未验证 提交 1e21400e 编写于 作者: F Feng Ni 提交者: GitHub

Add ppyoloe semi-det base codes (#7680)

* add ppyoloe semi-det base codes

* fix configs

* fix head distill loss

* add more semi_det configs and fix doc, test=document_fix

* add contrast_loss config, test=document_fix
上级 a496c2dd
...@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ ...@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
| PP-YOLOE+_s | 5% | 80 (7200) | 32.8 | [download](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_80e_coco_sup005.pdparams) | [config](ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_80e_coco_sup005.yml) | | PP-YOLOE+_s | 5% | 80 (7200) | 32.8 | [download](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_80e_coco_sup005.pdparams) | [config](ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_80e_coco_sup005.yml) |
| PP-YOLOE+_s | 10% | 80 (14480) | 35.3 | [download](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_80e_coco_sup010.pdparams) | [config](ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_80e_coco_sup010.yml) | | PP-YOLOE+_s | 10% | 80 (14480) | 35.3 | [download](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_80e_coco_sup010.pdparams) | [config](ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_80e_coco_sup010.yml) |
| PP-YOLOE+_s | full | 80 (146560) | 43.7 | [download](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_80e_coco.pdparams) | [config](../../ppyoloe/ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_80e_coco.yml) | | PP-YOLOE+_s | full | 80 (146560) | 43.7 | [download](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_80e_coco.pdparams) | [config](../../ppyoloe/ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_80e_coco.yml) |
| PP-YOLOE+_l | 5% | 80 (7200) | 42.9 | [download](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/ppyoloe_plus_crn_l_80e_coco_sup005.pdparams) | [config](ppyoloe_plus_crn_l_80e_coco_sup005.yml) |
| PP-YOLOE+_l | 10% | 80 (14480) | 45.7 | [download](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/ppyoloe_plus_crn_l_80e_coco_sup010.pdparams) | [config](ppyoloe_plus_crn_l_80e_coco_sup010.yml) |
| PP-YOLOE+_l | full | 80 (146560) | 49.8 | [download](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/ppyoloe_plus_crn_l_80e_coco.pdparams) | [config](../../ppyoloe/ppyoloe_plus_crn_l_80e_coco.yml) |
**注意:** **注意:**
- 以上模型训练默认使用8 GPUs,总batch_size默认为64,默认初始学习率为0.001。如果改动了总batch_size,请按线性比例相应地调整学习率。 - 以上模型训练默认使用8 GPUs,总batch_size默认为64,默认初始学习率为0.001。如果改动了总batch_size,请按线性比例相应地调整学习率。
_BASE_: [
log_iter: 50
snapshot_epoch: 5
weights: output/ppyoloe_plus_crn_l_80e_coco_sup005/model_final
pretrain_weights: https://bj.bcebos.com/v1/paddledet/models/pretrained/ppyoloe_crn_l_obj365_pretrained.pdparams
depth_mult: 1.0
width_mult: 1.0
image_dir: train2017
anno_path: semi_annotations/instances_train2017.1@5.json
dataset_dir: dataset/coco
data_fields: ['image', 'gt_bbox', 'gt_class']
epoch: 80
base_lr: 0.001
- !CosineDecay
max_epochs: 96
- !LinearWarmup
start_factor: 0.
epochs: 5
_BASE_: [
log_iter: 50
snapshot_epoch: 5
weights: output/ppyoloe_plus_crn_l_80e_coco_sup010/model_final
pretrain_weights: https://bj.bcebos.com/v1/paddledet/models/pretrained/ppyoloe_crn_l_obj365_pretrained.pdparams
depth_mult: 1.0
width_mult: 1.0
image_dir: train2017
anno_path: semi_annotations/instances_train2017.1@10.json
dataset_dir: dataset/coco
data_fields: ['image', 'gt_bbox', 'gt_class']
epoch: 80
base_lr: 0.001
- !CosineDecay
max_epochs: 96
- !LinearWarmup
start_factor: 0.
