未验证 提交 203476ef 编写于 作者: L littletomatodonkey 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #306 from TingquanGao/master

Add English version README about using Paddle-Lite to deploy
......@@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ Paddle Lite是飞桨轻量化推理引擎,为手机、IOT端提供高效推理
|Android|[arm7](https://paddlelite-data.bj.bcebos.com/Release/2.6.1/Android/inference_lite_lib.android.armv7.gcc.c++_static.with_extra.CV_ON.tar.gz) / [arm8](https://paddlelite-data.bj.bcebos.com/Release/2.6.1/Android/inference_lite_lib.android.armv8.gcc.c++_static.with_extra.CV_ON.tar.gz)|
|IOS|[arm7](https://paddlelite-data.bj.bcebos.com/Release/2.6.1/iOS/inference_lite_lib.ios.armv7.with_extra.CV_ON.tar.gz) / [arm8](https://paddlelite-data.bj.bcebos.com/Release/2.6.1/iOS/inference_lite_lib.ios64.armv8.with_extra.CV_ON.tar.gz)|
|iOS|[arm7](https://paddlelite-data.bj.bcebos.com/Release/2.6.1/iOS/inference_lite_lib.ios.armv7.with_extra.CV_ON.tar.gz) / [arm8](https://paddlelite-data.bj.bcebos.com/Release/2.6.1/iOS/inference_lite_lib.ios64.armv8.with_extra.CV_ON.tar.gz)|
注:1. 如果是从下Paddle-Lite[官网文档](https://paddle-lite.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/user_guides/release_lib.html#android-toolchain-gcc)下载的预测库,
注:1. 如果是从 Paddle-Lite [官方文档](https://paddle-lite.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/user_guides/release_lib.html#android-toolchain-gcc)下载的预测库,
注意选择`with_extra=ON,with_cv=ON`的下载链接。2. 如果使用量化的模型部署在端侧,建议使用Paddle-Lite develop分支编译预测库。
2. 编译Paddle-Lite得到预测库,Paddle-Lite的编译方式如下:
git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite.git
cd Paddle-Lite
# 如果使用编译方式,建议使用develop分支编译预测库
......@@ -40,10 +40,9 @@ git checkout develop
./lite/tools/build_android.sh --arch=armv8 --with_cv=ON --with_extra=ON
注意:编译Paddle-Lite获得预测库时,需要打开`--with_cv=ON --with_extra=ON`两个选项,`--arch`表示`arm`版本,这里指定为armv8,更多编译命令介绍请参考[链接](https://paddle-lite.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/user_guides/Compile/Android.html#id2)
**注意**:编译Paddle-Lite获得预测库时,需要打开`--with_cv=ON --with_extra=ON`两个选项,`--arch`表示`arm`版本,这里指定为armv8,更多编译命令介绍请参考[链接](https://paddle-lite.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/user_guides/Compile/Android.html#id2)
......@@ -75,13 +74,13 @@ inference_lite_lib.android.armv8/
### 2.1 模型优化
Paddle-Lite 提供了多种策略来自动优化原始的模型,其中包括量化、子图融合、混合调度、Kernel优选等方法,使用Paddle-lite的opt工具可以自动对inference模型进行优化,优化后的模型更轻量,模型运行速度更快。有2种方式对inference模型进行优化
Paddle-Lite 提供了多种策略来自动优化原始的模型,其中包括量化、子图融合、混合调度、Kernel优选等方法,使用Paddle-Lite的`opt`工具可以自动对inference模型进行优化,目前支持两种优化方式,优化后的模型更轻量,模型运行速度更快
**注意**:如果已经准备好了 `.nb` 结尾的模型文件,可以跳过此步骤。
#### 2.1.1 [建议]pip安装paddlelite并进行转换
* python下安装paddlelite
Python下安装 `paddlelite`,目前最高支持`Python3.7`
pip install paddlelite
......@@ -104,8 +103,8 @@ pip install paddlelite
#### 2.1.2 源码编译Paddle-Lite生成opt工具
# 如果准备环境时已经clone了Paddle-Lite,则不用重新clone Paddle-Lite
git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite.git
cd Paddle-Lite
......@@ -114,89 +113,99 @@ git checkout develop
./lite/tools/build.sh build_optimize_tool
cd build.opt/lite/api/
<a name="2.1.3"></a>
