@ECHO OFF rem Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. rem rem Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); rem you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. rem You may obtain a copy of the License at rem rem http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 rem rem Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software rem distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, rem WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. rem See the License for the specific language governing permissions and rem limitations under the License. rem ================================================= rem Paddle CI Task On Windows Platform rem ================================================= @ECHO ON setlocal enabledelayedexpansion rem -------clean up environment----------- set work_dir=%cd% set cache_dir=%work_dir:Paddle=cache% if not exist %cache_dir%\tools ( git clone https://github.com/zhouwei25/tools.git %cache_dir%\tools ) taskkill /f /im cmake.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im MSBuild.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im cl.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im lib.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im link.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im vctip.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im cvtres.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im rc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im mspdbsrv.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im csc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im python.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im nvcc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im cicc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im ptxas.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im op_function_generator.exe 2>NUL wmic process where name="op_function_generator.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="cvtres.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="rc.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="cl.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="lib.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="python.exe" call terminate 2>NUL rem ------initialize common variable------ if not defined GENERATOR set GENERATOR="Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" if not defined BRANCH set BRANCH=develop if not defined WITH_TENSORRT set WITH_TENSORRT=ON if not defined TENSORRT_ROOT set TENSORRT_ROOT=D:/TensorRT if not defined CUDA_ARCH_NAME set CUDA_ARCH_NAME=Auto if not defined WITH_GPU set WITH_GPU=ON if not defined WITH_MKL set WITH_MKL=ON if not defined WITH_AVX set WITH_AVX=ON if not defined WITH_TESTING set WITH_TESTING=ON if not defined MSVC_STATIC_CRT set MSVC_STATIC_CRT=ON if not defined WITH_PYTHON set WITH_PYTHON=ON if not defined ON_INFER set ON_INFER=ON if not defined WITH_INFERENCE_API_TEST set WITH_INFERENCE_API_TEST=ON if not defined WITH_STATIC_LIB set WITH_STATIC_LIB=ON if not defined WITH_TPCACHE set WITH_TPCACHE=OFF if not defined WITH_CLCACHE set WITH_CLCACHE=OFF if not defined WITH_CACHE set WITH_CACHE=OFF if not defined WITH_UNITY_BUILD set WITH_UNITY_BUILD=OFF if not defined INFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR set INFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR=%cache_dir:\=/%/inference_demo if not defined LOG_LEVEL set LOG_LEVEL=normal if not defined PRECISION_TEST set PRECISION_TEST=OFF if not defined NIGHTLY_MODE set PRECISION_TEST=OFF if not defined retry_times set retry_times=2 if not defined PYTHON_ROOT set PYTHON_ROOT=C:\Python37 rem -------set cache build directory----------- rmdir build\python /s/q rmdir build\paddle\third_party\externalError /s/q rmdir build\paddle\fluid\pybind /s/q rmdir build\paddle_install_dir /s/q rmdir build\paddle_inference_install_dir /s/q rmdir build\paddle_inference_c_install_dir /s/q del build\CMakeCache.txt if "%WITH_CACHE%"=="OFF" ( rmdir build /s/q goto :mkbuild ) set error_code=0 type %cache_dir%\error_code.txt : set /p