epochs: 5
...@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ...@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Dense Teacher: Dense Pseudo-Labels for Semi-supervised Object Detection # Dense Teacher: Dense Pseudo-Labels for Semi-supervised Object Detection
## 模型库 ## FCOS模型库
| 模型 | 监督数据比例 | Sup Baseline | Sup Epochs (Iters) | Sup mAP<sup>val<br>0.5:0.95 | Semi mAP<sup>val<br>0.5:0.95 | Semi Epochs (Iters) | 模型下载 | 配置文件 | | 模型 | 监督数据比例 | Sup Baseline | Sup Epochs (Iters) | Sup mAP<sup>val<br>0.5:0.95 | Semi mAP<sup>val<br>0.5:0.95 | Semi Epochs (Iters) | 模型下载 | 配置文件 |
| :------------: | :---------: | :---------------------: | :---------------------: |:---------------------------: |:----------------------------: | :------------------: |:--------: |:----------: | | :------------: | :---------: | :---------------------: | :---------------------: |:---------------------------: |:----------------------------: | :------------------: |:--------: |:----------: |
...@@ -34,6 +34,16 @@ ...@@ -34,6 +34,16 @@
``` ```
## PPYOLOE+ 模型库
| 模型 | 监督数据比例 | Sup Baseline | Sup Epochs (Iters) | Sup mAP<sup>val<br>0.5:0.95 | Semi mAP<sup>val<br>0.5:0.95 | Semi Epochs (Iters) | 模型下载 | 配置文件 |
| :------------: | :---------: | :---------------------: | :---------------------: |:---------------------------: |:----------------------------: | :------------------: |:--------: |:----------: |
| DenseTeacher-PPYOLOE+_s | 5% | [sup_config](../baseline/ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_80e_coco_sup005.yml) | 80 (14480) | 32.8 | **34.0** | 200 (36200) | [download](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/denseteacher_ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_coco_semi005.pdparams) | [config](./denseteacher_ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_coco_semi005.yml) |
| DenseTeacher-PPYOLOE+_s | 10% | [sup_config](../baseline/ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_80e_coco_sup010.yml) | 80 (14480) | 35.3 | **37.5** | 200 (36200) | [download](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/denseteacher_ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_coco_semi010.pdparams) | [config](./denseteacher_ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_coco_semi010.yml) |
| DenseTeacher-PPYOLOE+_l | 5% | [sup_config](../baseline/ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_80e_coco_sup005.yml) | 80 (14480) | 42.9 | **45.4** | 200 (36200) | [download](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/denseteacher_ppyoloe_plus_crn_l_coco_semi005.pdparams) | [config](./denseteacher_ppyoloe_plus_crn_l_coco_semi005.yml) |
| DenseTeacher-PPYOLOE+_l | 10% | [sup_config](../baseline/ppyoloe_plus_crn_l_80e_coco_sup010.yml) | 80 (14480) | 45.7 | **47.4** | 200 (36200) | [download](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/denseteacher_ppyoloe_plus_crn_l_coco_semi010.pdparams) | [config](./denseteacher_ppyoloe_plus_crn_l_coco_semi010.yml) |
## 使用说明 ## 使用说明
仅训练时必须使用半监督检测的配置文件去训练,评估、预测、部署也可以按基础检测器的配置文件去执行。 仅训练时必须使用半监督检测的配置文件去训练,评估、预测、部署也可以按基础检测器的配置文件去执行。
_BASE_: [
log_iter: 50
snapshot_epoch: 5
weights: output/denseteacher_ppyoloe_plus_crn_l_coco_semi005/model_final
epochs: &epochs 200
cosine_epochs: &cosine_epochs 240
### pretrain and warmup config, choose one and comment another
pretrain_weights: https://bj.bcebos.com/v1/paddledet/models/semi_det/ppyoloe_plus_crn_l_80e_coco_sup005.pdparams # mAP=42.9
semi_start_iters: 0
ema_start_iters: 0
use_warmup: &use_warmup False
# pretrain_weights: https://bj.bcebos.com/v1/paddledet/models/pretrained/ppyoloe_crn_l_obj365_pretrained.pdparams
# semi_start_iters: 5000
# ema_start_iters: 3000
# use_warmup: &use_warmup True
### global config
use_simple_ema: True
ema_decay: 0.9996
ssod_method: DenseTeacher
sup_weight: 1.0
unsup_weight: 1.0
loss_weight: {distill_loss_cls: 1.0, distill_loss_iou: 2.5, distill_loss_dfl: 0., distill_loss_contrast: 0.1}
temperature: 0.2
alpha: 0.9
smooth_iter: 100
concat_sup_data: True
suppress: linear
ratio: 0.01
inference_on: teacher
### reader config
batch_size: &batch_size 8
worker_num: 2
- Decode: {}
- RandomDistort: {}
- RandomExpand: {fill_value: [123.675, 116.28, 103.53]}
- RandomFlip: {}
- RandomCrop: {} # unsup will be fake gt_boxes
- NormalizeImage: {mean: [0., 0., 0.], std: [1., 1., 1.], is_scale: true, norm_type: none}
- StrongAugImage: {transforms: [
RandomColorJitter: {prob: 0.8, brightness: 0.4, contrast: 0.4, saturation: 0.4, hue: 0.1},
RandomErasingCrop: {},
RandomGaussianBlur: {prob: 0.5, sigma: [0.1, 2.0]},
RandomGrayscale: {prob: 0.2},
- NormalizeImage: {mean: [0., 0., 0.], std: [1., 1., 1.], is_scale: true, norm_type: none}
- BatchRandomResize: {target_size: [640], random_size: True, random_interp: True, keep_ratio: False}
