未验证 提交 d8c1d824 编写于 作者: W Walter 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #1978 from HydrogenSulfate/add_reid_doc

add reid docs and images
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import cv2
import numpy as np
import importlib
from PIL import Image
from paddle.vision.transforms import ToTensor, Normalize
from python.det_preprocess import DetNormalizeImage, DetPadStride, DetPermute, DetResize
......@@ -53,13 +54,14 @@ def create_operators(params):
class UnifiedResize(object):
def __init__(self, interpolation=None, backend="cv2"):
def __init__(self, interpolation=None, backend="cv2", return_numpy=True):
_cv2_interp_from_str = {
'nearest': cv2.INTER_NEAREST,
'bilinear': cv2.INTER_LINEAR,
'area': cv2.INTER_AREA,
'bicubic': cv2.INTER_CUBIC,
'lanczos': cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4
'lanczos': cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4,
'random': (cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
_pil_interp_from_str = {
'nearest': Image.NEAREST,
......@@ -67,13 +69,26 @@ class UnifiedResize(object):
'bicubic': Image.BICUBIC,
'box': Image.BOX,
'lanczos': Image.LANCZOS,
'hamming': Image.HAMMING
'hamming': Image.HAMMING,
'random': (Image.BILINEAR, Image.BICUBIC)
def _pil_resize(src, size, resample):
pil_img = Image.fromarray(src)
def _cv2_resize(src, size, resample):
if isinstance(resample, tuple):
resample = random.choice(resample)
return cv2.resize(src, size, interpolation=resample)
def _pil_resize(src, size, resample, return_numpy=True):
if isinstance(resample, tuple):
resample = random.choice(resample)
if isinstance(src, np.ndarray):
pil_img = Image.fromarray(src)
pil_img = src
pil_img = pil_img.resize(size, resample)
return np.asarray(pil_img)
if return_numpy:
return np.asarray(pil_img)
return pil_img
if backend.lower() == "cv2":
if isinstance(interpolation, str):
......@@ -81,11 +96,12 @@ class UnifiedResize(object):
# compatible with opencv < version 4.4.0
elif interpolation is None:
interpolation = cv2.INTER_LINEAR
self.resize_func = partial(cv2.resize, interpolation=interpolation)
self.resize_func = partial(_cv2_resize, resample=interpolation)
elif backend.lower() == "pil":
if isinstance(interpolation, str):
interpolation = _pil_interp_from_str[interpolation.lower()]
self.resize_func = partial(_pil_resize, resample=interpolation)
self.resize_func = partial(
_pil_resize, resample=interpolation, return_numpy=return_numpy)
f"The backend of Resize only support \"cv2\" or \"PIL\". \"f{backend}\" is unavailable. Use \"cv2\" instead."
......@@ -93,6 +109,8 @@ class UnifiedResize(object):
self.resize_func = cv2.resize
def __call__(self, src, size):
if isinstance(size, list):
size = tuple(size)
return self.resize_func(src, size)
......@@ -137,7 +155,8 @@ class ResizeImage(object):
if resize_short is not None and resize_short > 0:
self.resize_short = resize_short
self.w = None
......@@ -151,10 +170,18 @@ class ResizeImage(object):
'both 'size' and 'resize_short' are None")
self._resize_func = UnifiedResize(
interpolation=interpolation, backend=backend)
def __call__(self, img):
img_h, img_w = img.shape[:2]
if isinstance(img, np.ndarray):
# numpy input
img_h, img_w = img.shape[:2]
# PIL image input
img_w, img_h = img.size
if self.resize_short is not None:
percent = float(self.resize_short) / min(img_w, img_h)
w = int(round(img_w * percent))
English | [简体中文](../../zh_CN/algorithm_introduction/reid.md)
# ReID pedestrian re-identification
## Contents
- [1. Introduction to algorithms/application scenarios](#1-introduction-to-algorithmsapplication-scenarios)
- [2. Common datasets and metrics](#2-common-datasets-and-metrics)
- [2.1 Common datasets](#21-common-datasets)
- [2.2 Common metric](#22-common-metric)
- [3. ReID algorithm](#3-reid-algorithm)
- [3.1 ReID strong-baseline](#31-reid-strong-baseline)
- [3.1.1 Principle introduction](#311-principle-introduction)
- [3.1.2 Accuracy metrics](#312-accuracy-metrics)
- [3.1.3 Data Preparation](#313-data-preparation)
- [3.1.4 Model training](#314-model-training)
- [4. Model evaluation and inference deployment](#4-model-evaluation-and-inference-deployment)
- [4.1 Model Evaluation](#41-model-evaluation)
- [4.2 Model Inference](#42-model-inference)
- [4.2.1 Inference model preparation](#421-inference-model-preparation)
- [4.2.2 Inference based on Python prediction engine](#422-inference-based-on-python-prediction-engine)
- [4.2.3 Inference based on C++ prediction engine](#423-inference-based-on-c-prediction-engine)
- [4.3 Service deployment](#43-service-deployment)
- [4.4 Lite deployment](#44-lite-deployment)
- [4.5 Paddle2ONNX Model Conversion and Prediction](#45-paddle2onnx-model-conversion-and-prediction)
- [5. Summary](#5-summary)
- [5.1 Method summary and comparison](#51-method-summary-and-comparison)
- [5.2 Usage advice/FAQ](#52-usage-advicefaq)
- [6. References](#6-references)
### 1. Introduction to algorithms/application scenarios
Person re-identification (Re-ID), also known as person re-identification, has been widely studied as a cross-shot pedestrian retrieval problem. Given a pedestrian image captured by a certain camera, the goal is to determine whether the pedestrian has appeared in images captured by different cameras or in different time periods. The given pedestrian data can be a picture, a video frame, or even a text description. In recent years, the application demand of this technology in the field of public safety has been increasing, and the influence of pedestrian re-identification in intelligent monitoring technology is also increasing.
