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+# Design Doc: Distributed Training Architecture
+## Abstract
+PaddlePaddle v0.10.0 uses the "trainer-parameter server"
+architecture. We run multiple replicated instances of trainers (runs
+the same code written by the user) and parameter servers for
+distributed training. This architecture served us well, but has some
+1. Need to write special code to handle tasks which should only be run
+ by a single trainer. E.g., initializing model and saving model.
+2. Model parallelism is hard: need to write if-else branches conditioned
+ on the trainer ID to partition model onto each trainer, and manually
+ write the inter-model-shard communication code.
+3. The user can not directly specify the parameter update rule: need
+ to modify the parameter server C++ code and compile a new
+ binary. This adds complication for researchers: A lot of extra
+ effort is required. Besides, the training job submission program
+ may not allow running arbitrary binaries.
+This design doc discusses PaddlePaddle's new distributed training
+architecture that addresses the above limitations.
+## Analysis
+We will assume the user writes the trainer program by Python, the same
+analysis holds if the trainer program is written in C++.
+### Limitation 1
+If we look at the Python code that the user writes, there are two
+kinds of functionalities:
+- The training logic such as load / save model and print log.
+- The neural network definition such as the definition of the data
+ layer, the fully connected layer, the cost function and the
+ optimizer.
+When we training with PaddlePaddle v0.10.0 distributedly, multiple
+replicated Python instances are running on different nodes: both the
+training logic and the neural network computation is replicated.
+The tasks that should only run once all belong to the training logic,
+if we only replicate the neural network computation, but do **not**
+replicate the training logic, the limitation could be solved.
+### Limitation 2
+Model parallelism means running a single model on multiple nodes by
+partitioning the model onto different nodes and managing the
+inter-model-shard communications.
+PaddlePaddle should be able to modify the nerual network computation
+definition to support model parallelism automatically. However, the
+computation is only specified in Python code, and PaddlePaddle can not
+modify Python code.
+Just like compiler uses a intermediate representation (IR) so that
+programmer does not need to manually optimize their code in most of
+the cases - the compiler will optimize the IR:
+We can have our own IR too: PaddlePaddle can support model parallel by
+converting the IR so the user no longer need to manually do it in
+The IR for PaddlePaddle after refactor is called `Block`, it specifies
+the computation dependency graph and the variables used in the
+### Limitation 3
+The user can not directly specify the parameter update rule for the
+parameter server because the parameter server does not use the same
+computation definition as the trainer. Instead, the update rule is
+baked in the parameter server. The user can not specify the update
+rule in the same way of specifying the trainer computation.
+This could be fixed by making the parameter server run the same
+computation definition as the trainer. For a detailed explanation,
+[Design Doc: Operation Graph Based Parameter Server](./dist_train.md)
+## Distributed Training Architecture
+The new distributed training architecture can address the above
+limitations. Below is the illustration:
+The architecture includes major components: *PaddlePaddle Python*,
+*PaddlePaddle converter* and *PaddlePaddle runtime*:
+### PaddlePaddle Python
+PaddlePaddle Python is the Python library that user's Python trainer
+invoke to build the neural network topology, start training, etc.
+input = paddle.op.recordIO("/home/data/mnist.recordio") # file stored on the cluster
+img, label = input[0], input[1]
+hidden = paddle.layer.fc(input=img, size=200, act=paddle.activation.Tanh())
+prediction = paddle.layer.fc(input=img, size=10, act=paddle.activation.Softmax())
+cost = paddle.layer.classification_cost(input=prediction, label=label)
+optimizer = paddle.optimizer.SGD(cost, learning_rate=0.01)
+session = paddle.session.NewRemote(num_trainer=3, num_ps=2, GPU_per_trainer=1)
+for i in range(1000):
+ _, cost_val = session.eval(targets=[cost, optimizer])
+ print cost_val
+The code above is a typical Python trainer code, the neural network
+topology is built using helper functions such as
+`paddle.layer.fc`. The training is done by calling `session.eval`
+#### session.eval
+As shown in the graph, `session.eval` sends the IR and the evaluation
+inputs/targets to the PaddlePaddle cluster for evaluation. The
+targets can be any variable in the computation graph. When the target
+is the `optimizer` variable, the neural network will be optimized
+once. When the target is the `cost` variable, `session.eval` returns
+the cost value.
+The Python `session` is a wrapper of the C++ `Session` class. For more
+information about `Session`, please
+see [Design Doc: Session](./session.md).
+### PaddlePaddle Converter
+PaddlePaddle converter automatically converts the IR in the request
+(IR and evaluation inputs/targets) from PaddlePaddle Python to new
+partitioned IRs and dispatch the new IRs and evaluation inputs/targets
+to different PaddlePaddle runtimes. Below are the steps:
+1. Add `feed` OP that feeds the eval inputs, and `fetch` OP that
+ fetches the eval targets to the IR.
+1. Extract a new computation (sub)graph with `feed` and `fetch` OP as
+ the boundary. The runtime does not need to run the OP that is not
+ dependent by the `fetch` OP.
+1. Optimizes the computation graph.
+1. Place the OPs in the graph onto different devices on different
+ PaddlePaddle runtime according to a placement algorithm and device
+ constraint specified by the user.
+1. Partition the graph according to runtime boundaries and add `send` /
+ `recv` OP pair on the runtime boundaries.
+1. Dispatch the partitioned graph to different PaddlePaddle runtimes.
+1. PaddlePaddle runtimes with the `fetch` OP reports evaluation
+ results back to the converter, the convert reports the evaluation
+ results back to the PaddlePaddle Python.
+The output IRs will be cached to optimize the conversion latency.
+#### Placement Algorithm
+Our first implementation will only support "trainer-parameter server"
+placement: the parameters, initializers, and optimizers are placed on
+the PaddlePaddle runtimes with the parameter server role. And
+everything else will be placed on the PaddlePaddle runtimes with the
+trainer role. This has the same functionality of our
+"trainer-parameter server" architecture of PaddlePaddle v0.10.0, but
+is more general and flexible.
+In the future, we will implement the general placement algorithm,
+which makes placements according to the input IR, and a model of
+device computation time and device communication time. Model
+parallelism requires the general placement algorithm.
+### PaddlePaddle Runtime
+The PaddlePaddle runtime owns multiple devices (e.g., CPUs, GPUs) and
+runs the IR. The runtime does not need to do OP placement since it's
+already done by the converter.
+### Local Training Architecture
+The local training architecture will be the same as the distributed
+training architecture, the differences are everything runs locally,
+and there is just one PaddlePaddle runtime:
+### Training Data
+In PaddlePaddle v0.10.0, training data is typically read
+with [data reader](../reader/README.md) from Python. This approach is
+no longer efficient when training distributedly since the Python
+process no longer runs on the same node with the trainer processes,
+the Python reader will need to read from the distributed filesystem
+(assuming it has the access) and send to the trainers, doubling the
+network traffic.
+When doing distributed training, the user can still use Python data
+reader: the training data are sent with `session.eval`. However should
+be used for debugging purpose only. The users are encouraged to use
+the read data OPs.
+## References:
+[1] [TensorFlow: Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems](https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//pubs/archive/45166.pdf)
+[2] [TensorFlow: A System for Large-Scale Machine Learning](https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/osdi16/osdi16-abadi.pdf)
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