• M
    [PaddlePaddle Hackathon] Task 66 (#4317) · 47fc188b
    Mark Ma 提交于
    * allow forwarding for multi scale inputs
    * fixed PadBatch not working with multi scale input
    * add faster_rcnn_r34_fpn_multiscaletest_1x_coco.yml
    * fixed multi scale input checking for batch transforms (PadBatch)
    * less scales and faster inference for multi scale test configuration file
    * fixed retrieving im_id from multi-scale inputs
    * add multi scale prediction boxes merging
    * allow multi scale testing for tools/infer.py (actually trainer.predict method)
    * add MultiscaleTestResize setting for TestReader
    * use BBoxPostProcess.nms parameter for multi scale prediction NMS of CascadeRCNN
    * add documentation for multi scale testing
    * raise exception if the network architecture is not supported in multi scale test mode
    * move documentation file
    * add test case for multi scale test
    * load pretrained weights from URL
    * add image files for testing. use relative path for input images
    * update documentation
    * use isinstance for sequence type checking. add empty checking for samples sequence