At present, pedestrian re-identification is still a challenging task, especially the problems of different viewpoints, resolutions, illumination changes, occlusions, multi-modalities, as well as complex camera environment and background, labeling data noise, etc. There is great uncertainty. In addition, when the actual landing, the shooting camera may change, the large-scale retrieval database, the distribution shift of the data set, the unknown scene, the incremental update of the model, and the change of the clothing of the retrieval person, which also increases a lot of difficulties.
Early work on person re-identification mainly focused on hand-designed feature extraction operators, including adding human pose features, or learning distance metric functions. With the development of deep learning technology, pedestrian recognition has also made great progress. In general, the whole process of pedestrian re-identification includes 5 steps: 1) data collection, 2) pedestrian location box annotation, 3) pedestrian category annotation, 4) model training, and 5) pedestrian retrieval (model testing).
<img src="../../images/reid/reid_overview.jpg" align="middle">
### 2. Common datasets and metrics
#### 2.1 Common datasets
| Dataset | #ID | #Image | #cam |
| :---------- | :----: | :----: | :---: |
| VIPeR | 632 | 1264 | 2 |
| iLIDS | 119 | 476 | 2 |
| GRID | 250 | 1275 | 8 |
| PRID2011 | 200 | 1134 | 2 |
| CUHK01 | 971 | 3884 | 2 |
| CUHK02 | 1816 | 7264 | 10 |
| CUHK03 | 1467 | 13164 | 2 |
| Market-1501 | 1501 | 32668 | 6 |
| DukeMTMC | 1404 | 36411 | 8 |
| Airport | 39902 | 39902 | 6 |
| MSMT17 | 126441 | 126441 | 15 |
#### 2.2 Common metric
1. CMC curve
The formula is as follows:
$$ CMC(K)=\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \begin{cases} 1, & \text{if $label_i \in Top{K}(result_i)$} \\\\ 0, & \text{if $label_i \notin Top{K}(result_i)$} \end{cases} $$
Among them, $N$ is the number of query samples, and $result_i$ is the label set of the retrieval results of each query sample. According to the formula, the CMC curve can be understood as an array composed of Top1-Acc, Top2-Acc, ..., TopK-Acc , which is obviously a monotonic curve. Among them, the common Rank-1 and Top1-Acc metric refer to CMC(1)
2. mAP
Assuming that a query sample is used and a set of query results is returned, then according to the following formula, consider the first K query results one by one, and for each K, calculate the precision rate $Precision$ and recall rate $Recall$.
$$\begin{align} precision&=\frac{|\\{同类别图片\\} \cap \\{前K个查询结果\\}|}{|\\{前K个查询结果\\}|} \\\\ recall&=\frac{|\\{同类别图片\\} \cap \\{前K个查询结果\\}|}{|\\{同类别图片\\}|} \end{align}$$
The obtained multiple groups (Precision, Recall) are converted into a curve graph, and the area enclosed by the curve and the coordinate axis is called Average Precision (AP),
For each sample, calculate its AP value, and then take the average to get the mAP.
### 3. ReID algorithm
#### 3.1 ReID strong-baseline
Paper source: [Bag of Tricks and A Strong Baseline for Deep Person Re-identification](https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPRW_2019/papers/TRMTMCT/Luo_Bag_of_Tricks_and_a_Strong_Baseline_for_Deep_Person_CVPRW_2019_paper.pdf)
<img src="../../images/reid/strong-baseline.jpg" width="80%">
##### 3.1.1 Principle introduction
Based on the commonly used person re-identification model based on ResNet50, the author explores and summarizes the following effective and applicable optimization methods, which greatly improves the indicators on multiple person re-identification datasets.
1. Warmup: At the beginning of training, let the learning rate gradually increase from a small value and then start to decrease, which is conducive to the stability of gradient descent optimization, so as to find a better parameter model.
2. Random erasing augmentation: Random area erasing, which improves the generalization ability of the model through data augmentation.
3. Label smoothing: Label smoothing to improve the generalization ability of the model.
4. Last stride=1: Set the downsampling of the last stage of the feature extraction module to 1, increase the resolution of the output feature map to retain more details and improve the classification ability of the model.
5. BNNeck: Before the feature vector is input to the classification head, it goes through BNNeck, so that the feature obeys the normal distribution on the surface of the hypersphere, which reduces the difficulty of optimizing IDLoss and TripLetLoss at the same time.
6. Center loss: Give each category a learnable cluster center, and make the intra-class features close to the cluster center during training to reduce intra-class differences and increase inter-class differences.
7. Reranking: Consider the neighbor candidates of the query image during retrieval, optimize the distance matrix according to whether the neighbor images of the candidate object also contain the query image, and finally improve the retrieval accuracy.
##### 3.1.2 Accuracy metrics
The following table summarizes the accuracy metrics of the 3 configurations of the recurring ReID strong-baseline on the Market1501 dataset,
| configuration file | recall@1(\%) | mAP(\%) | reference recall@1(\%) | reference mAP(\%) | pretrained model download address | inference model download address |
| ------------------ | ------------ | ------- | ---------------------- | ----------------- | --------------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
| baseline.yaml | 88.45 | 74.37 | 87.7 | 74.0 | [download link](https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/reid/pretrain/baseline_pretrained.pdparams) | [ Download link](https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/reid/inference/baseline_infer.tar) |
| softmax_triplet.yaml | 94.29 | 85.57 | 94.1 | 85.7 | [download link](https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/reid/pretrain/softmax_triplet_pretrained.pdparams) | [ Download link](https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/reid/inference/softmax_triplet_infer.tar) |
| softmax_triplet_with_center.yaml | 94.50 | 85.82 | 94.5 | 85.9 | [Download link](https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/reid/pretrain/softmax_triplet_with_center_pretrained.pdparams) | [ Download link](https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/reid/inference/softmax_triplet_with_center_infer.tar) |
Note: The above reference indicators are obtained by using the author's open source code to train on our equipment for many times. Due to different system environment, torch version, CUDA version and other reasons, there may be slight differences with the indicators provided by the author.