- Permute: {}
- PadGT: {}
- BatchRandomResize: {target_size: [640], random_size: True, random_interp: True, keep_ratio: False}
- Permute: {}
sup_batch_size: *batch_size
unsup_batch_size: *batch_size
shuffle: True
drop_last: True
collate_batch: True
- Decode: {}
- Resize: {target_size: [640, 640], keep_ratio: False, interp: 2}
- NormalizeImage: {mean: [0., 0., 0.], std: [1., 1., 1.], norm_type: none}
- Permute: {}
batch_size: 2
image_shape: [3, 640, 640]
- Decode: {}
- Resize: {target_size: [640, 640], keep_ratio: False, interp: 2}
- NormalizeImage: {mean: [0., 0., 0.], std: [1., 1., 1.], norm_type: none}
- Permute: {}
batch_size: 1
### model config
architecture: PPYOLOE
norm_type: sync_bn
ema_black_list: ['proj_conv.weight']
custom_black_list: ['reduce_mean']
backbone: CSPResNet
neck: CustomCSPPAN
yolo_head: PPYOLOEHead
post_process: ~
eval_size: ~ # means None, but not str 'None'
fpn_strides: [32, 16, 8]
grid_cell_scale: 5.0
grid_cell_offset: 0.5
static_assigner_epoch: -1 #
use_varifocal_loss: True
loss_weight: {class: 1.0, iou: 2.5, dfl: 0.5}
name: ATSSAssigner
topk: 9
name: TaskAlignedAssigner
topk: 13
alpha: 1.0
beta: 6.0
name: MultiClassNMS
nms_top_k: 1000
keep_top_k: 300
score_threshold: 0.01
nms_threshold: 0.7
### other config
epoch: *epochs
base_lr: 0.01
- !CosineDecay
max_epochs: *cosine_epochs
use_warmup: *use_warmup
- !LinearWarmup
start_factor: 0.001
epochs: 3
momentum: 0.9
type: Momentum
factor: 0.0005 # dt-fcos 0.0001
type: L2
clip_grad_by_norm: 1.0 # dt-fcos clip_grad_by_value
_BASE_: [
log_iter: 50
snapshot_epoch: 5
weights: output/denseteacher_ppyoloe_plus_crn_l_coco_semi010/model_final
epochs: &epochs 200
cosine_epochs: &cosine_epochs 240
### pretrain and warmup config, choose one and comment another
pretrain_weights: https://bj.bcebos.com/v1/paddledet/models/semi_det/ppyoloe_plus_crn_l_80e_coco_sup010.pdparams # mAP=45.7
semi_start_iters: 0
ema_start_iters: 0
use_warmup: &use_warmup False
# pretrain_weights: https://bj.bcebos.com/v1/paddledet/models/pretrained/ppyoloe_crn_l_obj365_pretrained.pdparams
# semi_start_iters: 5000
# ema_start_iters: 3000
# use_warmup: &use_warmup True
### global config
use_simple_ema: True
ema_decay: 0.9996
ssod_method: DenseTeacher
sup_weight: 1.0
unsup_weight: 1.0
loss_weight: {distill_loss_cls: 1.0, distill_loss_iou: 2.5, distill_loss_dfl: 0., distill_loss_contrast: 0.1}
temperature: 0.2
alpha: 0.9
smooth_iter: 100
concat_sup_data: True
suppress: linear
ratio: 0.01
inference_on: teacher
### reader config
batch_size: &batch_size 8
worker_num: 2
- Decode: {}
- RandomDistort: {}
- RandomExpand: {fill_value: [123.675, 116.28, 103.53]}
- RandomFlip: {}
- RandomCrop: {} # unsup will be fake gt_boxes
- NormalizeImage: {mean: [0., 0., 0.], std: [1., 1., 1.], is_scale: true, norm_type: none}
- StrongAugImage: {transforms: [
RandomColorJitter: {prob: 0.8, brightness: 0.4, contrast: 0.4, saturation: 0.4, hue: 0.1},
RandomErasingCrop: {},
RandomGaussianBlur: {prob: 0.5, sigma: [0.1, 2.0]},
RandomGrayscale: {prob: 0.2},
- NormalizeImage: {mean: [0., 0., 0.], std: [1., 1., 1.], is_scale: true, norm_type: none}
- BatchRandomResize: {target_size: [640], random_size: True, random_interp: True, keep_ratio: False}
- Permute: {}
- PadGT: {}
- BatchRandomResize: {target_size: [640], random_size: True, random_interp: True, keep_ratio: False}
- Permute: {}
sup_batch_size: *batch_size
unsup_batch_size: *batch_size
shuffle: True
drop_last: True
collate_batch: True
- Decode: {}
- Resize: {target_size: [640, 640], keep_ratio: False, interp: 2}
- NormalizeImage: {mean: [0., 0., 0.], std: [1., 1., 1.], norm_type: none}
- Permute: {}
batch_size: 2
image_shape: [3, 640, 640]
- Decode: {}
- Resize: {target_size: [640, 640], keep_ratio: False, interp: 2}
- NormalizeImage: {mean: [0., 0., 0.], std: [1., 1., 1.], norm_type: none}
- Permute: {}
batch_size: 1
### model config
architecture: PPYOLOE
norm_type: sync_bn
ema_black_list: ['proj_conv.weight']
custom_black_list: ['reduce_mean']
backbone: CSPResNet
neck: CustomCSPPAN
yolo_head: PPYOLOEHead
post_process: ~
eval_size: ~ # means None, but not str 'None'
fpn_strides: [32, 16, 8]
grid_cell_scale: 5.0
grid_cell_offset: 0.5
static_assigner_epoch: -1 #
use_varifocal_loss: True
loss_weight: {class: 1.0, iou: 2.5, dfl: 0.5}
name: ATSSAssigner
topk: 9
name: TaskAlignedAssigner
topk: 13
alpha: 1.0
beta: 6.0
name: MultiClassNMS
nms_top_k: 1000
keep_top_k: 300
score_threshold: 0.01
nms_threshold: 0.7
### other config
epoch: *epochs
base_lr: 0.01
- !CosineDecay
max_epochs: *cosine_epochs
use_warmup: *use_warmup
- !LinearWarmup
start_factor: 0.001
epochs: 3
momentum: 0.9
type: Momentum
factor: 0.0005 # dt-fcos 0.0001
type: L2
clip_grad_by_norm: 1.0 # dt-fcos clip_grad_by_value
