# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os import paddle import paddle.distributed as dist from visualdl import LogWriter from paddle import nn import numpy as np import random from ppcls.utils.misc import AverageMeter from ppcls.utils import logger from ppcls.utils.logger import init_logger from ppcls.utils.config import print_config from ppcls.data import build_dataloader from ppcls.arch import build_model, RecModel, DistillationModel, TheseusLayer from ppcls.loss import build_loss from ppcls.metric import build_metrics from ppcls.optimizer import build_optimizer from ppcls.utils.ema import ExponentialMovingAverage from ppcls.utils.save_load import load_dygraph_pretrain, load_dygraph_pretrain_from_url from ppcls.utils.save_load import init_model from ppcls.utils.model_saver import ModelSaver from ppcls.data.utils.get_image_list import get_image_list from ppcls.data.postprocess import build_postprocess from ppcls.data import create_operators from .train import build_train_epoch_func from .evaluation import build_eval_func from ppcls.engine.train.utils import type_name from ppcls.engine import evaluation from ppcls.arch.gears.identity_head import IdentityHead class Engine(object): def __init__(self, config, mode="train"): assert mode in ["train", "eval", "infer", "export"] self.mode = mode self.config = config # set seed self._init_seed() # init logger self.output_dir = self.config['Global']['output_dir'] log_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.config["Arch"]["name"], f"{mode}.log") init_logger(log_file=log_file) # for visualdl self.vdl_writer = self._init_vdl() # init train_func and eval_func self.train_epoch_func = build_train_epoch_func(self.config) self.eval_func = build_eval_func(self.config) # set device self._init_device() # gradient accumulation self.update_freq = self.config["Global"].get("update_freq", 1) # build dataloader self.use_dali = self.config["Global"].get("use_dali", False) self.dataloader_dict = build_dataloader(self.config, mode) # build loss self.train_loss_func, self.unlabel_train_loss_func, self.eval_loss_func = build_loss( self.config, self.mode) # build metric self.train_metric_func, self.eval_metric_func = build_metrics(self) # build model self.model = build_model(self.config, self.mode) # load_pretrain self._init_pretrained() # build optimizer self.optimizer, self.lr_sch = build_optimizer(self) # AMP training and evaluating self._init_amp() # for distributed self._init_dist() print_config(config) def train(self): assert self.mode == "train" print_batch_step = self.config['Global']['print_batch_step'] save_interval = self.config["Global"]["save_interval"] start_eval_epoch = self.config["Global"].get("start_eval_epoch", 0) - 1 epochs = self.config["Global"]["epochs"] best_metric = { "metric": -1.0, "epoch": 0, } # key: # val: metrics list word self.output_info = dict() self.time_info = { "batch_cost": AverageMeter( "batch_cost", '.5f', postfix=" s,"), "reader_cost": AverageMeter( "reader_cost", ".5f", postfix=" s,"), } # build EMA model self.model_ema = self._build_ema_model() # TODO: mv best_metric_ema to best_metric dict best_metric_ema = 0 # build model saver model_saver = ModelSaver( self, net_name="model", loss_name="train_loss_func", opt_name="optimizer", model_ema_name="model_ema") self._init_checkpoints(best_metric) # global iter counter self.global_step = 0 for epoch_id in range(best_metric["epoch"] + 1, epochs + 1): # for one epoch train self.train_epoch_func(self, epoch_id, print_batch_step) metric_msg = ", ".join( [self.output_info[key].avg_info for key in self.output_info]) logger.info("[Train][Epoch {}/{}][Avg]{}".format(epoch_id, epochs, metric_msg)) self.output_info.clear() acc = 0.0 if self.config["Global"][ "eval_during_train"] and epoch_id % self.config["Global"][ "eval_interval"] == 0 and epoch_id > start_eval_epoch: acc = self.eval(epoch_id) # step lr (by epoch) according to given metric, such as acc for i in range(len(self.lr_sch)): if getattr(self.lr_sch[i], "by_epoch", False) and \ type_name(self.lr_sch[i]) == "ReduceOnPlateau": self.lr_sch[i].step(acc) if acc > best_metric["metric"]: best_metric["metric"] = acc best_metric["epoch"] = epoch_id model_saver.save( best_metric, prefix="best_model", save_student_model=True) logger.info("[Eval][Epoch {}][best metric: {}]".format( epoch_id, best_metric["metric"])) logger.scaler( name="eval_acc", value=acc, step=epoch_id, writer=self.vdl_writer) self.model.train() if self.model_ema: ori_model, self.model = self.model, self.model_ema.module acc_ema = self.eval(epoch_id) self.model = ori_model self.model_ema.module.eval() if acc_ema > best_metric_ema: best_metric_ema = acc_ema model_saver.save( { "metric": acc_ema, "epoch": epoch_id }, prefix="best_model_ema") logger.info("[Eval][Epoch {}][best metric ema: {}]".format( epoch_id, best_metric_ema)) logger.scaler( name="eval_acc_ema", value=acc_ema, step=epoch_id, writer=self.vdl_writer) # save model if save_interval > 0 and epoch_id % save_interval == 0: model_saver.save( { "metric": acc, "epoch": epoch_id }, prefix=f"epoch_{epoch_id}") # save the latest model model_saver.save( { "metric": acc, "epoch": epoch_id }, prefix="latest") if self.vdl_writer is not None: self.vdl_writer.close() @paddle.no_grad() def eval(self, epoch_id=0): assert self.mode in ["train", "eval"] self.model.eval() eval_result = self.eval_func(self, epoch_id) self.model.train() return eval_result @paddle.no_grad() def infer(self): assert self.mode == "infer" and self.eval_mode == "classification" self.preprocess_func = create_operators(self.config["Infer"][ "transforms"]) self.postprocess_func = build_postprocess(self.config["Infer"][ "PostProcess"]) total_trainer = dist.get_world_size() local_rank = dist.get_rank() image_list = get_image_list(self.config["Infer"]["infer_imgs"]) # data split image_list = image_list[local_rank::total_trainer] batch_size = self.config["Infer"]["batch_size"] self.model.eval() batch_data = [] image_file_list = [] for idx, image_file in enumerate(image_list): with open(image_file, 'rb') as f: x = f.read() for process in self.preprocess_func: x = process(x) batch_data.append(x) image_file_list.append(image_file) if len(batch_data) >= batch_size or idx == len(image_list) - 1: batch_tensor = paddle.to_tensor(batch_data) if self.amp and self.amp_eval: with paddle.amp.auto_cast( custom_black_list={ "flatten_contiguous_range", "greater_than" }, level=self.amp_level): out = self.model(batch_tensor) else: out = self.model(batch_tensor) if isinstance(out, list): out = out[0] if isinstance(out, dict) and "Student" in out: out = out["Student"] if isinstance(out, dict) and "logits" in out: out = out["logits"] if isinstance(out, dict) and "output" in out: out = out["output"] result = self.postprocess_func(out, image_file_list) print(result) batch_data.clear() image_file_list.clear() def export(self): assert self.mode == "export" use_multilabel = self.config["Global"].get( "use_multilabel", False) or "ATTRMetric" in self.config["Metric"]["Eval"][0] model = ExportModel(self.config["Arch"], self.model, use_multilabel) if self.config["Global"]["pretrained_model"] is not None: if self.config["Global"]["pretrained_model"].startswith("http"): load_dygraph_pretrain_from_url( model.base_model, self.config["Global"]["pretrained_model"]) else: load_dygraph_pretrain( model.base_model, self.config["Global"]["pretrained_model"]) model.eval() # for re-parameterization nets for layer in self.model.sublayers(): if hasattr(layer, "re_parameterize") and not getattr(layer, "is_repped"): layer.re_parameterize() save_path = os.path.join(self.config["Global"]["save_inference_dir"], "inference") model = paddle.jit.to_static( model, input_spec=[ paddle.static.InputSpec( shape=[None] + self.config["Global"]["image_shape"], dtype='float32') ]) if hasattr(model.base_model, "quanter") and model.base_model.quanter is not None: model.base_model.quanter.save_quantized_model(model, save_path + "_int8") else: paddle.jit.save(model, save_path) logger.info( f"Export succeeded! The inference model exported has been saved in \"{self.config['Global']['save_inference_dir']}\"." ) def _init_vdl(self): if self.config['Global'][ 'use_visualdl'] and mode == "train" and dist.get_rank() == 0: vdl_writer_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "vdl") if not os.path.exists(vdl_writer_path): os.makedirs(vdl_writer_path) return LogWriter(logdir=vdl_writer_path) return None def _init_seed(self): seed = self.config["Global"].get("seed", False) if dist.get_world_size() != 1: # if self.config["Global"]["distributed"]: # set different seed in different GPU manually in distributed environment if not seed: logger.warning( "The random seed cannot be None in a distributed environment. Global.seed has been set to 42 by default" ) self.config["Global"]["seed"] = seed = 42 logger.info( f"Set random seed to ({int(seed)} + $PADDLE_TRAINER_ID) for different trainer" ) dist_seed = int(seed) + dist.get_rank() paddle.seed(dist_seed) np.random.seed(dist_seed) random.seed(dist_seed) elif seed or seed == 0: assert isinstance(seed, int), "The 'seed' must be a integer!" paddle.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) random.seed(seed) def _init_device(self): device = self.config["Global"]["device"] assert device in ["cpu", "gpu", "xpu", "npu", "mlu", "ascend"] logger.info('train with paddle {} and device {}'.format( paddle.