# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # Copyright (c) 2021 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import copy import google.protobuf import google.protobuf.text_format import paddle from paddle.distributed.fleet.proto import distributed_strategy_pb2 from paddle.distributed.fleet.utils.log_util import logger from paddle.fluid.framework import _global_flags from paddle.fluid.wrapped_decorator import wrap_decorator __all__ = [] non_auto_func_called = True def __non_auto_func_called__(func): def __impl__(*args, **kwargs): global non_auto_func_called non_auto_func_called = False return func(*args, **kwargs) return __impl__ is_strict_auto = wrap_decorator(__non_auto_func_called__) def get_msg_dict(msg): res_dict = {} fields = msg.DESCRIPTOR.fields for f in fields: v = getattr(msg, f.name) # NOTE(zhiqiu): convert repeated filed to list to # avoid segment fault when the process exit? # WHY? # I guess the type or value of protobuf item is NULL when # dealloc. if f.label == google.protobuf.descriptor.FieldDescriptor.LABEL_REPEATED: v = list(v) res_dict[f.name] = v return res_dict def assign_configs_value(msg, config): fields = msg.DESCRIPTOR.fields for key in config: for f in fields: if key == f.name: # LABEL_OPTIONAL = 1 # LABEL_REPEATED = 3 # LABEL_REQUIRED = 2 if f.label == 3: if config[f.name] is not None: getattr(msg, f.name).extend(config[f.name]) elif f.label == 1 or f.label == 2: setattr(msg, f.name, config[f.name]) def check_configs_key(msg, config, field_name): key_list = msg.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name.keys() for key in config: assert key in key_list, f"key:{key} not in {field_name}" class DistributedJobInfo: """ DistributedJobInfo will serialize all distributed training information Just for inner use: 1) debug 2) replicate experiments """ def __init__(self): self.job_info = distributed_strategy_pb2.DistributedJobInfo() def _set_worker_num(self, worker_num): self.job_info.worker_num = worker_num def _set_server_num(self, server_num): self.job_info.server_num = server_num def _set_worker_ips(self, worker_ips): self.job_info.worker_ips.extend(worker_ips) def _set_server_endpoints(self, server_endpoints): self.job_info.server_endpoints.extend(server_endpoints) def _set_origin_startup(self, origin_startup_prog): self.job_info.origin_startup = str(origin_startup_prog) def _set_origin_main(self, origin_main_prog): self.job_info.origin_main = str(origin_main_prog) def _distributed_main(self, distributed_main_prog): self.job_info.distributed_main = str(distributed_main_prog) def _optimizer_name(self, optimizer_name): self.job_info.optimizer_name = optimizer_name def _set_distributed_strategy(self, dist_strategy): self.job_info.strategy = dist_strategy ReduceStrategyFleet = int class DistributedStrategy: __lock_attr = False def __init__(self): """ DistributedStrategy is the main configuration entry for distributed training of Paddle. All of the distributed training configurations can be configured in DistributedStrategy, such as automatic mixed precision (AMP), Layer-wise Adaptive Rate Scaling (LARS), asynchronous update parameter server(ASGD), etc. DistributedStrategy can be serialized into protobuf file or deserialized from protobuf file Users who run local training usually configure BuildStrategy and ExecutionStrategy, and DistributedStrategy supports configurations from BuildStrategy and ExecutionStrategy """ self.strategy = distributed_strategy_pb2.DistributedStrategy() # Set the default values of the following flags to the ones set by users key = 'FLAGS_cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent' if _global_flags().is_public(key): self.strategy.cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent = bool( _global_flags()[key] ) key = 'FLAGS_conv_workspace_size_limit' if _global_flags().is_public(key): self.strategy.conv_workspace_size_limit = int(_global_flags()[key]) key = 'FLAGS_cudnn_exhaustive_search' if _global_flags().is_public(key): self.strategy.cudnn_exhaustive_search = bool(_global_flags()[key]) key = 'FLAGS_sync_nccl_allreduce' if _global_flags().is_public(key): self.strategy.sync_nccl_allreduce = bool(_global_flags()[key]) self.hybrid_parallel_order = ['dp', 'pp', 'sharding', 'sep', 'mp'] self.sync_param_name = ["embedding", "layer_norm", ".b_"] self.__lock_attr = True logger.info("distributed strategy initialized") def __setattr__(self, key, value): if self.__lock_attr and not hasattr(self, key): raise TypeError( f"{key} is not a attribute of {self.__class__.__name__}" ) object.__setattr__(self, key, value) def save_to_prototxt(self, output): """ Serialize current DistributedStrategy to string and save to output file Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.dgc = True strategy.recompute = True strategy.recompute_configs = {"checkpoints": ["x"]} strategy.save_to_prototxt("dist_strategy.prototxt") """ with open(output, "w") as fout: fout.write(str(self.strategy)) def load_from_prototxt(self, pb_file): """ Load from prototxt file for DistributedStrategy initialization Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.load_from_prototxt("dist_strategy.prototxt") """ with open(pb_file, 'r') as f: self.strategy = google.protobuf.text_format.Merge( str(f.read()), self.strategy ) @property def execution_strategy(self): """ Configure ExecutionStrategy for DistributedStrategy Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle exe_strategy = paddle.static.ExecutionStrategy() exe_strategy.num_threads = 10 exe_strategy.num_iteration_per_drop_scope = 10 exe_strategy.num_iteration_per_run = 10 strategy = paddle.distributed.fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.execution_strategy = exe_strategy """ execution_strategy = paddle.static.ExecutionStrategy() fields = self.strategy.execution_strategy.DESCRIPTOR.fields for f in fields: setattr( execution_strategy, f.name, getattr(self.strategy.execution_strategy, f.name), ) return execution_strategy @execution_strategy.setter @is_strict_auto def execution_strategy(self, strategy): fields = self.strategy.execution_strategy.DESCRIPTOR.fields for f in fields: setattr( self.strategy.execution_strategy, f.name, getattr(strategy, f.name), ) @property def build_strategy(self): """ Configure BuildStrategy for DistributedStrategy Note that the properties of BuildStrategy are valid in DistributedStrategy only if the property is non-distributed strategy. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle build_strategy = paddle.static.BuildStrategy() build_strategy.enable_sequential_execution = True build_strategy.fuse_elewise_add_act_ops = True build_strategy.fuse_bn_act_ops = True build_strategy.enable_auto_fusion = True build_strategy.fuse_relu_depthwise_conv = True build_strategy.fuse_broadcast_ops = True build_strategy.fuse_all_optimizer_ops = True build_strategy.enable_inplace = True strategy = paddle.distributed.fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.build_strategy = build_strategy """ build_strategy = paddle.static.BuildStrategy() fields = self.strategy.build_strategy.DESCRIPTOR.fields for f in fields: value = getattr(self.strategy.build_strategy, f.name) if f.name == 'reduce_strategy': value = paddle.static.BuildStrategy.ReduceStrategy(value) setattr(build_strategy, f.name, value) return build_strategy @build_strategy.setter @is_strict_auto def build_strategy(self, strategy): fields = self.strategy.build_strategy.DESCRIPTOR.fields for f in fields: if f.label == 1 or f.label == 2: # optional and required field value = getattr(strategy, f.name) if f.name == 'reduce_strategy': value = ReduceStrategyFleet(value) setattr(self.strategy.build_strategy, f.name, value) elif f.label == 3: # repeated field getattr(self.strategy.build_strategy, f.name).extend( getattr(strategy, f.name) ) @property def gradient_scale_configs(self): """ Set the strategy of gradient scale Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.gradient_scale_configs = {'scale_strategy': 'avg'} Note that, strategy must be in 'avg', 'sum' or 'customized' """ return get_msg_dict(self.strategy.gradient_scale_configs) @gradient_scale_configs.setter @is_strict_auto def gradient_scale_configs(self, config): check_configs_key( self.strategy.gradient_scale_configs, config, 'gradient_scale_configs', ) assign_configs_value(self.strategy.gradient_scale_configs, config) @property def a_sync(self): """ Indicating whether we are using asynchronous stocastic gradient descent updates for training. This property is valid when we are using parameter