set(kernel_declare_file ${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/phi/kernels/declarations.h.tmp CACHE INTERNAL "declarations.h file") set(kernel_declare_file_final ${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/phi/kernels/declarations.h) file(WRITE ${kernel_declare_file} "// Generated by the paddle/phi/kernels/CMakeLists.txt. DO NOT EDIT!\n\n#pragma once\n\n") file(APPEND ${kernel_declare_file} "#include \"paddle/phi/core/kernel_registry.h\"\n\n") # phi functors and functions called by kernels add_subdirectory(funcs) # phi depends all phi kernel targets set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY PHI_KERNELS "") # [ 1. Common kernel compilation dependencies ] set(COMMON_KERNEL_DEPS dense_tensor sparse_coo_tensor sparse_csr_tensor kernel_context kernel_factory arg_map_context convert_utils lod_utils) set(COMMON_KERNEL_DEPS ${COMMON_KERNEL_DEPS} eigen_function blas math_function im2col vol2col concat_and_split_functor softmax) # remove this dep after removing fluid deps on tensor creation set(COMMON_KERNEL_DEPS ${COMMON_KERNEL_DEPS} phi_api_utils) set(COMMON_KERNEL_DEPS ${COMMON_KERNEL_DEPS} infermeta) # [ 2. Kernels that most kernels depend on ] # There are a few kernels that are very basic operations, and most of the # kernels depend on these kernels. set(COMMON_BAISC_KERNELS empty_kernel full_kernel) kernel_library(empty_kernel DEPS ${COMMON_KERNEL_DEPS}) kernel_library(full_kernel DEPS ${COMMON_KERNEL_DEPS} empty_kernel) # [ 3. Kernels with special dependencies ] # Some kernels depend on some targets that are not commonly used. # These targets are not suitable for common dependencies. # In this case, you need to manually generate them here. set(MANUAL_BUILD_KERNELS math_kernel softmax_kernel softmax_grad_kernel triangular_solve_grad_kernel) kernel_library(math_kernel DEPS ${COMMON_KERNEL_DEPS} cast_kernel copy_kernel) kernel_library(softmax_kernel DEPS ${COMMON_KERNEL_DEPS} softmax) kernel_library(softmax_grad_kernel DEPS ${COMMON_KERNEL_DEPS} softmax) kernel_library(triangular_solve_grad_kernel DEPS ${COMMON_KERNEL_DEPS} matrix_reduce) # 4. auto parse and build kernel targets by cmake register_kernels(EXCLUDES ${COMMON_BAISC_KERNELS} ${MANUAL_BUILD_KERNELS} DEPS ${COMMON_KERNEL_DEPS} ${COMMON_BAISC_KERNELS} ) # phi sparse kernels add_subdirectory(sparse) copy_if_different(${kernel_declare_file} ${kernel_declare_file_final})