/* Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include "paddle/fluid/framework/eigen.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/operator.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/transform.h" #ifdef __NVCC__ #include #include #include "paddle/fluid/platform/cuda_device_function.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/cuda_primitives.h" constexpr int ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM = 1024; #endif #include "paddle/fluid/operators/math/math_function.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/for_range.h" namespace paddle { namespace operators { /* * Out = X ⊙ Y * If Y's shape does not match X' shape, they will be reshaped. * For example: * 1. shape(X) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(Y) = (3, 4), with axis=1 * pre=2, n=3*4, post=5 * x.shape(2, 12, 5) * y.shape(1, 12, 1).broadcast(2, 12, 5) * 2. shape(X) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(Y) = (4,5) * pre=2*3, n=4*5, post=1 * x.shape(6, 20, 1) * y.shape(1, 20, 1).broadcast(6, 20, 1) * * New parameter: *mid_flag* is added to solve m*n*k & m*1*k * broadcast cases. * 3. shape(X) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(Y) = (2, 1, 4, 5) * mid_flag should not be NULL. * x.shape(2, 3, 20) * y.shape(2, 1, 20).broadcast(2, 3, 20) */ inline void get_mid_dims(const framework::DDim &x_dims, const framework::DDim &y_dims, const int axis, int *pre, int *n, int *post, int *mid_flag = NULL) { *pre = 1; *n = 1; *post = 1; if (mid_flag != NULL) { *mid_flag = 0; int mid = 0; for (int i = 0; i < axis; ++i) { (*pre) *= x_dims[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < y_dims.size(); ++i) { if (x_dims[i + axis] != y_dims[i]) { // only support single y_dims[i] = 1 now. PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(*mid_flag, 0, "Broadcast support y_dims with single 1."); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(y_dims[i], 1, "ShapeError: broadcast dimension mismatch. Operands " "could not be broadcast together with the shape of " "X = [%s] and the shape of Y = [%s]. Received [%d] " "in X is not equal to [%d] in Y", x_dims, y_dims, x_dims[i + axis], y_dims[i]); // m*n*k m*1*k for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { (*pre) *= y_dims[j]; } *n = std::max(x_dims[i + axis], y_dims[i]); *mid_flag = 1; mid = i; break; } (*n) *= y_dims[i]; } if (*mid_flag) { for (int i = mid + 1; i < x_dims.size(); ++i) { (*post) *= x_dims[i]; } } else { for (int i = axis + y_dims.size(); i < x_dims.size(); ++i) { (*post) *= x_dims[i]; } } } else { // for fused_elementwise_activation_op. keep the old version. for (int i = 0; i < axis; ++i) { (*pre) *= x_dims[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < y_dims.size(); ++i) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(x_dims[i + axis], y_dims[i], "Broadcast dimension mismatch."); (*n) *= y_dims[i]; } for (int i = axis + y_dims.size(); i < x_dims.size(); ++i) { (*post) *= x_dims[i]; } } } inline framework::DDim trim_trailing_singular_dims( const framework::DDim &dims) { // Remove trailing dimensions of size 1 for y auto actual_dims_size = dims.size(); for (; actual_dims_size != 0; --actual_dims_size) { if (dims[actual_dims_size - 1] != 1) break; } std::vector trim_dims; trim_dims.resize(actual_dims_size); for (int i = 0; i < actual_dims_size; ++i) { trim_dims[i] = dims[i]; } if (trim_dims.size() == 0) { return framework::DDim(framework::make_dim()); } framework::DDim actual_dims = framework::make_ddim(trim_dims); return actual_dims; } template class RowwiseTransformIterator; template class MidWiseTransformIterator; // NOTE(dzhwinter): ptrdiff_t in iterator is deperecated in c++17 template class RowwiseTransformIterator : public std::iterator { public: RowwiseTransformIterator(const T *ptr, int n) : ptr_(ptr), i_(0), n_(n) {} RowwiseTransformIterator &operator++() { ++i_; if (UNLIKELY(i_ == n_)) { i_ = 0; } return *this; } RowwiseTransformIterator &operator+(int n) { while (n-- > 0) { ++i_; if (UNLIKELY(i_ == n_)) { i_ = 0; } } return *this; } bool operator==(const RowwiseTransformIterator &rhs) const { return (ptr_ + i_) == &(*rhs); } bool operator!=(const RowwiseTransformIterator &rhs) const { return (ptr_ + i_) != &(*rhs); } const T &operator*() { return ptr_[i_]; } private: const T *ptr_; int i_; int64_t n_; }; template class MidWiseTransformIterator : public std::iterator { public: MidWiseTransformIterator(const T *ptr, int n, int post) : ptr_(ptr), i_(0), j_(0), n_(n), post_(post) {} MidWiseTransformIterator &operator++() { ++j_; if (UNLIKELY(j_ == post_)) { ++i_; j_ = 0; if (UNLIKELY(i_ == n_)) { i_ = 0; } } return *this; } MidWiseTransformIterator &operator+(int n) { while (n-- > 0) { ++j_; if (UNLIKELY(j_ == post_)) { ++i_; j_ = 0; if (UNLIKELY(i_ == n_)) { i_ = 0; } } } return *this; } bool operator==(const MidWiseTransformIterator &rhs) const { return (ptr_ + i_) == &(*rhs); } bool operator!=(const MidWiseTransformIterator &rhs) const { return (ptr_ + i_) != &(*rhs); } const T &operator*() { return ptr_[i_]; } private: const T *ptr_; int64_t i_; int64_t j_; int64_t n_; int64_t post_; }; #ifdef __NVCC__ template class RowwiseTransformIterator : public thrust::iterator_adaptor< RowwiseTransformIterator, const T *> { public: typedef thrust::iterator_adaptor< RowwiseTransformIterator, const T *> super_t; HOSTDEVICE RowwiseTransformIterator(const T *x, int n) : super_t(x), begin_(x), n_(n) {} friend class thrust::iterator_core_access; private: unsigned int n_; const T *begin_; HOSTDEVICE typename super_t::reference dereference() const { return *(begin_ + (this->base() - begin_) % n_); } }; template class MidWiseTransformIterator : public thrust::iterator_adaptor< MidWiseTransformIterator, const T *> { public: typedef thrust::iterator_adaptor< MidWiseTransformIterator, const T *> super_t; HOSTDEVICE MidWiseTransformIterator(const T *x, int n, int post) : super_t(x), begin_(x), n_(n), post_(post) {} friend class thrust::iterator_core_access; private: unsigned int post_; unsigned int n_; const T *begin_; HOSTDEVICE typename super_t::reference dereference() const { return *(begin_ + (((this->base() - begin_) / post_) % n_)); } }; #endif template class TransformFunctor { public: TransformFunctor(const framework::Tensor *x, const framework::Tensor *y, framework::Tensor *z, const DeviceContext &ctx, Functor func) : x_(x->data()), y_(y->data()), z_(z->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace())), nx_(x->numel()), ctx_(ctx), func_(func) {} inline void Run() const { platform::Transform trans; trans(ctx_, x_, x_ + nx_, y_, z_, func_); } inline void RunRowWise(int n, int pre) const { platform::Transform trans; trans(ctx_, x_, x_ + nx_, RowwiseTransformIterator(y_, n), z_, func_); } inline void RunMidWise(int n, int pre, int post) const { platform::Transform trans; trans(ctx_, x_, x_ + nx_, MidWiseTransformIterator(y_, n, post), z_, func_); } inline void RunMidRowWise(int n, int pre, int post) const { platform::Transform trans; for (int i = 0; i < pre; i++) { trans(ctx_, x_ + i * n * post, x_ + (i + 1) * n * post, RowwiseTransformIterator(y_ + i * post, post), z_ + i * n * post, func_); } } private: const T *x_; const T *y_; OutType *z_; int64_t nx_; const DeviceContext &ctx_; Functor func_; }; template struct ElemwiseGradNoBroadcast { const T *x_; const T *y_; const T *out_; const T *dout_; HOSTDEVICE void operator()(size_t i) { if (dx_ != nullptr) { dx_[i] = dx_op_(x_[i], y_[i], out_[i], dout_[i]); } if (dy_ != nullptr) { dy_[i] = dy_op_(x_[i], y_[i], out_[i], dout_[i]); } } DX_OP dx_op_; DY_OP dy_op_; T *dx_; T *dy_; }; template static void ElemwiseGradBroadcast1CPU(const T *x, const T *y, const T *out, const T *dout, int h, int w, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, T *dx, T *dy) { for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < w; ++j) { int x_offset = i * w + j; if (dx != nullptr) { dx[x_offset] = dx_op(x[x_offset], y[j], out[x_offset], dout[x_offset]); } if (dy != nullptr) { T tmp = dy_op(x[x_offset], y[j], out[x_offset], dout[x_offset]); if (i == 0) { dy[j] = tmp; } else { dy[j] += tmp; } } } } } #ifdef __NVCC__ template static __global__ void ElemwiseGradBroadcast1CUDAKernel( const T *x, const T *y, const T *out, const T *dout, int h, int w, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, T *dx, T *dy) { int j = blockIdx.x; int i = threadIdx.x; int tid = threadIdx.x; T val(0); do { int x_offset = i * w + j; if (dx) { dx[x_offset] = dx_op(x[x_offset], y[j], out[x_offset], dout[x_offset]); } if (dy) { val += dy_op(x[x_offset], y[j], out[x_offset], dout[x_offset]); } i += ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM; } while (i < h); if (dy) { h = h > ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM ? ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM : h; val = paddle::platform::reduceSum(val, tid, h); if (threadIdx.x == 0) { dy[j] = val; } } } #define BLOCK_X 32 #define BLOCK_Y 32 // suppose use 2D block is fast because more parallel // and memory coalesced template static __global__ void FastElemwiseGradBroadcast1CUDAKernel( const T *x, const T *y, const T *out, const T *dout, int h, int w, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, T *dx, T *dy) { __shared__ T sdata[BLOCK_Y][BLOCK_X + 1]; T val(0); size_t width_stride = gridDim.x * blockDim.x; size_t idx = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x; size_t full_width = (w & (~((uint64_t)(BLOCK_X - 1)))) + ((w & (BLOCK_X - 1)) ? BLOCK_X : 0); size_t full_height = (h & (~((uint64_t)(BLOCK_Y - 1)))) + ((h & (BLOCK_Y - 1)) ? BLOCK_Y : 0); for (int m = idx; m < full_width; m += width_stride) { sdata[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = 0; for (int n = threadIdx.y; n < full_height; n += BLOCK_Y) { int x_offset = n * w + m; if (dx && m < w && n < h) { dx[x_offset] = dx_op(x[x_offset], y[m], out[x_offset], dout[x_offset]); } if (dy) { if (m < w && n < h) { T val = dy_op(x[x_offset], y[m], out[x_offset], dout[x_offset]); sdata[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] += val; } __syncthreads(); } } if (dy) { T my_val = sdata[threadIdx.x][threadIdx.y]; for (int i = warpSize >> 1; i > 0; i >>= 1) my_val += platform::CudaShuffleXorSync(0xFFFFFFFF, my_val, i); __syncthreads(); if ((threadIdx.x == 0)) { sdata[0][threadIdx.y] = my_val; } __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.y == 0 && m < w) { dy[m] = sdata[0][threadIdx.x]; } } } } template static void ElemwiseGradBroadcast1CUDA(cudaStream_t stream, const T *x, const T *y, const T *out, const T *dout, int h, int w, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, T *dx, T *dy) { // For small case use 1D block constexpr int half_walf = 16; if (w < half_walf || h < half_walf) { int block_size = std::min(ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM, h); int gird_size = w; ElemwiseGradBroadcast1CUDAKernel<<>>( x, y, out, dout, h, w, dx_op, dy_op, dx, dy); } else { // suppose perfoemance improves with h increased. dim3 block_size = dim3(BLOCK_X, BLOCK_Y); int grid_size = (w + BLOCK_X - 1) / BLOCK_X; FastElemwiseGradBroadcast1CUDAKernel<<>>( x, y, out, dout, h, w, dx_op, dy_op, dx, dy); } } #endif template static void ElemwiseGradBroadcast2CPU(const T *x, const T *y, const T *out, const T *dout, int pre, int n, int post, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, T *dx, T *dy) { for (int i = 0; i < pre; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < post; ++k) { int x_offset = i * n * post + j * post + k; if (dx != nullptr) { dx[x_offset] = dx_op(x[x_offset], y[j], out[x_offset], dout[x_offset]); } if (dy != nullptr) { T tmp = dy_op(x[x_offset], y[j], out[x_offset], dout[x_offset]); if (i == 0 && k == 0) { dy[j] = tmp; } else { dy[j] += tmp; } } } } } } #ifdef __NVCC__ template static __global__ void ElemwiseGradBroadcast2CUDAKernel( const T *x, const T *y, const T *out, const T *dout, int pre, int n, int post, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, T *dx, T *dy) { int tid = threadIdx.x; int j = blockIdx.x; T val(0); int ttid = tid; while (true) { int i = ttid / post; int k = ttid % post; if (i >= pre) break; int x_offset = i * n * post + j * post + k; if (dx != nullptr) { dx[x_offset] = dx_op(x[x_offset], y[j], out[x_offset], dout[x_offset]); } if (dy != nullptr) { val += dy_op(x[x_offset], y[j], out[x_offset], dout[x_offset]); } ttid += ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM; } if (dy) { int h = pre * post; h = h > ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM ? ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM : h; val = paddle::platform::reduceSum(val, tid, h); if (threadIdx.x == 0) { dy[j] = val; } } } template static void ElemwiseGradBroadcast2CUDA(cudaStream_t stream, const T *x, const T *y, const T *out, const T *dout, int pre, int n, int post, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, T *dx, T *dy) { int block_size = std::min(ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM, pre * post); int gird_size = n; ElemwiseGradBroadcast2CUDAKernel<<>>( x, y, out, dout, pre, n, post, dx_op, dy_op, dx, dy); } #endif template static void ElemwiseGradBroadcastMid2CPU(const T *x, const T *y, const T *out, const T *dout, int pre, int n, int post, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, T *dx, T *dy) { for (int i = 0; i < pre; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < post; ++k) { int x_offset = i * n * post + j * post + k; int y_offset = i * post + k; if (dx != nullptr) { dx[x_offset] = dx_op(x[x_offset], y[y_offset], out[x_offset], dout[x_offset]); } if (dy != nullptr) { T tmp = dy_op(x[x_offset], y[y_offset], out[x_offset], dout[x_offset]); if (j == 0) { dy[y_offset] = tmp; } else { dy[y_offset] += tmp; } } } } } } #ifdef __NVCC__ template static __global__ void ElemwiseGradBroadcastMid2CUDAKernel( const T *x, const T *y, const T *out, const T *dout, int pre, int n, int post, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, T *dx, T *dy) { int j = threadIdx.x; int tid = blockIdx.x; T val(0); int ttid = tid; while (true) { int i = ttid / post; int k = ttid % post; if (i >= pre) break; int x_offset = i * n * post + j * post + k; int y_offset = i * post + k; if (dx != nullptr) { dx[x_offset] = dx_op(x[x_offset], y[y_offset], out[x_offset], dout[x_offset]); } if (dy != nullptr) { val += dy_op(x[x_offset], y[y_offset], out[x_offset], dout[x_offset]); } ttid += ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM; } if (dy) { int h = n; h = h > ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM ? ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM : h; val = paddle::platform::reduceSum(val, j, h); if (threadIdx.x == 0) { dy[tid] = val; } } } template static void ElemwiseGradBroadcastMid2CUDA(cudaStream_t stream, const T *x, const T *y, const T *out, const T *dout, int pre, int n, int post, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, T *dx, T *dy) { int block_size = std::min(ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM, n); int gird_size = pre * post; ElemwiseGradBroadcastMid2CUDAKernel<<>>( x, y, out, dout, pre, n, post, dx_op, dy_op, dx, dy); } #endif template void ElemwiseGradComputeNoBroadcast( const framework::ExecutionContext &ctx, const framework::DDim &x_dim, const framework::DDim &y_dim, const framework::Tensor &x, const framework::Tensor &y, const framework::Tensor &out, const framework::Tensor &dout, int axis, framework::Tensor *dx, framework::Tensor *dy, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op) { size_t N = static_cast(framework::product(x_dim)); #if !defined(_WIN32) platform::ForRange for_range( ctx.template device_context(), N); #else platform::ForRange for_range( ctx.device_context(), N); #endif // !_WIN32 for_range(ElemwiseGradNoBroadcast{ x.data(), y.data(), out.data(), dout.data(), dx_op, dy_op, dx == nullptr ? nullptr : dx->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), dy == nullptr ? nullptr : dy->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace())}); } template void ElemwiseGradComputeWithBroadcast( const framework::ExecutionContext &ctx, const framework::DDim &x_dim, const framework::DDim &y_dim_untrimed, const framework::Tensor &x, const framework::Tensor &y, const framework::Tensor &out, const framework::Tensor &dout, int axis, framework::Tensor *dx, framework::Tensor *dy, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op) { axis = (axis == -1 ? x_dim.size() - y_dim_untrimed.size() : axis); auto y_dim = trim_trailing_singular_dims(y_dim_untrimed); axis = (y_dim.size() == 0) ? x_dim.size() : axis; int pre, n, post, mid_flag = 0; get_mid_dims(x_dim, y_dim, axis, &pre, &n, &post, &mid_flag); if (mid_flag) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(mid_flag, 1, "mid_flag should be no more than 1."); if (platform::is_gpu_place(ctx.GetPlace())) { #ifdef __NVCC__ ElemwiseGradBroadcastMid2CUDA( ctx.template device_context().stream(), x.data(), y.data(), out.data(), dout.data(), pre, n, post, dx_op, dy_op, dx == nullptr ? nullptr : dx->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), dy == nullptr ? nullptr : dy->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace())); #endif } else { ElemwiseGradBroadcastMid2CPU( x.data(), y.data(), out.data(), dout.data(), pre, n, post, dx_op, dy_op, dx == nullptr ? nullptr : dx->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), dy == nullptr ? nullptr : dy->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace())); } } else if (post == 1) { if (platform::is_gpu_place(ctx.GetPlace())) { #ifdef __NVCC__ ElemwiseGradBroadcast1CUDA( ctx.template device_context().stream(), x.data(), y.data(), out.data(), dout.data(), pre, n, dx_op, dy_op, dx == nullptr ? nullptr : dx->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), dy == nullptr ? nullptr : dy->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace())); #endif } else { ElemwiseGradBroadcast1CPU( x.data(), y.data(), out.data(), dout.data(), pre, n, dx_op, dy_op, dx == nullptr ? nullptr : dx->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), dy == nullptr ? nullptr : dy->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace())); } } else { if (platform::is_gpu_place(ctx.GetPlace())) { #ifdef __NVCC__ ElemwiseGradBroadcast2CUDA( ctx.template device_context().stream(), x.data(), y.data(), out.data(), dout.data(), pre, n, post, dx_op, dy_op, dx == nullptr ? nullptr : dx->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), dy == nullptr ? nullptr : dy->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace())); #endif } else { ElemwiseGradBroadcast2CPU( x.data(), y.data(), out.data(), dout.data(), pre, n, post, dx_op, dy_op, dx == nullptr ? nullptr : dx->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), dy == nullptr ? nullptr : dy->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace())); } } } template void ElemwiseGradCompute(const framework::ExecutionContext &ctx, const framework::Tensor &x, const framework::Tensor &y, const