server training, which is implied by setting approperate RoleMaker Default value: True Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet role_maker = fleet.PaddleCloudRoleMaker() fleet.init(role_maker) strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.a_sync = True # by default this is True # code block for defining loss and local optimizer # sgd = fleet.distributed_optimizer(optimizer, strategy) """ return self.strategy.a_sync @a_sync.setter @is_strict_auto def a_sync(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.a_sync = flag self.a_sync_configs = {"k_steps": 0} else: raise ValueError( "The type of `flag` is invalid, expected type is bool, but received {}".format( type(flag) ) ) @property def a_sync_configs(self): """ Set a_sync update configurations. In general, asynchronous parameter server training has serveral configurable settings that can be configured through a dict. **Notes**: k_step(int): number of local optimization updates before communication max_merge_var_num(int): maximum number of merged gradients before communication send_queue_size(int): a buffer size of worker communication independent_recv_thread(bool): if we are using independent recv thread for communication thread_pool_size(int): number of thread pool send_wait_times(int): waiting time for sending gradients runtime_split_send_recv(bool): if we are using Tensor split for send and recv during runtime Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet role_maker = fleet.PaddleCloudRoleMaker() fleet.init(role_maker) strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.a_sync = True # by default this is True configs = {"k_steps": 1024, "send_queue_size": 32} strategy.a_sync_configs = configs # code block for defining loss and local optimizer # sgd = fleet.distributed_optimizer(optimizer, strategy) """ return get_msg_dict(self.strategy.a_sync_configs) @a_sync_configs.setter @is_strict_auto def a_sync_configs(self, configs): check_configs_key( self.strategy.a_sync_configs, configs, "a_sync_configs" ) assign_configs_value(self.strategy.a_sync_configs, configs) @property def trainer_desc_configs(self): """ Set trainer desc configurations. **Notes**: dump_fields_path(str): the path of dump fields dump_fields(list(str)): the fields that you want to dump dump_param(list(str)): the param that you want to dump stat_var_names(list(str)): Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet role_maker = fleet.PaddleCloudRoleMaker() fleet.init(role_maker) strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() configs = {"dump_fields_path": "./dump_data", "dump_fields": ["xxx", "yyy"]} strategy.trainer_desc_configs = configs # code block for defining loss and local optimizer # sgd = fleet.distributed_optimizer(optimizer, strategy) """ return get_msg_dict(self.strategy.trainer_desc_configs) @property def adam_d2sum(self): """ set adam_d2sum Default value: False Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet role_maker = fleet.PaddleCloudRoleMaker() fleet.init(role_maker) strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.adam_d2sum = True # by default this is False # code block for defining loss and local optimizer # sgd = fleet.distributed_optimizer(optimizer, strategy) """ return self.strategy.adam_d2sum @adam_d2sum.setter @is_strict_auto def adam_d2sum(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.adam_d2sum = flag else: raise ValueError( "The type of `flag` is invalid, expected type is bool, but received {}".format( type(flag) ) ) @trainer_desc_configs.setter @is_strict_auto def trainer_desc_configs(self, configs): check_configs_key( self.strategy.trainer_desc_configs, configs, "trainer_desc_configs" ) assign_configs_value(self.strategy.trainer_desc_configs, configs) @property def fs_client_param(self): """ Set fs client configurations. Note: uri(str): the uri of fs client user(str): the user_name of fs client passwd(str): the passwd of fs client hadoop_bin(str): Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet role_maker = fleet.PaddleCloudRoleMaker() fleet.init(role_maker) strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() configs = {"uri": "xxx", "user": "xxx", passwd: "xxx"} strategy.fs_client_param = configs # code block for defining loss and local optimizer # sgd = fleet.distributed_optimizer(optimizer, strategy) """ return self.strategy.fs_client_param @fs_client_param.setter @is_strict_auto def fs_client_param(self, configs): check_configs_key( self.strategy.fs_client_param, configs, "fs_client_param" ) assign_configs_value(self.strategy.fs_client_param, configs) @property def sparse_table_configs(self): return self.strategy.downpour_table_param @sparse_table_configs.setter @is_strict_auto def sparse_table_configs(self, configs): from google.protobuf.descriptor import FieldDescriptor table_param = self.strategy.downpour_table_param def set_table_config(msg, config_name, configs, index=0): for field in msg.DESCRIPTOR.fields: name = config_name + "." + field.name if field.type == FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE: logger.debug(f"message: {name}") if field.label == FieldDescriptor.LABEL_REPEATED: if name + ".num" not in configs: continue num = configs[name + ".num"] logger.debug(f"message num: {name} {num}") for i in range(num): data = getattr(msg, field.name).add() set_table_config(data, name, configs, i) else: set_table_config( getattr(msg, field.name), name, configs ) else: logger.debug("not message: %s", name) if name not in configs: continue if field.label == FieldDescriptor.LABEL_REPEATED: getattr(msg, field.name).extend(configs[name]) else: if type(configs[name]) == list: setattr(msg, field.name, configs[name][index]) else: setattr(msg, field.name, configs[name]) if not configs: logger.info("table configs is empty") else: for table_name in configs: table_data = table_param.add() table_data.table_name = table_name set_table_config( table_data, "table_parameters." + table_name, configs[table_name], ) @sparse_table_configs.setter def fleet_desc_configs(self, configs): support_sparse_key_list = [ 'sparse_table_class', 'sparse_compress_in_save', 'sparse_shard_num', 'sparse_accessor_class', 'sparse_learning_rate', 'sparse_initial_g2sum', 'sparse_initial_range', 'sparse_weight_bounds', 'sparse_fea_dim', 'sparse_embedx_dim', 'sparse_embedx_threshold', 'sparse_nonclk_coeff', 'sparse_click_coeff', 'sparse_base_threshold', 'sparse_delta_threshold', 'sparse_delta_keep_days', 'sparse_delete_after_unseen_days', 'sparse_show_click_decay_rate', 'sparse_delete_threshold', 'sparse_converter', 'sparse_deconverter', 'sparse_enable_cache', 'sparse_cache_rate', 'sparse_cache_file_num', 'sparse_beta1_decay_rate', 'sparse_beta2_decay_rate', 'sparse_ada_epsilon', 'sparse_optimizer', 'sparse_ssd_unseenday_threshold', 'embed_sparse_optimizer', 'embed_sparse_learning_rate', 'embed_sparse_weight_bounds', 'embed_sparse_initial_range', 'embed_sparse_initial_g2sum', 'embed_sparse_beta1_decay_rate', 'embed_sparse_beta2_decay_rate', 'embedx_sparse_optimizer', 'embedx_sparse_learning_rate', 'embedx_sparse_weight_bounds', 'embedx_sparse_initial_range', 'embedx_sparse_initial_g2sum', 'embedx_sparse_beta1_decay_rate', 'embedx_sparse_beta2_decay_rate', 'feature_learning_rate', 'nodeid_slot', 'sparse_load_filter_slots', ] support_sparse_table_class = [ 'DownpourSparseTable', 'DownpourSparseSSDTable', ] support_sparse_accessor_class = [ 'DownpourSparseValueAccessor', 'DownpourCtrAccessor', 'DownpourCtrDoubleAccessor', 'DownpourUnitAccessor', 'DownpourDoubleUnitAccessor', 'DownpourCtrDymfAccessor', ] table_param = self.strategy.downpour_table_param def add_graph_config(graph, strategy): graph.feature_learning_rate = strategy.get( 'feature_learning_rate', 0.05 ) graph.nodeid_slot = strategy.get('nodeid_slot', 9008) def sparse_optimizer_config(sgd, strategy, prefix): optimizer_name = strategy.get( prefix + "sparse_optimizer", "adagrad" ) sgd.name = optimizer_name if optimizer_name == "naive": sgd.name = "SparseNaiveSGDRule" sgd.naive.learning_rate = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_learning_rate', 0.05 ) sgd.naive.initial_range = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_initial_range', 1e-4 ) bounds = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_weight_bounds', [-10, 10] ) sgd.naive.weight_bounds.extend(bounds) elif optimizer_name == "adagrad": sgd.name = 'SparseAdaGradSGDRule' sgd.adagrad.learning_rate = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_learning_rate', 0.05 ) sgd.adagrad.initial_range = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_initial_range', 1e-4 ) if prefix == "embed_": sgd.adagrad.initial_range = 0 sgd.adagrad.initial_g2sum = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_initial_g2sum', 3 ) bounds = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_weight_bounds', [-10, 10] ) sgd.adagrad.weight_bounds.extend(bounds) elif optimizer_name == "std_adagrad": sgd.name = 'StdAdaGradSGDRule' sgd.adagrad.learning_rate = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_learning_rate', 0.05 ) sgd.adagrad.initial_range = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_initial_range', 1e-4 ) if prefix == "embed_": sgd.adagrad.initial_range = 0 sgd.adagrad.initial_g2sum = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_initial_g2sum', 3 ) bounds = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_weight_bounds', [-10, 10] ) sgd.adagrad.weight_bounds.extend(bounds) elif optimizer_name == "adam": sgd.name = 'SparseAdamSGDRule' sgd.adam.learning_rate = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_learning_rate', 0.001 ) sgd.adam.initial_range = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_initial_range', 1e-4 ) sgd.adam.beta1_decay_rate = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_beta1_decay_rate', 0.9 ) sgd.adam.beta2_decay_rate = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_beta2_decay_rate', 0.999 ) sgd.adam.ada_epsilon = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_ada_epsilon', 1e-8 ) bounds = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_weight_bounds', [-10, 10] ) sgd.adam.weight_bounds.extend(bounds) elif optimizer_name == "shared_adam": sgd.name = 'SparseSharedAdamSGDRule' sgd.adam.learning_rate = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_learning_rate', 0.001 ) sgd.adam.initial_range = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_initial_range', 1e-4 ) sgd.adam.beta1_decay_rate = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_beta1_decay_rate', 0.9 ) sgd.adam.beta2_decay_rate = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_beta2_decay_rate', 0.999 ) sgd.adam.ada_epsilon = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_ada_epsilon', 1e-8 ) bounds = strategy.get( prefix + 'sparse_weight_bounds', [-10, 10] ) sgd.adam.weight_bounds.extend(bounds) def set_sparse_table_config(table_data, config): for key in config: if key not in support_sparse_key_list: raise ValueError("strategy key '%s' not support" % (key)) table_class = config.get( "sparse_table_class", "DownpourSparseTable" ) if table_class not in support_sparse_table_class: raise ValueError( "support sparse_table_class: ['DownpourSparseTable, DownpourSparseSSDTable'], but actual %s" % (table_class) ) if table_class == "DownpourSparseSSDTable": table_data.table_class = 'SSDSparseTable' else: table_data.table_class = 'MemorySparseTable' table_data.shard_num = config.get('sparse_shard_num', 1000) table_data.enable_sparse_table_cache = config.get( 'sparse_enable_cache', True ) table_data.sparse_table_cache_rate = config.get( 'sparse_cache_rate', 0.00055 ) table_data.sparse_table_cache_file_num = config.get( 'sparse_cache_file_num', 16 ) accessor_class = config.get( "sparse_accessor_class", "DownpourCtrAccessor" ) if accessor_class not in support_sparse_accessor_class: raise ValueError( "support sparse_accessor_class: ['DownpourSparseValueAccessor', 'DownpourCtrAccessor', 'DownpourCtrDoubleAccessor', 'DownpourUnitAccessor', 'DownpourDoubleUnitAccessor'], but actual %s" % (accessor_class) ) if accessor_class.find("Double") >= 0: table_data.accessor.accessor_class = 'CtrDoubleAccessor' elif accessor_class.find("Dymf") >= 0: table_data.accessor.accessor_class = 'CtrDymfAccessor' else: table_data.accessor.accessor_class = 'CtrCommonAccessor' if not configs.get("use_cvm", True): table_data.accessor.accessor_class = 'SparseAccessor' table_data.accessor.embedx_dim = config.get('sparse_embedx_dim', 8) table_data.accessor.fea_dim = table_data.accessor.embedx_dim + 3 table_data.accessor.embedx_threshold = config.get( 'sparse_embedx_threshold', 10 ) if accessor_class == 'DownpourUnitAccessor': table_data.accessor.ctr_accessor_param.show_scale = False else: table_data.accessor.ctr_accessor_param.show_scale = True table_data.accessor.ctr_accessor_param.nonclk_coeff = config.get( 'sparse_nonclk_coeff', 0.1 ) table_data.accessor.ctr_accessor_param.click_coeff = config.get( 'sparse_click_coeff', 1 ) table_data.accessor.ctr_accessor_param.base_threshold = config.get( 'sparse_base_threshold', 1.5 ) table_data.accessor.ctr_accessor_param.delta_threshold = config.get( 'sparse_delta_threshold', 0.25 ) table_data.accessor.ctr_accessor_param.delta_keep_days = config.get( 'sparse_delta_keep_days', 16 ) table_data.accessor.ctr_accessor_param.show_click_decay_rate = ( config.get('sparse_show_click_decay_rate', 0.98) ) table_data.accessor.ctr_accessor_param.delete_threshold = ( config.get('sparse_delete_threshold', 0.8) ) table_data.accessor.ctr_accessor_param.delete_after_unseen_days = ( config.get('sparse_delete_after_unseen_days', 30) ) table_data.accessor.ctr_accessor_param.ssd_unseenday_threshold = ( config.get('sparse_ssd_unseenday_threshold', 1) ) load_filter_slots = config.get('sparse_load_filter_slots', []) table_data.accessor.ctr_accessor_param.load_filter_slots.extend( load_filter_slots ) converter = config.get('sparse_converter', "") deconverter = config.get('sparse_deconverter', "") save_data1 = table_data.accessor.table_accessor_save_param.add() save_data1.param = 1 save_data1.converter = converter save_data1.deconverter = deconverter save_data2 = table_data.accessor.table_accessor_save_param.add() save_data2.param = 2 save_data2.converter = converter save_data2.deconverter = deconverter if ( accessor_class == 'DownpourCtrAccessor' or accessor_class == 'DownpourCtrDoubleAccessor' ): sparse_optimizer_config( table_data.accessor.embed_sgd_param, config, '' ) sparse_optimizer_config( table_data.accessor.embedx_sgd_param, config, '' ) else: sparse_optimizer_config( table_data.accessor.embed_sgd_param, config, 'embed_' ) sparse_optimizer_config( table_data.accessor.embedx_sgd_param, config, 'embedx_' ) add_graph_config(table_data.accessor.graph_sgd_param, config) if not configs: logger.info("fleet desc config is empty") else: for table_name in configs: if ( table_name == 'dense_table' or table_name == 'datanorm_table' ): continue if type(configs[table_name]) != dict: continue table_data = table_param.add() table_data.table_name = table_name set_sparse_table_config(table_data, configs[table_name]) @property def amp(self): """ Indicating whether we are using automatic mixed precision training Default Value: False Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.amp = True # by default this is false """ return self.strategy.amp @amp.setter @is_strict_auto def amp(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.amp = flag else: logger.warning("amp should have value of bool type") @property def amp_configs(self): """ Set automatic mixed precision training configurations. In general, amp has serveral configurable settings that can be configured through a dict. **Notes**: init_loss_scaling(float): The initial loss scaling factor. Default 32768. use_dynamic_loss_scaling(bool): Whether to use dynamic loss scaling. Default True. incr_every_n_steps(int): Increases loss scaling every n consecutive steps with finite gradients. Default 1000. decr_every_n_nan_or_inf(int): Decreases loss scaling every n accumulated steps with nan or inf gradients. Default 2. incr_ratio(float): The multiplier to use when increasing the loss scaling. Default 2.0. decr_ratio(float): The less-than-one-multiplier to use when decreasing the loss scaling. Default 0.5. custom_white_list(list[str]): Users' custom white list which always execution fp16. custom_black_list(list[str]): Users' custom black list which forbidden execution fp16. custom_black_varnames(list[str]): Users' custom black varibles' names. use_pure_fp16(bool): Whether to use the pure fp16 training. Default False. use_fp16_guard(bool): Whether to use `fp16_guard` when constructing the program. Default True. Only takes effect when `use_pure_fp16` is turned on. Examples 1: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.amp = True strategy.amp_configs = { "init_loss_scaling": 32768, "custom_white_list": ['conv2d']} Examples 2: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.amp = True # pure fp16 strategy.amp_configs = { "init_loss_scaling": 