# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import ssl import re import urllib.request import json import collections import sys, getopt import external_error_pb2 def parsing(externalErrorDesc): #*********************************************************************************************# #*********************************** CUDA Error Message **************************************# print("start crawling errorMessage for nvidia CUDA API--->") url = 'https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-runtime-api/group__CUDART__TYPES.html#group__CUDART__TYPES_1g3f51e3575c2178246db0a94a430e0038' allMessageDesc = externalErrorDesc.errors.add() allMessageDesc.type = external_error_pb2.CUDA ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context html = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8') res_div = r'
CUDA error types
)' res_p_detail = r'(.*?)
' list_p = re.findall(res_p, m_message, re.S | re.M) list_p_detail = re.findall(res_p_detail, m_message, re.S | re.M) assert len(list_p) == len(list_p_detail) for idx in range(len(list_p)): m_message = m_message.replace(list_p[idx], list_p_detail[idx]) m_message = m_message.replace(' ', '') _Messages = allMessageDesc.messages.add() try: _Messages.code = int(m_type[1]) except ValueError: if re.match('0x', m_type[1]): _Messages.code = int(m_type[1], 16) else: raise ValueError _Messages.message = "'%s'. %s" % (m_type[0], m_message) print("End crawling errorMessage for nvidia CUDA API!\n") #***********************************************************************************************# #*********************************** CURAND Error Message **************************************# print("start crawling errorMessage for nvidia CURAND API--->") url = 'https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/curand/group__HOST.html#group__HOST_1gb94a31d5c165858c96b6c18b70644437' allMessageDesc = externalErrorDesc.errors.add() allMessageDesc.type = external_error_pb2.CURAND html = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8') res_div = r'CURAND function call status types
' res_class_detail = r'(.*?)
' list_class = re.findall(res_class, m_message, re.S | re.M) list_class_detail = re.findall(res_class_detail, m_message, re.S | re.M) assert len(list_class) == len(list_class_detail) for idx in range(len(list_class)): m_message = m_message.replace(list_class[idx], list_class_detail[idx]) res_a = r'()' res_shape = r'(.*?)' list_a = re.findall(res_a, m_message, re.S | re.M) list_shape = re.findall(res_shape, m_message, re.S | re.M) assert len(list_a) == len(list_shape) for idx in range(len(list_a)): m_message = m_message.replace(list_a[idx], list_shape[idx]) res_span = r'(.*?)' res_span_detail = r'(.*?)' list_span = re.findall(res_span, m_message, re.S | re.M) list_span_detail = re.findall(res_span_detail, m_message, re.S | re.M) assert len(list_span) == len(list_span_detail) for idx in range(len(list_span)): m_message = m_message.replace(list_span[idx], list_span_detail[idx]) res_samp = r'(.*?)' res_samp_detail = r'(.*?)' list_samp = re.findall(res_samp, m_message, re.S | re.M) list_samp_detail = re.findall(res_samp_detail, m_message, re.S | re.M) assert len(list_samp) == len(list_samp_detail) for idx in range(len(list_samp)): m_message = m_message.replace(list_samp[idx], list_samp_detail[idx]) m_message = re.sub(r'\n +', ' ', m_message) _Messages = allMessageDesc.messages.add() _Messages.code = int(cudnnStatus_t[error[0]]) _Messages.message = "'%s'. %s" % (error[0], m_message) print("End crawling errorMessage for nvidia CUDNN API!\n") #*************************************************************************************************# #*********************************** CUBLAS Error Message ****************************************# cublasStatus_t = { "CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS": 0, "CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED": 1, "CUBLAS_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED": 3, "CUBLAS_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE": 7, "CUBLAS_STATUS_ARCH_MISMATCH": 8, "CUBLAS_STATUS_MAPPING_ERROR": 11, "CUBLAS_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED": 13, "CUBLAS_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR": 14, "CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED": 15, "CUBLAS_STATUS_LICENSE_ERROR": 16 } print("start crawling errorMessage for nvidia CUBLAS API--->") url = 'https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cublas/index.html#cublasstatus_t' allMessageDesc = externalErrorDesc.errors.add() allMessageDesc.type = external_error_pb2.CUBLAS html = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8') res_div = r'The type is used for function status returns. All cuBLAS library.*?
.*?colspan="1">(.*?)' m_dt = re.findall(res_dt, m_div, re.S | re.M) for error in m_dt: m_message = error[1] m_message = re.sub(r'\n +', ' ', m_message) res_p = r'.*?
' res_p_detail = r'(.*?)