error_code=< %cache_dir%\error_code.txt if %error_code% NEQ 0 ( rmdir build /s/q goto :mkbuild ) setlocal enabledelayedexpansion git show-ref --verify --quiet refs/heads/last_pr if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 ( git diff HEAD last_pr --stat --name-only git diff HEAD last_pr --stat --name-only | findstr "setup.py.in" if !ERRORLEVEL! EQU 0 ( rmdir build /s/q ) git branch -D last_pr git branch last_pr ) else ( rmdir build /s/q git branch last_pr ) for /F %%# in ('wmic os get localdatetime^|findstr 20') do set datetime=%%# set day_now=%datetime:~6,2% set day_before=-1 set /p day_before=< %cache_dir%\day.txt if %day_now% NEQ %day_before% ( echo %day_now% > %cache_dir%\day.txt type %cache_dir%\day.txt rmdir build /s/q goto :mkbuild ) :: git diff HEAD origin/develop --stat --name-only :: git diff HEAD origin/develop --stat --name-only | findstr ".cmake CMakeLists.txt paddle_build.bat" :: if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 ( :: rmdir build /s/q :: ) :mkbuild if not exist build ( echo Windows build cache FALSE set Windows_Build_Cache=FALSE mkdir build ) else ( echo Windows build cache TRUE set Windows_Build_Cache=TRUE ) echo ipipe_log_param_Windows_Build_Cache: %Windows_Build_Cache% cd /d build dir . dir %cache_dir% dir paddle\fluid\pybind\Release goto :CASE_%1 echo "Usage: paddle_build.bat [OPTION]" echo "OPTION:" echo "wincheck_mkl: run Windows MKL/GPU PR CI tasks on Windows" echo "wincheck_openbals: run Windows OPENBLAS/CPU PR CI tasks on Windows" echo "build_avx_whl: build Windows avx whl package on Windows" echo "build_no_avx_whl: build Windows no avx whl package on Windows" echo "build_inference_lib: build Windows inference library on Windows" exit /b 1 rem ------PR CI windows check for MKL/GPU---------- :CASE_wincheck_mkl set WITH_MKL=ON set WITH_GPU=ON set WITH_AVX=ON set MSVC_STATIC_CRT=OFF call :cmake || goto cmake_error call :build || goto build_error call :test_whl_pacakage || goto test_whl_pacakage_error call :test_unit || goto test_unit_error call :test_inference || goto test_inference_error :: call :check_change_of_unittest || goto check_change_of_unittest_error goto:success rem ------PR CI windows check for OPENBLAS/CPU------ :CASE_wincheck_openblas set WITH_MKL=OFF set WITH_GPU=OFF set WITH_AVX=OFF set MSVC_STATIC_CRT=ON set retry_times=1 call :cmake || goto cmake_error call :build || goto build_error call :test_whl_pacakage || goto test_whl_pacakage_error call :test_unit || goto test_unit_error call :test_inference || goto test_inference_error :: call :check_change_of_unittest || goto check_change_of_unittest_error goto:success rem ------Build windows avx whl package------ :CASE_build_avx_whl set WITH_AVX=ON set ON_INFER=OFF set CUDA_ARCH_NAME=All set retry_times=4 call :cmake || goto cmake_error call :build || goto build_error call :test_whl_pacakage || goto test_whl_pacakage_error goto:success rem ------Build windows no-avx whl package------ :CASE_build_no_avx_whl set WITH_AVX=OFF set ON_INFER=OFF set CUDA_ARCH_NAME=All set retry_times=4 call :cmake || goto cmake_error call :build || goto build_error call :test_whl_pacakage || goto test_whl_pacakage_error goto:success rem ------Build windows inference library------ :CASE_build_inference_lib set ON_INFER=ON set WITH_PYTHON=OFF set CUDA_ARCH_NAME=All call :cmake || goto cmake_error call :build || goto build_error call :zip_file || goto zip_file_error goto:success rem "Other configurations are added here" rem :CASE_wincheck_others rem call ... rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :cmake @ECHO OFF echo ======================================== echo Step 1. Cmake ... echo ======================================== rem Configure the environment for 64-bit builds. 