# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import math import numbers import numpy as np import paddle from paddle.distribution.transformed_distribution import TransformedDistribution from paddle.fluid import framework as framework class Gumbel(TransformedDistribution): r"""The Gumbel distribution with location `loc` and `scale` parameters. Mathematical details The probability density function (pdf) is .. math:: pdf(x; mu, sigma) = exp(-(x - mu) / sigma - exp(-(x - mu) / sigma)) / sigma In the above equation: * :math:`loc = \mu`: is the mean. * :math:`scale = \sigma`: is the std. Args: loc(int|float|tensor): The mean of gumbel distribution.The data type is int, float, tensor. scale(int|float|tensor): The std of gumbel distribution.The data type is int, float, tensor. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle from paddle.distribution.gumbel import Gumbel # Gumbel distributed with loc=0, scale=1 dist = Gumbel(paddle.full([1], 0.0), paddle.full([1], 1.0)) dist.sample([2]) # Tensor(shape=[2, 1], dtype=float32, place=Place(gpu:0), stop_gradient=True, [[-0.27544352], [-0.64499271]]) value = paddle.full([1], 0.5) dist.prob(value) # Tensor(shape=[1], dtype=float32, place=Place(gpu:0), stop_gradient=True, [0.33070430]) dist.log_prob(value) # Tensor(shape=[1], dtype=float32, place=Place(gpu:0), stop_gradient=True, [-1.10653067]) dist.cdf(value) # Tensor(shape=[1], dtype=float32, place=Place(gpu:0), stop_gradient=True, [0.54523915]) dist.entropy() # Tensor(shape=[1], dtype=float32, place=Place(gpu:0), stop_gradient=True, [1.57721567]) dist.rsample([2]) # Tensor(shape=[2, 1], dtype=float32, place=Place(gpu:0), stop_gradient=True, [[0.80463481], [0.91893655]]) """ def __init__(self, loc, scale): if not isinstance(loc, (numbers.Real, framework.Variable)): raise TypeError( f"Expected type of loc is Real|Variable, but got {type(loc)}" ) if not isinstance(scale, (numbers.Real, framework.Variable)): raise TypeError( f"Expected type of scale is Real|Variable, but got {type(scale)}" ) if isinstance(loc, numbers.Real): loc = paddle.full(shape=(), fill_value=loc) if isinstance(scale, numbers.Real): scale = paddle.full(shape=(), fill_value=scale) if loc.shape != scale.shape: self.loc, self.scale = paddle.broadcast_tensors([loc, scale]) else: self.loc, self.scale = loc, scale finfo = np.finfo(dtype='float32') self.base_dist = paddle.distribution.Uniform( paddle.full_like(self.loc, float(finfo.tiny)), paddle.full_like(self.loc, float(1 - finfo.eps)), ) self.transforms = () super().__init__(self.base_dist, self.transforms) @property def mean(self): r"""Mean of distribution The mean is .. math:: mean = \mu + \sigma * γ In the above equation: * :math:`loc = \mu`: is the location parameter. * :math:`scale = \sigma`: is the scale parameter. * :math:`γ`: is the euler's constant. Returns: Tensor: mean value. """ return self.loc + self.scale * np.euler_gamma @property def variance(self): r"""Variance of distribution. The variance is .. math:: variance = \sigma^2 * \pi^2 / 6 In the above equation: * :math:`scale = \sigma`: is the scale parameter. Returns: Tensor: The variance value. """ temp = paddle.full( shape=self.loc.shape, fill_value=math.pi * math.pi, dtype=self.scale.dtype, ) return paddle.pow(self.scale, 2) * temp / 6 @property def stddev(self): r"""Standard deviation of distribution The standard deviation is .. math:: stddev = \sqrt{\sigma^2 * \pi^2 / 6} In the above equation: * :math:`scale = \sigma`: is the scale parameter. Returns: Tensor: std value """ return paddle.sqrt(self.variance) def prob(self, value): """Probability density/mass function Args: value (Tensor): The input tensor. Returns: Tensor: probability.The data type is same with value. """ y = (self.loc - value) / self.scale return paddle.exp(y - paddle.exp(y)) / self.scale def log_prob(self, value): """Log probability density/mass function. Args: value (Tensor): The input tensor. Returns: Tensor: log probability.The data type is same with value. """ return paddle.log(self.prob(value)) def cdf(self, value): """Cumulative distribution function. Args: value (Tensor): value to be evaluated. Returns: Tensor: cumulative probability of value. """ return paddle.exp(-paddle.exp(-(value - self.loc) / self.scale)) def entropy(self): """Entropy of Gumbel distribution. Returns: Entropy of distribution. """ return paddle.log(self.scale) + 1 + np.euler_gamma def sample(self, shape): """Sample from ``Gumbel``. Args: shape (Sequence[int], optional): The sample shape. Defaults to (). Returns: Tensor: A tensor with prepended dimensions shape.The data type is float32. """ with paddle.no_grad(): return self.rsample(shape) def rsample(self, shape): """reparameterized sample Args: shape (Sequence[int]): 1D `int32`. Shape of the generated samples. Returns: Tensor: A tensor with prepended dimensions shape.The data type is float32. """ exp_trans = paddle.distribution.ExpTransform() affine_trans_1 = paddle.distribution.AffineTransform( paddle.full( shape=self.scale.shape, fill_value=0, dtype=self.loc.dtype ), -paddle.ones_like(self.scale), ) affine_trans_2 = paddle.distribution.AffineTransform( self.loc, -self.scale ) return affine_trans_2.forward( exp_trans.inverse( affine_trans_1.forward( exp_trans.inverse(self._base.sample(shape)) ) ) )