# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # TODO: define the distribution functions # __all__ = ['Categorical', # 'MultivariateNormalDiag', # 'Normal', # 'sampling_id', # 'Uniform'] from __future__ import print_function from .fluid.layers import control_flow from .fluid.layers import tensor from .fluid.layers import ops from .fluid.layers import nn from .fluid.layers import elementwise_mul, elementwise_div, elementwise_add, elementwise_sub from .fluid import core from .fluid.framework import in_dygraph_mode from .tensor import arange, gather_nd, concat, multinomial import math import numpy as np import warnings from .fluid.data_feeder import convert_dtype, check_variable_and_dtype, check_type, check_dtype __all__ = ['Distribution', 'Uniform', 'Normal', 'Categorical'] class Distribution(object): """ The abstract base class for probability distributions. Functions are implemented in specific distributions. """ def __init__(self): super(Distribution, self).__init__() def sample(self): """Sampling from the distribution.""" raise NotImplementedError def entropy(self): """The entropy of the distribution.""" raise NotImplementedError def kl_divergence(self, other): """The KL-divergence between self distributions and other.""" raise NotImplementedError def log_prob(self, value): """Log probability density/mass function.""" raise NotImplementedError def probs(self, value): """Probability density/mass function.""" raise NotImplementedError def _validate_args(self, *args): """ Argument validation for distribution args Args: value (float, list, numpy.ndarray, Tensor) Raises ValueError: if one argument is Tensor, all arguments should be Tensor """ is_variable = False is_number = False for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, tensor.Variable): is_variable = True else: is_number = True if is_variable and is_number: raise ValueError( 'if one argument is Tensor, all arguments should be Tensor') return is_variable def _to_tensor(self, *args): """ Argument convert args to Tensor Args: value (float, list, numpy.ndarray, Tensor) Returns: Tensor of args. """ numpy_args = [] variable_args = [] tmp = 0. for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, float): arg = [arg] if not isinstance(arg, (list, np.ndarray, tensor.Variable)): raise TypeError( "Type of input args must be float, list, numpy.ndarray or Tensor, but received type {}". format(type(arg))) arg_np = np.array(arg) arg_dtype = arg_np.dtype if str(arg_dtype) != 'float32': if str(arg_dtype) != 'float64': # "assign" op doesn't support float64. if dtype is float64, float32 variable will be generated # and converted to float64 later using "cast". warnings.warn( "data type of argument only support float32 and float64, your argument will be convert to float32." ) arg_np = arg_np.astype('float32') # tmp is used to support broadcast, it summarizes shapes of all the args and get the mixed shape. tmp = tmp + arg_np numpy_args.append(arg_np) dtype = tmp.dtype for arg in numpy_args: arg_broadcasted, _ = np.broadcast_arrays(arg, tmp) arg_variable = tensor.create_tensor(dtype=dtype) tensor.assign(arg_broadcasted, arg_variable) variable_args.append(arg_variable) return tuple(variable_args) def _check_values_dtype_in_probs(self, param, value): """ Log_prob and probs methods have input ``value``, if value's dtype is different from param, convert value's dtype to be consistent with param's dtype. Args: param (Tensor): low and high in Uniform class, loc and scale in Normal class. value (Tensor): The input tensor. Returns: value (Tensor): Change value's dtype if value's dtype is different from param. """ if in_dygraph_mode(): if value.dtype != param.dtype and convert_dtype( value.dtype) in ['float32', 'float64']: warnings.warn( "dtype of input 'value' needs to be the same as parameters of distribution class. dtype of 'value' will be converted." ) return core.ops.cast(value, 'in_dtype', value.dtype, 'out_dtype', param.dtype) return value check_variable_and_dtype(value, 'value', ['float32', 'float64'], 'log_prob') if value.dtype != param.dtype: warnings.warn( "dtype of input 'value' needs to be the same as parameters of distribution class. dtype of 'value' will be converted." ) return tensor.cast(value, dtype=param.dtype) return value class Uniform(Distribution): """Uniform distribution with `low` and `high` parameters. Mathematical Details The probability density function (pdf) is .. math:: pdf(x; a, b) = \\frac{1}{Z}, \ a <=x 1: sample_shape = shape + logits_shape[:-1] logits = nn.reshape(self.logits, [np.prod(logits_shape[:-1]), logits_shape[-1]]) else: sample_shape = shape logits = self.logits sample_index = multinomial(logits, num_samples, True) return nn.reshape(sample_index, sample_shape, name=name) def kl_divergence(self, other): """The KL-divergence between two Categorical distributions. Args: other (Categorical): instance of Categorical. The data type is float32. Returns: Variable: kl-divergence between two Categorical distributions. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle from paddle.distribution import Categorical x = paddle.rand([6]) print(x.numpy()) # [0.32564053, 0.99334985, 0.99034804, # 0.09053693, 0.30820143, 0.19095989] y = paddle.rand([6]) print(y.numpy()) # [0.6365463 , 0.7278677 , 0.90260243, # 0.5226815 , 0.35837543, 0.13981032] cat = Categorical(x) cat2 = Categorical(y) cat.kl_divergence(cat2) # [0.0278455] """ name = self.name + '_kl_divergence' if not in_dygraph_mode(): check_type(other, 'other', Categorical, 'kl_divergence') logits = self.logits - nn.reduce_max(self.logits, dim=-1, keep_dim=True) other_logits = other.logits - nn.reduce_max( other.logits, dim=-1, keep_dim=True) e_logits = ops.exp(logits) other_e_logits = ops.exp(other_logits) z = nn.reduce_sum(e_logits, dim=-1, keep_dim=True) other_z = nn.reduce_sum(other_e_logits, dim=-1, keep_dim=True) prob = e_logits / z kl = nn.reduce_sum( prob * (logits - nn.log(z) - other_logits + nn.log(other_z)), dim=-1, keep_dim=True, name=name) return kl def entropy(self): """Shannon entropy in nats. Returns: Variable: Shannon entropy of Categorical distribution. The data type is float32. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle from paddle.distribution import Categorical x = paddle.rand([6]) print(x.numpy()) # [0.32564053, 0.99334985, 0.99034804, # 0.09053693, 0.30820143, 0.19095989] cat = Categorical(x) cat.entropy() # [1.71887] """ name = self.name + '_entropy' logits = self.logits - nn.reduce_max(self.logits, dim=-1, keep_dim=True) e_logits = ops.exp(logits) z = nn.reduce_sum(e_logits, dim=-1, keep_dim=True) prob = e_logits / z neg_entropy = nn.reduce_sum( prob * (logits - nn.log(z)), dim=-1, keep_dim=True) entropy = nn.scale(neg_entropy, scale=-1.0, name=name) return entropy def probs(self, value): """Probabilities of the given category (``value``). If ``logits`` is 2-D or higher dimension, the last dimension will be regarded as category, and the others represents the different distributions. At the same time, if ``vlaue`` is 1-D Tensor, ``value`` will be broadcast to the same number of distributions as ``logits``. If ``value`` is not 1-D Tensor, ``value`` should have the same number distributions with ``logits. That is, ``value[:-1] = logits[:-1]``. Args: value (Tensor): The input tensor represents the selected category index. Returns: Tensor: probability according to the category index. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle from paddle.distribution import Categorical x = paddle.rand([6]) print(x.numpy()) # [0.32564053, 0.99334985, 0.99034804, # 0.09053693, 0.30820143, 0.19095989] cat = Categorical(x) value = paddle.to_tensor([2,1,3]) cat.probs(value) # [0.341613 0.342648 0.03123] """ name = self.name + '_probs' dist_sum = nn.reduce_sum(self.logits, dim=-1, keep_dim=True) prob = self.logits / dist_sum shape = list(prob.shape) value_shape = list(value.shape) if len(shape) == 1: num_value_in_one_dist = np.prod(value_shape) index_value = nn.reshape(value, [num_value_in_one_dist, 1]) index = index_value else: num_dist = np.prod(shape[:-1]) num_value_in_one_dist = value_shape[-1] prob = nn.reshape(prob, [num_dist, shape[-1]]) if len(value_shape) == 1: value = nn.expand(value, [num_dist]) value_shape = shape[:-1] + value_shape index_value = nn.reshape(value, [num_dist, -1, 1]) if shape[:-1] != value_shape[:-1]: raise ValueError( "shape of value {} must match shape of logits {}".format( str(value_shape[:-1]), str(shape[:-1]))) index_prefix = nn.unsqueeze( arange( num_dist, dtype=index_value.dtype), axes=-1) index_prefix = nn.expand(index_prefix, [1, num_value_in_one_dist]) index_prefix = nn.unsqueeze(index_prefix, axes=-1) if index_value.dtype != index_prefix.dtype: tensor.cast(index_prefix, dtype=index_value.dtype) index = concat([index_prefix, index_value], axis=-1) # value is the category index to search for the corresponding probability. select_prob = gather_nd(prob, index) return nn.reshape(select_prob, value_shape, name=name) def log_prob(self, value): """Log probabilities of the given category. Refer to ``probs`` method. Args: value (Tensor): The input tensor represents the selected category index. Returns: Tensor: Log probability. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle from paddle.distribution import Categorical x = paddle.rand([6]) print(x.numpy()) # [0.32564053, 0.99334985, 0.99034804, # 0.09053693, 0.30820143, 0.19095989] cat = Categorical(x) value = paddle.to_tensor([2,1,3]) cat.log_prob(value) # [-1.07408 -1.07105 -3.46638] """ name = self.name + '_log_prob' return nn.log(self.probs(value), name=name)