# copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserve. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os import time from collections import OrderedDict import paddle import paddle.fluid as fluid from ppcls.optimizer import LearningRateBuilder from ppcls.optimizer import OptimizerBuilder from ppcls.modeling import architectures from ppcls.modeling.loss import CELoss from ppcls.modeling.loss import MixCELoss from ppcls.modeling.loss import JSDivLoss from ppcls.modeling.loss import GoogLeNetLoss from ppcls.utils.misc import AverageMeter from ppcls.utils import logger from paddle.fluid.dygraph.base import to_variable def create_dataloader(): """ Create a dataloader with model input variables Args: feeds(dict): dict of model input variables Returns: dataloader(fluid dataloader): """ trainer_num = int(os.environ.get('PADDLE_TRAINERS_NUM', 1)) capacity = 64 if trainer_num == 1 else 8 dataloader = fluid.io.DataLoader.from_generator( capacity=capacity, use_double_buffer=True, iterable=True) return dataloader def create_model(architecture, classes_num): """ Create a model Args: architecture(dict): architecture information, name(such as ResNet50) is needed image(variable): model input variable classes_num(int): num of classes Returns: out(variable): model output variable """ name = architecture["name"] params = architecture.get("params", {}) print(name) print(params) return architectures.__dict__[name](class_dim=classes_num, **params) def create_loss(feeds, out, architecture, classes_num=1000, epsilon=None, use_mix=False, use_distillation=False): """ Create a loss for optimization, such as: 1. CrossEnotry loss 2. CrossEnotry loss with label smoothing 3. CrossEnotry loss with mix(mixup, cutmix, fmix) 4. CrossEnotry loss with label smoothing and (mixup, cutmix, fmix) 5. GoogLeNet loss Args: out(variable): model output variable feeds(dict): dict of model input variables architecture(dict): architecture information, name(such as ResNet50) is needed classes_num(int): num of classes epsilon(float): parameter for label smoothing, 0.0 <= epsilon <= 1.0 use_mix(bool): whether to use mix(include mixup, cutmix, fmix) Returns: loss(variable): loss variable """ if architecture["name"] == "GoogLeNet": assert len(out) == 3, "GoogLeNet should have 3 outputs" loss = GoogLeNetLoss(class_dim=classes_num, epsilon=epsilon) return loss(out[0], out[1], out[2], feeds["label"]) if use_distillation: assert len(out) == 2, ("distillation output length must be 2, " "but got {}".format(len(out))) loss = JSDivLoss(class_dim=classes_num, epsilon=epsilon) return loss(out[1], out[0]) if use_mix: loss = MixCELoss(class_dim=classes_num, epsilon=epsilon) feed_y_a = feeds['y_a'] feed_y_b = feeds['y_b'] feed_lam = feeds['lam'] return loss(out, feed_y_a, feed_y_b, feed_lam) else: loss = CELoss(class_dim=classes_num, epsilon=epsilon) return loss(out, feeds["label"]) def create_metric(out, label, architecture, topk=5, classes_num=1000, use_distillation=False): """ Create measures of model accuracy, such as top1 and top5 Args: out(variable): model output variable feeds(dict): dict of model input variables(included label) topk(int): usually top5 classes_num(int): num of classes Returns: fetchs(dict): dict of measures """ if architecture["name"] == "GoogLeNet": assert len(out) == 3, "GoogLeNet should have 3 outputs" softmax_out = out[0] else: # just need student label to get metrics if use_distillation: out = out[1] softmax_out = fluid.layers.softmax(out, use_cudnn=False) fetchs = OrderedDict() # set top1 to fetchs top1 = fluid.layers.accuracy(softmax_out, label=label, k=1) fetchs['top1'] = top1 # set topk to fetchs k = min(topk, classes_num) topk = fluid.layers.accuracy(softmax_out, label=label, k=k) topk_name = 'top{}'.format(k) fetchs[topk_name] = topk return fetchs def create_fetchs(feeds, net, config, mode="train"): """ Create fetchs as model outputs(included loss and measures), will call create_loss and create_metric(if use_mix). Args: out(variable): model output variable feeds(dict): dict of model input variables. If use mix_up, it will not include label. architecture(dict): architecture information, name(such as ResNet50) is needed topk(int): usually top5 classes_num(int): num of classes epsilon(float): parameter for label smoothing, 0.0 <= epsilon <= 1.0 use_mix(bool): whether to use mix(include