Next, we mainly take the `softmax_triplet_with_center.yaml` configuration and trained model file as an example to show the process of training, testing, and inference on the Market1501 dataset.
##### 3.1.3 Data Preparation
Download the [Market-1501-v15.09.15.zip](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ntIi2Op?_at_=1654142245770) dataset, extract it to `PaddleClas/dataset/`, and organize it into the following file structure :
└── Market-1501-v15.09.15/
├── bounding_box_test/ # gallery set pictures
├── bounding_box_train/ # training set image
├── gt_bbox/
├── gt_query/
├── query/ # query set image
├── generate_anno.py
├── bounding_box_test.txt # gallery set path
├── bounding_box_train.txt # training set path
├── query.txt # query set path
└── readme.txt
##### 3.1.4 Model training
1. Execute the following command to start training
Single card training:
python3.7 tools/train.py -c ./ppcls/configs/reid/strong_baseline/softmax_triplet_with_center.yaml
Doka training:
For multi-card training, you need to modify the sampler field of the training configuration to adapt to distributed training, as follows:
name: PKSampler
batch_size: 64
sample_per_id: 4
drop_last: False
sample_method: id_avg_prob
shuffle: True
Then execute the following command:
python3.7 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3" tools/train.py \
-c ./ppcls/configs/reid/strong_baseline/softmax_triplet_with_center.yaml
Note: Single card training takes about 1 hour.
2. View training logs and saved model parameter files
During the training process, indicator information such as loss will be printed on the screen in real time, and the log file `train.log`, model parameter file `*.pdparams`, optimizer parameter file `*.pdopt` and other contents will be saved to `Global.output_dir` `Under the specified folder, the default is under the `PaddleClas/output/RecModel/` folder.
### 4. Model evaluation and inference deployment
#### 4.1 Model Evaluation
Prepare the `*.pdparams` model parameter file for evaluation. You can use the trained model or the model saved in [2.1.4 Model training] (#214-model training).
- Take the `latest.pdparams` saved during training as an example, execute the following command to evaluate.
python3.7 tools/eval.py \
-c ./ppcls/configs/reid/strong_baseline/softmax_triplet_with_center.yaml \
-o Global.pretrained_model="./output/RecModel/latest"
- Take the trained model as an example, download [softmax_triplet_with_center_pretrained.pdparams](https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/reid/pretrain/softmax_triplet_with_center_pretrained.pdparams) to `PaddleClas/ In the pretrained_models` folder, execute the following command to evaluate.
# download model
cd PaddleClas
mkdir pretrained_models
cd pretrained_models
wget https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/reid/pretrain/softmax_triplet_with_center_pretrained.pdparams
# Evaluate
python3.7 tools/eval.py \
-c ppcls/configs/reid/strong_baseline/softmax_triplet_with_center.yaml \
-o Global.pretrained_model="pretrained_models/softmax_triplet_with_center_pretrained"
Note: The address filled after `pretrained_model` does not need to be suffixed with `.pdparams`, it will be added automatically when the program is running.
- View output results
ppcls INFO: unique_endpoints {''}
ppcls INFO: Found /root/.paddleclas/weights/resnet50-19c8e357_torch2paddle.pdparams
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [0/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [20/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [40/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [60/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [80/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [100/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [120/125]
ppcls INFO: Build gallery done, all feat shape: [15913, 2048], begin to eval..
ppcls INFO: query feature calculation process: [0/27]
ppcls INFO: query feature calculation process: [20/27]
ppcls INFO: Build query done, all feat shape: [3368, 2048], begin to eval..
ppcls INFO: re_ranking=False
ppcls INFO: [Eval][Epoch 0][Avg]recall1: 0.94507, recall5: 0.98248, mAP: 0.85827
The default evaluation log is saved in `PaddleClas/output/RecModel/eval.log`. You can see that the evaluation indicators of the `softmax_triplet_with_center_pretrained.pdparams` model provided by us on the Market1501 dataset are recall@1=0.94507, recall@5=0.98248 , mAP=0.85827
- use the re-ranking option to improve the evaluation metrics
The main idea of ​​re-ranking is to use the relationship between the retrieval libraries to further optimize the retrieval results, and the k-reciprocal algorithm is widely used. Turn on re-ranking during evaluation in PaddleClas to improve the final retrieval accuracy.
This can be enabled by adding `-o Global.re_ranking=True` to the evaluation command as shown below.
python3.7 tools/eval.py \
-c ppcls/configs/reid/strong_baseline/softmax_triplet_with_center.yaml \
-o Global.pretrained_model="pretrained_models/softmax_triplet_with_center_pretrained" \
-o Global.re_ranking=True
View the output
ppcls INFO: unique_endpoints {''}
ppcls INFO: Found /root/.paddleclas/weights/resnet50-19c8e357_torch2paddle.pdparams
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [0/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [20/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [40/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [60/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [80/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [100/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [120/125]
ppcls INFO: Build gallery done, all feat shape: [15913, 2048], begin to eval..
ppcls INFO: query feature calculation process: [0/27]
ppcls INFO: query feature calculation process: [20/27]
ppcls INFO: Build query done, all feat shape: [3368, 2048], begin to eval..
ppcls INFO: re_ranking=True
ppcls WARNING: re_ranking=True, Recallk.descending has been set to False
ppcls WARNING: re_ranking=True,mAP.descending has been set to False
ppcls INFO: using GPU to compute original distance
ppcls INFO: starting re_ranking
ppcls INFO: [Eval][Epoch 0][Avg]recall1: 0.95546, recall5: 0.97743, mAP: 0.94252
It can be seen that after re-ranking is enabled, the evaluation indicators are recall@1=0.95546, recall@5=0.97743, and mAP=0.94252. It can be found that the algorithm improves the mAP indicator significantly (0.85827->0.94252).