_BASE_: [
log_iter: 50
snapshot_epoch: 5
weights: output/denseteacher_ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_coco_semi005/model_final
epochs: &epochs 200
cosine_epochs: &cosine_epochs 240
### pretrain and warmup config, choose one and comment another
pretrain_weights: https://bj.bcebos.com/v1/paddledet/models/semi_det/ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_80e_coco_sup005.pdparams # mAP=32.8
semi_start_iters: 0
ema_start_iters: 0
use_warmup: &use_warmup False
# pretrain_weights: https://bj.bcebos.com/v1/paddledet/models/pretrained/ppyoloe_crn_s_obj365_pretrained.pdparams
# semi_start_iters: 5000
# ema_start_iters: 3000
# use_warmup: &use_warmup True
### global config
use_simple_ema: True
ema_decay: 0.9996
ssod_method: DenseTeacher
sup_weight: 1.0
unsup_weight: 1.0
loss_weight: {distill_loss_cls: 1.0, distill_loss_iou: 2.5, distill_loss_dfl: 0., distill_loss_contrast: 0.1}
temperature: 0.2
alpha: 0.9
smooth_iter: 100
concat_sup_data: True
suppress: linear
ratio: 0.01
inference_on: teacher
### reader config
batch_size: &batch_size 8
worker_num: 2
- Decode: {}
- RandomDistort: {}
- RandomExpand: {fill_value: [123.675, 116.28, 103.53]}
- RandomFlip: {}
- RandomCrop: {} # unsup will be fake gt_boxes
- NormalizeImage: {mean: [0., 0., 0.], std: [1., 1., 1.], is_scale: true, norm_type: none}
- StrongAugImage: {transforms: [
RandomColorJitter: {prob: 0.8, brightness: 0.4, contrast: 0.4, saturation: 0.4, hue: 0.1},
RandomErasingCrop: {},
RandomGaussianBlur: {prob: 0.5, sigma: [0.1, 2.0]},
RandomGrayscale: {prob: 0.2},
- NormalizeImage: {mean: [0., 0., 0.], std: [1., 1., 1.], is_scale: true, norm_type: none}
- BatchRandomResize: {target_size: [640], random_size: True, random_interp: True, keep_ratio: False}
- Permute: {}
- PadGT: {}
- BatchRandomResize: {target_size: [640], random_size: True, random_interp: True, keep_ratio: False}
- Permute: {}
sup_batch_size: *batch_size
unsup_batch_size: *batch_size
shuffle: True
drop_last: True
collate_batch: True
- Decode: {}
- Resize: {target_size: [640, 640], keep_ratio: False, interp: 2}
- NormalizeImage: {mean: [0., 0., 0.], std: [1., 1., 1.], norm_type: none}
- Permute: {}
batch_size: 2
image_shape: [3, 640, 640]
- Decode: {}
- Resize: {target_size: [640, 640], keep_ratio: False, interp: 2}
- NormalizeImage: {mean: [0., 0., 0.], std: [1., 1., 1.], norm_type: none}
- Permute: {}
batch_size: 1
### model config
architecture: PPYOLOE
norm_type: sync_bn
ema_black_list: ['proj_conv.weight']
custom_black_list: ['reduce_mean']
backbone: CSPResNet
neck: CustomCSPPAN
yolo_head: PPYOLOEHead
post_process: ~
eval_size: ~ # means None, but not str 'None'
fpn_strides: [32, 16, 8]
grid_cell_scale: 5.0
grid_cell_offset: 0.5
static_assigner_epoch: -1 #
use_varifocal_loss: True
loss_weight: {class: 1.0, iou: 2.5, dfl: 0.5}
name: ATSSAssigner
topk: 9
name: TaskAlignedAssigner
topk: 13
alpha: 1.0
beta: 6.0
name: MultiClassNMS
nms_top_k: 1000
keep_top_k: 300
score_threshold: 0.01
nms_threshold: 0.7
### other config
epoch: *epochs
base_lr: 0.01
- !CosineDecay
max_epochs: *cosine_epochs
use_warmup: *use_warmup
- !LinearWarmup
start_factor: 0.001
epochs: 3
momentum: 0.9
type: Momentum
factor: 0.0005 # dt-fcos 0.0001
type: L2
clip_grad_by_norm: 1.0 # dt-fcos clip_grad_by_value
_BASE_: [
log_iter: 50
snapshot_epoch: 5
weights: output/denseteacher_ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_coco_semi010/model_final
epochs: &epochs 200
cosine_epochs: &cosine_epochs 240
### pretrain and warmup config, choose one and comment another
pretrain_weights: https://bj.bcebos.com/v1/paddledet/models/semi_det/ppyoloe_plus_crn_s_80e_coco_sup010.pdparams # mAP=35.3
semi_start_iters: 0
ema_start_iters: 0
use_warmup: &use_warmup False
# pretrain_weights: https://bj.bcebos.com/v1/paddledet/models/pretrained/ppyoloe_crn_s_obj365_pretrained.pdparams
# semi_start_iters: 5000
# ema_start_iters: 3000
# use_warmup: &use_warmup True
### global config
use_simple_ema: True
ema_decay: 0.9996
ssod_method: DenseTeacher
sup_weight: 1.0
unsup_weight: 1.0
loss_weight: {distill_loss_cls: 1.0, distill_loss_iou: 2.5, distill_loss_dfl: 0., distill_loss_contrast: 0.1}
temperature: 0.2
alpha: 0.9
smooth_iter: 100
concat_sup_data: True
suppress: linear
ratio: 0.01
inference_on: teacher
### reader config
batch_size: &batch_size 8
worker_num: 2
- Decode: {}
- RandomDistort: {}
- RandomExpand: {fill_value: [123.675, 116.28, 103.53]}
- RandomFlip: {}
- RandomCrop: {} # unsup will be fake gt_boxes
- NormalizeImage: {mean: [0., 0., 0.], std: [1., 1., 1.], is_scale: true, norm_type: none}
- StrongAugImage: {transforms: [
RandomColorJitter: {prob: 0.8, brightness: 0.4, contrast: 0.4, saturation: 0.4, hue: 0.1},
RandomErasingCrop: {},