mixup, cutmix, fmix) Returns: fetchs(dict): dict of model outputs(included loss and measures) """ architecture = config.ARCHITECTURE topk = config.topk classes_num = config.classes_num epsilon = config.get('ls_epsilon') use_mix = config.get('use_mix') and mode == 'train' use_distillation = config.get('use_distillation') out = net(feeds["image"]) fetchs = OrderedDict() fetchs['loss'] = create_loss(feeds, out, architecture, classes_num, epsilon, use_mix, use_distillation) if not use_mix: metric = create_metric(out, feeds["label"], architecture, topk, classes_num, use_distillation) fetchs.update(metric) return fetchs def create_optimizer(config, parameter_list=None): """ Create an optimizer using config, usually including learning rate and regularization. Args: config(dict): such as { 'LEARNING_RATE': {'function': 'Cosine', 'params': {'lr': 0.1} }, 'OPTIMIZER': {'function': 'Momentum', 'params':{'momentum': 0.9}, 'regularizer': {'function': 'L2', 'factor': 0.0001} } } Returns: an optimizer instance """ # create learning_rate instance lr_config = config['LEARNING_RATE'] lr_config['params'].update({ 'epochs': config['epochs'], 'step_each_epoch': config['total_images'] // config['TRAIN']['batch_size'], }) lr = LearningRateBuilder(**lr_config)() # create optimizer instance opt_config = config['OPTIMIZER'] opt = OptimizerBuilder(**opt_config) return opt(lr, parameter_list) def create_feeds(batch, use_mix): image = batch[0] if use_mix: y_a = to_variable(batch[1].numpy().astype("int64").reshape(-1, 1)) y_b = to_variable(batch[2].numpy().astype("int64").reshape(-1, 1)) lam = to_variable(batch[3].numpy().astype("float32").reshape(-1, 1)) feeds = {"image": image, "y_a": y_a, "y_b": y_b, "lam": lam} else: label = to_variable(batch[1].numpy().astype('int64').reshape(-1, 1)) feeds = {"image": image, "label": label} return feeds def run(dataloader, config, net, optimizer=None, epoch=0, mode='train'): """ Feed data to the model and fetch the measures and loss Args: dataloader(fluid dataloader): exe(): program(): fetchs(dict): dict of measures and the loss epoch(int): epoch of training or validation model(str): log only Returns: """ print_interval = config.get("print_interval", 10) use_mix = config.get("use_mix", False) and mode == "train" metric_list = [ ("loss", AverageMeter('loss', '7.4f')), ("lr", AverageMeter( 'lr', 'f', need_avg=False)), ("batch_time", AverageMeter('elapse', '.3f')), ('reader_time', AverageMeter('reader', '.3f')), ] if not use_mix: topk_name = 'top{}'.format(config.topk) metric_list.insert(1, (topk_name, AverageMeter(topk_name, '.4f'))) metric_list.insert(1, ("top1", AverageMeter("top1", '.4f'))) metric_list = OrderedDict(metric_list) tic = time.time() for idx, batch in enumerate(dataloader()): metric_list['reader_time'].update(time.time() - tic) batch_size = len(batch[0]) feeds = create_feeds(batch, use_mix) fetchs = create_fetchs(feeds, net, config, mode) if mode == 'train': if config["use_data_parallel"]: avg_loss = net.scale_loss(fetchs['loss']) avg_loss.backward() net.apply_collective_grads() else: avg_loss = fetchs['loss'] avg_loss.backward() optimizer.minimize(avg_loss) net.clear_gradients() metric_list['lr'].update( optimizer._global_learning_rate().numpy()[0], batch_size) for name, fetch in fetchs.items(): metric_list[name].update(fetch.numpy()[0], batch_size) metric_list['batch_time'].update(time.time() - tic) tic = time.time() fetchs_str = ' '.join([str(m.value) for m in metric_list.values()]) if idx % print_interval == 0: if mode == 'eval': logger.info("{:s} step:{:<4d} {:s}s".format(mode, idx, fetchs_str)) else: epoch_str = "epoch:{:<3d}".format(epoch) step_str = "{:s} step:{:<4d}".format(mode, idx) logger.info("{:s} {:s} {:s}s".format( logger.coloring(epoch_str, "HEADER") if idx == 0 else epoch_str, logger.coloring(step_str, "PURPLE"), logger.coloring(fetchs_str, 'OKGREEN'))) end_str = ' '.join([str(m.mean) for m in metric_list.values()] + [metric_list['batch_time'].total]) if mode == 'eval': logger.info("END {:s} {:s}s".format(mode, end_str)) else: end_epoch_str = "END epoch:{:<3d}".format(epoch) logger.info("{:s} {:s} {:s}s".format( logger.coloring(end_epoch_str, "RED"), logger.coloring(mode, "PURPLE"), logger.coloring(end_str, "OKGREEN"))) # return top1_acc in order to save the best model if mode == 'valid': return metric_list['top1'].avg