**Note**: The computational complexity of re-ranking is currently high, so it is not enabled by default.
#### 4.2 Model Inference
##### 4.2.1 Inference model preparation
You can convert the model file saved during training into an inference model and inference, or use the converted inference model we provide for direct inference
- Convert the model file saved during the training process to an inference model, also take `latest.pdparams` as an example, execute the following command to convert
python3.7 tools/export_model.py \
-c ppcls/configs/reid/strong_baseline/softmax_triplet_with_center.yaml \
-o Global.pretrained_model="output/RecModel/latest" \
-o Global.save_inference_dir="./deploy/softmax_triplet_with_center_infer"
- Or download and unzip the inference model we provide
cd PaddleClas/deploy
wget https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/reid/inference/softmax_triplet_with_center_infer.tar
tar xf softmax_triplet_with_center_infer.tar
cd ../
##### 4.2.2 Inference based on Python prediction engine
1. Modify `PaddleClas/deploy/configs/inference_rec.yaml`- Change the path segment after `infer_imgs:` to any image path under the query folder in Market1501 (the configuration below uses the path of the `0294_c1s1_066631_00.jpg` image)
- Change the field after `rec_inference_model_dir:` to the decompressed softmax_triplet_with_center_infer folder path
- Change the preprocessing configuration under the `transform_ops:` field to the preprocessing configuration under `Eval.Query.dataset` in `softmax_triplet_with_center.yaml`
infer_imgs: "../dataset/market1501/Market-1501-v15.09.15/query/0294_c1s1_066631_00.jpg"
rec_inference_model_dir: "./softmax_triplet_with_center_infer"
batch_size: 1
use_gpu: False
enable_mkldnn: True
cpu_num_threads: 10
enable_benchmark: False
use_fp16: False
ir_optim: True
use_tensorrt: False
gpu_mem: 8000
enable_profile: False
size: [128, 256]
return_numpy: False
interpolation: "bilinear"
backend: "pil"
- ToTensor:
- Normalize:
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
RecPostProcess: null
2. Execute the inference command
cd PaddleClas/deploy/
python3.7 python/predict_rec.py -c ./configs/inference_rec.yaml
3. Check the output result, the actual result is a vector of length 2048, which represents the feature vector obtained after the input image is transformed by the model
0294_c1s1_066631_00.jpg: [ 0.01806974 0.00476423 -0.00508293 ... 0.03925538 0.00377574
The output vector for inference is stored in the `result_dict` variable in [predict_rec.py](../../../deploy/python/predict_rec.py#L134-L135).
4. For batch prediction, change the path after `infer_imgs:` in the configuration file to a folder, such as `../dataset/market1501/Market-1501-v15.09.15/query`, it will predict and output queries one by one The feature vectors of all the images below.
##### 4.2.3 Inference based on C++ prediction engine
PaddleClas provides an example of inference based on the C++ prediction engine, you can refer to [Server-side C++ prediction](../inference_deployment/cpp_deploy.md) to complete the corresponding inference deployment. If you are using the Windows platform, you can refer to the Visual Studio 2019 Community CMake Compilation Guide to complete the corresponding prediction library compilation and model prediction work.
#### 4.3 Service deployment
Paddle Serving provides high-performance, flexible and easy-to-use industrial-grade online inference services. Paddle Serving supports RESTful, gRPC, bRPC and other protocols, and provides inference solutions in a variety of heterogeneous hardware and operating system environments. For more introduction to Paddle Serving, please refer to the Paddle Serving code repository.
PaddleClas provides an example of model serving deployment based on Paddle Serving. You can refer to [Model serving deployment](../inference_deployment/paddle_serving_deploy.md) to complete the corresponding deployment.
#### 4.4 Lite deployment
Paddle Lite is a high-performance, lightweight, flexible and easily extensible deep learning inference framework, positioned to support multiple hardware platforms including mobile, embedded and server. For more introduction to Paddle Lite, please refer to the Paddle Lite code repository.
PaddleClas provides an example of deploying models based on Paddle Lite. You can refer to [Deployment](../inference_deployment/paddle_lite_deploy.md) to complete the corresponding deployment.
#### 4.5 Paddle2ONNX Model Conversion and Prediction
Paddle2ONNX supports converting PaddlePaddle model format to ONNX model format. The deployment of Paddle models to various inference engines can be completed through ONNX, including TensorRT/OpenVINO/MNN/TNN/NCNN, and other inference engines or hardware that support the ONNX open source format. For more information about Paddle2ONNX, please refer to the Paddle2ONNX code repository.
PaddleClas provides an example of converting an inference model to an ONNX model and making inference prediction based on Paddle2ONNX. You can refer to [Paddle2ONNX model conversion and prediction](../../../deploy/paddle2onnx/readme.md) to complete the corresponding deployment work.
### 5. Summary
#### 5.1 Method summary and comparison
The above algorithm can be quickly migrated to most ReID models, which can further improve the performance of ReID models.
#### 5.2 Usage advice/FAQ
The Market1501 dataset is relatively small, so you can try to train multiple times to get the highest accuracy.
