loss.py 3.1 KB
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WuHaobo 已提交
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import paddle
import paddle.fluid as fluid

__all__ = ['CELoss', 'MixCELoss', 'GoogLeNetLoss']

class Loss(object):

    def __init__(self, class_dim=1000, epsilon=None):
        assert class_dim > 1, "class_dim=%d is not larger than 1" % (class_dim)
        self._class_dim = class_dim
        if epsilon and epsilon >= 0.0 and epsilon <= 1.0:
            self._epsilon = epsilon
            self._label_smoothing = True
            self._epsilon = None
            self._label_smoothing = False

    def _labelsmoothing(self, target):
        one_hot_target = fluid.layers.one_hot(
            input=target, depth=self._class_dim)
        soft_target = fluid.layers.label_smooth(
            label=one_hot_target, epsilon=self._epsilon, dtype="float32")
        return soft_target

    def _crossentropy(self, input, target):
        if self._label_smoothing:
            target = self._labelsmoothing(target)
        softmax_out = fluid.layers.softmax(input, use_cudnn=False)
        cost = fluid.layers.cross_entropy(
            input=softmax_out, label=target, soft_label=self._label_smoothing)
        avg_cost = fluid.layers.mean(cost)
        return avg_cost

    def __call__(self, input, target):

class CELoss(Loss):
    Cross entropy loss

    def __init__(self, class_dim=1000, epsilon=None):
        super(CELoss, self).__init__(class_dim, epsilon)

    def __call__(self, input, target):
        cost = self._crossentropy(input, target)
        return cost

class MixCELoss(Loss):
    Cross entropy loss with mix(mixup, cutmix, fixmix)

    def __init__(self, class_dim=1000, epsilon=None):
        super(MixCELoss, self).__init__(class_dim, epsilon)

    def __call__(self, input, target0, target1, lam):
        cost0 = self._crossentropy(input, target0)
        cost1 = self._crossentropy(input, target1)
        cost = lam * cost0 + (1.0 - lam) * cost1
        avg_cost = fluid.layers.mean(cost)
        return avg_cost

class GoogLeNetLoss(Loss):
    Cross entropy loss used after googlenet

    def __init__(self, class_dim=1000, epsilon=None):
        super(GoogLeNetLoss, self).__init__(class_dim, epsilon)

    def __call__(self, input0, input1, input2, target):
        cost0 = self._crossentropy(input0, target)
        cost1 = self._crossentropy(input1, target)
        cost2 = self._crossentropy(input2, target)
        cost = cost0 + 0.3 * cost1 + 0.3 * cost2
        avg_cost = fluid.layers.mean(cost)
        return avg_cost