# copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserve. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os import time import numpy as np from collections import OrderedDict import paddle import paddle.nn.functional as F from paddle.distributed import fleet from paddle.distributed.fleet import DistributedStrategy # from ppcls.optimizer import OptimizerBuilder # from ppcls.optimizer.learning_rate import LearningRateBuilder from ppcls.arch import build_model from ppcls.loss import build_loss from ppcls.metric import build_metrics from ppcls.optimizer import build_optimizer from ppcls.optimizer import build_lr_scheduler from ppcls.utils.misc import AverageMeter from ppcls.utils import logger, profiler def create_feeds(image_shape, use_mix=False, class_num=None, dtype="float32"): """ Create feeds as model input Args: image_shape(list[int]): model input shape, such as [3, 224, 224] use_mix(bool): whether to use mix(include mixup, cutmix, fmix) class_num(int): the class number of network, required if use_mix Returns: feeds(dict): dict of model input variables """ feeds = OrderedDict() feeds['data'] = paddle.static.data( name="data", shape=[None] + image_shape, dtype=dtype) if use_mix: if class_num is None: msg = "When use MixUp, CutMix and so on, you must set class_num." logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) feeds['target'] = paddle.static.data( name="target", shape=[None, class_num], dtype="float32") else: feeds['label'] = paddle.static.data( name="label", shape=[None, 1], dtype="int64") return feeds def create_fetchs(out, feeds, architecture, topk=5, epsilon=None, class_num=None, use_mix=False, config=None, mode="Train"): """ Create fetchs as model outputs(included loss and measures), will call create_loss and create_metric(if use_mix). Args: out(variable): model output variable feeds(dict): dict of model input variables. If use mix_up, it will not include label. architecture(dict): architecture information, name(such as ResNet50) is needed topk(int): usually top5 epsilon(float): parameter for label smoothing, 0.0 <= epsilon <= 1.0 class_num(int): the class number of network, required if use_mix use_mix(bool): whether to use mix(include mixup, cutmix, fmix) config(dict): model config Returns: fetchs(dict): dict of model outputs(included loss and measures) """ fetchs = OrderedDict() # build loss if use_mix: if class_num is None: msg = "When use MixUp, CutMix and so on, you must set class_num." logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) target = paddle.reshape(feeds['target'], [-1, class_num]) else: target = paddle.reshape(feeds['label'], [-1, 1]) loss_func = build_loss(config["Loss"][mode]) loss_dict = loss_func(out, target) loss_out = loss_dict["loss"] fetchs['loss'] = (loss_out, AverageMeter('loss', '7.4f', need_avg=True)) # build metric if not use_mix: metric_func = build_metrics(config["Metric"][mode]) metric_dict = metric_func(out, target) for key in metric_dict: if mode != "Train" and paddle.distributed.get_world_size() > 1: paddle.distributed.all_reduce( metric_dict[key], op=paddle.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM) metric_dict[key] = metric_dict[ key] / paddle.distributed.get_world_size() fetchs[key] = (metric_dict[key], AverageMeter( key, '7.4f', need_avg=True)) return fetchs def create_optimizer(config, step_each_epoch): # create learning_rate instance optimizer, lr_sch = build_optimizer( config["Optimizer"], config["Global"]["epochs"], step_each_epoch) return optimizer, lr_sch def create_strategy(config): """ Create build strategy and exec strategy. Args: config(dict): config Returns: build_strategy: build strategy exec_strategy: exec strategy """ build_strategy = paddle.static.BuildStrategy() exec_strategy = paddle.static.ExecutionStrategy() exec_strategy.num_threads = 1 exec_strategy.num_iteration_per_drop_scope = ( 10000 if 'AMP' in config and config.AMP.get("use_pure_fp16", False) else 10) fuse_op = True if 'AMP' in config else False fuse_bn_act_ops = config.get('fuse_bn_act_ops', fuse_op) fuse_elewise_add_act_ops = config.get('fuse_elewise_add_act_ops', fuse_op) fuse_bn_add_act_ops = config.get('fuse_bn_add_act_ops', fuse_op) enable_addto = config.get('enable_addto', fuse_op) build_strategy.fuse_bn_act_ops = fuse_bn_act_ops build_strategy.fuse_elewise_add_act_ops = fuse_elewise_add_act_ops build_strategy.fuse_bn_add_act_ops = fuse_bn_add_act_ops build_strategy.enable_addto = enable_addto return build_strategy, exec_strategy def dist_optimizer(config, optimizer): """ Create a distributed optimizer based on a normal optimizer Args: config(dict): optimizer(): a normal optimizer Returns: optimizer: a distributed optimizer """ build_strategy, exec_strategy = create_strategy(config) dist_strategy = DistributedStrategy() dist_strategy.execution_strategy = exec_strategy dist_strategy.build_strategy = build_strategy dist_strategy.nccl_comm_num = 1 dist_strategy.fuse_all_reduce_ops = True dist_strategy.fuse_grad_size_in_MB = 16 optimizer = fleet.distributed_optimizer(optimizer, strategy=dist_strategy) return optimizer def mixed_precision_optimizer(config, optimizer): if 'AMP' in config: amp_cfg = config.AMP if config.AMP else dict() scale_loss = amp_cfg.get('scale_loss', 1.0) use_dynamic_loss_scaling = amp_cfg.get('use_dynamic_loss_scaling', False) use_pure_fp16 = amp_cfg.get('use_pure_fp16', False) optimizer = paddle.static.amp.decorate( optimizer, init_loss_scaling=scale_loss, use_dynamic_loss_scaling=use_dynamic_loss_scaling, use_pure_fp16=use_pure_fp16, use_fp16_guard=True) return