### 6. References
1. [Bag of Tricks and A Strong Baseline for Deep Person Re-identification](https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPRW_2019/papers/TRMTMCT/Luo_Bag_of_Tricks_and_a_Strong_Baseline_for_Deep_Person_CVPRW_2019_paper.pdf)
2. [michuanhaohao/reid-strong-baseline](https://github.com/michuanhaohao/reid-strong-baseline)
3. [Pedestrian Re-ID dataset Market1501 dataset _star_function blog-CSDN blog _market1501 dataset](https://blog.csdn.net/qq_39220334/article/details/121470106)
4. [Deep Learning for Person Re-identification: A Survey and Outlook](https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.04193)
5. [CMC and mAP in ReID Task](https://wrong.wang/blog/20190223-reid%E4%BB%BB%E5%8A%A1%E4%B8%AD%E7%9A%84cmc%E5%92%8Cmap/)
简体中文 | [English](../../en/algorithm_introduction/reid.md)
# ReID行人重识别
## 目录
- [1. 算法/应用场景简介](#1-算法应用场景简介)
- [2. 常用数据集与指标](#2-常用数据集与指标)
- [2.1 常用数据集](#21-常用数据集)
- [2.2 常用指标](#22-常用指标)
- [3. ReID算法](#3-reid算法)
- [3.1 ReID strong-baseline](#31-reid-strong-baseline)
- [3.1.1 原理介绍](#311-原理介绍)
- [3.1.2 精度指标](#312-精度指标)
- [3.1.3 数据准备](#313-数据准备)
- [3.1.4 模型训练](#314-模型训练)
- [4. 模型评估与推理部署](#4-模型评估与推理部署)
- [4.1 模型评估](#41-模型评估)
- [4.2 模型推理](#42-模型推理)
- [4.2.1 推理模型准备](#421-推理模型准备)
- [4.2.2 基于 Python 预测引擎推理](#422-基于-python-预测引擎推理)
- [4.2.3 基于 C++ 预测引擎推理](#423-基于-c-预测引擎推理)
- [4.3 服务化部署](#43-服务化部署)
- [4.4 端侧部署](#44-端侧部署)
- [4.5 Paddle2ONNX 模型转换与预测](#45-paddle2onnx-模型转换与预测)
- [5. 总结](#5-总结)
- [5.1 方法总结与对比](#51-方法总结与对比)
- [5.2 使用建议/FAQ](#52-使用建议faq)
- [6. 参考资料](#6-参考资料)
### 1. 算法/应用场景简介
行人重识别(Person re-identification, Re-ID)也称行人再识别,作为跨镜头的行人检索问题被广泛研究。给定某一个摄像机拍摄下的行人图片,目标是判断该行人是否在不同相机或者不同时间段拍摄的画面中出现过。给定的行人数据可以是一张图片,也可以是视频帧,甚至可以是一段文字描述。近年来,公共安全领域对该技术的应用需求日益增加,行人重识别在智能监控技术中的影响也越来越大。
<img src="../../images/reid/reid_overview.jpg" align="middle">
### 2. 常用数据集与指标
#### 2.1 常用数据集
| Dataset | #ID | #Image | #cam |
| :---------- | :----: | :----: | :---: |
| VIPeR | 632 | 1264 | 2 |
| iLIDS | 119 | 476 | 2 |
| GRID | 250 | 1275 | 8 |
| PRID2011 | 200 | 1134 | 2 |
| CUHK01 | 971 | 3884 | 2 |
| CUHK02 | 1816 | 7264 | 10 |
| CUHK03 | 1467 | 13164 | 2 |
| Market-1501 | 1501 | 32668 | 6 |
| DukeMTMC | 1404 | 36411 | 8 |
| Airport | 39902 | 39902 | 6 |
| MSMT17 | 126441 | 126441 | 15 |
#### 2.2 常用指标
1. CMC曲线
$$ CMC(K)=\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \begin{cases} 1, & \text{if $label_i \in Top{K}(result_i)$} \\\\ 0, & \text{if $label_i \notin Top{K}(result_i)$} \end{cases} $$
2. mAP指标
$$\begin{align} precision&=\frac{|\\{同类别图片\\} \cap \\{前K个查询结果\\}|}{|\\{前K个查询结果\\}|} \\\\ recall&=\frac{|\\{同类别图片\\} \cap \\{前K个查询结果\\}|}{|\\{同类别图片\\}|} \end{align}$$
将得到的多组(Precision, Recall)化成曲线图,该曲线与坐标轴围成的面积,称为Average Precision(AP),
### 3. ReID算法
#### 3.1 ReID strong-baseline
论文出处:[Bag of Tricks and A Strong Baseline for Deep Person Re-identification](https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPRW_2019/papers/TRMTMCT/Luo_Bag_of_Tricks_and_a_Strong_Baseline_for_Deep_Person_CVPRW_2019_paper.pdf)
<img src="../../images/reid/strong-baseline.jpg" width="80%">
##### 3.1.1 原理介绍
作者以普遍使用的基于 ResNet50 的行人重识别模型为基础,探索并总结了以下几种有效且适用性较强的优化方法,大幅度提高了在多个行人重识别数据集上的指标。
1. Warmup:在训练一开始让学习率从一个较小值逐渐升高后再开始下降,有利于梯度下降优化时的稳定性,从而找到更优的参数模型。
2. Random erasing augmentation:随机区域擦除,通过数据增强来提升模型的泛化能力。
3. Label smoothing:标签平滑,提升模型的泛化能力。
4. Last stride=1:设定特征提取模块的最后一个stage的下采样为1,增大输出特征图的分辨率来保留更多细节,提升模型的分类能力。
5. BNNeck:特征向量输入分类头之前先经过BNNeck,让特征在超球体表面服从正态分布,减少了同时优化IDLoss和TripLetLoss的难度。
6. Center loss:给每个类别一个可学习的聚类中心,训练时让类内特征靠近聚类中心,减少类内差异,增大类间差异。
7. Reranking:在检索时考虑查询图像的近邻候选对象,根据候选对象的近邻图像的是否也含有查询图像的情况来优化距离矩阵,最终提升检索精度。
##### 3.1.2 精度指标
以下表格总结了复现的ReID strong-baseline的3种配置在 Market1501 数据集上的精度指标,
| 配置文件 | recall@1(\%) | mAP(\%) | 参考recall@1(\%) | 参考mAP(\%) | 预训练模型下载地址 | inference模型下载地址 |
| -------------------------------- | ------------ | ------- | ---------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| baseline.yaml | 88.45 | 74.37 | 87.7 | 74.0 | [下载链接](https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/reid/pretrain/baseline_pretrained.pdparams) | [下载链接](https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/reid/inference/baseline_infer.tar) |
| softmax_triplet.yaml | 94.29 | 85.57 | 94.1 | 85.7 | [下载链接](https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/reid/pretrain/softmax_triplet_pretrained.pdparams) | [下载链接](https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/reid/inference/softmax_triplet_infer.tar) |
