// Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #pragma once #include "paddle/fluid/framework/attribute.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/var_desc.h" namespace paddle { namespace framework { // check whether a value(attribute) fit a certain limit template class GreaterThanChecker { public: explicit GreaterThanChecker(T lower_bound) : lower_bound_(lower_bound) {} void operator()(const T& value) const { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GT( value, lower_bound_, platform::errors::OutOfRange("Check for attribute value greater than " "a certain value failed.")); } private: T lower_bound_; }; template class EqualGreaterThanChecker { public: explicit EqualGreaterThanChecker(T lower_bound) : lower_bound_(lower_bound) {} void operator()(const T& value) const { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE( value, lower_bound_, platform::errors::OutOfRange("Check for attribute valur equal or " "greater than a certain value failed.")); } private: T lower_bound_; }; template class TypedAttrVarInfoChecker { public: TypedAttrVarInfoChecker() = default; void operator()(const Attribute& attr) const { if (IsAttrVar(attr)) { auto* var_desc = PADDLE_GET_CONST(VarDesc*, attr); check(var_desc); } else if (IsAttrVars(attr)) { auto var_descs = PADDLE_GET_CONST(std::vector, attr); check(var_descs); } } void check(const VarDesc* var_desc) const { PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL( var_desc, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "Required Attribute with Variable type shall not be nullptr.")); auto shape = var_desc->GetShape(); PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE(shape.size(), 1U, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "Required shape rank of Attribute(%s) <= 1, " "but received rank == %s", var_desc->Name(), shape.size())); auto& expected_type = typeid(T); auto dtype = var_desc->GetDataType(); // attribute is a IntArray if (expected_type == typeid(std::vector) || expected_type == typeid(std::vector)) { bool is_int = (dtype == proto::VarType::Type::VarType_Type_INT32 || dtype == proto::VarType::Type::VarType_Type_INT64); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(is_int, true, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "Required dtype of Attribute(%s) shall be " "int32|int64, but recevied %s.", var_desc->Name(), dtype)); } } void check(const std::vector& var_descs) const { for (auto& var_desc : var_descs) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL( var_desc, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "Required Attribute with Variable type shall not be nullptr.")); auto shape = var_desc->GetShape(); PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE(shape.size(), 1U, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "Required shape rank of Attribute(%s) <= 1, " "but received rank == %s", var_desc->Name(), shape.size())); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( shape.size() == 0U || shape[0] == 1U || shape[0] == -1, true, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "Required shape is (), or shape[0] of Attribute(%s) == 1 or -1, " "but received shape[0] == %s", var_desc->Name(), shape[0])); } } }; // we can provide users more common Checker, like 'LessThanChecker', // 'BetweenChecker'... template class DefaultValueSetter { public: explicit DefaultValueSetter(T default_value) : default_value_(default_value) {} const T& operator()() const { return default_value_; } private: T default_value_; }; template class EnumInContainer { public: explicit EnumInContainer(const std::unordered_set& c) : container_(c) {} void operator()(const T& val) const { PADDLE_ENFORCE_NE( container_.find(val), container_.end(), platform::errors::NotFound("Value %s is not in enum container %s.", val, ContainerDebugString())); } private: std::string ContainerDebugString() const { std::ostringstream sout; sout << "["; size_t cnt = 0; for (auto& v : container_) { sout << v; ++cnt; if (cnt != container_.size()) { sout << " ,"; } } sout << "]"; return sout.str(); } std::unordered_set container_; }; // check whether a certain attribute fit its limits // an attribute can have more than one limits template class TypedAttrChecker { typedef std::function DefaultValueChecker; typedef std::function ValueChecker; public: explicit TypedAttrChecker(const std::string& attr_name, proto::OpProto_Attr* attr) : attr_name_(attr_name), attr_(attr) {} TypedAttrChecker& AsExtra() { attr_->set_extra(true); return *this; } TypedAttrChecker& AsQuant() { attr_->set_quant(true); return *this; } TypedAttrChecker& SupportTensor() { attr_->set_support_tensor(true); return *this; } TypedAttrChecker& InEnum(const std::unordered_set& range) { value_checkers_.push_back(EnumInContainer(range)); return *this; } TypedAttrChecker& GreaterThan(const T& lower_bound) { value_checkers_.push_back(GreaterThanChecker(lower_bound)); return *this; } TypedAttrChecker& EqualGreaterThan(const T& lower_bound) { value_checkers_.push_back(EqualGreaterThanChecker(lower_bound)); return *this; } // we can add more common limits, like LessThan(), Between()... TypedAttrChecker& SetDefault(const T& default_value) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( default_value_setter_.empty(), true, platform::errors::AlreadyExists("Attribute (%s) has a default value " "and cannot be set repeatedly.", attr_name_)); default_value_setter_.push_back(DefaultValueSetter(default_value)); return *this; } // allow users provide their own checker TypedAttrChecker& AddCustomChecker(const ValueChecker& checker) { value_checkers_.push_back(checker); return *this; } void operator()(AttributeMap* attr_map, bool get_default_value_only = false, bool only_check_exist_value = false) const { if (get_default_value_only) { if (!default_value_setter_.empty()) { attr_map->emplace(attr_name_, default_value_setter_[0]()); } return; } // If attribute is VarDesc(s), we should verify it's supported in OpMaker auto it = attr_map->find(attr_name_); if (it != attr_map->end() && HasAttrVar(it->second)) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(attr_->support_tensor(), true, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "Found Attribute('%s') with type(Variable), but it " "doesn't support phi::DenseTensor type.", attr_name_)); VLOG(3) << "Found Attribute " << attr_name_ << " with type(Variable)."; var_info_checker_(it->second); return; } if (only_check_exist_value) { if (it != attr_map->end()) { ExtractAttribute extract_attr(attr_name_); T* attr_value = extract_attr(it->second); for (const auto& checker : value_checkers_) { checker(*attr_value); } } } else { if (it == attr_map->end()) { // user do not set this attr PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( default_value_setter_.empty(), false, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "Attribute (%s) is not set correctly.", attr_name_)); // default_value_setter_ has no more than one element auto tmp = attr_map->emplace(attr_name_, default_value_setter_[0]()); it = tmp.first; } ExtractAttribute extract_attr(attr_name_); T* attr_value = extract_attr(it->second); for (const auto& checker : value_checkers_) { checker(*attr_value); } } } private: std::string attr_name_; proto::OpProto_Attr* attr_; TypedAttrVarInfoChecker var_info_checker_; std::vector value_checkers_; std::vector default_value_setter_; }; // check whether op's all attributes fit their own limits class OpAttrChecker { typedef std::function AttrChecker; public: template TypedAttrChecker& AddAttrChecker(const std::string& attr_name, proto::OpProto_Attr* attr) { attr_checkers_.push_back(TypedAttrChecker(attr_name, attr)); AttrChecker& checker = attr_checkers_.back(); return *(checker.target>()); } void Check(AttributeMap* attr_map, bool explicit_only = false, bool only_check_exist_value = false) const { auto checker_num = attr_checkers_.size(); if (explicit_only) checker_num = explicit_checker_num_; for (size_t i = 0; i < checker_num; ++i) { attr_checkers_[i](attr_map, false, only_check_exist_value); } } AttributeMap GetDefaultAttrsMap() const { AttributeMap default_values_map; for (const auto& checker : attr_checkers_) { checker(&default_values_map, true, false); } return default_values_map; } void RecordExplicitCheckerNum() { explicit_checker_num_ = attr_checkers_.size(); } void InitDefaultAttributeMap(const AttributeMap* extra_attr_map) { for (const auto& checker : attr_checkers_) { checker(&default_attrs_, true, false); } if (extra_attr_map) { default_attrs_.insert(extra_attr_map->begin(), extra_attr_map->end()); } } const AttributeMap& GetDefaultAttrMap() const { return default_attrs_; } private: std::vector attr_checkers_; AttributeMap default_attrs_; // in order to improve the efficiency of dynamic graph mode, // we divide the attribute into explicit type and implicit type. // for explicit attribute, we mean the attribute added in the customized // op makers, usually it's defined in the overloaded Make method. // for implicit attribute, we mean the attribute added outside of the Make // method like "op_role", "op_role_var", and they are useless in dynamic // graph mode size_t explicit_checker_num_; }; } // namespace framework } // namespace paddle