#### 2.1.3 转换示例
下面以PaddleClas的 `MobileNetV3_large_x1_0` 模型为例,介绍使用`paddle_lite_opt`完成预训练模型到inference模型,再到Paddle-Lite优化模型的转换。
# 进入PaddleClas根目录
cd PaddleClas_root_path
# 下载并解压预训练模型
wget https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/MobileNetV3_large_x1_0_pretrained.tar
tar -xf MobileNetV3_large_x1_0_pretrained
tar -xf MobileNetV3_large_x1_0_pretrained.tar
# 将预训练模型导出为inference模型
python tools/export_model.py -m MobileNetV3_large_x1_0 -p ./MobileNetV3_large_x1_0_pretrained/ -o ./MobileNetV3_large_x1_0_inference/
# 将inference模型转化为Paddle-Lite优化模型
paddle_lite_opt --model_file=./MobileNetV3_large_x1_0_inference/model --param_file=./MobileNetV3_large_x1_0_inference/params --optimize_out=./MobileNetV3_large_x1_0
**注意**`--optimize_out` 参数为优化后模型的保存路径,无需加后缀`.nb``--model_file` 参数为模型结构信息文件的路径,`--param_file` 参数为模型权重信息文件的路径,请注意文件名。
<a name="2.2与手机联调"></a>
### 2.2 与手机联调
1. 准备一台arm8的安卓手机,如果编译的预测库和opt文件是armv7,则需要arm7的手机,并修改Makefile中`ARM_ABI = arm7`
2. 打开手机的USB调试选项,选择文件传输模式,连接电脑。
3. 电脑上安装adb工具,用于调试。 adb安装方式如下:
2. 电脑上安装ADB工具,用于调试。 ADB安装方式如下:
3.1. MAC电脑安装ADB:
brew cask install android-platform-tools
3.2. Linux安装ADB
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y wget adb
3.3. Window安装ADB
adb devices
List of devices attached
744be294 device
4. 手机连接电脑后,开启手机`USB调试`选项,选择`文件传输`模式,在电脑终端中输入:
adb devices
List of devices attached
744be294 device
4. 准备优化后的模型、预测库文件、测试图像和类别映射文件。
5. 准备优化后的模型、预测库文件、测试图像和类别映射文件。
cd PaddleClas_root_path
cd deploy/lite/
# 运行prepare.sh,准备预测库文件、测试图像和使用的字典文件,并放置在预测库中的demo/cxx/clas文件夹下
# 运行prepare.sh
# prepare.sh 会将预测库文件、测试图像和使用的字典文件放置在预测库中的demo/cxx/clas文件夹下
sh prepare.sh /{lite prediction library path}/inference_lite_lib.android.armv8
# 进入lite demo的工作目录
cd /{lite prediction library path}/inference_lite_lib.android.armv8/
cd demo/cxx/clas/
# 将C++预测动态库so文件复制到debug文件夹中
cp ../../../cxx/lib/libpaddle_light_api_shared.so ./debug/
`prepare.sh``PaddleClas/deploy/lite/imgs/tabby_cat.jpg` 作为测试图像,将测试图像复制到`demo/cxx/clas/debug/` 文件夹下。
`paddle_lite_opt` 工具优化后的模型文件放置到 `/{lite prediction library path}/inference_lite_lib.android.armv8/demo/cxx/clas/debug/` 文件夹下。本例中,使用[2.1.3](#2.1.3)生成的 `MobileNetV3_large_x1_0.nb` 模型文件
|-- debug/
| |--MobileNetV3_large_x1_0.nb 优化后的文字方向分类器模型文件
| |--MobileNetV3_large_x1_0.nb 优化后的分类器模型文件
| |--tabby_cat.jpg 待测试图像
| |--imagenet1k_label_list.txt 类别映射文件
| |--libpaddle_light_api_shared.so C++预测库文件
......@@ -207,10 +216,11 @@ demo/cxx/clas/
#### 注意:
1. `imagenet1k_label_list.txt`是ImageNet1k数据集的类别映射文件,如果是自定义的类别,需要更换该类别映射文件。
* 上述文件中,`imagenet1k_label_list.txt` 是ImageNet1k数据集的类别映射文件,如果使用自定义的类别,需要更换该类别映射文件。
2. `config.txt` 包含了检测器、分类器的超参数,如下:
* `config.txt` 包含了分类器的超参数,如下:
clas_model_file ./MobileNetV3_large_x1_0.nb # 模型文件地址
label_path ./imagenet1k_label_list.txt # 类别映射文本文件
resize_short_size 256 # resize之后的短边边长
......@@ -218,26 +228,30 @@ crop_size 224 # 裁剪后用于预测的边长
visualize 0 # 是否进行可视化,如果选择的话,会在当前文件夹下生成名为clas_result.png的图像文件。
3. 启动调试:上述步骤完成后就可以使用adb将文件push到手机上运行,步骤如下:
5. 启动调试,上述步骤完成后就可以使用ADB将文件夹 `debug/` push到手机上运行,步骤如下:
# 执行编译,得到可执行文件clas_system
# clas_system可执行文件的使用方式为:
# ./clas_system 配置文件路径 测试图像路径
make -j