32768, "use_pure_fp16": True } """ return get_msg_dict(self.strategy.amp_configs) @amp_configs.setter @is_strict_auto def amp_configs(self, configs): check_configs_key(self.strategy.amp_configs, configs, "amp_configs") assign_configs_value(self.strategy.amp_configs, configs) @property def asp(self): """ Indicating whether we are using automatic sparsity training Default Value: False Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.asp = True # by default this is false """ return self.strategy.asp @asp.setter @is_strict_auto def asp(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.asp = flag else: logger.warning("asp should have value of bool type") @property def qat(self): """ Indicating whether we are using quantization aware training Default Value: False Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.qat = True # by default this is false """ return self.strategy.qat @qat.setter @is_strict_auto def qat(self, flag): assert isinstance(flag, bool), "qat should have value of bool type" self.strategy.qat = flag @property def qat_configs(self): """ Set quantization training configurations. In general, qat has serveral configurable settings that can be configured through a dict. **Notes**: channel_wise_abs_max(bool): Whether to use `per_channel` quantization training. Default is True. weight_bits(int): quantization bit number for weight. Default is 8. activation_bits(int): quantization bit number for activation. Default is 8. not_quant_pattern(list[str]): When the skip pattern is detected in an op's name scope, the corresponding op will not be quantized. algo(str): Other quantization training algorithm. Exampless: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.qat = True strategy.qat_configs = { "channel_wise_abs_max": True, "weight_bits": 8, "activation_bits: 8, "not_quant_pattern": ['skip_quant']} """ return get_msg_dict(self.strategy.qat_configs) @qat_configs.setter def qat_configs(self, configs): check_configs_key(self.strategy.qat_configs, configs, "qat_configs") assign_configs_value(self.strategy.qat_configs, configs) @property def recompute(self): """ Indicating whether we are using forward recomputation for memory optimization Default value: False Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.recompute = True # suppose x and y are names of checkpoint tensors for recomputation strategy.recompute_configs = {"checkpoints": ["x", "y"]} """ return self.strategy.recompute @property def sync_nccl_allreduce(self): """ Indicating whether we are using synchronized all reduce in each communication thread We note that system overhead is usually lower when sync_nccl_allreduce = True Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.sync_nccl_allreduce = True """ return self.strategy.sync_nccl_allreduce @sync_nccl_allreduce.setter @is_strict_auto def sync_nccl_allreduce(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.sync_nccl_allreduce = flag else: logger.warning("sync_nccl_allreduce should have value of bool type") @property def use_hierarchical_allreduce(self): """ Indicating whether we are using hierarchical allreduce in collective communication Hierarchical allreduce often does allreduce within a certain node group and then do allreduce among the leaders of each group Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.use_hierarchical_allreduce = True """ return self.strategy.use_hierarchical_allreduce @use_hierarchical_allreduce.setter @is_strict_auto def use_hierarchical_allreduce(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.use_hierarchical_allreduce = flag else: logger.warning( "use_hierarchical_allreduce should have value of bool type" ) @property def hierarchical_allreduce_inter_nranks(self): """ Number of ranks for low level node groups in hierarchical allreduce Default value: number of GPU cards on each single GPU machine Example: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.hierarchical_allreduce_inter_nranks = 8 """ return self.strategy.hierarchical_allreduce_inter_nranks @hierarchical_allreduce_inter_nranks.setter @is_strict_auto def hierarchical_allreduce_inter_nranks(self, value): if isinstance(value, int): self.strategy.hierarchical_allreduce_inter_nranks = value else: logger.warning( "hierarchical_allreduce_inter_nranks should have value of int type" ) @property def sync_batch_norm(self): """ Indicating whether we are using sync_batch_norm to do synchronous batch normalization among all training nodes. Default value: False Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.sync_batch_norm = True """ return self.strategy.sync_batch_norm @sync_batch_norm.setter @is_strict_auto def sync_batch_norm(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.sync_batch_norm = flag else: logger.warning("sync_batch_norm should have value of bool type") @property def fuse_all_reduce_ops(self): """ Indicating whether we are using fuse_all_reduce_ops for gradient fusion during backward phase of training Default value: True Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.fuse_all_reduce_ops = False """ return self.strategy.fuse_all_reduce_ops @fuse_all_reduce_ops.setter @is_strict_auto def fuse_all_reduce_ops(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.fuse_all_reduce_ops = flag else: logger.warning("fuse_all_reduce_ops should have value of bool type") @property def fuse_grad_size_in_MB(self): """ Specifying the size of gradient to fuse in Mega-Bytes Default value: 32 Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.fuse_grad_size_in_MB = 50 """ return self.strategy.fuse_grad_size_in_MB @fuse_grad_size_in_MB.setter @is_strict_auto def fuse_grad_size_in_MB(self, value): if isinstance(value, int): self.strategy.fuse_grad_size_in_MB = value else: logger.warning("fuse_grad_size_in_MB should have value of int type") @property def last_comm_group_size_MB(self): """ Specifying the size of gradient to fuse in Mega-Bytes when the last group of each batch communicates. Making the last group small is useful to improve performance. Default value: 1 Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.last_comm_group_size_MB = 2 """ return self.strategy.last_comm_group_size_MB @last_comm_group_size_MB.setter @is_strict_auto def last_comm_group_size_MB(self, value): if value > 0: self.strategy.last_comm_group_size_MB = value else: raise ValueError("last_comm_group_size_MB should be greater than 0") @property def find_unused_parameters(self): """ Indicating whether we are using find_unused_parameters to find unused parameters in DataParallel. Default value: False Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.find_unused_parameters = True """ return self.strategy.find_unused_parameters @find_unused_parameters.setter @is_strict_auto def find_unused_parameters(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.find_unused_parameters = flag else: logger.warning( "find_unused_parameters should have value of bool type" ) @property def _fuse_grad_size_in_TFLOPS(self): return self.strategy.fuse_grad_size_in_TFLOPS @_fuse_grad_size_in_TFLOPS.setter @is_strict_auto def _fuse_grad_size_in_TFLOPS(self, value): if isinstance(value, float): self.strategy.fuse_grad_size_in_TFLOPS = value else: logger.warning( "fuse_grad_size_in_TFLOPS should have value of float type" ) @property def nccl_comm_num(self): """ Specifying the number of NCCL communicator Default value: 1 Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.nccl_comm_num = 2 """ return self.strategy.nccl_comm_num @nccl_comm_num.setter @is_strict_auto def nccl_comm_num(self, value): if isinstance(value, int): self.strategy.nccl_comm_num = value else: logger.warning("nccl_comm_num should have value of int type") @recompute.setter @is_strict_auto def recompute(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.recompute = flag else: logger.warning("recompute should have value of bool type") @property def recompute_configs(self): """ Set recompute configurations. **Note**: checkpoints(list): list of string name of checkpoints. In general, the recompute strategy of current implementation should have some manually assign checkpoints. enable_offload(bool): enable recompute checkpoints offload feature. this feature will offload the checkpoint to host memory to allow even larger batch size. since the memcpy from host to device takes time, it is a trade off between larger batch size and training speed. checkpoint_shape(list): list of int that specific the shape of checkpoint. so far recompute-offload requires that all checkpoint to be same shape, and every dimension specific here should be determined ("-1" is not allowed). Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.recompute = True strategy.recompute_configs = { "checkpoints": ["x", "y"], "enable_offload": True, "checkpoint_shape": [100, 512, 1024] } """ return get_msg_dict(self.strategy.recompute_configs) @recompute_configs.setter @is_strict_auto def recompute_configs(self, configs): check_configs_key( self.strategy.recompute_configs, configs, "checkpoint_configs" ) assign_configs_value(self.strategy.recompute_configs, configs) @property def sharding(self): """ Indicating whether we are using sharding Optimizer for memory optimization. We implement the sharding optimizer following the ZeRO-DP idea from [ZeRO: Memory Optimizations Toward Training Trillion Parameter Models](https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.02054). Model parameters and Optimizer State are sharded into different ranks allowing to fit larger model. In Hybrid parallelism scenario, we use sharding config as uniform API to set each parallelism. Default value: False Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.sharding = True """ return self.strategy.sharding @sharding.setter @is_strict_auto def sharding(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.sharding = flag else: logger.warning("sharding should have value of bool type") @property def sharding_configs(self): """ Set sharding configurations. **Note**: sharding_segment_strategy(string, optional): strategy used to segment the program(forward & backward operations). two strategise are available: "segment_broadcast_MB" and "segment_anchors". segment is a concept used in sharding to overlap computation and communication. Default is segment_broadcast_MB. segment_broadcast_MB(float, optional): segment by the parameters broadcast volume. sharding will introduce parameter broadcast operations into program, and after every segment_broadcast_MB size parameter being broadcasted, the program will be cutted into one segment. This configuration will affect the communication speed in sharding training, and should be an empirical value decided by your model size and network topology. Only enable when sharding_segment_strategy = segment_broadcast_MB. Default is 32.0 . segment_anchors(list): list of anchors used to segment the program, which allows a finner control of program segmentation. this strategy is experimental by now. Only enable when sharding_segment_strategy = segment_anchors. sharding_degree(int, optional): specific the number of gpus within each sharding parallelism group; and sharding will be turn off if sharding_degree=1. Default is 8. gradient_merge_acc_step(int, optional): specific the accumulation steps in gradient merge; and gradient merge will be turn off if gradient_merge_acc_step=1. Default is 1. optimize_offload(bool, optional): enable the optimizer offload which will offload the moment vars to Host memory in order to saving GPU memory for fitting larger model. the moment var will be prefetch from and offloaded to Host memory during update stage. it is a stragtegy that trades off between training speed and GPU memory, and is recommened to be turn on only when gradient_merge_acc_step large, where the number of time of update stage will be relatively small compared with forward&backward's. Default is False. dp_degree(int, optional): specific the number of data parallelism group; when dp_degree >= 2, it will introduce dp_degree ways data parallelism as the outer parallelsim for the inner parallelsim. User is responsible to ensure global_world_size = mp_degree * sharding_degree * pp_degree * dp_degree. Default is 1. mp_degree(int, optional): [Hybrid parallelism ONLY] specific the number of gpus within each megatron parallelism group; and megatron parallelism will turn be off if mp_degree=1. Default is 1. pp_degree(int, optional): [Hybrid parallelism ONLY] specific the number of gpus within each pipeline parallelism group; and pipeline parallelism will turn be off if pp_degree=1. Default is 1. pp_allreduce_in_optimize(bool, optional): [Hybrid parallelism ONLY] move the allreduce operations from backward stage to update(optimize) stage when pipeline parallelsim is on. This configuration will affect the communication speed of Hybrid parallelism training depeneded on network topology. this strategy is experimental by now.. Default is False. optimize_cast(bool, optional): [Hybrid parallelism ONLY] Move the cast op of AMP which cast fp32 param to fp16 param to optimizer. optimize_cast will persist fp16 param, it will take more memory, but will be faster, trade space for time. Recommend to turn on only when using pipeline or gradient_merge_acc_step large. Examples: .. code-block:: python # sharding-DP, 2 nodes with 8 gpus per node import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.sharding = True strategy.sharding_configs = { "sharding_segment_strategy": "segment_broadcast_MB", "segment_broadcast_MB": 32, "sharding_degree": 8, "dp_degree": 2, "gradient_merge_acc_step": 4, } """ return get_msg_dict(self.strategy.sharding_configs) @sharding_configs.setter @is_strict_auto def sharding_configs(self, configs): check_configs_key( self.strategy.sharding_configs, configs, "sharding_configs" ) assign_configs_value(self.strategy.sharding_configs, configs) @property def without_graph_optimization(self): """ Run program using Executor other than ParallelExecutor. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.without_graph_optimization = True """ return self.strategy.without_graph_optimization @without_graph_optimization.setter @is_strict_auto def without_graph_optimization(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.without_graph_optimization = flag else: logger.warning( "without_graph_optimization should have value of bool type" ) @property def _calc_comm_same_stream(self): """ This based on raw_program_optimizer program Set whether use same stream for calc and comm when fuse allreduce The default value for the calc_comm_same_stream is False Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.calc_comm_same_stream = True """ return self.strategy.calc_comm_same_stream @_calc_comm_same_stream.setter @is_strict_auto def _calc_comm_same_stream(self, same): if isinstance(same, bool): self.strategy.calc_comm_same_stream = same else: logger.warning( "calc_comm_same_stream should have value of boolean type" ) @property def fuse_grad_merge(self): """ Set whether fuse the grad for gradient merge. Note: this flag will only effect the gradient merge under pipeline mode The default value for the fuse_grad_merge is False Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.fuse_param_grad = True """ return self.strategy.fuse_grad_merge @fuse_grad_merge.setter @is_strict_auto def fuse_grad_merge(self, fuse_grad_merge): if isinstance(fuse_grad_merge, bool): self.strategy.fuse_grad_merge = fuse_grad_merge else: logger.warning("fuse_grad_merge should have value of boolean type") @property def fuse_grad_size_in_num(self): """ This based on raw_program_optimizer program and allreduce the num of the fused op Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.fuse_grad_size_in_num = 2 """ return self.strategy.fuse_grad_size_in_num @fuse_grad_size_in_num.setter @is_strict_auto def fuse_grad_size_in_num(self, num): if isinstance(num, int): self.strategy.fuse_grad_size_in_num = num else: logger.warning( "fuse_grad_size_in_num should have value of int32 type" ) @property def pipeline(self): """ Indicating whether we are using pipeline parallelism for distributed training. Current implementation mainly focus on single GPU machine pipeline parallelism and data parallelism across GPU machine. The pipeline information is indicated through device_guard information in user-defined program. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.pipeline = True """ return self.strategy.pipeline @property def is_fl_ps_mode(self): return self.strategy.is_fl_ps_mode @is_fl_ps_mode.setter @is_strict_auto def is_fl_ps_mode(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.is_fl_ps_mode = flag else: logger.warning("is_fl_ps_mode should have value of bool type") @property def is_with_coordinator(self): return self.strategy.with_coordinator @is_with_coordinator.setter @is_strict_auto def is_with_coordinator(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.with_coordinator = flag else: logger.warning("with_coordinator should have value of bool type") @pipeline.setter @is_strict_auto def pipeline(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.pipeline = flag else: logger.warning("pipeline should have value of bool type") @property def pipeline_configs(self): """ Set pipeline parallelism configurations. In pipeline parallelism, different parts of neural networks are running on different GPUS. There are Tensor queue buffer between each pair of neighborhood GPUS that are responsible for synchronizing hidden Tensor results between GPUs. Pipeline parallelism consists of serveral producer-consumer style hardware pairs, such as GPU-GPU, CPU-GPU, GPU-XPU. The best way to speedup pipeline parallelism is to make the size of Tensor in Tensor queue smaller, so that we will have a faster producer for downstream consumers. **Notes**: **Detailed arguments for pipeline_configs** **micro_batch_size**: the number of small batches in each user defined batch Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.pipeline = True strategy.pipeline_configs = {"micro_batch_size": 12} """ return get_msg_dict(self.strategy.pipeline_configs) @pipeline_configs.setter @is_strict_auto def pipeline_configs(self, configs): check_configs_key( self.strategy.pipeline_configs, configs, "pipeline_configs" ) assign_configs_value(self.strategy.pipeline_configs, configs) @property def tensor_parallel(self): """ Indicating whether we are using tensor parallel for distributed training. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.tensor_parallel = True """ return self.strategy.tensor_parallel @tensor_parallel.setter @is_strict_auto def tensor_parallel(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.tensor_parallel = flag else: logger.warning("tensor_parallel should have value of bool type") @property def tensor_parallel_configs(self): """ Set tensor_parallel configurations. **Notes**: **Detailed arguments for tensor_parallel_configs** **tensor_parallel_degree**: degree of tensor parallel **tensor_init_seed**: parameter initialization random seed Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.tensor_parallel = True strategy.tensor_parallel_configs = {"tensor_parallel_degree": 4, "tensor_init_seed": 123} """ return get_msg_dict(self.strategy.tensor_parallel_configs) @tensor_parallel_configs.setter @is_strict_auto def tensor_parallel_configs(self, configs): check_configs_key( self.strategy.tensor_parallel_configs, configs, "tensor_parallel_configs", ) assign_configs_value(self.strategy.tensor_parallel_configs, configs) @property def hybrid_configs(self): """ Dynamic graph hybrid parallel strategy configuration. Five-way hybrid parallelism needs to meet the following relationships total_number_GPUs = dp_degree * mp_degree * pp_degree * sharding_degree * sep_degree **Note**: **dp_degree(int)**: set number of GPUs in a data parallel group. Default -1. This value should be an integer greater than 0. If it is not set, or set to -1, its value will be inferred based on the total number of cards. **mp_degree(int)**: set number of GPUs in a model parallel group. Default 1 **pp_degree(int)**: set number of GPUs in a pipeline parallel group. Default 1 **sep_degree(int)**: set number of GPUs in a sep parallel group. Default 1 **sharding_degree(int)**: set number of GPUs in a sharding parallel group. Default 1 **order(list(string))**: set hybrid parallel dimensions, the order is from outside to inside. Default ['dp','pp','sharding','sep', 'mp'] Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.hybrid_configs = { "dp_degree": 1, "mp_degree": 2, "pp_degree": 1, "order":['dp','pp','sharding', 'sep', 'mp']} """ return get_msg_dict(self.strategy.hybrid_configs) @hybrid_configs.setter def hybrid_configs(self, configs): hybrid_config = copy.deepcopy(configs) if "order" in hybrid_config: self.hybrid_parallel_order = hybrid_config["order"] hybrid_config.pop('order') check_configs_key( self.strategy.hybrid_configs, hybrid_config, "hybrid_configs" ) if "mp_configs" in configs: if "sync_param_name" in configs["mp_configs"]: self.sync_param_name = configs["mp_configs"]["sync_param_name"] configs["mp_configs"].pop("sync_param_name") assign_configs_value( self.strategy.hybrid_configs.mp_configs, configs["mp_configs"] ) configs.pop("mp_configs") if "pp_configs" in configs: assign_configs_value( self.strategy.hybrid_configs.pp_configs, configs["pp_configs"] ) configs.pop("pp_configs") assign_configs_value(self.strategy.hybrid_configs, configs) @property def localsgd(self): """ Indicating whether we are using Local SGD training. Default Value: False For more details, please refer to `Don't Use Large Mini-Batches, Use Local SGD `_. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.localsgd = True # by default this is false """ return self.strategy.localsgd @localsgd.setter @is_strict_auto def localsgd(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.localsgd = flag else: logger.warning("localsgd should have value of bool type") @property def localsgd_configs(self): """ Set LocalSGD training configurations. LocalSGD has a configurable setting that can be configured through a dict. **Notes**: k_steps(int) The local steps for training before parameter synchronization. Default 1. begin_step(int) The step of beginning training by localsgd. Default 1. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.localsgd = True strategy.localsgd_configs = {"k_steps": 4, "begin_step": 30} """ return get_msg_dict(self.strategy.localsgd_configs) @localsgd_configs.setter @is_strict_auto def localsgd_configs(self, configs): check_configs_key( self.strategy.localsgd_configs, configs, "localsgd_configs" ) assign_configs_value(self.strategy.localsgd_configs, configs) @property def adaptive_localsgd(self): """ Indicating whether we are using Adaptive Local SGD training. Default Value: False For more details, please refer to `Adaptive Communication Strategies to Achieve the Best Error-Runtime Trade-off in Local-Update SGD `_. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.adaptive_localsgd = True # by default this is false """ return self.strategy.adaptive_localsgd @adaptive_localsgd.setter @is_strict_auto def adaptive_localsgd(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.adaptive_localsgd = flag else: logger.warning("adaptive_localsgd should have value of bool type") @property def adaptive_localsgd_configs(self): """ Set AdaptiveLocalSGD training configurations. AdaptiveLocalSGD has a configurable setting that can be configured through a dict. **Notes**: init_k_steps(int) The initial steps for training before adaptive localsgd. Then, the adaptive localsgd method will modify init_k_steps automatically. Default 1. begin_step(int) The step of beginning training by adaptive localsgd. Default 1. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.adaptive_localsgd = True strategy.adaptive_localsgd_configs = {"init_k_steps": 1, "begin_step": 30} """ return get_msg_dict(self.strategy.adaptive_localsgd_configs) @adaptive_localsgd_configs.setter @is_strict_auto def adaptive_localsgd_configs(self, configs): check_configs_key( self.strategy.adaptive_localsgd_configs, configs, "adaptive_localsgd_configs", ) assign_configs_value(self.strategy.adaptive_localsgd_configs, configs) @property def dgc(self): """ Indicating whether we are using Deep Gradient Compression training. For more details, please refer to [Deep Gradient Compression](https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.01887). Default Value: False Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.dgc = True # by default this is false """ return self.strategy.dgc @dgc.setter @is_strict_auto def dgc(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.dgc = flag else: logger.warning("dgc should have value of bool type") @property def dgc_configs(self): r""" Set Deep Gradient Compression training configurations. In general, dgc has serveral configurable settings that can be configured through a dict. **Notes**: rampup_begin_step(int): The beginning step from which gradient compression is implemented. Default 0. rampup_step(int): Time steps used in sparsity warm-up periods. Default is 1. \ For example, if the sparsity is [0.75, 0.9375, 0.984375, 0.996, 0.999], and the rampup_step is 100, \ it will use 0.75 at 0~19 steps, and 0.9375 at 20~39 steps, and so on. And when reach sparsity array \ ends, it will use 0.999 then and after. sparsity(list[float]): Get top important element from gradient tensor, the ratio is (1 - sparsity). \ Default is [0.999]. For example, if the sparsity is [0.99, 0.999], the top [1%, 0.1%] important \ element will be transmitted. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.dgc = True strategy.dgc_configs = {"rampup_begin_step": 1252} """ return get_msg_dict(self.strategy.dgc_configs) @dgc_configs.setter @is_strict_auto def dgc_configs(self, configs): check_configs_key(self.strategy.dgc_configs, configs, "dgc_configs") assign_configs_value(self.strategy.dgc_configs, configs) @property def fp16_allreduce(self): """ Indicating whether we are using fp16 gradient allreduce training Default Value: False Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.fp16_allreduce = True # by default this is false """ return self.strategy.fp16_allreduce @fp16_allreduce.setter @is_strict_auto def fp16_allreduce(self, flag): if not isinstance(flag, bool): raise TypeError('fp16_allreduce must be value of bool type') self.strategy.fp16_allreduce = flag @property def gradient_merge(self): """ Gradient Merge, also called as Gradient Accumulation, is a strategy for large batch training. With this strategy, model parameter will not be updated until user-defined steps. For each step, the forward network and the backward network will run to calculate the gradient of model parameters. For every k step, the optimization network will run, applying a specific optimization method (such as SGD, Adam) to model parameters. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.gradient_merge = True strategy.gradient_merge_configs = {"k_steps": 4, "avg": True} """ return self.strategy.gradient_merge @gradient_merge.setter @is_strict_auto def gradient_merge(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.gradient_merge = flag else: logger.warning("gradient_merge should have value of bool type") @property def gradient_merge_configs(self): """ the key-value configs of distribute_strategy **Note**: k_steps(int): the update period of the parameters. avg(bool): whether to average the gradients of each mini-batch, the default value is `True` Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.gradient_merge = True strategy.gradient_merge_configs = {"k_steps": 4, "avg": True} """ return get_msg_dict(self.strategy.gradient_merge_configs) @gradient_merge_configs.setter @is_strict_auto def gradient_merge_configs(self, configs): check_configs_key( self.strategy.gradient_merge_configs, configs, "gradient_configs" ) assign_configs_value(self.strategy.gradient_merge_configs, configs) @property def lars(self): """ Set lars configurations. lars is used to deal with the convergence problems when the global batch size is larger than 8k. For more details, please refer to [Large Batch Training of Convolutional Networks](https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.03888). Default Value: False Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.lars = True # by default this is false """ return self.strategy.lars @lars.setter @is_strict_auto def lars(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.lars = flag else: logger.warning("lars should have value of bool type") @property def lars_configs(self): """ Set Lars training configurations. **Notes**: **lars_coeff (float)**: trust ratio in lars formula. **lars_weight_decay** (float): weight decay coefficient in lars formula. **epsilon (float)**: argument is used to avoid potential devision-by-zero when compute the local lr; **exclude_from_weight_decay ([string])**: is a list of name strings of layers which will be exclude from weight decay in lars formula. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.lars = True strategy.lars_configs = { "lars_coeff": 0.01, "lars_weight_decay": 0.0005, "epsilon": 0, "exclude_from_weight_decay": ['batch_norm', '.b_0'] } """ return get_msg_dict(self.strategy.lars_configs) @lars_configs.setter @is_strict_auto def lars_configs(self, configs): check_configs_key(self.strategy.lars_configs, configs, "lars_configs") assign_configs_value(self.strategy.lars_configs, configs) @property def lamb(self): """ Set lamb configurations. lamb is used to deal with the convergence problems for large batch size training, specially for attention-related model like BERT. For more details, please refer to [Large Batch Optimization for Deep Learning: Training BERT in 76 minutes](https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.00962). Default Value: False Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.lamb = True # by default this is false """ return self.strategy.lamb @lamb.setter @is_strict_auto def lamb(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.lamb = flag else: logger.warning("lamb should have value of bool type") @property def lamb_configs(self): """ Set Lars training configurations. **Notes**: **lamb_weight_decay** (float): weight decay coefficient in lamb formula. **exclude_from_weight_decay ([string])**: is a list of name strings of layers which will be exclude from weight decay in lamb formula. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.lamb = True strategy.lamb_configs = { 'lamb_weight_decay': 0.01, 'exclude_from_weight_decay': [], } """ return get_msg_dict(self.strategy.lamb_configs) @lamb_configs.setter @is_strict_auto def lamb_configs(self, configs): check_configs_key(self.strategy.lamb_configs, configs, "lamb_configs") assign_configs_value(self.strategy.lamb_configs, configs) @property def elastic(self): """ Indicating whether we want to do current distributed training on clusters with elastic resources. Currently, this is configuration is not valid. """ return self.strategy.elastic @elastic.setter @is_strict_auto def elastic(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.elastic = flag else: logger.warning("elastic should have value of bool type") @property def auto(self): """ Indicating whether we are using auto-parallel configuration This feature is currently an experimental feature. Currently, auto-parallelism can be used only when a user does not set any other strategy configs except auto. For details, please reference the following code example Default Value: False Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle paddle.enable_static() import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.auto = True # if set other strategy at the same time, auto will not apply # strategy.amp = True optimizer = paddle.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.01) optimizer = fleet.distributed_optimizer(optimizer, strategy) """ return self.strategy.auto @auto.setter def auto(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.auto = flag else: logger.warning("auto should have value of bool type") @property def semi_auto(self): """ Indicating whether we are using semi-auto parallel function This feature is currently an experimental feature. Currently, auto-parallelism can be used only when a user does not set any other strategy configs except semi-auto. For details, please reference the following code example Default Value: False Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle paddle.enable_static() import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.semi_auto = True # if set other strategy at the same time, auto will not apply # strategy.amp = True optimizer = paddle.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.01) optimizer = fleet.distributed_optimizer(optimizer, strategy) """ return self.strategy.semi_auto @semi_auto.setter def semi_auto(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.semi_auto = flag else: logger.warning("semi-auto should have value of bool type") @property def auto_search(self): """ Indicating whether we are using auto-search parallel function For details, please reference the following code example Default Value: False Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle paddle.enable_static() import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.auto_search = True """ return self.strategy.auto_search @auto_search.setter def auto_search(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.auto_search = flag else: logger.warning("auto-search should have value of bool type") @property def split_data(self): """ Indicating whether we split the data. If True, we split the data. Default Value: True Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle paddle.enable_static() import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.split_data = True """ return self.strategy.split_data @split_data.setter def split_data(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.split_data = flag else: logger.warning("split_data should have value of bool type") @property def qat(self): """ Indicating whether we are using quantization training Default