/* Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "paddle/phi/kernels/sparse/elementwise_kernel.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/enforce.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/kernel_registry.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/tensor_meta.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/tensor_utils.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/visit_type.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/elementwise_add_kernel.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/elementwise_kernel.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/elementwise_functor.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/sparse/flatten_indices.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/sparse/empty_kernel.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/sparse/sparse_utils_kernel.h" namespace phi { namespace sparse { template struct BinaryOPWithZeroCompareFunctor { explicit BinaryOPWithZeroCompareFunctor(Functor functor) : functor_(functor) {} inline HOSTDEVICE void operator()(const T* a, const T* b, T* result, const int64_t len) const { for (int64_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { result[i] = functor_(a[i], b[i]); } } Functor functor_; }; template void Merge(const IntT el_len, const IntT* a_index, const T* a_values, const IntT len_a, const IntT* b_index_org, const T* b_values_org, const IntT len_b, const IntT len_b_max, IntT* c_index, T* c_values, IntT* out_nnz, const Functor& functor_org, const bool is_divide) { IntT a = 0; IntT b = 0; IntT& nnz = (*out_nnz); nnz = 0; const IntT* b_index = nullptr; std::vector b_full_index; const std::vector zero(el_len, 0); auto functor = BinaryOPWithZeroCompareFunctor(functor_org); std::vector b_values(len_b_max, zero.data()); for (auto i = 0; i < len_b; ++i) { b_values[b_index_org[i]] = b_values_org + i * el_len; } // if is divide expend b_index_org to b_full_index if (is_divide) { b_full_index = std::vector(len_b_max); for (int64_t j = 0; j < static_cast(b_full_index.size()); ++j) { b_full_index[j] = j; } b_index = b_full_index.data(); } else { b_index = b_index_org; } // merge while (a < len_a && b < (is_divide ? len_b_max : len_b)) { if (a_index[a] == b_index[b]) { functor(a_values + a * el_len, b_values[b_index[b]], c_values + nnz * el_len, el_len); c_index[nnz] = a_index[a]; ++nnz; ++a; ++b; } else if (a_index[a] < b_index[b]) { // coordinate x[a] < coordinate y[b] functor( a_values + a * el_len, zero.data(), c_values + nnz * el_len, el_len); c_index[nnz] = a_index[a]; ++nnz; ++a; } else if (a_index[a] > b_index[b]) { // coordinate x[a] > coordinate y[b] functor( zero.data(), b_values[b_index[b]], c_values + nnz * el_len, el_len); c_index[nnz] = b_index[b]; ++nnz; ++b; } } // a tail while (a < len_a) { functor( a_values + a * el_len, zero.data(), c_values + nnz * el_len, el_len); c_index[nnz] = a_index[a]; ++nnz; ++a; } // b tail while (b < (is_divide ? len_b_max : len_b)) { functor(zero.data(), b_values[b_index[b]], c_values + nnz * el_len, el_len); c_index[nnz] = b_index[b]; ++nnz; ++b; } } // SparseCooTensor elementwise op, only support same shape tensor now template void ElementWiseCooKernelImpl(const Context& dev_ctx, const SparseCooTensor& x, const SparseCooTensor& y, SparseCooTensor* out, const Functor& functor) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(x.dims(), y.dims(), phi::errors::InvalidArgument( "Currently only support same shape elementwise " "compute. The input tensor X's shape " "should be identical with Y's shape. But received X's " "shape = [%s], Y's shape = [%s].", x.dims(), y.dims())); // temporary