import os import json import numpy as np from PIL import Image import cv2 import paddle import as datasets from import transforms from import functional as F from import Dataset from .common_dataset import create_operators from import transform as transform_func # code is based on AdaFace: class AdaFaceDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, root_dir, label_path, transform=None): self.root_dir = root_dir self.transform = create_operators(transform) with open(label_path) as fd: lines = fd.readlines() self.samples = [] for l in lines: l = l.strip().split() self.samples.append([os.path.join(root_dir, l[0]), int(l[1])]) def __len__(self): return len(self.samples) def __getitem__(self, index): """ Args: index (int): Index Returns: tuple: (sample, target) where target is class_index of the target class. """ [path, target] = self.samples[index] with open(path, 'rb') as f: img = sample = img.convert('RGB') # if 'WebFace' in self.root: # # swap rgb to bgr since image is in rgb for webface # sample = Image.fromarray(np.asarray(sample)[:, :, ::-1] if self.transform is not None: sample = transform_func(sample, self.transform) return sample, target class FiveValidationDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, val_data_path, concat_mem_file_name): ''' concatenates all validation datasets from emore val_data_dict = { 'agedb_30': (agedb_30, agedb_30_issame), "cfp_fp": (cfp_fp, cfp_fp_issame), "lfw": (lfw, lfw_issame), "cplfw": (cplfw, cplfw_issame), "calfw": (calfw, calfw_issame), } agedb_30: 0 cfp_fp: 1 lfw: 2 cplfw: 3 calfw: 4 ''' val_data = get_val_data(val_data_path) age_30, cfp_fp, lfw, age_30_issame, cfp_fp_issame, lfw_issame, cplfw, cplfw_issame, calfw, calfw_issame = val_data val_data_dict = { 'agedb_30': (age_30, age_30_issame), "cfp_fp": (cfp_fp, cfp_fp_issame), "lfw": (lfw, lfw_issame), "cplfw": (cplfw, cplfw_issame), "calfw": (calfw, calfw_issame), } self.dataname_to_idx = { "agedb_30": 0, "cfp_fp": 1, "lfw": 2, "cplfw": 3, "calfw": 4 } self.val_data_dict = val_data_dict # concat all dataset all_imgs = [] all_issame = [] all_dataname = [] key_orders = [] for key, (imgs, issame) in val_data_dict.items(): all_imgs.append(imgs) dup_issame = [ ] # hacky way to make the issame length same as imgs. [1, 1, 0, 0, ...] for same in issame: dup_issame.append(same) dup_issame.append(same) all_issame.append(dup_issame) all_dataname.append([self.dataname_to_idx[key]] * len(imgs)) key_orders.append(key) assert key_orders == ['agedb_30', 'cfp_fp', 'lfw', 'cplfw', 'calfw'] if isinstance(all_imgs[0], np.memmap): self.all_imgs = read_memmap(concat_mem_file_name) else: self.all_imgs = np.concatenate(all_imgs) self.all_issame = np.concatenate(all_issame) self.all_dataname = np.concatenate(all_dataname) def __getitem__(self, index): x_np = self.all_imgs[index].copy() x = paddle.to_tensor(x_np) y = self.all_issame[index] dataname = self.all_dataname[index] return x, y, dataname, index def __len__(self): return len(self.all_imgs) def read_memmap(mem_file_name): # r+ mode: Open existing file for reading and writing with open(mem_file_name + '.conf', 'r') as file: memmap_configs = json.load(file) return np.memmap(mem_file_name, mode='r+', \ shape=tuple(memmap_configs['shape']), \ dtype=memmap_configs['dtype']) def get_val_pair(path, name, use_memfile=True): # installing bcolz should set proxy to access internet import bcolz if use_memfile: mem_file_dir = os.path.join(path, name, 'memfile') mem_file_name = os.path.join(mem_file_dir, 'mem_file.dat') if os.path.isdir(mem_file_dir): print('laoding validation data memfile') np_array = read_memmap(mem_file_name) else: os.makedirs(mem_file_dir) carray = bcolz.carray(rootdir=os.path.join(path, name), mode='r') np_array = np.array(carray) # mem_array = make_memmap(mem_file_name, np_array) # del np_array, mem_array del np_array np_array = read_memmap(mem_file_name) else: np_array = bcolz.carray(rootdir=os.path.join(path, name), mode='r') issame = np.load(os.path.join(path, '{}_list.npy'.format(name))) return np_array, issame def get_val_data(data_path): agedb_30, agedb_30_issame = get_val_pair(data_path, 'agedb_30') cfp_fp, cfp_fp_issame = get_val_pair(data_path, 'cfp_fp') lfw, lfw_issame = get_val_pair(data_path, 'lfw') cplfw, cplfw_issame = get_val_pair(data_path, 'cplfw') calfw, calfw_issame = get_val_pair(data_path, 'calfw') return agedb_30, cfp_fp, lfw, agedb_30_issame, cfp_fp_issame, lfw_issame, cplfw, cplfw_issame, calfw, calfw_issame