| softmax_triplet_with_center.yaml | 94.50 | 85.82 | 94.5 | 85.9 | [下载链接](https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/reid/pretrain/softmax_triplet_with_center_pretrained.pdparams) | [下载链接](https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/reid/inference/softmax_triplet_with_center_infer.tar) |
接下来主要以`softmax_triplet_with_center.yaml`配置和训练好的模型文件为例,展示在 Market1501 数据集上进行训练、测试、推理的过程。
##### 3.1.3 数据准备
下载 [Market-1501-v15.09.15.zip](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ntIi2Op?_at_=1654142245770) 数据集,解压到`PaddleClas/dataset/`下,并组织成以下文件结构:
└── Market-1501-v15.09.15/
├── bounding_box_test/ # gallery集图片
├── bounding_box_train/ # 训练集图片
├── gt_bbox/
├── gt_query/
├── query/ # query集图片
├── generate_anno.py
├── bounding_box_test.txt # gallery集路径
├── bounding_box_train.txt # 训练集路径
├── query.txt # query集路径
└── readme.txt
##### 3.1.4 模型训练
1. 执行以下命令开始训练
python3.7 tools/train.py -c ./ppcls/configs/reid/strong_baseline/softmax_triplet_with_center.yaml
name: PKSampler
batch_size: 64
sample_per_id: 4
drop_last: False
sample_method: id_avg_prob
shuffle: True
python3.7 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3" tools/train.py \
-c ./ppcls/configs/reid/strong_baseline/softmax_triplet_with_center.yaml
2. 查看训练日志和保存的模型参数文件
### 4. 模型评估与推理部署
#### 4.1 模型评估
准备用于评估的`*.pdparams`模型参数文件,可以使用训练好的模型,也可以使用[2.1.4 模型训练](#214-模型训练)中保存的模型。
- 以训练过程中保存的`latest.pdparams`为例,执行如下命令即可进行评估。
python3.7 tools/eval.py \
-c ./ppcls/configs/reid/strong_baseline/softmax_triplet_with_center.yaml \
-o Global.pretrained_model="./output/RecModel/latest"
- 以训练好的模型为例,下载 [softmax_triplet_with_center_pretrained.pdparams](https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/reid/pretrain/softmax_triplet_with_center_pretrained.pdparams)`PaddleClas/pretrained_models` 文件夹中,执行如下命令即可进行评估。
# 下载模型
cd PaddleClas
mkdir pretrained_models
cd pretrained_models
wget https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/reid/pretrain/softmax_triplet_with_center_pretrained.pdparams
cd ..
# 评估
python3.7 tools/eval.py \
-c ppcls/configs/reid/strong_baseline/softmax_triplet_with_center.yaml \
-o Global.pretrained_model="pretrained_models/softmax_triplet_with_center_pretrained"
注:`pretrained_model` 后填入的地址不需要加 `.pdparams` 后缀,在程序运行时会自动补上。
- 查看输出结果
ppcls INFO: unique_endpoints {''}
ppcls INFO: Found /root/.paddleclas/weights/resnet50-19c8e357_torch2paddle.pdparams
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [0/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [20/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [40/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [60/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [80/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [100/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [120/125]
ppcls INFO: Build gallery done, all feat shape: [15913, 2048], begin to eval..
ppcls INFO: query feature calculation process: [0/27]
ppcls INFO: query feature calculation process: [20/27]
ppcls INFO: Build query done, all feat shape: [3368, 2048], begin to eval..
ppcls INFO: re_ranking=False
ppcls INFO: [Eval][Epoch 0][Avg]recall1: 0.94507, recall5: 0.98248, mAP: 0.85827
默认评估日志保存在`PaddleClas/output/RecModel/eval.log`中,可以看到我们提供的 `softmax_triplet_with_center_pretrained.pdparams` 模型在 Market1501 数据集上的评估指标为recall@1=0.94507,recall@5=0.98248,mAP=0.85827
- 使用re-ranking功能提升评估精度
如下所示,在评估命令中加上 `-o Global.re_ranking=True` 即可开启该功能。
python3.7 tools/eval.py \
-c ppcls/configs/reid/strong_baseline/softmax_triplet_with_center.yaml \
-o Global.pretrained_model="pretrained_models/softmax_triplet_with_center_pretrained" \
-o Global.re_ranking=True
ppcls INFO: unique_endpoints {''}
ppcls INFO: Found /root/.paddleclas/weights/resnet50-19c8e357_torch2paddle.pdparams
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [0/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [20/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [40/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [60/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [80/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [100/125]
ppcls INFO: gallery feature calculation process: [120/125]
ppcls INFO: Build gallery done, all feat shape: [15913, 2048], begin to eval..
ppcls INFO: query feature calculation process: [0/27]
ppcls INFO: query feature calculation process: [20/27]
ppcls INFO: Build query done, all feat shape: [3368, 2048], begin to eval..
