// Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "paddle/phi/kernels/eigvals_kernel.h" #include "glog/logging.h" #include "paddle/phi/backends/cpu/cpu_context.h" #include "paddle/phi/common/complex.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/kernel_registry.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/utils/data_type.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/complex_functors.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/for_range.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/lapack/lapack_function.h" namespace phi { template struct PaddleComplex; template struct PaddleComplex< T, typename std::enable_if::value>::type> { using type = dtype::complex; }; template struct PaddleComplex< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same>::value || std::is_same>::value>::type> { using type = T; }; template using PaddleCType = typename PaddleComplex::type; template using Real = typename dtype::Real; inline void CheckLapackEigResult(const int info, const std::string& name) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE( info, 0, errors::PreconditionNotMet("The QR algorithm failed to compute all the " "eigenvalues in function %s.", name.c_str())); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE( info, 0, errors::InvalidArgument( "The %d-th argument has an illegal value in function %s.", -info, name.c_str())); } template typename std::enable_if::value>::type LapackEigvals( const Context& ctx, const DenseTensor& input, DenseTensor* output, DenseTensor* work, DenseTensor* rwork /*unused*/) { DenseTensor a; // will be overwritten when lapackEig exit Copy(ctx, input, input.place(), /*blocking=*/true, &a); DenseTensor w; int64_t n_dim = input.dims()[1]; w.Resize(make_ddim({n_dim << 1})); T* w_data = ctx.template Alloc(&w); int64_t work_mem = work->memory_size(); int64_t required_work_mem = 3 * n_dim * sizeof(T); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE( work_mem, 3 * n_dim * sizeof(T), errors::InvalidArgument( "The memory size of the work tensor in LapackEigvals function " "should be at least %" PRId64 " bytes, " "but received work\'s memory size = %" PRId64 " bytes.", required_work_mem, work_mem)); int info = 0; phi::funcs::lapackEig('N', 'N', static_cast(n_dim), a.template data(), static_cast(n_dim), w_data, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, work->template data(), static_cast(work_mem / sizeof(T)), static_cast(NULL), &info); std::string name = "phi::backend::dynload::dgeev_"; if (input.dtype() == DataType::FLOAT64) { name = "phi::backend::dynload::sgeev_"; } CheckLapackEigResult(info, name); funcs::ForRange for_range(ctx, n_dim); funcs::RealImagToComplexFunctor> functor( w_data, w_data + n_dim, output->template data>(), n_dim); for_range(functor); } template typename std::enable_if>::value || std::is_same>::value>::type LapackEigvals(const Context& ctx, const DenseTensor& input, DenseTensor* output, DenseTensor* work, DenseTensor* rwork) { DenseTensor a; // will be overwritten when lapackEig exit Copy(ctx, input, input.place(), /*blocking=*/true, &a); int64_t work_mem = work->memory_size(); int64_t n_dim = input.dims()[1]; int64_t required_work_mem = 3 * n_dim * sizeof(T); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE( work_mem, 3 * n_dim * sizeof(T), errors::InvalidArgument( "The memory size of the work tensor in LapackEigvals function " "should be at least %" PRId64 " bytes, " "but received work\'s memory size = %" PRId64 " bytes.", required_work_mem, work_mem)); int64_t rwork_mem = rwork->memory_size(); int64_t required_rwork_mem = (n_dim << 1) * sizeof(dtype::Real); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE( rwork_mem, required_rwork_mem, errors::InvalidArgument( "The memory size of the rwork tensor in LapackEigvals function " "should be at least %" PRId64 " bytes, " "but received rwork\'s memory size = %" PRId64 " bytes.", required_rwork_mem, rwork_mem)); int info = 0; phi::funcs::lapackEig>( 'N', 'N', static_cast(n_dim), a.template data(), static_cast(n_dim), output->template data(), NULL, 1, NULL, 1, work->template data(), static_cast(work_mem / sizeof(T)), rwork->template data>(), &info); std::string name = "phi::backend::dynload::cgeev_"; if (input.dtype() == DataType::COMPLEX128) { name = "phi::backend::dynload::zgeev_"; } CheckLapackEigResult(info, name); } void SpiltBatchSquareMatrix(const DenseTensor& input, std::vector* output) { DDim input_dims = input.dims(); int last_dim = input_dims.size() - 1; int n_dim = input_dims[last_dim]; DDim flattened_input_dims, flattened_output_dims; if (input_dims.size() > 2) { flattened_input_dims = phi::flatten_to_3d(input_dims, last_dim - 1, last_dim); } else { flattened_input_dims = phi::make_ddim({1, n_dim, n_dim}); } DenseTensor flattened_input; flattened_input.ShareDataWith(input); flattened_input.Resize(flattened_input_dims); (*output) = flattened_input.Split(1, 0); } template void EigvalsKernel(const Context& ctx, const DenseTensor& x, DenseTensor* out) { ctx.template Alloc>(out); std::vector x_matrices; SpiltBatchSquareMatrix(x, /*->*/ &x_matrices); int64_t n_dim = x_matrices[0].dims()[1]; int64_t n_batch = x_matrices.size(); DDim out_dims = out->dims(); out->Resize(make_ddim({n_batch, n_dim})); std::vector out_vectors = out->Split(1, 0); // query workspace size T qwork; int info; funcs::lapackEig>('N', 'N', static_cast(n_dim), x_matrices[0].template data(), static_cast(n_dim), NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, &qwork, -1, static_cast*>(NULL), &info); int64_t lwork = static_cast(qwork); DenseTensor work, rwork; work.Resize(make_ddim({lwork})); ctx.template Alloc(&work); if (IsComplexType(x.dtype())) { rwork.Resize(make_ddim({n_dim << 1})); ctx.template Alloc>(&rwork); } for (int64_t i = 0; i < n_batch; ++i) { LapackEigvals( ctx, x_matrices[i], &out_vectors[i], &work, &rwork); } out->Resize(out_dims); } } // namespace phi PD_REGISTER_KERNEL(eigvals, CPU, ALL_LAYOUT, phi::EigvalsKernel, float, double, phi::dtype::complex, phi::dtype::complex) { kernel->OutputAt(0).SetDataType(phi::dtype::ToComplex(kernel_key.dtype())); }