optimizer def build(config, main_prog, startup_prog, class_num=None, step_each_epoch=100, is_train=True, is_distributed=True): """ Build a program using a model and an optimizer 1. create feeds 2. create a dataloader 3. create a model 4. create fetchs 5. create an optimizer Args: config(dict): config main_prog(): main program startup_prog(): startup program class_num(int): the class number of network, required if use_mix is_train(bool): train or eval is_distributed(bool): whether to use distributed training method Returns: dataloader(): a bridge between the model and the data fetchs(dict): dict of model outputs(included loss and measures) """ with paddle.static.program_guard(main_prog, startup_prog): with paddle.utils.unique_name.guard(): mode = "Train" if is_train else "Eval" use_mix = "batch_transform_ops" in config["DataLoader"][mode][ "dataset"] feeds = create_feeds( config["Global"]["image_shape"], use_mix, class_num=class_num, dtype="float32") # build model # data_format should be assigned in arch-dict input_image_channel = config["Global"]["image_shape"][ 0] # default as [3, 224, 224] model = build_model(config["Arch"]) out = model(feeds["data"]) # end of build model fetchs = create_fetchs( out, feeds, config["Arch"], epsilon=config.get('ls_epsilon'), class_num=class_num, use_mix=use_mix, config=config, mode=mode) lr_scheduler = None optimizer = None if is_train: optimizer, lr_scheduler = build_optimizer( config["Optimizer"], config["Global"]["epochs"], step_each_epoch) optimizer = mixed_precision_optimizer(config, optimizer) if is_distributed: optimizer = dist_optimizer(config, optimizer) optimizer.minimize(fetchs['loss'][0]) return fetchs, lr_scheduler, feeds, optimizer def compile(config, program, loss_name=None, share_prog=None): """ Compile the program Args: config(dict): config program(): the program which is wrapped by loss_name(str): loss name share_prog(): the shared program, used for evaluation during training Returns: compiled_program(): a compiled program """ build_strategy, exec_strategy = create_strategy(config) compiled_program = paddle.static.CompiledProgram( program).with_data_parallel( share_vars_from=share_prog, loss_name=loss_name, build_strategy=build_strategy, exec_strategy=exec_strategy) return compiled_program total_step = 0 def run(dataloader, exe, program, feeds, fetchs, epoch=0, mode='train', config=None, vdl_writer=None, lr_scheduler=None, profiler_options=None): """ Feed data to the model and fetch the measures and loss Args: dataloader(paddle io dataloader): exe(): program(): fetchs(dict): dict of measures and the loss epoch(int): epoch of training or evaluation model(str): log only Returns: """ fetch_list = [f[0] for f in fetchs.values()] metric_dict = OrderedDict([("lr", AverageMeter( 'lr', 'f', postfix=",", need_avg=False))]) for k in fetchs: metric_dict[k] = fetchs[k][1] metric_dict["batch_time"] = AverageMeter( 'batch_cost', '.5f', postfix=" s,") metric_dict["reader_time"] = AverageMeter( 'reader_cost', '.5f', postfix=" s,") for m in metric_dict.values(): m.reset() use_dali = config["Global"].get('use_dali', False) tic = time.time() if not use_dali: dataloader = dataloader() idx = 0 batch_size = None while True: # The DALI maybe raise RuntimeError for some particular images, such as ImageNet1k/n04418357_26036.JPEG try: batch = next(dataloader) except StopIteration: break except RuntimeError: logger.warning( "Except RuntimeError when reading data from dataloader, try to read once again..." ) continue idx += 1 # ignore the warmup iters if idx == 5: metric_dict["batch_time"].reset() metric_dict["reader_time"].reset() metric_dict['reader_time'].update(time.time() - tic) profiler.add_profiler_step(profiler_options) if use_dali: batch_size = batch[0]["data"].shape()[0] feed_dict = batch[0] else: batch_size = batch[0].shape()[0] feed_dict = { key.name: batch[idx] for idx, key in enumerate(feeds.values()) } metrics = exe.run(program=program, feed=feed_dict, fetch_list=fetch_list) for name, m in zip(fetchs.keys(), metrics): metric_dict[name].update(np.mean(m), batch_size) metric_dict["batch_time"].update(time.time() - tic) if mode == "train": metric_dict['lr'].update(lr_scheduler.get_lr()) fetchs_str = ' '.join([ str(metric_dict[key].mean) if "time" in key else str(metric_dict[key].value) for key in metric_dict ]) ips_info = " ips: {:.5f} images/sec.".format( batch_size / metric_dict["batch_time"].avg) fetchs_str += ips_info if lr_scheduler is not None: lr_scheduler.step() if vdl_writer: global total_step logger.scaler('loss', metrics[0][0], total_step, vdl_writer) total_step += 1 if mode == 'eval': if idx % config.get('print_interval', 10) == 0: logger.info("{:s} step:{:<4d} {:s}".format(mode, idx, fetchs_str)) else: epoch_str = "epoch:{:<3d}".format(epoch) step_str = "{:s} step:{:<4d}".format(mode, idx) if idx % config.get('print_interval', 10) == 0: logger.info("{:s} {:s} {:s}".format(epoch_str, step_str, fetchs_str)) tic = time.time() end_str = ' '.join([str(m.mean) for m in metric_dict.values()] + [metric_dict["batch_time"].total]) ips_info = "ips: {:.5f} images/sec.".format(batch_size / metric_dict["batch_time"].avg) if mode == 'eval': logger.info("END {:s} {:s} {:s}".format(mode, end_str, ips_info)) else: end_epoch_str = "END epoch:{:<3d}".format(epoch) logger.info("{:s} {:s} {:s} {:s}".format(end_epoch_str, mode, end_str, ips_info)) if use_dali: dataloader.reset() # return top1_acc in order to save the best model if mode == 'eval': return fetchs["top1"][1].avg