'DISTUTILS_USE_SDK' indicates that the user has selected the compiler. call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" set DISTUTILS_USE_SDK=1 rem Windows 10 Kit bin dir set PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.17763.0\x64;%PATH% rem Use 64-bit ToolSet to compile set PreferredToolArchitecture=x64 for /F %%# in ('wmic os get localdatetime^|findstr 20') do set start=%%# set start=%start:~4,10% if not defined CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR set CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR=C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.2 set PATH=%TENSORRT_ROOT:/=\%\lib;%CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR%\bin;%CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR%\libnvvp;%PATH% rem install ninja if GENERATOR is Ninja if %GENERATOR% == "Ninja" ( pip install ninja if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 ( echo pip install ninja failed! exit /b 7 ) ) rem ------show summary of current GPU environment---------- cmake --version if "%WITH_GPU%"=="ON" ( nvcc --version nvidia-smi ) rem ------initialize the python environment------ @ECHO ON set PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%PYTHON_ROOT%\python.exe set PATH=%PYTHON_ROOT%;%PYTHON_ROOT%\Scripts;%PATH% if "%WITH_PYTHON%" == "ON" ( where python where pip pip install wheel --user pip install -r %work_dir%\python\requirements.txt --user if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( echo pip install requirements.txt failed! exit /b 7 ) ) rem ------pre install clcache and init config---------- rem pip install clcache --user pip uninstall -y clcache :: set USE_CLCACHE to enable clcache rem set USE_CLCACHE=1 :: In some scenarios, CLCACHE_HARDLINK can save one file copy. rem set CLCACHE_HARDLINK=1 :: If it takes more than 1000s to obtain the right to use the cache, an error will be reported rem set CLCACHE_OBJECT_CACHE_TIMEOUT_MS=1000000 :: set maximum cache size to 20G rem clcache.exe -M 21474836480 rem ------set third_party cache dir------ : clear third party cache every once in a while for /F %%# in ('wmic os get localdatetime^|findstr 20') do set datetime=%%# set day_now=%datetime:~6,2% set day_before=-1 set /p day_before=< %cache_dir%\day.txt if %day_now% NEQ %day_before% ( echo %day_now% > %cache_dir%\day.txt type %cache_dir%\day.txt if %day_now% EQU 21 ( rmdir %cache_dir%\third_party_GPU /s/q rmdir %cache_dir%\third_party /s/q ) if %day_now% EQU 11 ( rmdir %cache_dir%\third_party_GPU /s/q rmdir %cache_dir%\third_party /s/q ) if %day_now% EQU 01 ( rmdir %cache_dir%\third_party_GPU /s/q rmdir %cache_dir%\third_party /s/q ) ) if "%WITH_TPCACHE%"=="OFF" ( set THIRD_PARTY_PATH=%work_dir:\=/%/build/third_party goto :cmake_impl ) echo set -ex > cache.sh echo md5_content=$(cat %work_dir:\=/%/cmake/external/*.cmake ^|md5sum ^| awk '{print $1}') >> cache.sh echo echo ${md5_content}^>md5.txt >> cache.sh %cache_dir%\tools\busybox64.exe cat cache.sh %cache_dir%\tools\busybox64.exe bash cache.sh set /p md5=< md5.txt if "%WITH_GPU%"=="ON" ( set THIRD_PARTY_PATH=%cache_dir:\=/%/third_party_GPU/%md5% ) else ( set THIRD_PARTY_PATH=%cache_dir:\=/%/third_party/%md5% ) :cmake_impl echo cmake .. -G %GENERATOR% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DWITH_AVX=%WITH_AVX% -DWITH_GPU=%WITH_GPU% -DWITH_MKL=%WITH_MKL% ^ -DWITH_TESTING=%WITH_TESTING% -DWITH_PYTHON=%WITH_PYTHON% -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%PYTHON_EXECUTABLE% -DON_INFER=%ON_INFER% ^ -DWITH_INFERENCE_API_TEST=%WITH_INFERENCE_API_TEST% -DTHIRD_PARTY_PATH=%THIRD_PARTY_PATH% ^ -DINFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR=%INFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR% -DWITH_STATIC_LIB=%WITH_STATIC_LIB% ^ -DWITH_TENSORRT=%WITH_TENSORRT% -DTENSORRT_ROOT="%TENSORRT_ROOT%" -DMSVC_STATIC_CRT=%MSVC_STATIC_CRT% ^ -DWITH_UNITY_BUILD=%WITH_UNITY_BUILD% -DCUDA_ARCH_NAME=%CUDA_ARCH_NAME% cmake .. -G %GENERATOR% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DWITH_AVX=%WITH_AVX% -DWITH_GPU=%WITH_GPU% -DWITH_MKL=%WITH_MKL% ^ -DWITH_TESTING=%WITH_TESTING% -DWITH_PYTHON=%WITH_PYTHON% -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%PYTHON_EXECUTABLE% -DON_INFER=%ON_INFER% ^ -DWITH_INFERENCE_API_TEST=%WITH_INFERENCE_API_TEST% -DTHIRD_PARTY_PATH=%THIRD_PARTY_PATH% ^ -DINFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR=%INFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR% -DWITH_STATIC_LIB=%WITH_STATIC_LIB% ^ -DWITH_TENSORRT=%WITH_TENSORRT% -DTENSORRT_ROOT="%TENSORRT_ROOT%" -DMSVC_STATIC_CRT=%MSVC_STATIC_CRT% ^ -DWITH_UNITY_BUILD=%WITH_UNITY_BUILD% -DCUDA_ARCH_NAME=%CUDA_ARCH_NAME% goto:eof :cmake_error echo 7 > %cache_dir%\error_code.txt type %cache_dir%\error_code.txt echo Cmake failed, will exit! exit /b 7 rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :build @ECHO OFF echo ======================================== echo Step 2. Buile Paddle ... echo ======================================== for /F %%# in ('wmic cpu get NumberOfLogicalProcessors^|findstr [0-9]') do set /a PARALLEL_PROJECT_COUNT=%%#*4/5 echo "PARALLEL PROJECT COUNT is %PARALLEL_PROJECT_COUNT%" set build_times=1 :build_tp echo Build third_party the %build_times% time: if %GENERATOR% == "Ninja" ( ninja third_party ) else ( MSBuild /m /p:PreferredToolArchitecture=x64 /p:Configuration=Release /verbosity:%LOG_LEVEL% third_party.vcxproj ) if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( set /a build_times=%build_times%+1 if %build_times% GTR %retry_times% ( exit /b 7 ) else ( echo Build third_party failed, will retry! goto :build_tp ) ) echo Build third_party successfully! set build_times=1 :build_paddle :: reset clcache zero stats for collect PR's actual hit rate rem clcache.exe -z rem -------clean up environment again----------- taskkill /f /im cmake.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im MSBuild.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im cl.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im lib.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im link.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im vctip.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im cvtres.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im rc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im mspdbsrv.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im csc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im nvcc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im cicc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im ptxas.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im op_function_generator.exe 2>NUL wmic process where name="cmake.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="op_function_generator.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="cvtres.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="rc.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="cl.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="lib.exe" call terminate 2>NUL if "%WITH_TESTING%"=="ON" ( for /F "tokens=1 delims= " %%# in ('tasklist ^| findstr /i test') do taskkill /f /im %%# ) echo Build Paddle the %build_times% time: if %GENERATOR% == "Ninja" ( ninja all ) else ( if "%WITH_CLCACHE%"=="OFF" ( MSBuild /m:%PARALLEL_PROJECT_COUNT% /p:PreferredToolArchitecture=x64 /p:Configuration=Release /verbosity:%LOG_LEVEL% ALL_BUILD.vcxproj ) else ( MSBuild /m:%PARALLEL_PROJECT_COUNT% /p:PreferredToolArchitecture=x64 /p:TrackFileAccess=false /p:CLToolExe=clcache.exe /p:CLToolPath=%PYTHON_ROOT%\Scripts /p:Configuration=Release /verbosity:%LOG_LEVEL% ALL_BUILD.vcxproj ) ) if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( set /a build_times=%build_times%+1 if %build_times% GTR %retry_times% ( exit /b 7 ) else ( echo Build Paddle failed, will retry! goto :build_paddle ) ) echo Build Paddle successfully! echo 0 > %cache_dir%\error_code.txt type %cache_dir%\error_code.txt :: ci will collect clcache hit rate rem goto :collect_clcache_hits goto:eof :build_error echo 7 > %cache_dir%\error_code.txt type %cache_dir%\error_code.txt echo Build Paddle failed, will exit! exit /b 7 rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :test_whl_pacakage @ECHO OFF echo ======================================== echo Step 3. Test pip install whl package ... echo ======================================== setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for /F %%# in ('wmic os get localdatetime^|findstr 20') do set end=%%# set end=%end:~4,10% call :timestamp "%start%" "%end%" "Build" tree /F %cd%\paddle_inference_install_dir\paddle %cache_dir%\tools\busybox64.exe du -h -d 0 -k %cd%\paddle_inference_install_dir\paddle\lib > lib_size.txt set /p libsize=< lib_size.txt for /F %%i in ("%libsize%") do ( set /a libsize_m=%%i/1024 echo "Windows Paddle_Inference Size: !libsize_m!M" echo ipipe_log_param_Windows_Paddle_Inference_Size: !libsize_m!M ) %cache_dir%\tools\busybox64.exe du -h -d 0 %cd%\python\dist > whl_size.txt set /p whlsize=< whl_size.txt for /F %%i in ("%whlsize%") do echo "Windows PR whl Size: %%i" for /F %%i in ("%whlsize%") do echo ipipe_log_param_Windows_PR_whl_Size: %%i dir /s /b python\dist\*.whl > whl_file.txt set /p PADDLE_WHL_FILE_WIN=< whl_file.txt @ECHO ON pip uninstall -y paddlepaddle pip uninstall -y paddlepaddle-gpu pip install %PADDLE_WHL_FILE_WIN% --user if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( call paddle_winci\Scripts\deactivate.bat 2>NUL echo pip install whl package failed! exit /b 1 ) set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python %work_dir%\paddle\scripts\installation_validate.py goto:eof :test_whl_pacakage_error ::echo 1 > %cache_dir%\error_code.txt ::type %cache_dir%\error_code.txt echo Test import paddle failed, will exit! exit /b 1 rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :test_unit @ECHO ON echo ======================================== echo Step 4. Running unit tests ... echo ======================================== : set CI_SKIP_CPP_TEST if only *.py changed git diff --name-only %BRANCH% | findstr /V "\.py" || set CI_SKIP_CPP_TEST=ON pip install -r %work_dir%\python\unittest_py\requirements.txt --user if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( echo pip install unittest requirements.txt failed! exit /b 7 ) for /F %%# in ('wmic os get localdatetime^|findstr 20') do set start=%%# set start=%start:~4,10% set FLAGS_call_stack_level=2 dir %THIRD_PARTY_PATH:/=\%\install\openblas\lib dir %THIRD_PARTY_PATH:/=\%\install\openblas\bin dir %THIRD_PARTY_PATH:/=\%\install\zlib\bin dir %THIRD_PARTY_PATH:/=\%\install\mklml\lib dir %THIRD_PARTY_PATH:/=\%\install\mkldnn\bin dir %THIRD_PARTY_PATH:/=\%\install\warpctc\bin pip install requests set PATH=%THIRD_PARTY_PATH:/=\%\install\openblas\lib;%THIRD_PARTY_PATH:/=\%\install\openblas\bin;^ %THIRD_PARTY_PATH:/=\%\install\zlib\bin;%THIRD_PARTY_PATH:/=\%\install\mklml\lib;^ %THIRD_PARTY_PATH:/=\%\install\mkldnn\bin;%THIRD_PARTY_PATH:/=\%\install\warpctc\bin;%PATH% if "%WITH_GPU%"=="ON" ( goto:parallel_test_base_gpu ) else ( goto:parallel_test_base_cpu ) :parallel_test_base_gpu echo ======================================== echo Running GPU unit tests in parallel way ... echo ======================================== setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :: set PATH=C:\Windows\System32;C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI;%PATH% :: cmd /C nvidia-smi -L :: if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 exit /b 8 :: for /F %%# in ('cmd /C nvidia-smi -L ^|find "GPU" /C') do set CUDA_DEVICE_COUNT=%%# set CUDA_DEVICE_COUNT=1 echo cmake .. -G %GENERATOR% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DWITH_AVX=%WITH_AVX% -DWITH_GPU=%WITH_GPU% -DWITH_MKL=%WITH_MKL% ^ -DWITH_TESTING=%WITH_TESTING% -DWITH_PYTHON=%WITH_PYTHON% -DON_INFER=%ON_INFER% ^ -DWITH_INFERENCE_API_TEST=%WITH_INFERENCE_API_TEST% -DTHIRD_PARTY_PATH=%THIRD_PARTY_PATH% ^ -DINFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR=%INFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR% -DWITH_STATIC_LIB=%WITH_STATIC_LIB% ^ -DWITH_TENSORRT=%WITH_TENSORRT% -DTENSORRT_ROOT="%TENSORRT_ROOT%" -DMSVC_STATIC_CRT=%MSVC_STATIC_CRT% ^ -DWITH_UNITY_BUILD=%WITH_UNITY_BUILD% -DCUDA_ARCH_NAME=%CUDA_ARCH_NAME% >> %work_dir%\win_cmake.sh set FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.92 %cache_dir%\tools\busybox64.exe bash %work_dir%\tools\windows\run_unittests.sh %NIGHTLY_MODE% %PRECISION_TEST% %WITH_GPU% goto:eof :parallel_test_base_cpu echo ======================================== echo Running CPU unit tests in parallel way ... echo ======================================== %cache_dir%\tools\busybox64.exe