Value: False """ return self.strategy.qat @qat.setter def qat(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.qat = flag else: logger.warning("qat should have value of bool type") @property def qat_configs(self): """ Set quantization training configurations. In general, qat has serveral configurable settings that can be configured through a dict. **Notes**: channel_wise_abs_max(bool): Whether to use `per_channel` quantization training. Default is True. weight_bits(int): quantization bit number for weight. Default is 8. activation_bits(int): quantization bit number for activation. Default is 8. not_quant_pattern(list[str]): When the skip pattern is detected in an op's name scope, the corresponding op will not be quantized. algo(str): Other quantization training algorithm. Exampless: .. code-block:: python import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.qat = True strategy.qat_configs = { "channel_wise_abs_max": True, "weight_bits": 8, "activation_bits: 8, "not_quant_pattern": ['skip_quant']} """ return get_msg_dict(self.strategy.qat_configs) @qat_configs.setter def qat_configs(self, configs): check_configs_key(self.strategy.qat_configs, configs, "qat_configs") assign_configs_value(self.strategy.qat_configs, configs) @property def heter_ccl_mode(self): """ Indicating whether we are using heter_ccl_mode for model training. This feature is currently an experimental feature. Currently, heter_ccl_mode can be used only for dataparallel with dygraph mode. Default Value: False Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.heter_ccl_mode = True # for initialize parallel env, only need to call paddle.distributed.init_parallel_env() # then the heterogenous context will be created. """ return self.strategy.heter_ccl_mode @heter_ccl_mode.setter def heter_ccl_mode(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.heter_ccl_mode = flag else: logger.warning("heter_ccl_mode should have value of bool type") @property def cudnn_exhaustive_search(self): """ Indicating whether to use exhaustive search method to choose convolution algorithms. Exhaustive search attempts all cuDNN algorithms to choose the fastest algorithm. This method is time-consuming, the choosed algorithm will be cached for the given layer specifications. Once the layer specifications (like batch size, feature map size) are changed, it will search again. Default Value: True Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle paddle.enable_static() import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.cudnn_exhaustive_search = False optimizer = paddle.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.01) optimizer = fleet.distributed_optimizer(optimizer, strategy) """ return self.strategy.cudnn_exhaustive_search @cudnn_exhaustive_search.setter @is_strict_auto def cudnn_exhaustive_search(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.cudnn_exhaustive_search = flag else: logger.warning( "cudnn_exhaustive_search should have value of bool type" ) @property def conv_workspace_size_limit(self): """ The workspace limit size in MB unit for choosing cuDNN convolution algorithms. The inner function of cuDNN obtain the fastest suited algorithm that fits within this memory limit. Usually, large workspace size may lead to choose faster algorithms, but significant increasing memory workspace. Users need to trade-off between memory and speed. Default Value: 4000 Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle paddle.enable_static() import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.conv_workspace_size_limit = 1024 optimizer = paddle.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.01) optimizer = fleet.distributed_optimizer(optimizer, strategy) """ return self.strategy.conv_workspace_size_limit @conv_workspace_size_limit.setter @is_strict_auto def conv_workspace_size_limit(self, value): if isinstance(value, int): self.strategy.conv_workspace_size_limit = value else: logger.warning( "conv_workspace_size_limit should have value of int type" ) @property def cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent(self): """ Indicates whether to use the mode CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT function in batchnorm. This is only useful in cudnn. Default Value: True Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle paddle.enable_static() import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy() strategy.cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent = True optimizer = paddle.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.01) optimizer = fleet.distributed_optimizer(optimizer, strategy) """ return self.strategy.cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent @cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent.setter @is_strict_auto def cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent(self, flag): if isinstance(flag, bool): self.strategy.cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent = flag else: logger.warning( "cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent should have value of bool type" ) def _enable_env(self): strategy = self.strategy keys = [ "FLAGS_cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent", "FLAGS_conv_workspace_size_limit", "FLAGS_cudnn_exhaustive_search", "FLAGS_sync_nccl_allreduce", "FLAGS_fuse_parameter_memory_size", "FLAGS_fuse_parameter_groups_size", ] values = [ bool(strategy.cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent), int(strategy.conv_workspace_size_limit), bool(strategy.cudnn_exhaustive_search), bool(strategy.sync_nccl_allreduce), int(strategy.fuse_grad_size_in_MB), int(strategy.fuse_grad_size_in_TFLOPS), ] for i, key in enumerate(keys): if _global_flags().is_public(key): _global_flags()[key] = values[i] def _is_strict_auto(self): global non_auto_func_called if self.strategy.auto and non_auto_func_called: return True return False def __repr__(self): spacing = 2 max_k = 38 max_v = 38 length = max_k + max_v + spacing h1_format = " " + f"|{{:^{length}s}}|\n" h2_format = " " + "|{{:>{}s}}{}{{:^{}s}}|\n".format( max_k, " " * spacing, max_v ) border = " +" + "".join(["="] * length) + "+" line = " +" + "".join(["-"] * length) + "+" draws = border + "\n" draws += h1_format.format("") draws += h1_format.format("DistributedStrategy Overview") draws += h1_format.format("") fields = self.strategy.DESCRIPTOR.fields str_res = "" env_draws = line + "\n" for f in fields: if "build_strategy" in f.name or "execution_strategy" in f.name: continue if "_configs" in f.name: continue else: if isinstance(getattr(self.strategy, f.name), bool): if hasattr(self.strategy, f.name + "_configs"): if getattr(self.strategy, f.name): draws += border + "\n" draws += h1_format.format( f"{f.name}=True <-> {f.name}_configs" ) draws += line + "\n" my_configs = getattr( self.strategy, f.name + "_configs" ) config_fields = my_configs.DESCRIPTOR.fields protobuf_version = google.protobuf.__version__ if protobuf_version >= "4.21.0": RepeatedScalarContainer = ( google._upb._message.RepeatedScalarContainer ) else: from google.protobuf.pyext import _message RepeatedScalarContainer = ( _message.RepeatedScalarContainer ) for ff in config_fields: if isinstance( getattr(my_configs, ff.name), RepeatedScalarContainer, ): values = getattr(my_configs, ff.name) for i, v in enumerate(values): if i == 0: draws += h2_format.format( ff.name, str(v) ) else: draws += h2_format.format( "", str(v) ) else: draws += h2_format.format( ff.name, str(getattr(my_configs, ff.name)), ) else: env_draws += h2_format.format( f.name, str(getattr(self.strategy, f.name)) ) else: env_draws += h2_format.format( f.name, str(getattr(self.strategy, f.name)) ) result_res = ( draws + border + "\n" + h1_format.format("Environment Flags, Communication Flags") ) result_res += env_draws build_strategy_str = border + "\n" build_strategy_str += h1_format.format("Build Strategy") build_strategy_str += line + "\n" fields = self.strategy.build_strategy.DESCRIPTOR.fields for f in fields: build_strategy_str += h2_format.format( f.name, str(getattr(self.strategy.build_strategy, f.name)) ) build_strategy_str += border + "\n" execution_strategy_str = h1_format.format("Execution Strategy") execution_strategy_str += line + "\n" fields = self.strategy.execution_strategy.DESCRIPTOR.fields for f in fields: execution_strategy_str += h2_format.format( f.name, str(getattr(self.strategy.execution_strategy, f.name)) ) execution_strategy_str += border + "\n" result_res += build_strategy_str + execution_strategy_str return result_res