# 将编译的可执行文件移动到debug文件夹中
# 将编译得到的可执行文件移动到debug文件夹中
mv clas_system ./debug/
# 将debug文件夹push到手机上
# 将上述debug文件夹push到手机上
adb push debug /data/local/tmp/
adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp/debug
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp/debug:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# clas_system可执行文件的使用方式为:
# ./clas_system 配置文件路径 测试图像路径
./clas_system ./config.txt ./tabby_cat.jpg
<div align="center">
<img src="./imgs/lite_demo_result.png" width="600">
......@@ -246,7 +260,7 @@ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp/debug:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
## FAQ
A1:如果已经走通了上述步骤,更换模型只需要替换 `.nb` 模型文件即可,同时要注意修改下配置文件中的 `.nb` 文件路径以及类别映射文件(如有必要)。
A2:替换debug下的测试图像为你想要测试的图像,adb push 到手机上即可。
A2:替换 debug 下的测试图像为你想要测试的图像,使用 ADB 再次 push 到手机上即可。
# Tutorial of PaddleClas Mobile Deployment
This tutorial will introduce how to use [Paddle-Lite](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite) to deploy PaddleClas models on mobile phones.
Paddle-Lite is a lightweight inference engine for PaddlePaddle. It provides efficient inference capabilities for mobile phones and IoTs, and extensively integrates cross-platform hardware to provide lightweight deployment solutions for mobile-side deployment issues.
If you only want to test speed, please refer to [The tutorial of Paddle-Lite mobile-side benchmark test](../../docs/zh_CN/extension/paddle_mobile_inference.md).
## 1. Preparation
- Computer (for compiling Paddle-Lite)
- Mobile phone (arm7 or arm8)
## 2. Build Paddle-Lite library
The cross-compilation environment is used to compile the C++ demos of Paddle-Lite and PaddleClas.
For the detailed compilation directions of different development environments, please refer to the corresponding documents.
1. [Docker](https://paddle-lite.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/source_compile/compile_env.html#docker)
2. [Linux](https://paddle-lite.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/source_compile/compile_env.html#linux)
3. [macOS](https://paddle-lite.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/source_compile/compile_env.html#mac-os)
## 3. Download inference library for Android or iOS
|Platform|Inference Library Download Link|
|Android|[arm7](https://paddlelite-data.bj.bcebos.com/Release/2.6.1/Android/inference_lite_lib.android.armv7.gcc.c++_static.with_extra.CV_ON.tar.gz) / [arm8](https://paddlelite-data.bj.bcebos.com/Release/2.6.1/Android/inference_lite_lib.android.armv8.gcc.c++_static.with_extra.CV_ON.tar.gz)|
|iOS|[arm7](https://paddlelite-data.bj.bcebos.com/Release/2.6.1/iOS/inference_lite_lib.ios.armv7.with_extra.CV_ON.tar.gz) / [arm8](https://paddlelite-data.bj.bcebos.com/Release/2.6.1/iOS/inference_lite_lib.ios64.armv8.with_extra.CV_ON.tar.gz)|
1. If you download the inference library from [Paddle-Lite official document](https://paddle-lite.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/user_guides/release_lib.html#android-toolchain-gcc), please choose `with_extra=ON` , `with_cv=ON` .