RandomGaussianBlur: {prob: 0.5, sigma: [0.1, 2.0]},
RandomGrayscale: {prob: 0.2},
- NormalizeImage: {mean: [0., 0., 0.], std: [1., 1., 1.], is_scale: true, norm_type: none}
- BatchRandomResize: {target_size: [640], random_size: True, random_interp: True, keep_ratio: False}
- Permute: {}
- PadGT: {}
- BatchRandomResize: {target_size: [640], random_size: True, random_interp: True, keep_ratio: False}
- Permute: {}
sup_batch_size: *batch_size
unsup_batch_size: *batch_size
shuffle: True
drop_last: True
collate_batch: True
- Decode: {}
- Resize: {target_size: [640, 640], keep_ratio: False, interp: 2}
- NormalizeImage: {mean: [0., 0., 0.], std: [1., 1., 1.], norm_type: none}
- Permute: {}
batch_size: 2
image_shape: [3, 640, 640]
- Decode: {}
- Resize: {target_size: [640, 640], keep_ratio: False, interp: 2}
- NormalizeImage: {mean: [0., 0., 0.], std: [1., 1., 1.], norm_type: none}
- Permute: {}
batch_size: 1
### model config
architecture: PPYOLOE
norm_type: sync_bn
ema_black_list: ['proj_conv.weight']
custom_black_list: ['reduce_mean']
backbone: CSPResNet
neck: CustomCSPPAN
yolo_head: PPYOLOEHead
post_process: ~
eval_size: ~ # means None, but not str 'None'
fpn_strides: [32, 16, 8]
grid_cell_scale: 5.0
grid_cell_offset: 0.5
static_assigner_epoch: -1 #
use_varifocal_loss: True
loss_weight: {class: 1.0, iou: 2.5, dfl: 0.5}
name: ATSSAssigner
topk: 9
name: TaskAlignedAssigner
topk: 13
alpha: 1.0
beta: 6.0
name: MultiClassNMS
nms_top_k: 1000
keep_top_k: 300
score_threshold: 0.01
nms_threshold: 0.7
### other config
epoch: *epochs
base_lr: 0.01
- !CosineDecay
max_epochs: *cosine_epochs
use_warmup: *use_warmup
- !LinearWarmup
start_factor: 0.001
epochs: 3
momentum: 0.9
type: Momentum
factor: 0.0005 # dt-fcos 0.0001
type: L2
clip_grad_by_norm: 1.0 # dt-fcos clip_grad_by_value
...@@ -1420,10 +1420,38 @@ class RandomCrop(BaseOperator): ...@@ -1420,10 +1420,38 @@ class RandomCrop(BaseOperator):
crop_segms.append(_crop_rle(segm, crop, height, width)) crop_segms.append(_crop_rle(segm, crop, height, width))
return crop_segms return crop_segms
def set_fake_bboxes(self, sample):
sample['gt_bbox'] = np.array(
[32, 32, 128, 128],
[32, 32, 128, 256],
[32, 64, 128, 128],
[32, 64, 128, 256],
[64, 64, 128, 256],
[64, 64, 256, 256],
[64, 32, 128, 256],
[64, 32, 128, 256],
[96, 32, 128, 256],
[96, 32, 128, 256],
sample['gt_class'] = np.array(
[[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]], np.int32)
return sample
def apply(self, sample, context=None): def apply(self, sample, context=None):
if 'gt_bbox' not in sample:
# only used in semi-det as unsup data
sample = self.set_fake_bboxes(sample)
sample = self.random_crop(sample, fake_bboxes=True)
return sample
if 'gt_bbox' in sample and len(sample['gt_bbox']) == 0: if 'gt_bbox' in sample and len(sample['gt_bbox']) == 0:
return sample return sample
sample = self.random_crop(sample)
return sample
def random_crop(self, sample, fake_bboxes=False):
h, w = sample['image'].shape[:2] h, w = sample['image'].shape[:2]
gt_bbox = sample['gt_bbox'] gt_bbox = sample['gt_bbox']
...@@ -1515,6 +1543,9 @@ class RandomCrop(BaseOperator): ...@@ -1515,6 +1543,9 @@ class RandomCrop(BaseOperator):
sample['gt_segm'], valid_ids, axis=0) sample['gt_segm'], valid_ids, axis=0)
sample['image'] = self._crop_image(sample['image'], crop_box) sample['image'] = self._crop_image(sample['image'], crop_box)
if fake_bboxes == True:
return sample
sample['gt_bbox'] = np.take(cropped_box, valid_ids, axis=0) sample['gt_bbox'] = np.take(cropped_box, valid_ids, axis=0)
sample['gt_class'] = np.take( sample['gt_class'] = np.take(
sample['gt_class'], valid_ids, axis=0) sample['gt_class'], valid_ids, axis=0)
...@@ -16,12 +16,9 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import ...@@ -16,12 +16,9 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import copy import copy
import time import time
import typing import typing
import math
import numpy as np import numpy as np
import paddle import paddle
...@@ -317,16 +314,14 @@ class Trainer_DenseTeacher(Trainer): ...@@ -317,16 +314,14 @@ class Trainer_DenseTeacher(Trainer):
data_unsup_w['is_teacher'] = True data_unsup_w['is_teacher'] = True
teacher_preds = self.ema.model(data_unsup_w) teacher_preds = self.ema.model(data_unsup_w)
train_cfg['curr_iter'] = curr_iter
train_cfg['st_iter'] = st_iter
if self._nranks > 1: if self._nranks > 1:
loss_dict_unsup = self.model._layers.get_distill_loss( loss_dict_unsup = self.model._layers.get_ssod_distill_loss(
student_preds, student_preds, teacher_preds, train_cfg)
else: else:
loss_dict_unsup = self.model.get_distill_loss( loss_dict_unsup = self.model.get_ssod_distill_loss(
student_preds, student_preds, teacher_preds, train_cfg)
fg_num = loss_dict_unsup["fg_sum"] fg_num = loss_dict_unsup["fg_sum"]