bash %work_dir%\tools\windows\run_unittests.sh %NIGHTLY_MODE% %PRECISION_TEST% %WITH_GPU% goto:eof :test_unit_error :: echo 8 > %cache_dir%\error_code.txt :: type %cache_dir%\error_code.txt for /F %%# in ('wmic os get localdatetime^|findstr 20') do set end=%%# set end=%end:~4,10% call :timestamp "%start%" "%end%" "1 card TestCases Total" call :timestamp "%start%" "%end%" "TestCases Total" echo Running unit tests failed, will exit! exit /b 8 rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :test_inference @ECHO OFF echo ======================================== echo Step 5. Testing fluid library for inference ... echo ======================================== for /F %%# in ('wmic os get localdatetime^|findstr 20') do set end=%%# set end=%end:~4,10% call :timestamp "%start%" "%end%" "1 card TestCases Total" call :timestamp "%start%" "%end%" "TestCases Total" cd %work_dir%\paddle\fluid\inference\api\demo_ci %cache_dir%\tools\busybox64.exe bash run.sh %work_dir:\=/% %WITH_MKL% %WITH_GPU% %cache_dir:\=/%/inference_demo %TENSORRT_ROOT%/include %TENSORRT_ROOT%/lib %MSVC_STATIC_CRT% goto:eof :test_inference_error ::echo 1 > %cache_dir%\error_code.txt ::type %cache_dir%\error_code.txt echo Testing fluid library for inference failed! exit /b 1 rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :check_change_of_unittest @ECHO OFF echo ======================================== echo Step 6. Check whether deleting a unit test ... echo ======================================== cd /d %work_dir%\build echo set -e> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo set +x>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo GITHUB_API_TOKEN=%GITHUB_API_TOKEN% >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo GIT_PR_ID=%AGILE_PULL_ID% >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo BRANCH=%BRANCH%>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo if [ "${GITHUB_API_TOKEN}" == "" ] ^|^| [ "${GIT_PR_ID}" == "" ];then>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo exit 0 >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo fi>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo set -x>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo cat ^<^> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo ============================================ >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo Generate unit tests.spec of this PR. >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo ============================================ >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo EOF>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo spec_path=$(pwd)/UNITTEST_PR.spec>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo ctest -N ^| awk -F ':' '{print $2}' ^| sed '/^^$/d' ^| sed '$d' ^> ${spec_path}>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo num=$(awk 'END{print NR}' ${spec_path})>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo echo "Windows 1 card TestCases count is $num">> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo echo ipipe_log_param_Windows_1_Card_TestCases_Count: $num>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo UPSTREAM_URL='https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle'>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo origin_upstream_url=`git remote -v ^| awk '{print $1, $2}' ^| uniq ^| grep upstream ^| awk '{print $2}'`>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo if [ "$origin_upstream_url" == "" ]; then>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo git remote add upstream $UPSTREAM_URL.git>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo elif [ "$origin_upstream_url" ^!= "$UPSTREAM_URL" ] ^\>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo ^&^& [ "$origin_upstream_url" ^!