- Tracking results will be saved in `{output_dir}/mot_results/`, and every sequence has one txt file, each line of the txt file is `frame,id,x1,y1,w,h,score,cls_id,-1,-1`, and you can set `{output_dir}` by `--output_dir`.
### 3. Inference
Inference a vidoe on single GPU with following command:
Inference a video on single GPU with following command:
# inference on video and save a video
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python tools/infer_mot.py -c configs/mot/mcfairmot/mcfairmot_dla34_30e_1088x608_visdrone.yml -oweights=https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/mot/mcfairmot_dla34_30e_1088x608_visdrone.pdparams --video_file={your video name}.mp4 --save_videos