configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h) # phi auto cmake utils include(phi) set(common_srcs CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) set(api_srcs CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) set(capi_srcs CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) set(core_srcs CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) set(backends_srcs CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) set(kernels_srcs CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) set(infermeta_srcs CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) #set(excluded_srcs CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) # paddle experimental common components add_subdirectory(common) # phi (low level) api headers: include # phi (high level) api add_subdirectory(api) # phi core components add_subdirectory(core) # phi components of specific backends add_subdirectory(backends) # phi kernels for diff device add_subdirectory(kernels) # phi infermeta add_subdirectory(infermeta) # phi tools add_subdirectory(tools) # phi capi if(WITH_CUSTOM_DEVICE) add_subdirectory(capi) endif() set(PHI_DEPS phi_profiler_proto auto_parallel_proto gflags glog warpctc warprnnt eigen3 xxhash cblas utf8proc) if(WITH_GPU) list(APPEND PHI_DEPS external_error_proto) endif() if(WITH_ASCEND_CL) list(APPEND PHI_DEPS npu_hccl) endif() if(WITH_FLASHATTN) list(APPEND PHI_DEPS flashattn) endif() if(WITH_XBYAK) list(APPEND PHI_DEPS xbyak) endif() if(WITH_MKLDNN) list(APPEND PHI_DEPS mkldnn) endif() if(WITH_GLOO) list(APPEND PHI_DEPS gloo) endif() if(WITH_CUDNN_FRONTEND) list(APPEND PHI_DEPS cudnn-frontend) endif() if(WITH_POCKETFFT) list(APPEND PHI_DEPS pocketfft) endif() if(WITH_MKLML) list(APPEND PHI_DEPS pocketfft dynload_mklml) endif() if(WITH_XPU) list(APPEND PHI_DEPS xpulib) endif() set(PHI_SRCS ${common_srcs} ${api_srcs} ${core_srcs} ${backends_srcs} ${kernels_srcs} ${infermeta_srcs} ${capi_srcs}) if(WITH_PHI_SHARED) set(PHI_BUILD_TYPE SHARED CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) else() set(PHI_BUILD_TYPE STATIC CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) endif() if(WITH_GPU) add_definitions(-DCUDA_REAL_ARCHS=${NVCC_FLAGS_EXTRA_real_archs} )# for backends/gpu/ nv_library( phi ${PHI_BUILD_TYPE} SRCS ${PHI_SRCS} DEPS ${PHI_DEPS}) elseif(WITH_ROCM) hip_add_library(phi ${PHI_BUILD_TYPE} ${PHI_SRCS}) target_link_libraries(phi ${PHI_DEPS}) elseif(WITH_XPU_KP) xpu_library( phi ${PHI_BUILD_TYPE} SRCS ${PHI_SRCS} DEPS ${PHI_DEPS}) else() cc_library( phi ${PHI_BUILD_TYPE} SRCS ${PHI_SRCS} DEPS ${PHI_DEPS}) endif() if(WIN32) target_link_libraries(phi shlwapi.lib) endif() if(WIN32) if(WITH_PHI_SHARED) set_property(TARGET phi PROPERTY WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS ON) set(PHI_NAME phi.dll CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) else() set(PHI_NAME phi.lib CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) endif() elseif(APPLE) if(WITH_PHI_SHARED) set(PHI_NAME libphi.dylib CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) else() set(PHI_NAME libphi.a CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) endif() else() if(WITH_PHI_SHARED) set(PHI_NAME CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) else() set(PHI_NAME libphi.a CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) endif() endif() set(PHI_LIB "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PHI_NAME}" CACHE FILEPATH "PHI Library" FORCE) if(MKL_FOUND AND WITH_ONEMKL) target_include_directories(phi PRIVATE ${MKL_INCLUDE}) endif() add_dependencies(phi extern_lapack) if(WITH_CUTLASS) add_dependencies(phi cutlass_codegen) add_definitions("-DPADDLE_WITH_MEMORY_EFFICIENT_ATTENTION" )# for memory_efficient_attention.h endif() if(WITH_FLASHATTN) add_dependencies(phi flashattn) endif() set(phi_extension_header_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extension.h CACHE INTERNAL "phi/extension.h file") file( WRITE ${phi_extension_header_file} "// Header file generated by paddle/phi/CMakeLists.txt for external users,\n// DO NOT edit or include it within paddle.\n\n#pragma once\n\n" ) file(APPEND ${phi_extension_header_file} "#include \"paddle/phi/config.h\"\n\n") # generate inner headers include dir for users generate_unify_header(backends EXCLUDES context_pool_utils.h) generate_unify_header(core EXCLUDES cuda_stream.h) generate_unify_header(infermeta) generate_unify_header(kernels SKIP_SUFFIX grad_kernel)