/* Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "paddle/fluid/platform/ipu/ipu_backend.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/ipu/ipu_utils.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/framework.pb.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_helper.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/node.h" namespace paddle { namespace platform { namespace ipu { std::shared_ptr IpuBackend::instance_ = nullptr; IpuBackend::IpuBackend() { compiler_ = std::make_shared(); executor_ = std::make_unique(); } void IpuBackend::Clear() { executor_.reset(); // detach device if (device_ != nullptr && device_->isAttached()) { device_->detach(); device_.reset(); device_ = nullptr; } } IpuBackend::~IpuBackend() { Clear(); } std::shared_ptr IpuBackend::GetInstance() { if (!instance_) { instance_.reset(new IpuBackend()); } return instance_; } // This api should only call from python, always return a new object std::shared_ptr IpuBackend::GetNewInstance() { instance_.reset(new IpuBackend()); return instance_; } void IpuBackend::Compile(framework::ir::Graph* graph, const std::vector& feed_list, const std::vector& fetch_list) { VLOG(10) << "enter IpuBackend::Compile"; compiler_->InitInputs(graph, feed_list); compiler_->LowerWeights(graph, scope_); compiler_->LowerBody(graph); compiler_->InitOutputs(fetch_list); executor_->SetWeights(compiler_->GetWeights()); VLOG(10) << "leave IpuBackend::Compile"; } void IpuBackend::Run(const std::vector& inputs, const std::vector& outputs, const framework::ExecutionContext& ctx) { Prepare(); auto inputs_id = compiler_->GetInputs(); auto outputs_id = compiler_->GetOutputs(); executor_->Run(inputs_id, inputs, outputs_id, outputs, ctx); } void IpuBackend::Prepare() { if (is_prepared_) { return; } else { is_prepared_ = true; } // convert Model to fp16 if (ipu_strategy_->enable_fp16) { compiler_->ConvertProtoToFp16(); } auto proto = compiler_->GetModelProto(); auto tensors = compiler_->GetTensors(); auto outputs = compiler_->GetOutputs(); executor_->Prepare(proto, tensors, outputs, device_); } void IpuBackend::SetScope(const framework::Scope& scope) { scope_ = &scope; executor_->SetScope(&scope); } void IpuBackend::SetIpuStrategy(const IpuStrategy& strategy) { ipu_strategy_ = &strategy; executor_->SetIpuStrategy(strategy); compiler_->SetIpuStrategy(strategy); } size_t IpuBackend::GetNumDevices() { // IpuModel bool ipu_model = GetBoolEnv("POPLAR_IPUMODEL"); if (ipu_model) return 1; // Real dev size_t num_devices = popart::DeviceManager::createDeviceManager().enumerateDevices().size(); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GT( num_devices, 0, platform::errors::Unavailable( "Do not found any IPU devices, please make " "sure Poplar sdk is enabled or enable ENV \"POPLAR_IPUMODEL=1\"")); return num_devices; } std::vector IpuBackend::GetDeviceIds() { bool ipu_model = GetBoolEnv("POPLAR_IPUMODEL"); if (ipu_model) { return {0}; } std::vector device_ids; auto devices = popart::DeviceManager::createDeviceManager().enumerateDevices(); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GT( devices.size(), 0, platform::errors::Unavailable("Do not found any IPU devices, please make " "sure Poplar sdk is enabled.")); for (auto device : devices) { device_ids.push_back(device->getId()); } return device_ids; } Device IpuBackend::GetDevice(int id) { bool ipu_model = GetBoolEnv("POPLAR_IPUMODEL"); if (ipu_model) { std::map deviceOpts{{"numIPUs", "1 "}}; device_ = popart::DeviceManager::createDeviceManager().createIpuModelDevice( deviceOpts); Device device(*device_.get()); return device; } size_t num_devices = GetNumDevices(); if (id < 0 || id >= num_devices) { PADDLE_THROW(platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "device id %d is invalid, number devices is %d", id, num_devices)); } std::shared_ptr popart_device_info = popart::DeviceManager::createDeviceManager().getDevice( popart::SyncPattern::Full, id); Device device(*popart_device_info.get()); return device; } void IpuBackend::AttachDevice(int id) { // trick here // Compiler ipu is not same as the runtime ipu. VLOG(10) << "comile ipu id = " << id; bool ipu_model = GetBoolEnv("POPLAR_IPUMODEL"); if (ipu_model) { return; } device_ = popart::DeviceManager::createDeviceManager().acquireAvailableDevice( UpperIpuNum()); PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL( device_, platform::errors::Unavailable("Can't attach IPU, ipu_num = %d.", UpperIpuNum())); } bool IpuBackend::DeviceIsAttached() { return device_ != nullptr; } // num_ipus must be pow(2,n); int IpuBackend::UpperIpuNum() { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GT(ipu_strategy_->num_ipus, 0, platform::errors::Unavailable( "The ipu num get is wrong, please make sure the " "sharding or pipline parameter is right.")); int i = 0; while (std::pow(2, i) < ipu_strategy_->num_ipus) { i++; } return std::pow(2, i); } } // namespace ipu } // namespace platform } // namespace paddle