ParameterConfig.proto.m4 3.1 KB
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/* Copyright (c) 2016 Baidu, Inc. All Rights Reserve.

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ifdef(`proto3', `syntax = "proto2";')
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package paddle;

 * Configuration structure for parameter

enum ParameterInitStrategy {

message ParameterUpdaterHookConfig {
  required string type = 1;
  optional string purning_mask_filename = 2;

message ParameterConfig {
  required string name = 1;
  required uint64 size = 2;
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  optional real learning_rate = 3 [default = 1.0];
  optional real momentum = 4 [default = 0.0];
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  optional real initial_mean = 5 [default = 0.0];
  optional real initial_std = 6 [default = 0.01];
  // use L2-regularization if decay_rate set and decay_rate_l1 not set
  optional real decay_rate = 7 [default = 0.0];
  // use L1-regularization if decay_rate_l1 set
  optional real decay_rate_l1 = 8 [default = 0.0];
  // dims of Parameter, e.g. dims[0] as height, dims[1] as width..
  repeated uint64 dims = 9;
  // the gpu device which the parameter in.
  // Only used by ParallelNeuralNetork. Ignored otherwise.
  optional int32 device = 10 [default = -1];
  // how to init the parameter: 0 -> normal, 1 -> uniform
  // 0: treat initial_mean as mean, intial_std as standard deviation
  // 1: range is (initial_mean - initial_std) to (initial_mean + initial_std)
  optional int32 initial_strategy = 11 [default = 0];
  // define the variance when init the parameter, by height of the Matrix
  optional bool initial_smart = 12 [default = false];
  // apply regularization every # batches
  optional int32 num_batches_regularization = 13 [default = 1];
  // if is_sparse is true, para is sparse, else para is dense
  optional bool is_sparse = 14[default = false];
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  // if para is sparse, format should be "csc" or "csr", empty means is not sparse
  optional string format = 15 [default = ""];
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  // sparse remote update or not
  optional bool sparse_remote_update = 16 [default = false];
  // gradient clipping threshold, no clipping by default
  optional real gradient_clipping_threshold = 17 [default = 0.0];
  // static parameters are fixed when training
  optional bool is_static = 18 [default = false];
  // para_id should NOT be set by config_parser. It is for
  // internal use.
  optional uint64 para_id = 19;

  repeated ParameterUpdaterHookConfig update_hooks = 20;
  // setup load mat -> csr
  optional bool need_compact = 21 [default = false];
  // whether to do sparse update for this parameter
  optional bool sparse_update = 22 [default = false];

  // whether this parameter is shared or not.
  optional bool is_shared = 23 [default = false];
  // parameter block size
  optional uint64 parameter_block_size = 24 [default = 0];