include(ExternalProject) set(NCCL_SOURCE_DIR ${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}/nccl) include_directories(${NCCL_SOURCE_DIR}/src/extern_nccl/src) if(WITH_DSO) # If we use DSO, we do not build nccl, just download the dependencies set(NCCL_BUILD_COMMAND "") set(NCCL_INSTALL_COMMAND "") set(NCCL_INSTALL_DIR "") else() # otherwise, we build nccl and link it. set(NCCL_INSTALL_DIR ${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}/install/nccl) # Note: cuda 8.0 is needed to make nccl # When cuda is not installed on the system directory, need to set CUDA_HOME to your cuda root set(NCCL_BUILD_COMMAND "make -j 8") set(NCCL_INSTALL_COMMAND "make install PREFIX=${NCCL_INSTALL_DIR}") endif() ExternalProject_Add( extern_nccl ${EXTERNAL_PROJECT_LOG_ARGS} GIT_REPOSITORY "" GIT_TAG "v1.3.4-1" PREFIX "${NCCL_SOURCE_DIR}" UPDATE_COMMAND "" CONFIGURE_COMMAND "" BUILD_COMMAND "${NCCL_BUILD_COMMAND}" INSTALL_COMMAND "${NCCL_INSTALL_COMMAND}" INSTALL_DIR "${NCCL_INSTALL_DIR}" TEST_COMMAND "" ) if(WITH_DSO) if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.3.0") set(dummyfile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lib_nccl_dummy.c) file(WRITE ${dummyfile} "const char * dummy_nccl = \"${dummyfile}\";") add_library(nccl STATIC ${dummyfile}) else() add_library(nccl INTERFACE) endif() else() add_library(nccl STATIC IMPORTED GLOBAL) set_property(TARGET nccl PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION ${NCCL_INSTALL_DIR}/lib/libnccl_static.a) endif() add_dependencies(nccl extern_nccl)