del loss_dict_unsup["fg_sum"] del loss_dict_unsup["fg_sum"]
...@@ -85,12 +85,10 @@ class FCOS(BaseArch): ...@@ -85,12 +85,10 @@ class FCOS(BaseArch):
def get_loss_keys(self): def get_loss_keys(self):
return ['loss_cls', 'loss_box', 'loss_quality'] return ['loss_cls', 'loss_box', 'loss_quality']
def get_distill_loss(self, def get_ssod_distill_loss(self, student_head_outs, teacher_head_outs,
fcos_head_outs, train_cfg):
teacher_fcos_head_outs, student_logits, student_deltas, student_quality = student_head_outs
ratio=0.01): teacher_logits, teacher_deltas, teacher_quality = teacher_head_outs
student_logits, student_deltas, student_quality = fcos_head_outs
teacher_logits, teacher_deltas, teacher_quality = teacher_fcos_head_outs
nc = student_logits[0].shape[1] nc = student_logits[0].shape[1]
student_logits = paddle.concat( student_logits = paddle.concat(
...@@ -132,6 +130,7 @@ class FCOS(BaseArch): ...@@ -132,6 +130,7 @@ class FCOS(BaseArch):
], ],
axis=0) axis=0)
ratio = train_cfg.get('ratio', 0.01)
with paddle.no_grad(): with paddle.no_grad():
# Region Selection # Region Selection
count_num = int(teacher_logits.shape[0] * ratio) count_num = int(teacher_logits.shape[0] * ratio)
...@@ -16,10 +16,14 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import ...@@ -16,10 +16,14 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import print_function
import paddle
import copy import copy
import paddle
import paddle.nn.functional as F
from ppdet.core.workspace import register, create from ppdet.core.workspace import register, create
from .meta_arch import BaseArch from .meta_arch import BaseArch
from ..ssod_utils import QFLv2
from ..losses import GIoULoss
__all__ = ['PPYOLOE', 'PPYOLOEWithAuxHead'] __all__ = ['PPYOLOE', 'PPYOLOEWithAuxHead']
# PP-YOLOE and PP-YOLOE+ are recommended to use this architecture, especially when use distillation or aux head # PP-YOLOE and PP-YOLOE+ are recommended to use this architecture, especially when use distillation or aux head
...@@ -57,6 +61,11 @@ class PPYOLOE(BaseArch): ...@@ -57,6 +61,11 @@ class PPYOLOE(BaseArch):
self.yolo_head = yolo_head self.yolo_head = yolo_head
self.post_process = post_process self.post_process = post_process
self.for_mot = for_mot self.for_mot = for_mot
# semi-det
self.is_teacher = False
# distill
self.for_distill = for_distill self.for_distill = for_distill
self.feat_distill_place = feat_distill_place self.feat_distill_place = feat_distill_place
if for_distill: if for_distill:
...@@ -85,7 +94,8 @@ class PPYOLOE(BaseArch): ...@@ -85,7 +94,8 @@ class PPYOLOE(BaseArch):
body_feats = self.backbone(self.inputs) body_feats = self.backbone(self.inputs)
neck_feats = self.neck(body_feats, self.for_mot) neck_feats = self.neck(body_feats, self.for_mot)
if self.training: self.is_teacher = self.inputs.get('is_teacher', False) # for semi-det
if self.training or self.is_teacher:
yolo_losses = self.yolo_head(neck_feats, self.inputs) yolo_losses = self.yolo_head(neck_feats, self.inputs)
if self.for_distill: if self.for_distill:
...@@ -121,6 +131,110 @@ class PPYOLOE(BaseArch): ...@@ -121,6 +131,110 @@ class PPYOLOE(BaseArch):
def get_pred(self): def get_pred(self):
return self._forward() return self._forward()
def get_loss_keys(self):
return ['loss_cls', 'loss_iou', 'loss_dfl', 'loss_contrast']
def get_ssod_distill_loss(self, student_head_outs, teacher_head_outs,
# for semi-det distill
# student_probs: already sigmoid
student_probs, student_deltas, student_dfl = student_head_outs
teacher_probs, teacher_deltas, teacher_dfl = teacher_head_outs
bs, l, nc = student_probs.shape[:]
student_probs = student_probs.reshape([-1, nc])
teacher_probs = teacher_probs.reshape([-1, nc])
student_deltas = student_deltas.reshape([-1, 4])
teacher_deltas = teacher_deltas.reshape([-1, 4])
student_dfl = student_dfl.reshape([-1, 4, self.yolo_head.reg_channels])
teacher_dfl = teacher_dfl.reshape([-1, 4, self.yolo_head.reg_channels])
ratio = train_cfg.get('ratio', 0.01)
# for contrast loss
curr_iter = train_cfg['curr_iter']
st_iter = train_cfg['st_iter']
if curr_iter == st_iter + 1:
# start semi-det training
self.queue_ptr = 0
self.queue_size = int(bs * l * ratio)
self.queue_feats = paddle.zeros([self.queue_size, nc])
self.queue_probs = paddle.zeros([self.queue_size, nc])
contrast_loss_cfg = train_cfg['contrast_loss']
temperature = contrast_loss_cfg.get('temperature', 0.2)
alpha = contrast_loss_cfg.get('alpha', 0.9)
smooth_iter = contrast_loss_cfg.get('smooth_iter', 100) + st_iter
with paddle.no_grad():
# Region Selection
count_num = int(teacher_probs.shape[0] * ratio)
max_vals = paddle.max(teacher_probs, 1)
sorted_vals, sorted_inds = paddle.topk(max_vals,
mask = paddle.zeros_like(max_vals)
mask[sorted_inds[:count_num]] = 1.