ppcls INFO: re_ranking=True
ppcls WARNING: re_ranking=True,Recallk.descending has been set to False
ppcls WARNING: re_ranking=True,mAP.descending has been set to False
ppcls INFO: using GPU to compute original distance
ppcls INFO: starting re_ranking
ppcls INFO: [Eval][Epoch 0][Avg]recall1: 0.95546, recall5: 0.97743, mAP: 0.94252
#### 4.2 模型推理
##### 4.2.1 推理模型准备
可以将训练过程中保存的模型文件转换成 inference 模型并推理,或者使用我们提供的转换好的 inference 模型直接进行推理
- 将训练过程中保存的模型文件转换成 inference 模型,同样以 `latest.pdparams` 为例,执行以下命令进行转换
python3.7 tools/export_model.py \
-c ppcls/configs/reid/strong_baseline/softmax_triplet_with_center.yaml \
-o Global.pretrained_model="output/RecModel/latest" \
-o Global.save_inference_dir="./deploy/softmax_triplet_with_center_infer"
- 或者下载并解压我们提供的 inference 模型
cd PaddleClas/deploy
wget https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph/rec/reid/inference/softmax_triplet_with_center_infer.tar
tar xf softmax_triplet_with_center_infer.tar
cd ../
##### 4.2.2 基于 Python 预测引擎推理
1. 修改 `PaddleClas/deploy/configs/inference_rec.yaml`
-`infer_imgs:` 后的路径段改为 Market1501 中 query 文件夹下的任意一张图片路径(下方配置使用的是`0294_c1s1_066631_00.jpg`图片的路径)
-`rec_inference_model_dir:` 后的字段改为解压出来的 softmax_triplet_with_center_infer 文件夹路径
-`transform_ops:` 字段下的预处理配置改为 `softmax_triplet_with_center.yaml``Eval.Query.dataset` 下的预处理配置
infer_imgs: "../dataset/market1501/Market-1501-v15.09.15/query/0294_c1s1_066631_00.jpg"
rec_inference_model_dir: "./softmax_triplet_with_center_infer"
batch_size: 1
use_gpu: False
enable_mkldnn: True
cpu_num_threads: 10
enable_benchmark: False
use_fp16: False
ir_optim: True
use_tensorrt: False
gpu_mem: 8000
enable_profile: False
- ResizeImage:
size: [128, 256]
return_numpy: False
interpolation: "bilinear"
backend: "pil"
- ToTensor:
- Normalize:
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
RecPostProcess: null
2. 执行推理命令
cd PaddleClas/deploy/
python3.7 python/predict_rec.py -c ./configs/inference_rec.yaml
3. 查看输出结果,实际结果为一个长度2048的向量,表示输入图片经过模型转换后得到的特征向量
0294_c1s1_066631_00.jpg: [ 0.01806974 0.00476423 -0.00508293 ... 0.03925538 0.00377574
4. 批量预测,将配置文件中`infer_imgs:`后的路径改为为文件夹即可,如`../dataset/market1501/Market-1501-v15.09.15/query`,会预测并逐个输出query下所有图片的特征向量。
##### 4.2.3 基于 C++ 预测引擎推理
PaddleClas 提供了基于 C++ 预测引擎推理的示例,您可以参考[服务器端 C++ 预测](../inference_deployment/cpp_deploy.md)来完成相应的推理部署。如果您使用的是 Windows 平台,可以参考基于 Visual Studio 2019 Community CMake 编译指南完成相应的预测库编译和模型预测工作。
#### 4.3 服务化部署
Paddle Serving 提供高性能、灵活易用的工业级在线推理服务。Paddle Serving 支持 RESTful、gRPC、bRPC 等多种协议,提供多种异构硬件和多种操作系统环境下推理解决方案。更多关于Paddle Serving 的介绍,可以参考Paddle Serving 代码仓库。
PaddleClas 提供了基于 Paddle Serving 来完成模型服务化部署的示例,您可以参考[模型服务化部署](../inference_deployment/paddle_serving_deploy.md)来完成相应的部署工作。
#### 4.4 端侧部署
Paddle Lite 是一个高性能、轻量级、灵活性强且易于扩展的深度学习推理框架,定位于支持包括移动端、嵌入式以及服务器端在内的多硬件平台。更多关于 Paddle Lite 的介绍,可以参考Paddle Lite 代码仓库。
PaddleClas 提供了基于 Paddle Lite 来完成模型端侧部署的示例,您可以参考[端侧部署](../inference_deployment/paddle_lite_deploy.md)来完成相应的部署工作。
#### 4.5 Paddle2ONNX 模型转换与预测
Paddle2ONNX 支持将 PaddlePaddle 模型格式转化到 ONNX 模型格式。通过 ONNX 可以完成将 Paddle 模型到多种推理引擎的部署,包括TensorRT/OpenVINO/MNN/TNN/NCNN,以及其它对 ONNX 开源格式进行支持的推理引擎或硬件。更多关于 Paddle2ONNX 的介绍,可以参考Paddle2ONNX 代码仓库。
PaddleClas 提供了基于 Paddle2ONNX 来完成 inference 模型转换 ONNX 模型并作推理预测的示例,您可以参考[Paddle2ONNX 模型转换与预测](../../../deploy/paddle2onnx/readme.md)来完成相应的部署工作。
### 5. 总结
#### 5.1 方法总结与对比
#### 5.2 使用建议/FAQ
Market1501 数据集比较小,可以尝试训练多次取最高精度。
### 6. 参考资料
1. [Bag of Tricks and A Strong Baseline for Deep Person Re-identification](https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPRW_2019/papers/TRMTMCT/Luo_Bag_of_Tricks_and_a_Strong_Baseline_for_Deep_Person_CVPRW_2019_paper.pdf)
2. [michuanhaohao/reid-strong-baseline](https://github.com/michuanhaohao/reid-strong-baseline)
3. [行人重识别数据集之 Market1501 数据集_star_function的博客-CSDN博客_market1501数据集](https://blog.csdn.net/qq_39220334/article/details/121470106)
4. [Deep Learning for Person Re-identification:A Survey and Outlook](https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.04193)
5. [ReID任务中的CMC和mAP](https://wrong.wang/blog/20190223-reid%E4%BB%BB%E5%8A%A1%E4%B8%AD%E7%9A%84cmc%E5%92%8Cmap/)
......@@ -64,42 +64,42 @@ Optimizer:
by_epoch: True
last_epoch: 0
name: 'L2'
name: "L2"
coeff: 0.0005
# data loader for train and eval
name: "Market1501"
image_root: "./dataset/"
cls_label_path: "bounding_box_train"
backend: "pil"
- ResizeImage:
size: [128, 256]
return_numpy: False
interpolation: 'bilinear'
backend: "pil"
- RandFlipImage:
flip_code: 1
- Pad:
padding: 10
- RandCropImageV2:
size: [128, 256]
- ToTensor:
- Normalize:
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
name: "Market1501"
image_root: "./dataset/"