policy: for broadcast add // TODO(zhangkaihuo): implement a correct function const bool is_add = std::is_same>::value; if (is_add && x.indices().numel() == y.indices().numel()) { int compare_indices = memcmp(x.indices().data(), y.indices().data(), sizeof(IntT) * x.indices().numel()); if (compare_indices == 0) { EmptyLikeCooKernel(dev_ctx, x, out); phi::AddKernel( dev_ctx, x.values(), y.values(), out->mutable_values()); return; } } int64_t element_size = 1; for (auto j = 1; j < x.values().dims().size(); ++j) { element_size *= x.values().dims()[j]; } IntT nnz = 0; const auto x_values = x.values().data(); const auto y_values = y.values().data(); const auto sparse_dim = x.indices().dims()[0]; const bool is_divide = std::is_same>::value; int64_t max_len = 1; for (auto j = 0; j < sparse_dim; ++j) { max_len *= x.dims()[j]; } std::vector sparse_offsets(sparse_dim), x_indexs(x.nnz()), y_indexs(y.nnz()); phi::funcs::sparse::CalcOffsetsPerDim( x.dims(), sparse_dim, sparse_offsets.data()); phi::funcs::sparse::FlattenIndices(x.indices().data(), sparse_offsets.data(), x.nnz(), sparse_dim, 0, 1, x_indexs.data()); phi::funcs::sparse::FlattenIndices(y.indices().data(), sparse_offsets.data(), y.nnz(), sparse_dim, 0, 1, y_indexs.data()); std::vector out_indexs; std::vector out_values_vec; if (is_divide) { out_indexs.reserve(max_len); } else { out_indexs.reserve(x.nnz() + y.nnz()); } out_values_vec.reserve(max_len * element_size); // merge x and y Merge(element_size, x_indexs.data(), x_values, x_indexs.size(), y_indexs.data(), y_values, y_indexs.size(), max_len, out_indexs.data(), out_values_vec.data(), &nnz, functor, is_divide); std::vector out_indices_vec; out_indices_vec.resize(nnz * sparse_dim); Dim const_dims; for (auto i = 0; i < x.dims().size(); i++) { const_dims[i] = x.dims()[i]; } funcs::sparse::IndexToCoordinate(out_indexs.data(), const_dims, nnz, sparse_dim, 0, 1, out_indices_vec.data()); if (nnz == 0) { phi::DenseTensor out_indices = phi::EmptyLike(dev_ctx, x.indices()); phi::DenseTensor out_values = phi::EmptyLike(dev_ctx, x.values()); out->SetMember(out_indices, out_values, x.dims()); } else { DenseTensorMeta indices_meta( phi::CppTypeToDataType::Type(), phi::make_ddim( {static_cast(sparse_dim), static_cast(nnz)}), DataLayout::NCHW); auto indeces_dim = vectorize(slice_ddim(x.values().dims(), 1, x.values().dims().size())); indeces_dim.insert(indeces_dim.begin(), nnz); DenseTensorMeta values_meta( x.dtype(), phi::make_ddim(indeces_dim), DataLayout::NCHW); phi::DenseTensor out_indices = phi::Empty(dev_ctx, std::move(indices_meta)); phi::DenseTensor out_values = phi::Empty(dev_ctx, std::move(values_meta)); std::memcpy(out_indices.data(), out_indices_vec.data(), sizeof(IntT) * sparse_dim * nnz); std::memcpy(out_values.data(), out_values_vec.data(), sizeof(T) * nnz * element_size); out->SetMember(out_indices, out_values, x.dims()); } } #define DEFINE_CSR_ELEMENTWISE_CPU_KERNEL(name) \ template \ void ElementWise##name##CsrCPUKernel(const Context& dev_ctx, \ const SparseCsrTensor& x, \ const SparseCsrTensor& y, \ SparseCsrTensor* out) { \ auto coo_x = CsrToCoo(dev_ctx, x); \ auto coo_y = CsrToCoo(dev_ctx, y); \ auto coo_out = ElementWise##name##Coo(dev_ctx, coo_x, coo_y); \ CooToCsrKernel(dev_ctx, coo_out, out); \ } #define DEFINE_CSR_ELEMENTWISE_KERNEL(name) \ template \ void ElementWise##name##CsrKernel(const Context& dev_ctx, \ const SparseCsrTensor& x, \ const SparseCsrTensor& y, \ SparseCsrTensor* out) { \ PD_VISIT_BASE_INTEGRAL_TYPES( \ x.crows().dtype(), "ElementWise##name##CsrCPUKernel", ([&] { \ ElementWise##name##CsrCPUKernel(dev_ctx, x, y, out); \ })); \ } #define DEFINE_COO_ELEMENTWISE_CPU_KERNEL(name) \ template \ void ElementWise##name##CooCPUKernel(const Context& dev_ctx, \ const SparseCooTensor& x, \ const SparseCooTensor& y, \ SparseCooTensor* out) { \ funcs::name##Functor functor; \ ElementWiseCooKernelImpl>( \ dev_ctx, x, y, out, functor); \ } #define DEFINE_COO_ELEMENTWISE_KERNEL(name) \ template \ void ElementWise##name##CooKernel(const Context& dev_ctx, \ const SparseCooTensor& x, \ const SparseCooTensor& y, \ SparseCooTensor* out) { \ PD_VISIT_BASE_INTEGRAL_TYPES( \ x.indices().dtype(), "ElementWise##name##CooCPUKernel", ([&] { \ ElementWise##name##CooCPUKernel(dev_ctx, x, y, out); \ })); \ } DEFINE_CSR_ELEMENTWISE_CPU_KERNEL(Add) DEFINE_CSR_ELEMENTWISE_CPU_KERNEL(Subtract) DEFINE_CSR_ELEMENTWISE_CPU_KERNEL(Multiply) DEFINE_CSR_ELEMENTWISE_CPU_KERNEL(Divide) DEFINE_CSR_ELEMENTWISE_KERNEL(Add) DEFINE_CSR_ELEMENTWISE_KERNEL(Subtract) DEFINE_CSR_ELEMENTWISE_KERNEL(Multiply) DEFINE_CSR_ELEMENTWISE_KERNEL(Divide) DEFINE_COO_ELEMENTWISE_CPU_KERNEL(Add) DEFINE_COO_ELEMENTWISE_CPU_KERNEL(Subtract) DEFINE_COO_ELEMENTWISE_CPU_KERNEL(Multiply) DEFINE_COO_ELEMENTWISE_CPU_KERNEL(Divide) DEFINE_COO_ELEMENTWISE_KERNEL(Add) DEFINE_COO_ELEMENTWISE_KERNEL(Subtract) DEFINE_COO_ELEMENTWISE_KERNEL(Multiply) DEFINE_COO_ELEMENTWISE_KERNEL(Divide) } // namespace sparse } // namespace phi PD_REGISTER_KERNEL(add_csr_csr, CPU, ALL_LAYOUT, phi::sparse::ElementWiseAddCsrKernel, float, double, int16_t, int, int64_t) { kernel->InputAt(0).SetDataLayout(phi::DataLayout::SPARSE_CSR); kernel->InputAt(1).SetDataLayout(phi::DataLayout::SPARSE_CSR); } PD_REGISTER_KERNEL(add_coo_coo, CPU, ALL_LAYOUT, phi::sparse::ElementWiseAddCooKernel, float, double, int16_t, int, int64_t) { kernel->InputAt(0).SetDataLayout(phi::DataLayout::SPARSE_COO); kernel->InputAt(1).SetDataLayout(phi::DataLayout::SPARSE_COO); } PD_REGISTER_KERNEL(subtract_csr_csr, CPU, ALL_LAYOUT, phi::sparse::ElementWiseSubtractCsrKernel, float, double, int16_t, int, int64_t) { kernel->InputAt(0).SetDataLayout(phi::DataLayout::SPARSE_CSR); kernel->InputAt(1).SetDataLayout(phi::DataLayout::SPARSE_CSR); } PD_REGISTER_KERNEL(subtract_coo_coo, CPU, ALL_LAYOUT, phi::sparse::ElementWiseSubtractCooKernel, float, double, int16_t, int, int64_t) { kernel->InputAt(0).SetDataLayout(phi::DataLayout::SPARSE_COO); kernel->InputAt(1).SetDataLayout(phi::DataLayout::SPARSE_COO); } PD_REGISTER_KERNEL(multiply_csr_csr, CPU, ALL_LAYOUT, phi::sparse::ElementWiseMultiplyCsrKernel, float, double, int16_t, int, int64_t) { kernel->InputAt(0).SetDataLayout(phi::DataLayout::SPARSE_CSR); kernel->InputAt(1).SetDataLayout(phi::DataLayout::SPARSE_CSR); } PD_REGISTER_KERNEL(multiply_coo_coo, CPU, ALL_LAYOUT, phi::sparse::ElementWiseMultiplyCooKernel, float, double, int16_t, int, int64_t) { kernel->InputAt(0).SetDataLayout(phi::DataLayout::SPARSE_COO); kernel->InputAt(1).SetDataLayout(phi::DataLayout::SPARSE_COO); } PD_REGISTER_KERNEL(divide_csr_csr, CPU, ALL_LAYOUT, phi::sparse::ElementWiseDivideCsrKernel, float, double, int16_t, int, int64_t) { kernel->InputAt(0).SetDataLayout(phi::DataLayout::SPARSE_CSR); kernel->InputAt(1).SetDataLayout(phi::DataLayout::SPARSE_CSR); } PD_REGISTER_KERNEL(divide_coo_coo, CPU, ALL_LAYOUT, phi::sparse::ElementWiseDivideCooKernel, float, double, int16_t, int, int64_t) { kernel->InputAt(0).SetDataLayout(phi::DataLayout::SPARSE_COO); kernel->InputAt(1).SetDataLayout(phi::DataLayout::SPARSE_COO); } PD_REGISTER_KERNEL(add_coo_dense, CPU, ALL_LAYOUT, phi::sparse::ElementWiseAddDenseKernel, float, double, int, int64_t) { kernel->InputAt(0).SetDataLayout(phi::DataLayout::SPARSE_COO); }