os << '\n'; return os.str(); } } // namespace const float ditu_rnn_target_data[] = { 104.711, 11.2431, 1.35422, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27.7039, 1.41486, 7.09526, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7.6481, 6.5324, 56.383, 2.88018, 8.92918, 132.007, 4.27429, 2.02934, 14.1727, 10.7461, 25.0616, 16.0197, 14.4163, 16.9199, 6.75517, 0, 80.0249, 4.77739, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 47.5643, 2.67029, 8.76252, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51.8822, 4.4411, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10.7286, 12.0595, 10.6672, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 93.5771, 3.84641, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 169.426, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // Test with a really complicate model. void TestDituRNNPrediction(const std::string &model_path, const std::string &data_path, int batch_size, bool use_analysis, bool activate_ir, int num_times = 1) { FLAGS_IA_enable_ir = activate_ir; FLAGS_IA_enable_tensorrt_subgraph_engine = false; FLAGS_IA_output_storage_path = "./analysis.out"; std::string model_out; if (use_analysis) { Argument argument(model_path); argument.model_output_store_path.reset(new std::string("./analysis.out")); Analyzer analyzer; analyzer.Run(&argument); // Should get the transformed model stored to ./analysis.out model_out = "./analysis.out"; ASSERT_TRUE(PathExists(model_out)); } else { model_out = FLAGS_infer_ditu_rnn_model; } NativeConfig config; config.prog_file = model_out + "/__model__"; config.param_file = model_out + "/param"; config.use_gpu = false; config.device = 0; config.specify_input_name = true; auto predictor = CreatePaddlePredictor(config); std::vector input_slots; DataRecord data(data_path, batch_size); // Prepare inputs. PrepareInputs(&input_slots, &data, batch_size); std::vector outputs; Timer timer; timer.tic(); for (int i = 0; i < num_times; i++) { predictor->Run(input_slots, &outputs); } LOG(INFO) << "===========profile result==========="; LOG(INFO) << "batch_size: " << batch_size << ", repeat: " << num_times << ", latency: " << timer.toc() / num_times << "ms"; LOG(INFO) << "====================================="; for (auto &out : outputs) { size_t size = std::accumulate(out.shape.begin(), out.shape.end(), 1, [](int a, int b) { return a * b; }); float *data = static_cast(out.data.data()); for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min(sizeof(ditu_rnn_target_data) / sizeof(float), size); i++) { EXPECT_NEAR(data[i], ditu_rnn_target_data[i], 1e-3); } } } // Turn on the IR pass supportion, run a real inference and check the result. TEST(Analyzer, SupportIRPass) { FLAGS_IA_enable_ir = true; FLAGS_IA_enable_tensorrt_subgraph_engine = false; FLAGS_IA_output_storage_path = "./analysis.out"; Argument argument(FLAGS_inference_model_dir); argument.model_output_store_path.reset(new std::string("./analysis.out")); Analyzer analyzer; analyzer.Run(&argument); // Should get the transformed model stored to ./analysis.out ASSERT_TRUE(PathExists("./analysis.out")); // Inference from this path. TestWord2vecPrediction("./analysis.out"); } // Directly infer with the original model. TEST(Analyzer, DituRNN_without_analysis) { TestDituRNNPrediction(FLAGS_infer_ditu_rnn_model, FLAGS_infer_ditu_rnn_data, FLAGS_batch_size, false, false, FLAGS_repeat); } // Inference with the original model with the analysis turned on, the analysis // module will transform the program to a data flow graph. TEST(Analyzer, DituRNN_with_analysis) { LOG(INFO) << "ditu rnn with analysis"; TestDituRNNPrediction(FLAGS_infer_ditu_rnn_model, FLAGS_infer_ditu_rnn_data, FLAGS_batch_size, true, false, FLAGS_repeat); } // Inference with analysis and IR. The IR module will fuse some large kernels. TEST(Analyzer, DituRNN_with_analysis_with_IR) { LOG(INFO) << "ditu rnn with analysis and IR fuse"; TestDituRNNPrediction(FLAGS_infer_ditu_rnn_model, FLAGS_infer_ditu_rnn_data, FLAGS_batch_size, true, true, FLAGS_repeat); } } // namespace analysis } // namespace inference } // namespace paddle USE_PASS(fc_fuse_pass); USE_PASS(graph_viz_pass); USE_PASS(infer_clean_graph_pass);