__version__, device)) paddle.set_device(device) def _init_pretrained(self): if self.config["Global"]["pretrained_model"] is not None: if self.config["Global"]["pretrained_model"].startswith("http"): load_dygraph_pretrain_from_url( [self.model, getattr(self, 'train_loss_func', None)], self.config["Global"]["pretrained_model"]) else: load_dygraph_pretrain( [self.model, getattr(self, 'train_loss_func', None)], self.config["Global"]["pretrained_model"]) def _init_amp(self): self.amp = "AMP" in self.config and self.config["AMP"] is not None self.amp_eval = False # for amp if self.amp: AMP_RELATED_FLAGS_SETTING = {'FLAGS_max_inplace_grad_add': 8, } if paddle.is_compiled_with_cuda(): AMP_RELATED_FLAGS_SETTING.update({ 'FLAGS_cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent': 1 }) paddle.set_flags(AMP_RELATED_FLAGS_SETTING) self.scale_loss = self.config["AMP"].get("scale_loss", 1.0) self.use_dynamic_loss_scaling = self.config["AMP"].get( "use_dynamic_loss_scaling", False) self.scaler = paddle.amp.GradScaler( init_loss_scaling=self.scale_loss, use_dynamic_loss_scaling=self.use_dynamic_loss_scaling) self.amp_level = self.config['AMP'].get("level", "O1") if self.amp_level not in ["O1", "O2"]: msg = "[Parameter Error]: The optimize level of AMP only support 'O1' and 'O2'. The level has been set 'O1'." logger.warning(msg) self.config['AMP']["level"] = "O1" self.amp_level = "O1" self.amp_eval = self.config["AMP"].get("use_fp16_test", False) # TODO(gaotingquan): Paddle not yet support FP32 evaluation when training with AMPO2 if self.mode == "train" and self.config["Global"].get( "eval_during_train", True) and self.amp_level == "O2" and self.amp_eval == False: msg = "PaddlePaddle only support FP16 evaluation when training with AMP O2 now. " logger.warning(msg) self.config["AMP"]["use_fp16_test"] = True self.amp_eval = True paddle_version = paddle.__version__[:3] # paddle version < 2.3.0 and not develop if paddle_version not in ["2.3", "2.4", "0.0"]: msg = "When using AMP, PaddleClas release/2.6 and later version only support PaddlePaddle version >= 2.3.0." logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) if self.mode == "train" or self.amp_eval: self.model = paddle.amp.decorate( models=self.model, level=self.amp_level, save_dtype='float32') if self.mode == "train" and len(self.train_loss_func.parameters( )) > 0: self.train_loss_func = paddle.amp.decorate( models=self.train_loss_func, level=self.amp_level, save_dtype='float32') self.amp_level = engine.config["AMP"].get("level", "O1").upper() def _init_dist(self): # check the gpu num world_size = dist.get_world_size() self.config["Global"]["distributed"] = world_size != 1 # TODO(gaotingquan): if self.mode == "train": std_gpu_num = 8 if isinstance( self.config["Optimizer"], dict) and self.config["Optimizer"]["name"] == "AdamW" else 4 if world_size != std_gpu_num: msg = f"The training strategy provided by PaddleClas is based on {std_gpu_num} gpus. But the number of gpu is {world_size} in current training. Please modify the stategy (learning rate, batch size and so on) if use this config to train." logger.warning(msg) if self.config["Global"]["distributed"]: dist.init_parallel_env() self.model = paddle.DataParallel(self.model) if self.mode == 'train' and len(self.train_loss_func.parameters( )) > 0: self.train_loss_func = paddle.DataParallel( self.train_loss_func) def _build_ema_model(self): if "EMA" in self.config and self.mode == "train": model_ema = ExponentialMovingAverage( self.model, self.config['EMA'].get("decay", 0.9999)) return model_ema else: return None def _init_checkpoints(self, best_metric): if self.config["Global"].get("checkpoints", None) is not None: metric_info = init_model(self.config.Global, self.model, self.optimizer, self.train_loss_func, self.model_ema) if metric_info is not None: best_metric.update(metric_info) return best_metric class ExportModel(TheseusLayer): """ ExportModel: add softmax onto the model """ def __init__(self, config, model, use_multilabel): super().__init__() self.base_model = model # we should choose a final model to export if isinstance(self.base_model, DistillationModel): self.infer_model_name = config["infer_model_name"] else: self.infer_model_name = None self.infer_output_key = config.get("infer_output_key", None) if self.infer_output_key == "features" and isinstance(self.base_model, RecModel): self.base_model.head = IdentityHead() if use_multilabel: self.out_act = nn.Sigmoid() else: if config.get("infer_add_softmax", True): self.out_act = nn.Softmax(axis=-1) else: self.out_act = None def eval(self): self.training = False for layer in self.sublayers(): layer.training = False layer.eval() def forward(self, x): x = self.base_model(x) if isinstance(x, list): x = x[0] if self.infer_model_name is not None: x = x[self.infer_model_name] if self.infer_output_key is not None: x = x[self.infer_output_key] if self.out_act is not None: if isinstance(x, dict): x = x["logits"] x = self.out_act(x) return x