fg_num = sorted_vals[:count_num].sum()
b_mask = mask > 0.
# for contrast loss
probs = teacher_probs[b_mask].detach()
if curr_iter > smooth_iter: # memory-smoothing
A = paddle.exp(
paddle.mm(teacher_probs[b_mask], self.queue_probs.t()) /
A = A / A.sum(1, keepdim=True)
probs = alpha * probs + (1 - alpha) * paddle.mm(
A, self.queue_probs)
n = student_probs[b_mask].shape[0]
# update memory bank
self.queue_feats[self.queue_ptr:self.queue_ptr +
n, :] = teacher_probs[b_mask].detach()
self.queue_probs[self.queue_ptr:self.queue_ptr +
n, :] = teacher_probs[b_mask].detach()
self.queue_ptr = (self.queue_ptr + n) % self.queue_size
# embedding similarity
sim = paddle.exp(
paddle.mm(student_probs[b_mask], teacher_probs[b_mask].t()) / 0.2)
sim_probs = sim / sim.sum(1, keepdim=True)
# pseudo-label graph with self-loop
Q = paddle.mm(probs, probs.t())
pos_mask = (Q >= 0.5).astype('float32')
Q = Q * pos_mask
Q = Q / Q.sum(1, keepdim=True)
# contrastive loss
loss_contrast = -(paddle.log(sim_probs + 1e-7) * Q).sum(1)
loss_contrast = loss_contrast.mean()
# distill_loss_cls
loss_cls = QFLv2(
student_probs, teacher_probs, weight=mask, reduction="sum") / fg_num
# distill_loss_iou
inputs = paddle.concat(
(-student_deltas[b_mask][..., :2], student_deltas[b_mask][..., 2:]),
targets = paddle.concat(
(-teacher_deltas[b_mask][..., :2], teacher_deltas[b_mask][..., 2:]),
iou_loss = GIoULoss(reduction='mean')
loss_iou = iou_loss(inputs, targets)
# distill_loss_dfl
loss_dfl = F.cross_entropy(
student_dfl[b_mask].reshape([-1, self.yolo_head.reg_channels]),
teacher_dfl[b_mask].reshape([-1, self.yolo_head.reg_channels]),
return {
"distill_loss_cls": loss_cls,
"distill_loss_iou": loss_iou,
"distill_loss_dfl": loss_dfl,
"distill_loss_contrast": loss_contrast,
"fg_sum": fg_num,
@register @register
class PPYOLOEWithAuxHead(BaseArch): class PPYOLOEWithAuxHead(BaseArch):
...@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ class PPYOLOEHead(nn.Layer): ...@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ class PPYOLOEHead(nn.Layer):
self.exclude_post_process = exclude_post_process self.exclude_post_process = exclude_post_process
self.use_shared_conv = use_shared_conv self.use_shared_conv = use_shared_conv
self.for_distill = for_distill self.for_distill = for_distill
self.is_teacher = False
# stem # stem
self.stem_cls = nn.LayerList() self.stem_cls = nn.LayerList()
...@@ -181,6 +182,14 @@ class PPYOLOEHead(nn.Layer): ...@@ -181,6 +182,14 @@ class PPYOLOEHead(nn.Layer):
cls_score_list = paddle.concat(cls_score_list, axis=1) cls_score_list = paddle.concat(cls_score_list, axis=1)
reg_distri_list = paddle.concat(reg_distri_list, axis=1) reg_distri_list = paddle.concat(reg_distri_list, axis=1)
if targets.get('is_teacher', False):
pred_deltas, pred_dfls = self._bbox_decode_fake(reg_distri_list)
return cls_score_list, pred_deltas * stride_tensor, pred_dfls
if targets.get('get_data', False):
pred_deltas, pred_dfls = self._bbox_decode_fake(reg_distri_list)
return cls_score_list, pred_deltas * stride_tensor, pred_dfls
return self.get_loss([ return self.get_loss([
cls_score_list, reg_distri_list, anchors, anchor_points, cls_score_list, reg_distri_list, anchors, anchor_points,
num_anchors_list, stride_tensor num_anchors_list, stride_tensor
...@@ -249,6 +258,14 @@ class PPYOLOEHead(nn.Layer): ...@@ -249,6 +258,14 @@ class PPYOLOEHead(nn.Layer):
if self.training: if self.training:
return self.forward_train(feats, targets, aux_pred) return self.forward_train(feats, targets, aux_pred)
else: else:
if targets is not None:
# only for semi-det
self.is_teacher = targets.get('is_teacher', False)
if self.is_teacher:
return self.forward_train(feats, targets, aux_pred=None)
return self.forward_eval(feats)
