# util to check C++ file style # * it basically use google cpplint.py. # * It provide "add_style_check_target" for cmake. # Usage see add_style_check_target's document # # TODO(yuyang18): Add python style check. set(STYLE_FILTER) # diable unwanted filters # paddle do not indent public/potected/private in class set(STYLE_FILTER "${STYLE_FILTER}-whitespace/indent,") # paddle use mutable reference. BUT IT IS NOT RECOMMANDED set(STYLE_FILTER "${STYLE_FILTER}-runtime/references,") # paddle use relative path for include. set(STYLE_FILTER "${STYLE_FILTER}-build/include,") # paddle use , , etc. set(STYLE_FILTER "${STYLE_FILTER}-build/c++11,") # paddle use c style casting. BUT IT IS NOT RECOMMANDED set(STYLE_FILTER "${STYLE_FILTER}-readability/casting") # IGNORE SOME FILES set(IGNORE_PATTERN .*ImportanceSampler.* .*cblas\\.h.* .*\\.pb\\.txt .*LtrDataProvider.* .*MultiDataProvider.* .*pb.*) # add_style_check_target # # attach check code style step for target. # # first argument: target name to attach # rest arguments: source list to check code style. # # NOTE: If WITH_STYLE_CHECK is OFF, then this macro just do nothing. macro(add_style_check_target TARGET_NAME) if(WITH_STYLE_CHECK) set(SOURCES_LIST ${ARGN}) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES SOURCES_LIST) list(SORT SOURCES_LIST) foreach(filename ${SOURCES_LIST}) set(LINT ON) foreach(pattern ${IGNORE_PATTERN}) if(filename MATCHES ${pattern}) message(STATUS "DROP LINT ${filename}") set(LINT OFF) endif() endforeach() if(LINT MATCHES ON) # cpplint code style get_filename_component(base_filename ${filename} NAME) set(CUR_GEN ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${base_filename}.cpplint) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CUR_GEN} PRE_BUILD COMMAND "${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}" "${PROJ_ROOT}/paddle/scripts/cpplint.py" "--filter=${STYLE_FILTER}" "--write-success=${CUR_GEN}" ${filename} DEPENDS ${filename} ${PROJ_ROOT}/paddle/scripts/cpplint.py WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) add_custom_target(${base_filename}.cpplint DEPENDS ${CUR_GEN}) add_dependencies(${TARGET_NAME} ${base_filename}.cpplint) endif() endforeach() endif() endmacro()