未验证 提交 962c540c 编写于 作者: T Tingquan Gao 提交者: GitHub

debug: when using Piecewise.learning_rate while total epochs < 30 (#2901)

上级 907e5f78
......@@ -406,11 +406,17 @@ class Piecewise(LRBase):
if learning_rate:
decay_epochs = list(range(0, epochs, 30))[1:]
decay_epochs = list(range(0, epochs, 30))
values = [
learning_rate * (0.1**i)
for i in range(len(decay_epochs) + 1)
learning_rate * (0.1**i) for i in range(len(decay_epochs))
# when total epochs < 30, decay_epochs and values should be
# [] and [lr] respectively, but paddle dont support.
if len(decay_epochs) == 1:
decay_epochs = [epochs]
values = [values[0], values[0]]
decay_epochs = decay_epochs[1:]
"When 'learning_rate' of Piecewise has beed set, "
"the learning rate scheduler would be set by the rule that lr decay 10 times every 30 epochs. "
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