2. It is recommended to build inference library using [Paddle-Lite](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite) develop branch if you want to deploy the [quantitative](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/blob/develop/deploy/slim/quantization/README_en.md) model to mobile phones. Please refer to the [link](https://paddle-lite.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/user_guides/Compile/Android.html#id2) for more detailed information about compiling.
The structure of the inference library is as follows:
|-- cxx C++ inference library and header files
| |-- include C++ header files
| | |-- paddle_api.h
| | |-- paddle_image_preprocess.h
| | |-- paddle_lite_factory_helper.h
| | |-- paddle_place.h
| | |-- paddle_use_kernels.h
| | |-- paddle_use_ops.h
| | `-- paddle_use_passes.h
| `-- lib C++ inference library
| |-- libpaddle_api_light_bundled.a C++ static library
| `-- libpaddle_light_api_shared.so C++ dynamic library
|-- java Java inference library
| |-- jar
| | `-- PaddlePredictor.jar
| |-- so
| | `-- libpaddle_lite_jni.so
| `-- src
|-- demo C++ and java demos
| |-- cxx C++ demos
| `-- java Java demos
## 4. Inference Model Optimization
Paddle-Lite provides a variety of strategies to automatically optimize the original training model, including quantization, sub-graph fusion, hybrid scheduling, Kernel optimization and so on. In order to make the optimization process more convenient and easy to use, Paddle-Lite provides `opt` tool to automatically complete the optimization steps and output a lightweight, optimal executable model.
**NOTE**: If you have already got the `.nb` file, you can skip this step.
<a name="4.1"></a>
### 4.1 [RECOMMEND] Use `pip` to install Paddle-Lite and optimize model
* Use pip to install Paddle-Lite. The following command uses `pip3.7` .
pip install paddlelite
* Use `paddle_lite_opt` to optimize inference model, the parameters of `paddle_lite_opt` are as follows:
| Parameters | Explanation |
| ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| --model_dir | Path to the PaddlePaddle model (no-combined) file to be optimized. |
| --model_file | Path to the net structure file of PaddlePaddle model (combined) to be optimized. |
| --param_file | Path to the net weight files of PaddlePaddle model (combined) to be optimized. |
| --optimize_out_type | Type of output model, `protobuf` by default. Supports `protobuf` and `naive_buffer` . Compared with `protobuf`, you can use`naive_buffer` to get a more lightweight serialization/deserialization model. If you need to predict on the mobile-side, please set it to `naive_buffer`. |
| --optimize_out | Path to output model, not needed to add `.nb` suffix. |
| --valid_targets | The executable backend of the model, `arm` by default. Supports one or some of `x86` , `arm` , `opencl` , `npu` , `xpu`. If set more than one, please separate the options by space, and the `opt` tool will choose the best way automatically. If need to support Huawei NPU (DaVinci core carried by Kirin 810/990 SoC), please set it to `npu arm` . |
| --record_tailoring_info | Whether to enable `Cut the Library Files According To the Model` , `false` by default. If need to record kernel and OP infos of optimized model, please set it to `true`. |
In addition, you can run `paddle_lite_opt` to get more detailed information about how to use.
### 4.2 Compile Paddle-Lite to generate `opt` tool
Optimizing model requires Paddle-Lite's `opt` executable file, which can be obtained by compiling the Paddle-Lite. The steps are as follows:
# get the Paddle-Lite source code, if have gotten , please skip
git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite.git
cd Paddle-Lite
git checkout develop
# compile
./lite/tools/build.sh build_optimize_tool
After the compilation is complete, the `opt` file is located under `build.opt/lite/api/`.
`opt` tool is used in the same way as `paddle_lite_opt` , please refer to [4.1](#4.1).
<a name="4.3"></a>
### 4.3 Demo of get the optimized model
Taking the `MobileNetV3_large_x1_0` model of PaddleClas as an example, we will introduce how to use `paddle_lite_opt` to complete the conversion from the pre-trained model to the inference model, and then to the Paddle-Lite optimized model.
