set(CC_TESTS_DIR ${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/tests CACHE INTERNAL "c++ tests directory") set(PYTHON_TESTS_DIR ${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/python/paddle/fluid/tests CACHE INTERNAL "python tests directory") add_subdirectory(utils) add_subdirectory(scripts) add_subdirectory(testing) add_subdirectory(phi) add_subdirectory(infrt) add_subdirectory(fluid) # NOTE(zhiqiu): The changes of cc tests # Before, (1) the source file of cc tests are distributed in different sub-directories, # (2) the tests are added and configured by calling `cc_test()` in each `CMakeLists.txt`, # (3) the tests links static libraries of paddle modules, # (4) the tests binaries are generated in different directories, as the same as the # folder of source file. # Now, we want to make all cc tests dynamically linked to the main paddle labrary, # i.e., ``, so we changes the logic of (2), (3), (4): # (2) calling `cc_test()` in each `CMakeLists.txt` will not `exactly` add test, but # record all tests and its source files, the action of add tests is defered to HERE. # Why doing so? since the target of `` is mostly the last target, and # the tests should be added after that accroding to dependency. # (3) the tests links dynamic libraries, `` # (4) the tests are generated to the same directory, i.e., `CC_TESTS_DIR` defined above. # Next, (to be discusssed) # (1) move all source files to same folder, # (2) naturally, and and configure tests in only one `CMakeLists.txt`, # (3) cc tests support linking pre-built dynamic libraries. For example, use the dynamic # library in the installed paddle by `pip`. # add all tests here get_property(test_srcs GLOBAL PROPERTY TEST_SRCS) get_property(test_names GLOBAL PROPERTY TEST_NAMES) # message("test_srcs ${test_srcs}") get_property(paddle_lib GLOBAL PROPERTY PADDLE_LIB_NAME) set(POSTFIX ".so") if(WIN32) set(POSTFIX ".dll") endif() list(LENGTH test_names len) if(${len} GREATER_EQUAL 1) message("Total cpp tests using dynamic link: ${len}") math(EXPR stop "${len} - 1") foreach(idx RANGE ${stop}) if(WITH_TESTING) list(GET test_srcs ${idx} test_src) list(GET test_names ${idx} test_name) get_property(test_arg GLOBAL PROPERTY "${test_name}_ARGS") # message("add test ${test_name}") add_executable(${test_name} ${test_src}) target_link_libraries(${test_name} paddle_gtest_main_new) target_link_libraries(${test_name} $) add_dependencies(${test_name} ${paddle_lib} paddle_gtest_main_new) if(WITH_GPU) target_link_libraries(${test_name} ${CUDA_CUDART_LIBRARY} "-Wl,--as-needed") endif() if(WITH_ROCM) target_link_libraries(${test_name} ${ROCM_HIPRTC_LIB}) endif() if(APPLE) target_link_libraries(${test_name} "-Wl,-rpath,$") endif() if(NOT ((NOT WITH_PYTHON) AND ON_INFER)) target_link_libraries(${test_name} ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES}) endif() if(WITH_XPU) target_link_libraries(${test_name} xpulib) endif() if(WITH_MLU) target_link_libraries(${test_name} neuware_lib) endif() if(NOT ("${test_name}" STREQUAL "c_broadcast_op_npu_test" OR "${test_name}" STREQUAL "c_allreduce_sum_op_npu_test" OR "${test_name}" STREQUAL "c_allreduce_max_op_npu_test" OR "${test_name}" STREQUAL "c_reducescatter_op_npu_test" OR "${test_name}" STREQUAL "c_allgather_op_npu_test" OR "${test_name}" STREQUAL "send_v2_op_npu_test" OR "${test_name}" STREQUAL "c_reduce_sum_op_npu_test" OR "${test_name}" STREQUAL "recv_v2_op_npu_test")) cc_test_run( ${test_name} COMMAND ${test_name} ARGS ${test_arg} DIR ${CC_TESTS_DIR}) endif() elseif(WITH_TESTING AND NOT TEST ${test_name}) add_test(NAME ${test_name} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo CI skip ${test_name}.) endif() set_target_properties(${test_name} PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CC_TESTS_DIR}") endforeach() endif() # set properties for some tests, it should be set after the tests defined. if(TARGET standalone_executor_test) set_tests_properties(standalone_executor_test PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 100) if(NOT WIN32) add_dependencies(standalone_executor_test download_program) endif() endif() if(TARGET layer_test) add_dependencies(layer_test jit_download_program) add_dependencies(layer_test_new jit_download_program) set_tests_properties(layer_test_new PROPERTIES ENVIRONMENT "FLAGS_jit_engine_type=New") endif() if(TEST buddy_allocator_test) if(NOT WIN32) add_dependencies(buddy_allocator_test download_data) endif() set_tests_properties(buddy_allocator_test PROPERTIES LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE") endif() add_custom_target(build_tests) # add target to build all cpp tests if(${len} GREATER_EQUAL 1) add_dependencies(build_tests ${test_names}) endif()