return self.forward_eval(feats) return self.forward_eval(feats)
@staticmethod @staticmethod
...@@ -274,6 +291,14 @@ class PPYOLOEHead(nn.Layer): ...@@ -274,6 +291,14 @@ class PPYOLOEHead(nn.Layer):
pred_dist = self.proj_conv(pred_dist.transpose([0, 3, 1, 2])).squeeze(1) pred_dist = self.proj_conv(pred_dist.transpose([0, 3, 1, 2])).squeeze(1)
return batch_distance2bbox(anchor_points, pred_dist) return batch_distance2bbox(anchor_points, pred_dist)
def _bbox_decode_fake(self, pred_dist):
_, l, _ = get_static_shape(pred_dist)
pred_dist_dfl = F.softmax(
pred_dist.reshape([-1, l, 4, self.reg_channels]))
pred_dist = self.proj_conv(pred_dist_dfl.transpose([0, 3, 1, 2
return pred_dist, pred_dist_dfl
def _bbox2distance(self, points, bbox): def _bbox2distance(self, points, bbox):
x1y1, x2y2 = paddle.split(bbox, 2, -1) x1y1, x2y2 = paddle.split(bbox, 2, -1)
lt = points - x1y1 lt = points - x1y1
...@@ -388,11 +413,13 @@ class PPYOLOEHead(nn.Layer): ...@@ -388,11 +413,13 @@ class PPYOLOEHead(nn.Layer):
gt_bboxes, gt_bboxes,
pad_gt_mask, pad_gt_mask,
bg_index=self.num_classes) bg_index=self.num_classes)
if self.for_distill:
self.assigned_labels = assigned_labels self.assigned_labels = assigned_labels
self.assigned_bboxes = assigned_bboxes self.assigned_bboxes = assigned_bboxes
self.assigned_scores = assigned_scores self.assigned_scores = assigned_scores
self.mask_positive = mask_positive self.mask_positive = mask_positive
else: else:
# only used in distill
assigned_labels = self.assigned_labels assigned_labels = self.assigned_labels
assigned_bboxes = self.assigned_bboxes assigned_bboxes = self.assigned_bboxes
assigned_scores = self.assigned_scores assigned_scores = self.assigned_scores
...@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ def align_weak_strong_shape(data_weak, data_strong): ...@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ def align_weak_strong_shape(data_weak, data_strong):
mode='bilinear', mode='bilinear',
align_corners=False) align_corners=False)
if 'gt_bbox' in data_strong: if 'gt_bbox' in data_strong:
gt_bboxes = data_strong['gt_bbox'] gt_bboxes = data_strong['gt_bbox'].numpy()
for i in range(len(gt_bboxes)): for i in range(len(gt_bboxes)):
if len(gt_bboxes[i]) > 0: if len(gt_bboxes[i]) > 0:
gt_bboxes[i][:, 0::2] = gt_bboxes[i][:, 0::2] * scale_x_s gt_bboxes[i][:, 0::2] = gt_bboxes[i][:, 0::2] * scale_x_s
gt_bboxes[i][:, 1::2] = gt_bboxes[i][:, 1::2] * scale_y_s gt_bboxes[i][:, 1::2] = gt_bboxes[i][:, 1::2] * scale_y_s
data_strong['gt_bbox'] = gt_bboxes data_strong['gt_bbox'] = paddle.to_tensor(gt_bboxes)
if scale_x_w != 1 or scale_y_w != 1: if scale_x_w != 1 or scale_y_w != 1:
data_weak['image'] = F.interpolate( data_weak['image'] = F.interpolate(
...@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ def align_weak_strong_shape(data_weak, data_strong): ...@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ def align_weak_strong_shape(data_weak, data_strong):
mode='bilinear', mode='bilinear',
align_corners=False) align_corners=False)
if 'gt_bbox' in data_weak: if 'gt_bbox' in data_weak:
gt_bboxes = data_weak['gt_bbox'] gt_bboxes = data_weak['gt_bbox'].numpy()
for i in range(len(gt_bboxes)): for i in range(len(gt_bboxes)):
if len(gt_bboxes[i]) > 0: if len(gt_bboxes[i]) > 0:
gt_bboxes[i][:, 0::2] = gt_bboxes[i][:, 0::2] * scale_x_w gt_bboxes[i][:, 0::2] = gt_bboxes[i][:, 0::2] * scale_x_w
gt_bboxes[i][:, 1::2] = gt_bboxes[i][:, 1::2] * scale_y_w gt_bboxes[i][:, 1::2] = gt_bboxes[i][:, 1::2] * scale_y_w
data_weak['gt_bbox'] = gt_bboxes data_weak['gt_bbox'] = paddle.to_tensor(gt_bboxes)
return data_weak, data_strong return data_weak, data_strong
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