# enter PaddleClas root directory
cd PaddleClas_root_path
# download and uncompress the pre-trained model
wget https://paddle-imagenet-models-name.bj.bcebos.com/MobileNetV3_large_x1_0_pretrained.tar
tar -xf MobileNetV3_large_x1_0_pretrained.tar
# export the pre-trained model as an inference model
python tools/export_model.py -m MobileNetV3_large_x1_0 -p ./MobileNetV3_large_x1_0_pretrained/ -o ./MobileNetV3_large_x1_0_inference/
# convert inference model to Paddle-Lite optimized model
paddle_lite_opt --model_file=./MobileNetV3_large_x1_0_inference/model --param_file=./MobileNetV3_large_x1_0_inference/params --optimize_out=./MobileNetV3_large_x1_0
When the above code command is completed, there will be ``MobileNetV3_large_x1_0.nb` in the current directory, which is the converted model file.
## 5. Run optimized model on Phone
1. Prepare an Android phone with `arm8`. If the compiled inference library and `opt` file are `armv7`, you need an `arm7` phone and modify `ARM_ABI = arm7` in the Makefile.
2. Install the ADB tool on the computer.
* Install ADB for MAC
Recommend use homebrew to install.
brew cask install android-platform-tools
* Install ADB for Linux
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y wget adb
* Install ADB for windows
If install ADB fo Windows, you need to download from Google's Android platform: [Download Link](https://developer.android.com/studio).
First, make sure the phone is connected to the computer, turn on the `USB debugging` option of the phone, and select the `file transfer` mode. Verify whether ADB is installed successfully as follows:
$ adb devices
List of devices attached
744be294 device
If there is `device` output like the above, it means the installation was successful.
4. Prepare optimized model, inference library files, test image and dictionary file used.
cd PaddleClas_root_path
cd deploy/lite/
# prepare.sh will put the inference library files, the test image and the dictionary files in demo/cxx/clas
sh prepare.sh /{lite inference library path}/inference_lite_lib.android.armv8
# enter the working directory of lite demo
cd /{lite inference library path}/inference_lite_lib.android.armv8/
cd demo/cxx/clas/
# copy the C++ inference dynamic library file (ie. .so) to the debug folder
cp ../../../cxx/lib/libpaddle_light_api_shared.so ./debug/
The `prepare.sh` take `PaddleClas/deploy/lite/imgs/tabby_cat.jpg` as the test image, and copy it to the `demo/cxx/clas/debug/` directory.
You should put the model that optimized by `paddle_lite_opt` under the `demo/cxx/clas/debug/` directory. In this example, use `MobileNetV3_large_x1_0.nb` model file generated in [2.1.3](#4.3).
The structure of the clas demo is as follows after the above command is completed:
|-- debug/
| |--MobileNetV3_large_x1_0.nb class model
| |--tabby_cat.jpg test image
| |--imagenet1k_label_list.txt dictionary file
| |--libpaddle_light_api_shared.so C++ .so file
| |--config.txt config file
|-- config.txt config file
|-- image_classfication.cpp source code
|-- Makefile compile file
* `Imagenet1k_label_list.txt` is the category mapping file of the `ImageNet1k` dataset. If use a custom category, you need to replace the category mapping file.
* `config.txt` contains the hyperparameters, as follows:
clas_model_file ./MobileNetV3_large_x1_0.nb # path of model file
label_path ./imagenet1k_label_list.txt # path of category mapping file
resize_short_size 256 # the short side length after resize
crop_size 224 # side length used for inference after cropping
visualize 0 # whether to visualize. If you set it to 1, an image file named 'clas_result.png' will be generated in the current directory.
5. Run Model on Phone
# run compile to get the executable file 'clas_system'
make -j
# move the compiled executable file to the debug folder
mv clas_system ./debug/
# push the debug folder to Phone
adb push debug /data/local/tmp/
adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp/debug
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp/debug:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# the usage of clas_system is as follows:
# ./clas_system "path of config file" "path of test image"
./clas_system ./config.txt ./tabby_cat.jpg
**NOTE**: If you make changes to the code, you need to recompile and repush the `debug ` folder to the phone.
The result is as follows:
<div align="center">
<img src="./imgs/lite_demo_result.png" width="600">
## FAQ
Q1:If I want to change the model, do I need to go through the all process again?
A1:If you have completed the above steps, you only need to replace the `.nb` model file after replacing the model. At the same time, you may need to modify the path of `.nb` file in the config file and change the category mapping file to be compatible the model .
Q2:How to change the test picture?
A2:Replace the test image under debug folder with the image you want to test,and then repush to the Phone again.
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