framework::Tensor &out, const framework::Tensor &dout, int axis, framework::Tensor *dx, framework::Tensor *dy, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op) { const framework::DDim &x_dim = x.dims(); const framework::DDim &y_dim = y.dims(); if (x.dims() == y.dims()) { ElemwiseGradComputeNoBroadcast( ctx, x_dim, y_dim, x, y, out, dout, axis, dx, dy, dx_op, dy_op); } else { // Y is a scalar ElemwiseGradComputeWithBroadcast( ctx, x_dim, y_dim, x, y, out, dout, axis, dx, dy, dx_op, dy_op); } } // NOTE(dzhwinter): Only used in elementwise_add, elementwise_sub. // explicit gradient can cut off X, Y, Out from gradient op // In elementwise_add, elementwise_sub, we use dout as fake X, Y, Out to reuse // elementwise code. template void ElemwiseExplicitGradCompute(const framework::ExecutionContext &ctx, const framework::Tensor &x, const framework::Tensor &y, const framework::Tensor &out, const framework::Tensor &dout, int axis, framework::Tensor *dx, framework::Tensor *dy, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op) { if (dy == nullptr) { const framework::DDim &dx_dims = dout.dims(); auto dy_dims = dx_dims; ElemwiseGradComputeNoBroadcast( ctx, dx_dims, dy_dims, x, y, out, dout, axis, dx, dy, dx_op, dy_op); } else { if (dout.dims() == dy->dims()) { const framework::DDim &dx_dims = dout.dims(); const framework::DDim &dy_dims = dy->dims(); ElemwiseGradComputeNoBroadcast( ctx, dx_dims, dy_dims, x, y, out, dout, axis, dx, dy, dx_op, dy_op); } else { // Y is a scalar auto dx_dims = dout.dims(); const framework::DDim &dy_dims = dy->dims(); ElemwiseGradComputeWithBroadcast( ctx, dx_dims, dy_dims, x, y, out, dout, axis, dx, dy, dx_op, dy_op); } } } // Deprecated template void ElementwiseGradCompute(const framework::ExecutionContext &ctx, const framework::Tensor *x, const framework::Tensor *y, const framework::Tensor *out, const framework::Tensor *dout, int axis, framework::Tensor *dx, framework::Tensor *dy) { auto &place = *ctx.template device_context().eigen_device(); auto x_dims = x->dims(); auto y_dims = y->dims(); if (dx) { dx->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); } if (dy) { dy->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); } if (x_dims == y_dims) { functor f; f(place, x, y, out, dx, dy, dout); return; } axis = (axis == -1 ? x_dims.size() - y_dims.size() : axis); trim_trailing_singular_dims(y_dims); axis = (y_dims.size() == 0) ? x_dims.size() : axis; int pre, n, post; get_mid_dims(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post); if (post == 1) { broadcastfunctor f; f(place, x, y, out, dx, dy, dout, pre, n); return; } else { broadcast2functor f; f(place, x, y, out, dx, dy, dout, pre, n, post); return; } } template void ElementwiseComputeEx(const framework::ExecutionContext &ctx, const framework::Tensor *x, const framework::Tensor *y, int axis, Functor func, framework::Tensor *z) { TransformFunctor functor( x, y, z, ctx.template device_context(), func); auto x_dims = x->dims(); auto y_dims_untrimed = y->dims(); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE( x_dims.size(), y_dims_untrimed.size(), "ShapeError: the dimension of input X must greater than or equal to " "the one of input Y. But received: the shape of input X = [%s], the " "dimension of input X = %d, the shape of input Y = [%s], the dimension " "of of input Y = %d", x_dims, x_dims.size(), y_dims_untrimed, y_dims_untrimed.size()); if (x_dims == y_dims_untrimed) { functor.Run(); return; } axis = (axis == -1 ? x_dims.size() - y_dims_untrimed.size() : axis); PADDLE_ENFORCE(axis >= 0 && axis < x_dims.size(), "Axis should be in range [0, x_dims)"); auto y_dims = trim_trailing_singular_dims(y_dims_untrimed); axis = (y_dims.size() == 0) ? x_dims.size() : axis; int pre, n, post, mid_flag = 0; get_mid_dims(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post, &mid_flag); if (mid_flag) { functor.RunMidRowWise(n, pre, post); return; } if (post == 1) { functor.RunRowWise(n, pre); return; } else { functor.RunMidWise(n, pre, post); return; } } // FusedElemwiseAndAct // --- forward template struct FusedElemwiseAndActNoBroadcast { HOSTDEVICE void operator()(size_t i) { T y_val = y_[i]; T x_val = x_[i]; if (KeepIntermediateOut) { T intermeidiate_out = compound_functor_.GetIntermediateOut(x_val, y_val); intermediate_out_[i] = intermeidiate_out; out_[i] = compound_functor_.GetOutUseIntermediateOut(x_val, intermeidiate_out); } else { out_[i] = compound_functor_.GetOut(x_val, y_val); } } const T *x_; const T *y_; CompoundFunctor compound_functor_; T *out_; T *intermediate_out_; }; // FusedElemwiseAndActBroadcast1: // In this case, X and Y can be reshaped to a matrix. // For example shape(X) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(Y) = (4, 5) and axis = -1 or 2, // X can be reshaped to (6, 20) and Y can be reshaped to (1, 20) template static void FusedElemwiseAndActBroadcast1CPU(const T *x, const T *y, CompoundFunctor compound_functor, int h, int w, T *out, T *intermediate_out) { for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < w; ++j) { int offset = i * w + j; T y_val = BcastY ? y[j] : y[offset]; T x_val = BcastY ? x[offset] : x[j]; int64_t intermediate_out_offset; if (KeepIntermediateOut) { T intermeidiate_out = compound_functor.GetIntermediateOut(x_val, y_val); if (SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut) { // for the case of f1(f2(x, y)) intermediate_out_offset = offset; } else if (BcastY) { intermediate_out_offset = j; } else { intermediate_out_offset = offset; } intermediate_out[intermediate_out_offset] = intermeidiate_out; out[offset] = compound_functor.GetOutUseIntermediateOut(x_val, intermeidiate_out); } else { out[offset] = compound_functor.GetOut(x_val, y_val); } } } } // FusedElemwiseAndActBroadcast2 // In this case, X and Y can be reshaped to a matrix. // For example shape(X) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(Y) = (3, 4) and axis = 1, // X can be reshaped to (2, 12, 5) and Y can be reshaped to (1, 12, 1) // pre = 2, n = 12, post = 5 template static void FusedElemwiseAndActBroadcast2CPU(const T *x, const T *y, int pre, int n, int post, CompoundFunctor compound_functor, T *out, T *intermediate_out) { for (int i = 0; i < pre; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < post; ++k) { int offset = i * n * post + j * post + k; T y_val = BcastY ? y[j] : y[offset]; T x_val = BcastY ? x[offset] : x[j]; int64_t intermediate_out_offset; if (KeepIntermediateOut) { T intermeidiate_out = compound_functor.GetIntermediateOut(x_val, y_val); if (SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut) { // for the case of f1(f2(x, y)) intermediate_out_offset = offset; } else if (BcastY) { intermediate_out_offset = j; } else { intermediate_out_offset = offset; } intermediate_out[intermediate_out_offset] = intermeidiate_out; out[offset] = compound_functor.GetOutUseIntermediateOut( x_val, intermeidiate_out); } else { out[offset] = compound_functor.GetOut(x_val, y_val); } } } } } #ifdef __NVCC__ template static __global__ void FusedElemwiseAndActBroadcast1CUDAKernel( const T *x, const T *y, int h, int w, CompoundFunctor compound_functor, T *out, T *intermediate_out) { int j = blockIdx.x; int i = threadIdx.x; while (i < h) { int offset = i * w + j; T y_val = BcastY ? y[j] : y[offset]; T x_val = BcastY ? x[offset] : x[j]; int64_t intermediate_out_offset; if (KeepIntermediateOut) { T intermeidiate_out = compound_functor.GetIntermediateOut(x_val, y_val); if (SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut) { // for the case of f1(f2(x, y)) intermediate_out_offset = offset; } else if (BcastY) { intermediate_out_offset = j; } else { intermediate_out_offset = offset; } intermediate_out[intermediate_out_offset] = intermeidiate_out; out[offset] = compound_functor.GetOutUseIntermediateOut(x_val, intermeidiate_out); } else { out[offset] = compound_functor.GetOut(x_val, y_val); } i += ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM; } } template static void FusedElemwiseAndActBroadcast1CUDA(cudaStream_t stream, const T *x, const T *y, CompoundFunctor compound_functor, int h, int w, T *out, T *intermediate_out) { int block_size = std::min(ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM, h); int gird_size = w; FusedElemwiseAndActBroadcast1CUDAKernel< T, CompoundFunctor, BcastY, KeepIntermediateOut, SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut><<>>( x, y, h, w, compound_functor, out, intermediate_out); } template static __global__ void FusedElemwiseAndActBroadcast2CUDAKernel( const T *x, const T *y, CompoundFunctor compound_functor, int pre, int n, int post, T *out, T *intermediate_out) { int tid = threadIdx.x; int j = blockIdx.x; while (true) { int i = tid / post; int k = tid % post; if (i >= pre) break; int offset = i * n * post + j * post + k; T y_val = BcastY ? y[j] : y[offset]; T x_val = BcastY ? x[offset] : x[j]; int64_t intermediate_out_offset; if (KeepIntermediateOut) { T intermeidiate_out = compound_functor.GetIntermediateOut(x_val, y_val); if (SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut) { // for the case of f1(f2(x, y)) intermediate_out_offset = offset; } else if (BcastY) { intermediate_out_offset = j; } else { intermediate_out_offset = offset; } intermediate_out[intermediate_out_offset] = intermeidiate_out; out[offset] = compound_functor.GetOutUseIntermediateOut(x_val, intermeidiate_out); } else { out[offset] = compound_functor.GetOut(x_val, y_val); } tid += ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM; } } template static void FusedElemwiseAndActBroadcast2CUDA(cudaStream_t stream, const T *x, const T *y, int pre, int n, int post, CompoundFunctor compound_functor, T *out, T *intermediate_out) { int block_size = std::min(ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM, pre * post); int gird_size = n; FusedElemwiseAndActBroadcast2CUDAKernel< T, CompoundFunctor, BcastY, KeepIntermediateOut, SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut><<>>( x, y, compound_functor, pre, n, post, out, intermediate_out); } #endif template void FusedElemwiseAndActComputeNoBroadcast( const framework::ExecutionContext &ctx, const framework::DDim &x_dim, const framework::Tensor &x, const framework::Tensor &y, CompoundFunctor compound_functor, framework::Tensor *out, framework::Tensor *intermediate_out) { size_t N = static_cast(framework::product(x_dim)); platform::ForRange for_range( ctx.template device_context(), N); for_range( FusedElemwiseAndActNoBroadcast{ x.data(), y.data(), compound_functor, out->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), intermediate_out == nullptr ? nullptr : intermediate_out->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace())}); } template void FusedElemwiseAndActComputeWithBroadcast( const framework::ExecutionContext &ctx, const framework::DDim &x_dim, const framework::DDim &y_dim_untrimed, const framework::Tensor &x, const framework::Tensor &y, CompoundFunctor compound_functor, int axis, framework::Tensor *out, framework::Tensor *intermediate_out) { axis = (axis == -1 ? x_dim.size() - y_dim_untrimed.size() : axis); auto y_dim = trim_trailing_singular_dims(y_dim_untrimed); axis = (y_dim.size() == 0) ? x_dim.size() : axis; int pre, n, post; get_mid_dims(x_dim, y_dim, axis, &pre, &n, &post); if (post == 1) { int h = pre; int w = n; if (platform::is_gpu_place(ctx.GetPlace())) { #ifdef __NVCC__ FusedElemwiseAndActBroadcast1CUDA( ctx.template device_context().stream(), x.data(), y.data(), compound_functor, h, w, out->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), intermediate_out == nullptr ? nullptr : intermediate_out->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace())); #endif } else { FusedElemwiseAndActBroadcast1CPU( x.data(), y.data(), compound_functor, h, w, out->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), intermediate_out == nullptr ? nullptr : intermediate_out->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace())); } } else { if (platform::is_gpu_place(ctx.GetPlace())) { #ifdef __NVCC__ FusedElemwiseAndActBroadcast2CUDA( ctx.template device_context().stream(), x.data(), y.data(), pre, n, post, compound_functor, out->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), intermediate_out == nullptr ? nullptr : intermediate_out->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace())); #endif } else { FusedElemwiseAndActBroadcast2CPU( x.data(), y.data(), pre, n, post, compound_functor, out->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), intermediate_out == nullptr ? nullptr : intermediate_out->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace())); } } } // --- backward template struct FusedElemwiseAndActGradNoBroadcast { HOSTDEVICE void operator()(size_t i) { T x_val = x_[i]; T y_val = y_[i]; T out_val = out_[i]; T dout_val = dout_[i]; T intermediate_out_val = UseIntermediateOut ? intermediate_out_[i] : dx_op_.GetIntermediateOut(x_val, y_val); if (dx_ != nullptr) { dx_[i] = dx_op_.UseIntermediateOut(x_val, y_val, intermediate_out_val, out_val, dout_val); } if (dy_ != nullptr) { dy_[i] = dy_op_.UseIntermediateOut(x_val, y_val, intermediate_out_val, out_val, dout_val); } if (dintermediate_ != nullptr) { dintermediate_[i] = dintermediate_op_.UseIntermediateOut( x_val, intermediate_out_val, out_val, dout_val); } } const T *x_; const T *y_; const T *intermediate_out_; const T *out_; const T *dout_; DX_OP dx_op_; DY_OP dy_op_; DIntermediate_OP dintermediate_op_; T *dx_; T *dy_; T *dintermediate_; }; template void FusedElemwiseAndActGradComputeNoBroadcast( const framework::ExecutionContext &ctx, const framework::DDim &x_dim, const framework::DDim &y_dim, const framework::Tensor *x, const framework::Tensor *y, const framework::Tensor *intermediate_out, const framework::Tensor *out, const framework::Tensor *dout, int axis, framework::Tensor *dx, framework::Tensor *dy, framework::Tensor *dintermediate, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, DIntermediate_OP dintermediate_op) { size_t N = static_cast(framework::product(x_dim)); platform::ForRange for_range( ctx.template device_context(), N); for_range( FusedElemwiseAndActGradNoBroadcast{ x->data(), y->data(), intermediate_out ? intermediate_out->data() : nullptr, out->data(), dout->data(), dx_op, dy_op, dintermediate_op, dx == nullptr ? nullptr : dx->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), dy == nullptr ? nullptr : dy->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), dintermediate == nullptr ? nullptr : dintermediate->mutable_data( ctx.GetPlace())}); } template static void FusedElemwiseAndActGradBroadcast1CPU( const T *x, const T *y, const T *intermediate_out, const T *out, const T *dout, int h, int w, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, DIntermediate_OP dintermediate_op, T *dx, T *dy, T *d_intermediate) { int64_t tmp_out_idx, x_idx, y_idx; for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < w; ++j) { int offset = i * w + j; tmp_out_idx = BcastY ? j : offset; y_idx = BcastY ? j : offset; x_idx = BcastY ? offset : j; if (SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut) { tmp_out_idx = offset; } if (dx != nullptr) { T tmp = UseIntermediateOut ? dx_op.UseIntermediateOut(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], intermediate_out[tmp_out_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]) : dx_op.Recompute(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]); if (BcastY) { dx[x_idx] = tmp; } else { if (i == 0) { dx[x_idx] = tmp; } else { dx[x_idx] += tmp; } } } if (dy != nullptr) { T tmp = UseIntermediateOut ? dy_op.UseIntermediateOut(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], intermediate_out[tmp_out_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]) : dy_op.Recompute(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]); if (BcastY) { if (i == 0) { dy[y_idx] = tmp; } else { dy[y_idx] += tmp; } } else { dy[y_idx] = tmp; } } if (d_intermediate != nullptr) { T tmp = UseIntermediateOut ? dintermediate_op.UseIntermediateOut( x[x_idx], intermediate_out[tmp_out_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]) : dintermediate_op.Recompute(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], out[offset], dout[i]); if (SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut) { d_intermediate[tmp_out_idx] = tmp; } else { if (i == 0) { d_intermediate[tmp_out_idx] = tmp; } else { d_intermediate[tmp_out_idx] += tmp; } } } } } } template static void FusedElemwiseAndActGradBroadcast2CPU( const T *x, const T *y, const T *intermediate_out, const T *out, const T *dout, int pre, int n, int post, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, DIntermediate_OP dintermediate_op, T *dx, T *dy, T *d_intermediate) { int64_t tmp_out_idx, x_idx, y_idx; for (int i = 0; i < pre; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < post; ++k) { int offset = i * n * post + j * post + k; tmp_out_idx = BcastY ? j : offset; y_idx = BcastY ? j : offset; x_idx = BcastY ? offset : j; if (SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut) { tmp_out_idx = offset; } if (dx != nullptr) { T tmp = UseIntermediateOut ? dx_op.UseIntermediateOut(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], intermediate_out[tmp_out_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]) : dx_op.Recompute(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]); if (BcastY) { dx[x_idx] = tmp; } else { if (i == 0 && k == 0) { dx[x_idx] = tmp; } else { dx[x_idx] += tmp; } } } if (dy != nullptr) { T tmp = UseIntermediateOut ? dy_op.UseIntermediateOut(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], intermediate_out[tmp_out_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]) : dy_op.Recompute(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]); if (BcastY) { if (i == 0 && k == 0) { dy[y_idx] = tmp; } else { dy[y_idx] += tmp; } } else { dy[y_idx] = tmp; } } if (d_intermediate != nullptr) { T tmp = UseIntermediateOut ? dintermediate_op.UseIntermediateOut( x[x_idx], intermediate_out[tmp_out_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]) : dintermediate_op.Recompute(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], out[offset], dout[i]); if (SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut) { d_intermediate[tmp_out_idx] = tmp; } else { if (i == 0) { d_intermediate[tmp_out_idx] = tmp; } else { d_intermediate[tmp_out_idx] += tmp; } } } } } } } #ifdef __NVCC__ template static __global__ void FusedElemwiseAndActGradBroadcast1CUDAKernel( const T *x, const T *y, const T *intermediate_out, const T *out, const T *dout, int h, int w, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, DIntermediate_OP dintermediate_op, T *dx, T *dy, T *d_intermediate) { int j = blockIdx.x; int i = threadIdx.x; int tid = threadIdx.x; T val(0), inter_val(0); int64_t tmp_out_idx, x_idx, y_idx; do { int offset = i * w + j; tmp_out_idx = BcastY ? j : offset; y_idx = BcastY ? j : offset; x_idx = BcastY ? offset : j; if (SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut) { tmp_out_idx = offset; } if (dx != nullptr) { T tmp = UseIntermediateOut ? dx_op.UseIntermediateOut(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], intermediate_out[tmp_out_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]) : dx_op.Recompute(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]); if (BcastY) { dx[x_idx] = tmp; } else { val += tmp; } } if (dy != nullptr) { T tmp = UseIntermediateOut ? dy_op.UseIntermediateOut(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], intermediate_out[tmp_out_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]) : dy_op.Recompute(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]); if (BcastY) { val += tmp; } else { dy[y_idx] = tmp; } } if (d_intermediate != nullptr) { T tmp = UseIntermediateOut ? dintermediate_op.UseIntermediateOut( y[y_idx], intermediate_out[tmp_out_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]) : dintermediate_op.Recompute(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]); if (SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut) { d_intermediate[tmp_out_idx] = tmp; } else { inter_val += tmp; } } i += ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM; } while (i < h); h = h > ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM ? ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM : h; if (BcastY) { if (dy) { val = paddle::platform::reduceSum(val, tid, h); if (threadIdx.x == 0) { dy[j] = val; } } } else { if (dx) { val = paddle::platform::reduceSum(val, tid, h); if (threadIdx.x == 0) { dx[j] = val; } } } if (!SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut) { if (d_intermediate) { inter_val = paddle::platform::reduceSum(inter_val, tid, h); if (threadIdx.x == 0) { d_intermediate[j] = inter_val; } } } } template static void FusedElemwiseAndActGradBroadcast1CUDA( cudaStream_t stream, const T *x, const T *y, const T *intermediate_out, const T *out, const T *dout, int h, int w, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, DIntermediate_OP dintermediate_op, T *dx, T *dy, T *d_intermediate) { int block_size = std::min(ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM, h); int gird_size = w; FusedElemwiseAndActGradBroadcast1CUDAKernel< T, DX_OP, DY_OP, DIntermediate_OP, UseIntermediateOut, BcastY, SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut><<>>( x, y, intermediate_out, out, dout, h, w, dx_op, dy_op, dintermediate_op, dx, dy, d_intermediate); } template static __global__ void FusedElemwiseAndActGradBroadcast2CUDAKernel( const T *x, const T *y, const T *intermediate_out, const T *out, const T *dout, int pre, int n, int post, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, DIntermediate_OP dintermediate_op, T *dx, T *dy, T *d_intermediate) { int tid = threadIdx.x; int j = blockIdx.x; T val(0), inter_val(0); int ttid = tid; int64_t tmp_out_idx, x_idx, y_idx; while (true) { int i = ttid / post; int k = ttid % post; if (i >= pre) break; int offset = i * n * post + j * post + k; tmp_out_idx = BcastY ? j : offset; y_idx = BcastY ? j : offset; x_idx = BcastY ? offset : j; if (SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut) { tmp_out_idx = offset; } if (dx != nullptr) { T tmp = UseIntermediateOut ? dx_op.UseIntermediateOut(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], intermediate_out[tmp_out_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]) : dx_op.Recompute(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]); if (BcastY) { dx[x_idx] = tmp; } else { val += tmp; } } if (dy != nullptr) { T tmp = UseIntermediateOut ? dy_op.UseIntermediateOut(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], intermediate_out[tmp_out_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]) : dy_op.Recompute(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]); if (BcastY) { val += tmp; } else { dy[y_idx] = tmp; } } if (d_intermediate != nullptr) { T tmp = UseIntermediateOut ? dintermediate_op.UseIntermediateOut( y[y_idx], intermediate_out[tmp_out_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]) : dintermediate_op.Recompute(x[x_idx], y[y_idx], out[offset], dout[offset]); if (SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut) { d_intermediate[tmp_out_idx] = tmp; } else { inter_val += tmp; } } ttid += ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM; } int h = pre * post; h = h > ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM ? ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM : h; if (BcastY) { if (dy) { val = paddle::platform::reduceSum(val, tid, h); if (threadIdx.x == 0) { dy[j] = val; } } } else { if (dx) { val = paddle::platform::reduceSum(val, tid, h); if (threadIdx.x == 0) { dx[j] = val; } } } if (!SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut) { if (d_intermediate) { inter_val = paddle::platform::reduceSum(inter_val, tid, h); if (threadIdx.x == 0) { d_intermediate[j] = inter_val; } } } } template static void FusedElemwiseAndActGradBroadcast2CUDA( cudaStream_t stream, const T *x, const T *y, const T *intermediate_out, const T *out, const T *dout, int pre, int n, int post, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, DIntermediate_OP dintermediate_op, T *dx, T *dy, T *dintermediate) { int block_size = std::min(ELEMWISE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM, pre * post); int gird_size = n; FusedElemwiseAndActGradBroadcast2CUDAKernel< T, DX_OP, DY_OP, DIntermediate_OP, UseIntermediateOut, BcastY, SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut><<>>( x, y, intermediate_out, out, dout, pre, n, post, dx_op, dy_op, dintermediate_op, dx, dy, dintermediate); } #endif template void FusedElemwiseAndActGradComputeWithBroadcast( const framework::ExecutionContext &ctx, const framework::DDim &x_dim, const framework::DDim &y_dim_untrimed, const framework::Tensor *x, const framework::Tensor *y, const framework::Tensor *intermediate_out, const framework::Tensor *out, const framework::Tensor *dout, int axis, framework::Tensor *dx, framework::Tensor *dy, framework::Tensor *dintermediate, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, DIntermediate_OP dintermediate_op) { axis = (axis == -1 ? x_dim.size() - y_dim_untrimed.size() : axis); auto y_dim = trim_trailing_singular_dims(y_dim_untrimed); axis = (y_dim.size() == 0) ? x_dim.size() : axis; int pre, n, post; get_mid_dims(x_dim, y_dim, axis, &pre, &n, &post); if (post == 