ppyoloe_crn_l_36e_coco_xpu.yml 1.4 KB
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_BASE_: [

# note: these are default values (use_gpu = true and use_xpu = false) for CI.
# set use_gpu = false and use_xpu = true for training.
use_gpu: true
use_xpu: false

log_iter: 100
snapshot_epoch: 1
weights: output/ppyoloe_crn_l_36e_coco/model_final
find_unused_parameters: True

pretrain_weights: https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/pretrained/CSPResNetb_l_pretrained.pdparams
depth_mult: 1.0
width_mult: 1.0

  batch_size: 8

architecture: YOLOv3
norm_type: sync_bn
use_ema: true
ema_decay: 0.9998

  backbone: CSPResNet
  neck: CustomCSPPAN
  yolo_head: PPYOLOEHead
  post_process: ~

  layers: [3, 6, 6, 3]
  channels: [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]
  return_idx: [1, 2, 3]
  use_large_stem: True

  out_channels: [768, 384, 192]
  stage_num: 1
  block_num: 3
  act: 'swish'
  spp: true

  fpn_strides: [32, 16, 8]
  grid_cell_scale: 5.0
  grid_cell_offset: 0.5
  static_assigner_epoch: 4
  use_varifocal_loss: True
  loss_weight: {class: 1.0, iou: 2.5, dfl: 0.5}
    name: ATSSAssigner
    topk: 9
    name: TaskAlignedAssigner
    topk: 13
    alpha: 1.0
    beta: 6.0
    name: MultiClassNMS
    nms_top_k: 1000
    keep_top_k: 100
    score_threshold: 0.01
    nms_threshold: 0.6