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import ctypes
import paddle
import numpy.ctypeslib as ctl
import numpy as np
import os
import json

from ctypes import *
from numpy.ctypeslib import ndpointer

lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("./")

class IndexContext(Structure):

# for mobius IP index
build_mobius_index = lib.build_mobius_index
build_mobius_index.restype = None
build_mobius_index.argtypes = [ctl.ndpointer(np.float32, flags='aligned, c_contiguous'), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_char_p]

search_mobius_index = lib.search_mobius_index
search_mobius_index.restype = None
search_mobius_index.argtypes = [ctl.ndpointer(np.float32, flags='aligned, c_contiguous'), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int,ctypes.c_int,POINTER(IndexContext),ctl.ndpointer(np.uint64, flags='aligned, c_contiguous'),ctl.ndpointer(np.float64, flags='aligned, c_contiguous')]

load_mobius_index_prefix = lib.load_mobius_index_prefix
load_mobius_index_prefix.restype = None
load_mobius_index_prefix.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, POINTER(IndexContext), ctypes.c_char_p]

save_mobius_index_prefix = lib.save_mobius_index_prefix
save_mobius_index_prefix.restype = None
save_mobius_index_prefix.argtypes = [POINTER(IndexContext), ctypes.c_char_p]

# for L2 index
build_l2_index = lib.build_l2_index
build_l2_index.restype = None
build_l2_index.argtypes = [ctl.ndpointer(np.float32, flags='aligned, c_contiguous'), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p]

search_l2_index = lib.search_l2_index
search_l2_index.restype = None
search_l2_index.argtypes = [ctl.ndpointer(np.float32, flags='aligned, c_contiguous'), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int,ctypes.c_int,POINTER(IndexContext),ctl.ndpointer(np.uint64, flags='aligned, c_contiguous'),ctl.ndpointer(np.float64, flags='aligned, c_contiguous')]

load_l2_index_prefix = lib.load_l2_index_prefix
load_l2_index_prefix.restype = None
load_l2_index_prefix.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, POINTER(IndexContext), ctypes.c_char_p]

save_l2_index_prefix = lib.save_l2_index_prefix
save_l2_index_prefix.restype = None
save_l2_index_prefix.argtypes = [POINTER(IndexContext), ctypes.c_char_p]

release_context = lib.release_context
release_context.restype = None
release_context.argtypes = [POINTER(IndexContext)]

class Graph_Index(object):
        graph index
    def __init__(self, dist_type="IP"):
        self.dim = 0
        self.total_num = 0
        self.dist_type = dist_type
        self.mobius_pow = 2.0
        self.index_context = IndexContext(0,0)
        self.gallery_doc_dict = {}
        self.with_attr = False
        assert dist_type in ["IP", "L2"], "Only support IP and L2 distance ..."
    def build(self, gallery_vectors, gallery_docs=[], pq_size=100, index_path='graph_index/'):
        build index 
        if paddle.is_tensor(gallery_vectors):
              gallery_vectors = gallery_vectors.numpy()
        assert gallery_vectors.ndim == 2, "Input vector must be 2D ..."
        self.total_num = gallery_vectors.shape[0]
        self.dim = gallery_vectors.shape[1]

        assert (len(gallery_docs) == self.total_num if len(gallery_docs)>0 else True)
        print("training index -> num: {}, dim: {}, dist_type: {}".format(self.total_num, self.dim, self.dist_type))

        if not os.path.exists(index_path):
        if self.dist_type == "IP":
            build_mobius_index(gallery_vectors,self.total_num,self.dim, pq_size, self.mobius_pow, create_string_buffer((index_path+"/index").encode('utf-8')))
            load_mobius_index_prefix(self.total_num, self.dim, ctypes.byref(self.index_context), create_string_buffer((index_path+"/index").encode('utf-8')))
            build_l2_index(gallery_vectors,self.total_num,self.dim, pq_size, create_string_buffer((index_path+"/index").encode('utf-8')))
            load_l2_index_prefix(self.total_num, self.dim, ctypes.byref(self.index_context), create_string_buffer((index_path+"/index").encode('utf-8')))
        self.gallery_doc_dict = {}       
        if len(gallery_docs) > 0:
            self.with_attr = True
            for i in range(gallery_vectors.shape[0]):
                self.gallery_doc_dict[str(i)] = gallery_docs[i] 

        self.gallery_doc_dict["total_num"] = self.total_num
        self.gallery_doc_dict["dim"] = self.dim
        self.gallery_doc_dict["dist_type"] = self.dist_type
        self.gallery_doc_dict["with_attr"] = self.with_attr

        with open(index_path + "/info.json", "w") as f:
            json.dump(self.gallery_doc_dict, f)

        print("finished creating index ...")

    def search(self, query, return_k=10, search_budget=100):
        ret_id = np.zeros(return_k, dtype=np.uint64)
        ret_score = np.zeros(return_k, dtype=np.float64)

        if paddle.is_tensor(query):
              query = query.numpy()
        if self.dist_type == "IP":
        ret_id = ret_id.tolist()
        ret_doc = []
        if self.with_attr: 
            for i in range(return_k):
            return ret_score, ret_doc
            return ret_score, ret_id

    def dump(self, index_path):

        if not os.path.exists(index_path):

        if self.dist_type == "IP":
            save_l2_index_prefix(ctypes.byref(self.index_context), create_string_buffer((index_path+"/index").encode('utf-8')))
        with open(index_path + "/info.json", "w") as f:
            json.dump(self.gallery_doc_dict, f)

    def load(self, index_path):
        self.gallery_doc_dict = {}
        with open(index_path + "/info.json", "r") as f:
            self.gallery_doc_dict = json.load(f)
        self.total_num = self.gallery_doc_dict["total_num"]
        self.dim = self.gallery_doc_dict["dim"]
        self.dist_type = self.gallery_doc_dict["dist_type"]    
        self.with_attr = self.gallery_doc_dict["with_attr"]

        if self.dist_type == "IP":
            load_mobius_index_prefix(self.total_num,self.dim,ctypes.byref(self.index_context), create_string_buffer((index_path+"/index").encode('utf-8')))
            load_l2_index_prefix(self.total_num,self.dim,ctypes.byref(self.index_context), create_string_buffer((index_path+"/index").encode('utf-8')))