1) { int h = pre; int w = n; if (platform::is_gpu_place(ctx.GetPlace())) { #ifdef __NVCC__ FusedElemwiseAndActGradBroadcast1CUDA( ctx.template device_context().stream(), x->data(), y->data(), intermediate_out == nullptr ? nullptr : intermediate_out->data(), out->data(), dout->data(), h, w, dx_op, dy_op, dintermediate_op, dx == nullptr ? nullptr : dx->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), dy == nullptr ? nullptr : dy->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), dintermediate == nullptr ? nullptr : dintermediate->mutable_data( ctx.GetPlace())); #endif } else { FusedElemwiseAndActGradBroadcast1CPU( x->data(), y->data(), intermediate_out == nullptr ? nullptr : intermediate_out->data(), out->data(), dout->data(), h, w, dx_op, dy_op, dintermediate_op, dx == nullptr ? nullptr : dx->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), dy == nullptr ? nullptr : dy->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), dintermediate == nullptr ? nullptr : dintermediate->mutable_data( ctx.GetPlace())); } } else { if (platform::is_gpu_place(ctx.GetPlace())) { #ifdef __NVCC__ FusedElemwiseAndActGradBroadcast2CUDA( ctx.template device_context().stream(), x->data(), y->data(), intermediate_out == nullptr ? nullptr : intermediate_out->data(), out->data(), dout->data(), pre, n, post, dx_op, dy_op, dintermediate_op, dx == nullptr ? nullptr : dx->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), dy == nullptr ? nullptr : dy->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), dintermediate == nullptr ? nullptr : dintermediate->mutable_data( ctx.GetPlace())); #endif } else { FusedElemwiseAndActGradBroadcast2CPU( x->data(), y->data(), intermediate_out == nullptr ? nullptr : intermediate_out->data(), out->data(), dout->data(), pre, n, post, dx_op, dy_op, dintermediate_op, dx == nullptr ? nullptr : dx->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), dy == nullptr ? nullptr : dy->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), dintermediate == nullptr ? nullptr : dintermediate->mutable_data( ctx.GetPlace())); } } } template void FusedElemwiseAndActGradComputeEx( const framework::ExecutionContext &ctx, const framework::Tensor *x, const framework::Tensor *y, const framework::Tensor *out, const framework::Tensor *intermediate_out, const framework::Tensor *dout, int axis, framework::Tensor *dx, framework::Tensor *dy, framework::Tensor *dintermediate, DX_OP dx_op, DY_OP dy_op, DIntermediate_OP dintermediate_op) { const framework::DDim &x_dim = x->dims(); const framework::DDim &y_dim = y->dims(); if (UseIntermediateOut) { PADDLE_ENFORCE(intermediate_out, "intermediate_out should not be nullptr"); } if (x_dim == y_dim) { FusedElemwiseAndActGradComputeNoBroadcast< DeviceContext, T, DX_OP, DY_OP, DIntermediate_OP, UseIntermediateOut>( ctx, x_dim, y_dim, x, y, intermediate_out, out, dout, axis, dx, dy, dintermediate, dx_op, dy_op, dintermediate_op); } else { // Y is a scalar bool bcast_y = x_dim.size() >= y_dim.size(); if (x_dim.size() == y_dim.size()) { for (int i = 0; i < x_dim.size(); ++i) { if (x_dim[i] < y_dim[i]) { bcast_y = false; break; } } } // z = f1(x, f2(y)) // z = f1(f2(x, y)) if (bcast_y) { // Y should be broadcast. FusedElemwiseAndActGradComputeWithBroadcast< DeviceContext, T, DX_OP, DY_OP, DIntermediate_OP, UseIntermediateOut, true /*BcastY*/, SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut>( ctx, x_dim, y_dim, x, y, intermediate_out, out, dout, axis, dx, dy, dintermediate, dx_op, dy_op, dintermediate_op); } else { FusedElemwiseAndActGradComputeWithBroadcast< DeviceContext, T, DX_OP, DY_OP, DIntermediate_OP, UseIntermediateOut, false /*BcastY*/, SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut>( ctx, y_dim, x_dim, x, y, intermediate_out, out, dout, axis, dx, dy, dintermediate, dx_op, dy_op, dintermediate_op); } } } template void FusedElemwiseAndActComputeEx(const framework::ExecutionContext &ctx, const framework::Tensor &x, const framework::Tensor &y, int axis, CompoundFunctor compound_functor, framework::Tensor *out, framework::Tensor *intermediate_out) { if (KeepIntermediateOut) { PADDLE_ENFORCE(intermediate_out, "The save_intermediate_out is opened, " "intermediate_out should not be nullptr."); } const framework::DDim &x_dim = x.dims(); const framework::DDim &y_dim = y.dims(); if (x.dims() == y.dims()) { FusedElemwiseAndActComputeNoBroadcast( ctx, x_dim, x, y, compound_functor, out, intermediate_out); } else { // Whether the shape of Y is a continuous subsequence of X, // For more information please refer to the op's introduction. bool bcast_y = x.dims().size() >= y.dims().size(); if (x.dims().size() == y.dims().size()) { for (int i = 0; i < x.dims().size(); ++i) { if (x.dims()[i] < y.dims()[i]) { bcast_y = false; break; } } } // z = f1(x, f2(y)) // z = f1(f2(x, y)) if (bcast_y) { // Y should be broadcast. // In this case, // for 'f2(y)', the shape of intermediate_out should be equal to the // shape // of Y. // for 'f2(x, y)', the shape of intermediate_out should be equal to the // shape of Out. // the shape of Out should be equal to the shape of X. FusedElemwiseAndActComputeWithBroadcast< DeviceContext, T, CompoundFunctor, true /*BcastY*/, KeepIntermediateOut, SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut>( ctx, x_dim /*OutShape*/, y_dim, x, y, compound_functor, axis, out, intermediate_out); } else { // In this case, // for 'f2(y)', the shape of intermediate_out should be equal to the // shape // of Out. // for 'f2(x, y)', the shape of intermediate_out should be equal to the // shape of Out. // the shape of Out should be equal to the shape of Y. FusedElemwiseAndActComputeWithBroadcast< DeviceContext, T, CompoundFunctor, false /*BcastY*/, KeepIntermediateOut, SameShapeOfIntermediateOutAndOut>( ctx, y_dim /*OutShape*/, x_dim, x, y, compound_functor, axis, out, intermediate_out); } } } template static inline void GetDoubleGradSafeTensor( const framework::ExecutionContext &ctx, const framework::Tensor *x, const framework::Tensor *ddx, framework::Tensor *ddx_safe) { if (ddx) { *ddx_safe = *ddx; } else { auto &dev_ctx = ctx.template device_context(); *ddx_safe = ctx.AllocateTmpTensor(x->dims(), dev_ctx); math::SetConstant set_zero; set_zero(ctx.template device_context(), ddx_safe, static_cast(0)); } } } // namespace operators } // namespace paddle