' list_p = re.findall(res_p, m_message, re.S | re.M) list_p_detail = re.findall(res_p_detail, m_message, re.S | re.M) assert len(list_p) == len(list_p_detail) for idx in range(len(list_p)): m_message = m_message.replace(list_p[idx], list_p_detail[idx]) res_samp = r'.*?' res_samp_detail = r'(.*?)' list_samp = re.findall(res_samp, m_message, re.S | re.M) list_samp_detail = re.findall(res_samp_detail, m_message, re.S | re.M) assert len(list_samp) == len(list_samp_detail) for idx in range(len(list_samp)): m_message = m_message.replace(list_samp[idx], list_samp_detail[idx]) _Messages = allMessageDesc.messages.add() _Messages.code = int(cublasStatus_t[error[0]]) _Messages.message = "'%s'. %s" % (error[0], m_message) print("End crawling errorMessage for nvidia CUBLAS API!\n") #*************************************************************************************************# #*********************************** CUSOLVER Error Message **************************************# cusolverStatus_t = { "CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS": 0, "CUSOLVER_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED": 1, "CUSOLVER_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED": 2, "CUSOLVER_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE": 3, "CUSOLVER_STATUS_ARCH_MISMATCH": 4, "CUSOLVER_STATUS_MAPPING_ERROR": 5, "CUSOLVER_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED": 6, "CUSOLVER_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR": 7, "CUSOLVER_STATUS_MATRIX_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED": 8, "CUSOLVER_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED": 9, "CUSOLVER_STATUS_ZERO_PIVOT": 10, "CUSOLVER_STATUS_INVALID_LICENSE": 11, "CUSOLVER_STATUS_IRS_PARAMS_NOT_INITIALIZED": 12, "CUSOLVER_STATUS_IRS_PARAMS_INVALID": 13, "CUSOLVER_STATUS_IRS_INTERNAL_ERROR": 14, "CUSOLVER_STATUS_IRS_NOT_SUPPORTED": 15, "CUSOLVER_STATUS_IRS_OUT_OF_RANGE": 16, "CUSOLVER_STATUS_IRS_NRHS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_REFINE_GMRES": 17, "CUSOLVER_STATUS_IRS_INFOS_NOT_INITIALIZED": 18 } print("start crawling errorMessage for nvidia CUSOLVER API--->") url = 'https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cusolver/index.html#cuSolverSPstatus' allMessageDesc = externalErrorDesc.errors.add() allMessageDesc.type = external_error_pb2.CUSOLVER html = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8') res_div = r'This is a status type returned by the library functions and.*?.*?
' res_p_detail = r'(.*?)
' list_p = re.findall(res_p, m_message, re.S | re.M) list_p_detail = re.findall(res_p_detail, m_message, re.S | re.M) assert len(list_p) == len(list_p_detail) for idx in range(len(list_p)): m_message = m_message.replace(list_p[idx], list_p_detail[idx]) res_samp = r'.*?' res_samp_detail = r'(.*?)' list_samp = re.findall(res_samp, m_message, re.S | re.M) list_samp_detail = re.findall(res_samp_detail, m_message, re.S | re.M) assert len(list_samp) == len(list_samp_detail) for idx in range(len(list_samp)): m_message = m_message.replace(list_samp[idx], list_samp_detail[idx]) res_strong = r'.*?' res_strong_detail = r'(.*?)' list_strong = re.findall(res_strong, m_message, re.S | re.M) list_strong_detail = re.findall(res_strong_detail, m_message, re.S | re.M) assert len(list_strong) == len(list_strong_detail) for idx in range(len(list_strong)): m_message = m_message.replace(list_strong[idx], list_strong_detail[idx]) _Messages = allMessageDesc.messages.add() _Messages.code = int(cusolverStatus_t[error[0]]) _Messages.message = "'%s'. %s" % (error[0], m_message) print("End crawling errorMessage for nvidia CUSOLVER API!\n") #**********************************************************************************************# #*************************************** NCCL error *******************************************# print("start crawling errorMessage for nvidia NCCL API--->") url = 'https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/nccl/user-guide/docs/api/types.html#ncclresult-t' allMessageDesc = externalErrorDesc.errors.add() allMessageDesc.type = external_error_pb2.NCCL html = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8') res_div = r'ncclResult_t
m_div = re.findall(res_div, html, re.S | re.M)[0]
res_dt = r'(.*?)
m_dt = re.findall(res_dt, m_div, re.S | re.M)
for error in m_dt:
m_message = re.sub(r'\n', '', error[2])
_Messages = allMessageDesc.messages.add()
_Messages.code = int(error[1])
_Messages.message = "'%s'. %s" % (error[0], m_message)
print("End crawling errorMessage for nvidia NCCL API!\n")
def main(argv):
opts, _ = getopt.getopt(argv, "h", ["help"])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print('python spider.py')
for opt, _ in opts:
if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
print('python spider.py')
externalErrorDesc = external_error_pb2.ExternalErrorDesc()
serializedString = externalErrorDesc.SerializeToString()
with open("externalErrorMsg.pb", "wb") as f:
# save for externalErrorMsg.pb from Python-protobuf interface
# load from C++-protobuf interface and get error message
"Generating data file [externalErrorMsg.pb] for external third_party API error has been done!"
if __name__ == "__main__":