cls_label_path: "bounding_box_train"
backend: "pil"
- ResizeImage:
size: [128, 256]
return_numpy: False
interpolation: "bilinear"
backend: "pil"
- RandFlipImage:
flip_code: 1
- Pad:
padding: 10
- RandCropImageV2:
size: [128, 256]
- ToTensor:
- Normalize:
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
name: DistributedRandomIdentitySampler
batch_size: 64
num_instances: 4
drop_last: False
shuffle: True
name: DistributedRandomIdentitySampler
batch_size: 64
num_instances: 4
drop_last: False
shuffle: True
num_workers: 4
use_shared_memory: True
num_workers: 4
use_shared_memory: True
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ DataLoader:
- ResizeImage:
size: [128, 256]
return_numpy: False
interpolation: 'bilinear'
interpolation: "bilinear"
backend: "pil"
- ToTensor:
- Normalize:
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ DataLoader:
- ResizeImage:
size: [128, 256]
return_numpy: False
interpolation: 'bilinear'
interpolation: "bilinear"
backend: "pil"
- ToTensor:
- Normalize:
......@@ -76,48 +76,48 @@ Optimizer:
by_epoch: True
last_epoch: 0
name: 'L2'
name: "L2"
coeff: 0.0005
# data loader for train and eval
name: "Market1501"
image_root: "./dataset/"
cls_label_path: "bounding_box_train"
backend: "pil"
- ResizeImage:
size: [128, 256]
return_numpy: False
interpolation: 'bilinear'
backend: "pil"
- RandFlipImage:
flip_code: 1
- Pad:
padding: 10
- RandCropImageV2:
size: [128, 256]
- ToTensor:
- Normalize:
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
- RandomErasing:
sl: 0.02
sh: 0.4
r1: 0.3
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
name: "Market1501"
image_root: "./dataset/"
cls_label_path: "bounding_box_train"
backend: "pil"
- ResizeImage:
size: [128, 256]
return_numpy: False
interpolation: "bilinear"
backend: "pil"
- RandFlipImage:
flip_code: 1
- Pad:
padding: 10
- RandCropImageV2:
size: [128, 256]
- ToTensor:
- Normalize:
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
- RandomErasing:
sl: 0.02
sh: 0.4
r1: 0.3
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
name: DistributedRandomIdentitySampler
batch_size: 64
num_instances: 4
drop_last: False
shuffle: True
name: DistributedRandomIdentitySampler
batch_size: 64
num_instances: 4
drop_last: False
shuffle: True
num_workers: 4
use_shared_memory: True
num_workers: 4
use_shared_memory: True
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ DataLoader:
- ResizeImage:
size: [128, 256]
return_numpy: False
interpolation: 'bilinear'
interpolation: "bilinear"
backend: "pil"
- ToTensor:
- Normalize:
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ DataLoader:
- ResizeImage:
size: [128, 256]
return_numpy: False
interpolation: 'bilinear'
interpolation: "bilinear"
backend: "pil"
- ToTensor:
- Normalize:
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Optimizer:
by_epoch: True
last_epoch: 0
name: 'L2'
name: "L2"
coeff: 0.0005
- SGD:
scope: CenterLoss
......@@ -94,41 +94,41 @@ Optimizer:
name: "Market1501"
image_root: "./dataset/"
cls_label_path: "bounding_box_train"
backend: "pil"
- ResizeImage:
size: [128, 256]
return_numpy: False
interpolation: 'bilinear'
backend: "pil"
- RandFlipImage:
flip_code: 1
- Pad:
padding: 10
- RandCropImageV2:
size: [128, 256]
- ToTensor:
- Normalize:
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
- RandomErasing:
sl: 0.02
sh: 0.4
r1: 0.3
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
name: "Market1501"
image_root: "./dataset/"
cls_label_path: "bounding_box_train"
backend: "pil"
- ResizeImage:
size: [128, 256]
return_numpy: False
interpolation: "bilinear"
backend: "pil"
- RandFlipImage:
flip_code: 1
- Pad:
padding: 10
- RandCropImageV2:
size: [128, 256]
- ToTensor:
- Normalize:
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
- RandomErasing:
sl: 0.02
sh: 0.4
r1: 0.3
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
name: DistributedRandomIdentitySampler
batch_size: 64
num_instances: 4
drop_last: False
shuffle: True
name: DistributedRandomIdentitySampler
batch_size: 64
num_instances: 4
drop_last: False
shuffle: True
num_workers: 4
use_shared_memory: True
num_workers: 4
use_shared_memory: True
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ DataLoader:
- ResizeImage:
size: [128, 256]
return_numpy: False
interpolation: 'bilinear'
interpolation: "bilinear"
backend: "pil"
- ToTensor:
- Normalize:
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ DataLoader:
- ResizeImage:
size: [128, 256]
return_numpy: False
interpolation: 'bilinear'
interpolation: "bilinear"
backend: "pil"
- ToTensor:
- Normalize:
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