= "$UPSTREAM_URL.git" ]; then>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo git remote remove upstream>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo git remote add upstream $UPSTREAM_URL.git>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo fi>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo if [ ! -e "$(pwd)/../.git/refs/remotes/upstream/$BRANCH" ]; then>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo git fetch upstream $BRANCH # develop is not fetched>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo fi>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo git checkout -b origin_pr >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo git checkout -f $BRANCH >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo cmake .. -G %GENERATOR% -DWITH_AVX=%WITH_AVX% -DWITH_GPU=%WITH_GPU% -DWITH_MKL=%WITH_MKL% ^ -DWITH_TESTING=%WITH_TESTING% -DWITH_PYTHON=%WITH_PYTHON% -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%PYTHON_EXECUTABLE% -DON_INFER=%ON_INFER% ^ -DWITH_INFERENCE_API_TEST=%WITH_INFERENCE_API_TEST% -DTHIRD_PARTY_PATH=%THIRD_PARTY_PATH% ^ -DINFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR=%INFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR% -DWITH_STATIC_LIB=%WITH_STATIC_LIB% ^ -DWITH_TENSORRT=%WITH_TENSORRT% -DTENSORRT_ROOT=%TENSORRT_ROOT% -DMSVC_STATIC_CRT=%MSVC_STATIC_CRT% ^ -DWITH_UNITY_BUILD=%WITH_UNITY_BUILD% >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo cat ^<^> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo ============================================ >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo Generate unit tests.spec of develop. >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo ============================================ >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo EOF>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo spec_path=$(pwd)/UNITTEST_DEV.spec>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo ctest -N ^| awk -F ':' '{print $2}' ^| sed '/^^$/d' ^| sed '$d' ^> ${spec_path}>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo unittest_spec_diff=`python $(pwd)/../tools/diff_unittest.py $(pwd)/UNITTEST_DEV.spec $(pwd)/UNITTEST_PR.spec`>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo if [ "$unittest_spec_diff" ^!= "" ]; then>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo set +x>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo approval_line=`curl -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_API_TOKEN}" https://api.github.com/repos/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pulls/${GIT_PR_ID}/reviews?per_page=10000`>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo set -x>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo if [ "$approval_line" ^!= "" ]; then>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo APPROVALS=`echo ${approval_line} ^|python $(pwd)/../tools/check_pr_approval.py 1 22165420 52485244 6836917`>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo echo "current pr ${GIT_PR_ID} got approvals: ${APPROVALS}">> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo if [ "${APPROVALS}" == "FALSE" ]; then>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo echo "************************************" >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo echo -e "It is forbidden to disable or delete the unit-test.\n" >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo echo -e "If you must delete it temporarily, please add it to[https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/wiki/Temporarily-disabled-Unit-Test]." >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo echo -e "Then you must have one RD (kolinwei(recommended) or zhouwei25) approval for the deletion of unit-test. \n" >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo echo -e "If you have any problems about deleting unit-test, please read the specification [https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/wiki/Deleting-unit-test-is-forbidden]. \n" >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo echo -e "Following unit-tests are deleted in this PR: \n ${unittest_spec_diff} \n" >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo echo "************************************" >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo exit 1 >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo fi>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo else>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo exit 1 >> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo fi>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo fi>> check_change_of_unittest.sh echo git checkout -f origin_pr >> check_change_of_unittest.sh %cache_dir%\tools\busybox64.exe bash check_change_of_unittest.sh goto:eof :check_change_of_unittest_error exit /b 1 rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :zip_file tree /F %cd%\paddle_inference_install_dir\paddle if exist paddle_inference.zip del paddle_inference.zip python -c "import shutil;shutil.make_archive('paddle_inference', 'zip', root_dir='paddle_inference_install_dir')" %cache_dir%\tools\busybox64.exe du -h -k paddle_inference.zip > lib_size.txt set /p libsize=< lib_size.txt for /F %%i in ("%libsize%") do ( set /a libsize_m=%%i/1024 echo "Windows Paddle_Inference ZIP Size: !libsize_m!M" ) goto:eof :zip_file_error echo Tar inference library failed! exit /b 1 :timestamp setlocal enabledelayedexpansion @ECHO OFF set start=%~1 set dd=%start:~2,2% set /a dd=100%dd%%%100 set hh=%start:~4,2% set /a hh=100%hh%%%100 set nn=%start:~6,2% set /a nn=100%nn%%%100 set ss=%start:~8,2% set /a ss=100%ss%%%100 set /a start_sec=dd*86400+hh*3600+nn*60+ss echo %start_sec% set end=%~2 set dd=%end:~2,2% set /a dd=100%dd%%%100 if %start:~0,2% NEQ %end:~0,2% ( set month_day=0 for %%i in (01 03 05 07 08 10 12) DO if %%i EQU %start:~0,2% set month_day=31 for %%i in (04 06 09 11) DO if %%i EQU %start:~0,2% set month_day=30 for %%i in (02) DO if %%i EQU %start:~0,2% set month_day=28 set /a dd=%dd%+!month_day! ) set hh=%end:~4,2% set /a hh=100%hh%%%100 set nn=%end:~6,2% set /a nn=100%nn%%%100 set ss=%end:~8,2% set /a ss=100%ss%%%100 set /a end_secs=dd*86400+hh*3600+nn*60+ss set /a cost_secs=end_secs-start_sec echo "Windows %~3 Time: %cost_secs%s" set tempTaskName=%~3 echo ipipe_log_param_Windows_%tempTaskName: =_%_Time: %cost_secs%s goto:eof :collect_clcache_hits for /f "tokens=2,4" %%i in ('clcache.exe -s ^| findstr "entries hits"') do set %%i=%%j if %hits% EQU 0 ( echo "clcache hit rate: 0%%" echo ipipe_log_param_Clcache_Hit_Rate: 0%% ) else ( set /a rate=%hits%*10000/%entries% echo "clcache hit rate: %rate:~0,-2%.%rate:~-2%%%" echo ipipe_log_param_Clcache_Hit_Hate: %rate:~0,-2%.%rate:~-2%%% ) goto:eof rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :success echo ======================================== echo Clean up environment at the end ... echo ======================================== taskkill /f /im cmake.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im MSBuild.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im git.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im cl.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im lib.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im link.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im git-remote-https.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im vctip.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im cvtres.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im rc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im mspdbsrv.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im csc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im python.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im nvcc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im cicc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im ptxas.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im op_function_generator.exe 2>NUL wmic process where name="op_function_generator.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="cvtres.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="rc.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="cl.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="lib.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="python.exe" call terminate 2>NUL if "%WITH_TESTING%"=="ON" ( for /F "tokens=1 delims= " %%# in ('tasklist ^| findstr /i test') do taskkill /f /im %%# ) echo Windows CI run successfully! exit /b 0 ENDLOCAL