/* Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "paddle/phi/kernels/cross_entropy_kernel.h" #ifdef __NVCC__ #include "cub/cub.cuh" #endif #ifdef __HIPCC__ #include namespace cub = hipcub; #endif #include "paddle/fluid/operators/math/cross_entropy.h" #include "paddle/fluid/operators/math/softmax.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/gpu/gpu_device_function.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/gpu/gpu_dnn.h" #include "paddle/phi/common/amp_type_traits.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/kernel_registry.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/tensor_utils.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/visit_type.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/axis_utils.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/for_range.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/math_function.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/gpudnn/softmax_gpudnn.h" namespace phi { #define ALIGN_BYTES 16 enum class SoftmaxMode { kSoftmax, kLogSoftmax, kCrossEntropy }; // Wrapper of log function. Use log(float32) for float16 template static __device__ __forceinline__ T Log(T x) { using AccT = typename dtype::MPTypeTrait::Type; AccT logx = std::log(static_cast(x)); return paddle::operators::math::TolerableValue()(static_cast(logx)); } // Wrapper of exp function. Use exp(float32) for float16 template static __device__ __forceinline__ T Exp(T x) { using AccT = typename dtype::MPTypeTrait::Type; AccT expx = std::exp(static_cast(x)); return paddle::operators::math::TolerableValue()(static_cast(expx)); } template struct ExpAddFunctor { HOSTDEVICE inline ExpAddFunctor(Tx max) : max(max) {} HOSTDEVICE inline Ty operator()(const Tx& sum, const Tx& x) const { return static_cast(sum + std::exp(x - max)); } private: Tx max; }; /* Cross entropy soft label with dynamic size on axis (log2_elements is varibale). - if the input is softmax,compute loss with softmax - if the input is log_softmax, compute loss with log_softmax and update softmax */ template __global__ void CrossEntropySoftLabel(T* loss, T* softmaxwrt, const T* softmax, const T* labels, const int n, const int dim, const int d, int log2_elements) { const int kDimCeil = 1 << log2_elements; const int kVSize = sizeof(VecT) / sizeof(T); #ifdef __HIPCC__ const int kThreadPerBlock = 256; #else const int kThreadPerBlock = 512; #endif const int kBatchPerBlock = 1; const int kWarpSize = 32; // (dim < 32) ? dim : 32; const int kBatchSize = 1; const int kThreadPerBatch = kThreadPerBlock / kBatchPerBlock; const int kWarpPerBatch = kThreadPerBatch / kWarpSize; const int kIterations = (dim + kThreadPerBatch - 1) / kThreadPerBatch; const int kIterationsV = (kIterations >= kVSize) ? (kIterations / kVSize) : 1; const int first_batch = (blockDim.y * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.y) * kBatchSize; T sum[kBatchSize]{static_cast(0.0)}; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < kBatchSize; ++i) { int ids = first_batch + i; if (ids >= n * d) break; int idx_n = ids / d; int idx_d = ids % d; #pragma unroll for (int it = 0; it < kIterations; ++it) { int idx_dim = it * kThreadPerBatch + threadIdx.x; int idx = idx_n * dim * d + idx_dim * d + idx_d; if (idx_n < n && idx_dim < dim) { VecT softmaxdata; if (InLogMode) { softmaxdata = reinterpret_cast(&softmaxwrt[idx])[0]; } else { softmaxdata = reinterpret_cast(&softmax[idx])[0]; } VecT labelsdata = reinterpret_cast(&labels[idx])[0]; T* softmaxptr = reinterpret_cast(&softmaxdata); T* labelsptr = reinterpret_cast(&labelsdata); #pragma unroll for (int s = 0; s < kVSize; s++) { if (InLogMode) { sum[i] -= softmaxptr[s] * labelsptr[s]; softmaxptr[s] = Exp(softmaxptr[s]); } else { sum[i] -= Log(softmaxptr[s]) * labelsptr[s]; } } if (InLogMode) { reinterpret_cast(&softmaxwrt[idx])[0] = softmaxdata; } } } } phi::WarpReduceSum(sum); __syncthreads(); __shared__ T sumshare[kWarpPerBatch][kBatchPerBlock][kBatchSize]; if (threadIdx.x % kWarpSize == 0) { #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < kBatchSize; i++) { sumshare[threadIdx.x / kWarpSize][threadIdx.y][i] = sum[i]; } } __syncthreads(); // write if (threadIdx.x == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < kBatchSize; i++) { int ids = first_batch + i; if (ids < n * d) { loss[ids] = sumshare[0][threadIdx.y][i]; for (int s = 1; s < kWarpPerBatch; s++) { loss[ids] += sumshare[s][threadIdx.y][i]; } } } } } /* Hard label cross entropy. */ template __global__ void CrossEntropyHardLabel(T* loss, const T* softmax, const LabelT* labels, const int n, const int dim, const int d, const int ignore_idx) { int64_t ids = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int64_t idx_n = ids / d; int64_t idx_d = ids % d; // thread ids compute loss[ids] using softmax[idx] if (ids < n * d) { auto lbl = static_cast(labels[ids]); PADDLE_ENFORCE(lbl >= 0 && lbl < dim || lbl == ignore_idx, "The value of label expected >= 0 and < %d, or == %d, " "but got %ld. Please check label value.", dim, ignore_idx, lbl); if (lbl == ignore_idx) { loss[ids] = static_cast(0.0); } else { int64_t idx = idx_n * dim * d + lbl * d + idx_d; loss[ids] = -Log(softmax[idx]); } } } /* Hard label cross entropy with exp. Input: log softmax Output: loss and exp(input) */ template __global__ void CrossEntropyExpHardLabel(T* loss, T* softmax, const LabelT* labels, const int n, const int dim, const int d, const int ignore_idx) { int64_t idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int64_t idx_n = idx / (d * dim); int64_t idx_dim = (idx / d) % dim; int64_t idx_d = idx % d; int64_t ids = idx_n * d + idx_d; if (idx < n * dim * d) { auto lbl = static_cast(labels[ids]); PADDLE_ENFORCE(lbl >= 0 && lbl < dim || lbl == ignore_idx, "The value of label expected >= 0 and < %d, or == %d, " "but got %ld. Please check label value.", dim, ignore_idx, lbl); if (lbl == ignore_idx) { loss[ids] = static_cast(0.0); } else { if (lbl == idx_dim) { loss[ids] = -softmax[idx]; } } softmax[idx] = Exp(softmax[idx]); } } template __device__ __forceinline__ AccT ThreadReduce(const T* input, int size, const int offset, AccT init, ReduceFunctor reducer) { using VecT = kps::details::VectorType; int tid = threadIdx.x; AccT val = init; if (offset > 0) { input -= offset; size += offset; if (tid >= offset) { val = reducer(val, static_cast(input[tid])); } size -= blockDim.x; input += blockDim.x; } int remain = size % (VecSize * blockDim.x); T ins[VecSize]; VecT* ins_vec = reinterpret_cast(&ins); // vector part for (; VecSize * tid < (size - remain); tid += blockDim.x) { *ins_vec = reinterpret_cast(input)[tid]; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < VecSize; ++i) { val = reducer(val, static_cast(ins[i])); } } // scalar part tid = size - remain + threadIdx.x; for (; tid < size; tid += blockDim.x) { val = reducer(val, static_cast(input[tid])); } return val; } template __device__ __forceinline__ void ComputeLoss(T* loss, const T loss_value, const int label_id, const int64_t label_value, const int tid, const int vec_size, const int offset, const int ignore_index) { int loss_id = vec_size * tid + offset; if (label_value == ignore_index) { loss[label_id] = static_cast(0.0f); } else { if (label_value == loss_id) { loss[label_id] = loss_value; } } } template __device__ __forceinline__ void VectorizedSoftmaxForwardImpl( T* loss, T* softmax, const T* logits, const LabelT* label, int size, const int offset, const phi::LogSoftmaxForwardFunctor& func, const int ignore_index) { using VecT = kps::details::VectorType; int tid = threadIdx.x; int label_id = blockIdx.x; auto label_value = static_cast(label[label_id]); PADDLE_ENFORCE( label_value >= 0 && label_value < size || label_value == ignore_index, "The value of label expected >= 0 and < %d, or == %d, " "but got %ld. Please check label value.", size, ignore_index, label_value); int loss_id_offset = 0; if (offset > 0) { logits -= offset; softmax -= offset; size += offset; loss_id_offset -= offset; if (tid >= offset) { AccT log_softmax = func(static_cast(logits[tid])); softmax[tid] = static_cast(std::exp(log_softmax)); // loss ComputeLoss(loss, static_cast(-log_softmax), label_id, label_value, tid, 1, loss_id_offset, ignore_index); } size -= blockDim.x; logits += blockDim.x; softmax += blockDim.x; loss_id_offset += blockDim.x; } int remain = size % (VecSize * blockDim.x); T ins[VecSize]; T outs[VecSize]; VecT* ins_vec = reinterpret_cast(&ins); VecT* outs_vec = reinterpret_cast(&outs); // vector part for (; VecSize * tid < (size - remain); tid += blockDim.x) { // read *ins_vec = reinterpret_cast(logits)[tid]; #pragma unroll // compute for (int i = 0; i < VecSize; ++i) { AccT log_softmax = func(static_cast(ins[i])); outs[i] = static_cast(std::exp(log_softmax)); // loss ComputeLoss(loss, static_cast(-log_softmax), label_id, label_value, tid, VecSize, loss_id_offset + i, ignore_index); } // write reinterpret_cast(softmax)[tid] = *outs_vec; } // scalar part tid = size - remain + threadIdx.x; for (; tid < size; tid += blockDim.x) { AccT log_softmax = func(static_cast(logits[tid])); softmax[tid] = static_cast(std::exp(log_softmax)); // loss ComputeLoss(loss, static_cast(-log_softmax), label_id, label_value, tid, 1, loss_id_offset, ignore_index); } } template __device__ __forceinline__ void ScalarSoftmaxForwardImpl( T* loss, T* softmax, const T* logits, const LabelT* label, const int size, const phi::LogSoftmaxForwardFunctor& func, const int ignore_index) { int tid = threadIdx.x; int remain = size % (VecSize * blockDim.x); int label_id = blockIdx.x; auto label_value = static_cast(label[label_id]); PADDLE_ENFORCE( label_value >= 0 && label_value < size || label_value == ignore_index, "The value of label expected >= 0 and < %d, or == %d, " "but got %ld. Please check label value.", size, ignore_index, label_value); // main part for (; tid < (size - remain); tid += VecSize * blockDim.x) { T ins[VecSize]; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < VecSize; ++i) { ins[i] = logits[tid + i * blockDim.x]; } #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < VecSize; ++i) { AccT log_softmax = func(static_cast(ins[i])); softmax[tid + i * blockDim.x] = static_cast(std::exp(log_softmax)); // loss ComputeLoss(loss, static_cast(-log_softmax), label_id, label_value, tid, VecSize, i, ignore_index); } } // tail part for (; tid < size; tid += blockDim.x) { AccT log_softmax = func(static_cast(logits[tid])); softmax[tid] = static_cast(std::exp(log_softmax)); // loss ComputeLoss(loss, static_cast(-log_softmax), label_id, label_value, tid, 1, 0, ignore_index); } } template __global__ void VectorizedSoftmaxForward(T* loss, T* softmax, const T* logits, const LabelT* label, const int high_dim, const int mid_dim, const int ignore_index) { using VecT = kps::details::VectorType; // each block deal with one batch logits += blockIdx.x * mid_dim; softmax += blockIdx.x * mid_dim; const int input_offset = ((uint64_t)logits) % ALIGN_BYTES / sizeof(T); const int output_offset = ((uint64_t)softmax) % ALIGN_BYTES / sizeof(T); // 1. reduce max AccT max = ThreadReduce>( logits, mid_dim, input_offset, -std::numeric_limits::infinity(), kps::MaxFunctor()); max = kps::details::BlockXReduce>( max, kps::MaxFunctor()); // 2. reduce sum AccT sum = ThreadReduce>( logits, mid_dim, input_offset, static_cast(0), ExpAddFunctor(max)); sum = kps::details::BlockXReduce>( sum, kps::AddFunctor()); // 3. softmax phi::LogSoftmaxForwardFunctor func(max, sum); if (input_offset == output_offset) { VectorizedSoftmaxForwardImpl(loss, softmax, logits, label, mid_dim, input_offset, func, ignore_index); } else { ScalarSoftmaxForwardImpl( loss, softmax, logits, label, mid_dim, func, ignore_index); } } /* Core function of softmax with cross entropy forward soft label. The computation includes - Compute maximum of batch: maxvalue_{i} = max_j src_{i,j} - Compute sum of exp batch: s_{i} = sum_{j}{ exp(src_{i,j} - maxvalue_{i} } - Compute: sum of - sum_{j}{ label_{i,j} * (src_{i,j} - maxvalue_{i} - log(sum[i]))} One warp (32 threads) is used to compute 1 or 2 batch (kBatchSize). For reduction max (sum), firstly compute max (sum) to one warp, then use shuffle api to compute max (sum) in one warp. */ template __global__ void WarpSoftmaxForwardSoftLabel(T* loss, T* softmax, const T* src, const T* label, const int batch_size, const int stride, const int element_count) { const bool LogMode = true; constexpr int kDimCeil = 1 << Log2Elements; constexpr int kWarpSize = (kDimCeil < 32) ? kDimCeil : 32; constexpr int kVSize = sizeof(VecT) / sizeof(T); constexpr int kIterations = kDimCeil / kWarpSize; constexpr int kIterationsV = (kIterations >= kVSize) ? (kIterations / kVSize) : 1; constexpr int kBatchSize = (kDimCeil <= 128) ? 2 : 1; int first_batch = (blockDim.y * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.y) * kBatchSize; int local_batches = batch_size - first_batch; if (local_batches > kBatchSize) { local_batches = kBatchSize; } // read data from global memory VecT srcdata[kBatchSize][kIterationsV]; VecT labeldata[kBatchSize][kIterationsV]; for (int i = 0; i < kBatchSize; ++i) { const VecT* src_v = reinterpret_cast(&src[(first_batch + i) * stride]); const VecT* label_v = reinterpret_cast(&label[(first_batch + i) * stride]); // max index to read int idx_max = (i < local_batches) ? element_count : 0; int idx_max_v = idx_max / kVSize; // read data for (int it = 0; it < kIterationsV; ++it) { int src_idx = threadIdx.x + it * kWarpSize; if (src_idx < idx_max_v) { srcdata[i][it] = src_v[src_idx]; labeldata[i][it] = label_v[src_idx]; } else { #pragma unroll for (int s = 0; s < kVSize; s++) { reinterpret_cast(&srcdata[i][it])[s] = -std::numeric_limits::max(); reinterpret_cast(&labeldata[i][it])[s] = 0.0; } } } } // compute max value AccT max_value[kBatchSize]; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < kBatchSize; ++i) { max_value[i] = -std::numeric_limits::infinity(); #pragma unroll for (int it = 0; it < kIterationsV; ++it) { T* srcptr_v = reinterpret_cast(&srcdata[i][it]); T valmax = srcptr_v[0]; #pragma unroll for (int s = 1; s < kVSize; ++s) { valmax = (valmax > srcptr_v[s]) ? valmax : srcptr_v[s]; } max_value[i] = (max_value[i] > static_cast(valmax)) ? max_value[i] : static_cast(valmax); } } phi::WarpReduceMax(max_value); // compute sum AccT sum[kBatchSize]{0.0}; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < kBatchSize; ++i) { #pragma unroll for (int it = 0; it < kIterationsV; ++it) { T* srcptr_v = reinterpret_cast(&srcdata[i][it]); #pragma unroll for (int s = 0; s < kVSize; ++s) { if (LogMode) { sum[i] += std::exp(static_cast(srcptr_v[s]) - max_value[i]); } else { srcptr_v[s] = std::exp(static_cast(srcptr_v[s]) - max_value[i]); sum[i] += static_cast(srcptr_v[s]); } } } } phi::WarpReduceSum(sum); // log_softmax and loss AccT sumloss[kBatchSize]{0.0}; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < kBatchSize; ++i) { if (i >= local_batches) break; VecT* softmax_v = reinterpret_cast(&softmax[(first_batch + i) * stride]); // max index to write int idx_max = (i < local_batches) ? element_count : 0; int idx_max_v = idx_max / kVSize; if (LogMode) { sum[i] = std::log(sum[i]); } #pragma unroll for (int it = 0; it < kIterationsV; ++it) { T* srcvp = reinterpret_cast(&srcdata[i][it]); T* labelvp = reinterpret_cast(&labeldata[i][it]); VecT tmpv; T* tmpvp = reinterpret_cast(&tmpv); #pragma unroll for (int s = 0; s < kVSize; ++s) { if (LogMode) { AccT logsoftmax = static_cast(srcvp[s]) - max_value[i] - sum[i]; sumloss[i] -= logsoftmax * static_cast(labelvp[s]); tmpvp[s] = std::exp(logsoftmax); } else { tmpvp[s] = static_cast(srcvp[s]) / sum[i]; } } int idx = threadIdx.x + it * kWarpSize; if (idx < idx_max_v) { softmax_v[idx] = tmpv; } } } // loss phi::WarpReduceSum(sumloss); for (int i = 0; i < kBatchSize; i++) { if (i >= local_batches) break; loss[first_batch + i] = sumloss[i]; } } #define SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_SOFT_CASE(Log2Elements, VecT, AccT) \ case Log2Elements: \ WarpSoftmaxForwardSoftLabel \ <<>>( \ loss, softmax, src, label, batch_size, stride, element_count); \ break; /* Wrapper of softmax with cross entropy forward soft label. */ template void SwitchWarpSoftmaxForwardSoftLabel(const int blocks, const dim3 threads, gpuStream_t stream, T* loss, T* softmax, const T* src, const T* label, const int batch_size, const int stride, const int element_count, const int log2_elements) { using AccT = typename dtype::MPTypeTrait::Type; switch (log2_elements) { SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_SOFT_CASE(0, T, AccT); SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_SOFT_CASE(1, T, AccT); SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_SOFT_CASE(2, T, AccT); SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_SOFT_CASE(3, T, AccT); SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_SOFT_CASE(4, T, AccT); SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_SOFT_CASE(5, T, AccT); SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_SOFT_CASE(6, T, AccT); SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_SOFT_CASE(7, T, AccT); SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_SOFT_CASE(8, T, AccT); SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_SOFT_CASE(9, T, AccT); default: break; } } template static void SoftmaxWithCrossEntropySoftLabel(const GPUContext& dev_ctx, const int rank, const int axis, const T* logits_data, const T* labels_data, T* softmax_data, T* loss_data, int N, int dim, int D) { #ifdef __HIPCC__ constexpr int kMaxBlockDim = 256; #else constexpr int kMaxBlockDim = 512; #endif int64_t block_dim = dim >= kMaxBlockDim ? kMaxBlockDim : (1 << static_cast(std::log2(dim))); int64_t grid_dim = N * D; constexpr int max_dim = 320; const int kDimLog2 = static_cast(Log2Ceil(dim)); const int kDimCeil = 1 << kDimLog2; auto stream = dev_ctx.stream(); if (D == 1 && dim <= max_dim) { int kWarpSize = (kDimCeil < 32) ? kDimCeil : 32; int batches_per_warp = (kDimCeil <= 128) ? 2 : 1; // use 128 threads per block to maximimize gpu utilization constexpr int threads_per_block = 128; int warps_per_block = (threads_per_block / kWarpSize); int batches_per_block = warps_per_block * batches_per_warp; int blocks = (N + batches_per_block - 1) / batches_per_block; dim3 threads(kWarpSize, warps_per_block, 1); SwitchWarpSoftmaxForwardSoftLabel(blocks, threads, stream, loss_data, softmax_data, logits_data, labels_data, N, dim, dim, kDimLog2); } else { ScopedTensorDescriptor desc; std::vector tensor_dims = {N, dim, D, 1}; GPUDNNDataLayout layout = GPUDNNDataLayout::kNCHW; #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_HIP miopenTensorDescriptor_t descp = desc.descriptor(layout, tensor_dims); #else cudnnTensorDescriptor_t descp = desc.descriptor(layout, tensor_dims); #endif auto handle = dev_ctx.cudnn_handle(); #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_HIP auto mode = axis == rank - 1 ? MIOPEN_SOFTMAX_MODE_INSTANCE : MIOPEN_SOFTMAX_MODE_CHANNEL; PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS(phi::dynload::miopenSoftmaxForward_V2( handle, paddle::platform::CudnnDataType::kOne(), descp, logits_data, paddle::platform::CudnnDataType::kZero(), descp, softmax_data, MIOPEN_SOFTMAX_LOG, mode)); #else auto mode = axis == rank - 1 ? CUDNN_SOFTMAX_MODE_INSTANCE : CUDNN_SOFTMAX_MODE_CHANNEL; PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS(phi::dynload::cudnnSoftmaxForward( handle, CUDNN_SOFTMAX_LOG, mode, paddle::platform::CudnnDataType::kOne(), descp, logits_data, paddle::platform::CudnnDataType::kZero(), descp, softmax_data)); #endif const int kDimLog2 = static_cast(Log2Ceil(dim)); const int kDimCeil = 1 << kDimLog2; #ifdef __HIPCC__ int kThreadPerBlock = 256; #else int kThreadPerBlock = 512; #endif int kBatchPerBlock = 1; int blocks = (N * D + kBatchPerBlock - 1) / kBatchPerBlock; dim3 threads(kThreadPerBlock / kBatchPerBlock, kBatchPerBlock, 1); CrossEntropySoftLabel<<>>( loss_data, softmax_data, NULL, labels_data, N, dim, D, kDimLog2); } } /* Core function of softmax with cross entropy forward - softmax, SoftmaxMode=kSoftmax - log softmax, SoftmaxMode=kLogSoftmax - softmax with cross entropy hard label, SoftmaxMode=kCrossEntropy The computation includes - Compute max value: maxvalue_{i} = max_j src_{i,j} - Compute sum of exp: s_{i} = sum_{j}{e^{src_{i,j} - maxvalue_{i}}} - Compute: softmax_{i,j} = e^{src_{i,j} - maxvalue_{i}} / s_{i} - Compute: logsoftmax_{i,j} = src_{i,j} - maxvalue_{i} - log(s_{i}) - Compute: loss_{i} = -logsoftmax[i,label[i]] (Hard label) This computation results from following formula: softmax_{i,j} = e^{src_{i,j}} / sum_{j}{e^{src_{i,j}}} = e^{src_{i,j} - maxvalue_{i}} / sum_{j}{e^{src_{i,j} - maxvalue_{i}}} = e^{src_{i,j} - maxvalue_{i}} / s_{i} logsoftmax_{i,j} = log(softmax_{i,j}) = src_{i,j} - maxvalue_{i} - log(s_{i}) One warp (32 threads) is used to compute 1 or 2 batch (kBatchSize). For reduction max (sum), firstly compute max (sum) to one warp, then use shuffle api to compute max (sum) in one warp. */ template __global__ void WarpSoftmaxForward(T* loss, T* softmax, const T* src, const LabelT* label, const int batch_size, const int stride, const int element_count, const int ignore_index) { constexpr int kDimCeil = 1 << Log2Elements; constexpr int kWarpSize = (kDimCeil < 32) ? kDimCeil : 32; constexpr int kVSize = sizeof(VecT) / sizeof(T); constexpr int kIterations = kDimCeil / kWarpSize; constexpr int kIterationsV = (kIterations >= kVSize) ? (kIterations / kVSize) : 1; constexpr int kBatchSize = (kDimCeil <= 128) ? 2 : 1; int first_batch = (blockDim.y * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.y) * kBatchSize; // max index to read int idx_max_v[kBatchSize]; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < kBatchSize; i++) { int idx_max = ((i + first_batch) < batch_size) ? element_count : 0; idx_max_v[i] = idx_max / kVSize; } // read data from global memory AccT srcdata[kBatchSize][kIterationsV][kVSize]; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < kBatchSize; ++i) { // read data to srcdata: - KVSize==1, - KVSize>1 #pragma unroll for (int it = 0; it < kIterationsV; ++it) { int src_idx = threadIdx.x + it * kWarpSize; if (kVSize == 1) { if (src_idx < idx_max_v[i]) { srcdata[i][it][0] = static_cast(src[(first_batch + i) * stride + src_idx]); } else { srcdata[i][it][0] = -std::numeric_limits::infinity(); } } else { const VecT* src_v = reinterpret_cast(&src[(first_batch + i) * stride]); if (src_idx < idx_max_v[i]) { VecT srctmp = src_v[src_idx]; const T* srcinptr = reinterpret_cast(&srctmp); #pragma unroll for (int s = 0; s < kVSize; s++) { srcdata[i][it][s] = static_cast(srcinptr[s]); } } else { #pragma unroll for (int s = 0; s < kVSize; s++) { srcdata[i][it][s] = -std::numeric_limits::infinity(); } } } } } // compute max value: maxvalue_{i} = max_j src_{i,j} AccT max_value[kBatchSize]; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < kBatchSize; ++i) { // it = 0 AccT valmax = srcdata[i][0][0]; #pragma unroll for (int s = 1; s < kVSize; ++s) { valmax = (valmax > srcdata[i][0][s]) ? valmax : srcdata[i][0][s]; } max_value[i] = valmax; // it = 1, 2, ... #pragma unroll for (int it = 1; it < kIterationsV; ++it) { AccT valmax = srcdata[i][it][0]; #pragma unroll for (int s = 1; s < kVSize; ++s) { valmax = (valmax > srcdata[i][it][s]) ? valmax : srcdata[i][it][s]; } max_value[i] = (max_value[i] > valmax) ? max_value[i] : valmax; } } phi::WarpReduceMax(max_value); // compute sum: s_{i} = sum_{j}{ exp(src_{i,j} - maxvalue_{i} } AccT sum[kBatchSize]; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < kBatchSize; ++i) { // it = 0 if (mode == SoftmaxMode::kLogSoftmax || mode == SoftmaxMode::kCrossEntropy) { sum[i] = std::exp(srcdata[i][0][0] - max_value[i]); } else { srcdata[i][0][0] = std::exp(srcdata[i][0][0] - max_value[i]); sum[i] = srcdata[i][0][0]; } #pragma unroll for (int s = 1; s < kVSize; ++s) { if (mode == SoftmaxMode::kLogSoftmax || mode == SoftmaxMode::kCrossEntropy) { sum[i] += std::exp(srcdata[i][0][s] - max_value[i]); } else { srcdata[i][0][s] = std::exp(srcdata[i][0][s] - max_value[i]); sum[i] += srcdata[i][0][s]; } } // it = 1, 2, ... #pragma unroll for (int it = 1; it < kIterationsV; ++it) { #pragma unroll for (int s = 0; s < kVSize; ++s) { if (mode == SoftmaxMode::kLogSoftmax || mode == SoftmaxMode::kCrossEntropy) { sum[i] += std::exp(srcdata[i][it][s] - max_value[i]); } else { srcdata[i][it][s] = std::exp(srcdata[i][it][s] - max_value[i]); sum[i] += srcdata[i][it][s]; } } } } phi::WarpReduceSum(sum); // write data #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < kBatchSize; ++i) { if (mode == SoftmaxMode::kLogSoftmax || mode == SoftmaxMode::kCrossEntropy) { sum[i] = std::log(sum[i]); } #pragma unroll for (int it = 0; it < kIterationsV; ++it) { int idx = threadIdx.x + it * kWarpSize; if (kVSize == 1) { // kVSize==1 if (idx < idx_max_v[i]) { if (mode == SoftmaxMode::kLogSoftmax) { // log softmax softmax[(first_batch + i) * stride + idx] = srcdata[i][it][0] - max_value[i] - sum[i]; // softmax with cross entropy hard label } else if (mode == SoftmaxMode::kCrossEntropy) { AccT logsoftmax = srcdata[i][it][0] - max_value[i] - sum[i]; // softmax softmax[(first_batch + i) * stride + idx] = std::exp(logsoftmax); // label int loss_idx = (threadIdx.x + it * kWarpSize) * kVSize; auto lbl = static_cast(label[first_batch + i]); if (lbl == ignore_index) { loss[first_batch + i] = static_cast(0.0); } else { if (lbl >= 0 && lbl < element_count) { if (lbl == loss_idx) { loss[first_batch + i] = -logsoftmax; } } else { PADDLE_ENFORCE( false, "The value of label expected >= 0 and < %d, or == %d, " "but got %ld. Please check label value.", element_count, ignore_index, lbl); } } } else { // softmax softmax[(first_batch + i) * stride + idx] = srcdata[i][it][0] / sum[i]; } } else { break; } } else { // KVSize>1 VecT* softmax_v = reinterpret_cast(&softmax[(first_batch + i) * stride]); VecT tmpdata; T* tmpptr = reinterpret_cast(&tmpdata); #pragma unroll for (int s = 0; s < kVSize; ++s) { if (mode == SoftmaxMode::kLogSoftmax) { // log softmax tmpptr[s] = srcdata[i][it][s] - max_value[i] - sum[i]; // softmax with cross entropy hard label } else if (mode == SoftmaxMode::kCrossEntropy) { AccT logsoftmax = srcdata[i][it][s] - max_value[i] - sum[i]; // softmax tmpptr[s] = std::exp(logsoftmax); // label int loss_idx = (threadIdx.x + it * kWarpSize) * kVSize + s; auto lbl = static_cast(label[first_batch + i]); if (lbl == ignore_index) { loss[first_batch + i] = static_cast(0.0); } else { if (lbl >= 0 && lbl < element_count) { if (lbl == loss_idx) { loss[first_batch + i] = -logsoftmax; } } else { PADDLE_ENFORCE( false, "The value of label expected >= 0 and < %d, or == %d, " "but got %ld. Please check label value.", element_count, ignore_index, lbl); } } } else { // softmax tmpptr[s] = srcdata[i][it][s] / sum[i]; } } if (idx < idx_max_v[i]) { softmax_v[idx] = tmpdata; } else { break; } } } } } #define SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_CASE(Log2Elements, LabelT, VecT, AccT) \ case Log2Elements: \ WarpSoftmaxForward \ <<>>(loss, \ softmax, \ src, \ label, \ batch_size, \ stride, \ element_count, \ ignore_index); \ break; /* Wrapper of softmax with cross entropy forward hard label. */ template void SwitchWarpSoftmaxForward(T* loss, T* softmax, const T* src, const LabelT* label, const int batch_size, const int stride, const int element_count, const int ignore_index, gpuStream_t stream) { using AccT = typename dtype::MPTypeTrait::Type; // use 128 threads per block to maximimize gpu utilization const int log2_elements = static_cast(Log2Ceil(element_count)); const int kDimCeil = 1 << log2_elements; int kWarpSize = (kDimCeil < 32) ? kDimCeil : 32; int batches_per_warp = (kDimCeil <= 128) ? 2 : 1; constexpr int threads_per_block = 128; int warps_per_block = (threads_per_block / kWarpSize); int batches_per_block = warps_per_block * batches_per_warp; int blocks = (batch_size + batches_per_block - 1) / batches_per_block; dim3 threads(kWarpSize, warps_per_block, 1); switch (log2_elements) { SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_CASE(0, LabelT, T, AccT); SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_CASE(1, LabelT, T, AccT); SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_CASE(2, LabelT, T, AccT); SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_CASE(3, LabelT, T, AccT); SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_CASE(4, LabelT, T, AccT); SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_CASE(5, LabelT, T, AccT); SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_CASE(6, LabelT, T, AccT); SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_CASE(7, LabelT, T, AccT); SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_CASE(8, LabelT, T, AccT); SOFTMAX_WARP_FORWARD_CASE(9, LabelT, T, AccT); default: break; } } template void LaunchVectorizedSoftmaxForward(T* loss, T* softmax, const T* logits, const LabelT* label, const int high_dim, const int mid_dim, const int ignore_index, gpuStream_t stream) { using AccT = typename dtype::MPTypeTrait::Type; constexpr int vec_size = sizeof(float4) / sizeof(T); const int max_num_threads = 1024; int max_block_size = std::min(mid_dim / vec_size, max_num_threads); if (vec_size > 1) { max_block_size /= 2; } int block_size = 1; while (block_size < max_block_size) { block_size *= 2; } block_size = std::max(block_size, kps::details::kWarpSize); dim3 grids(high_dim); dim3 blocks(block_size); VectorizedSoftmaxForward <<>>( loss, softmax, logits, label, high_dim, mid_dim, ignore_index); } /* Wrapper of softmax with cross entropy hard label. - SwitchWarpSoftmaxForward for small size when axis == -1 - LaunchVectorizedSoftmaxForward for large size when axis == -1 - cudnn function for axis != -1 */ template static void SoftmaxWithCrossEntropyHardLabel(const GPUContext& dev_ctx, int rank, int axis, const T* logits_data, const LabelT* labels_data, T* loss_data, T* softmax_data, int N, int dim, int D, const int ignore_index) { auto stream = dev_ctx.stream(); constexpr int max_dim = 320; if (D == 1) { if (dim <= max_dim) { // small size const SoftmaxMode mode = SoftmaxMode::kCrossEntropy; SwitchWarpSoftmaxForward(loss_data, softmax_data, logits_data, labels_data, N, dim, dim, ignore_index, stream); } else { // large size LaunchVectorizedSoftmaxForward(loss_data, softmax_data, logits_data, labels_data, N, dim, ignore_index, stream); } } else { ScopedTensorDescriptor desc; std::vector tensor_dims = {N, dim, D, 1}; GPUDNNDataLayout layout = GPUDNNDataLayout::kNCHW; #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_HIP miopenTensorDescriptor_t descp = desc.descriptor(layout, tensor_dims); #else cudnnTensorDescriptor_t descp = desc.descriptor(layout, tensor_dims); #endif auto handle = dev_ctx.cudnn_handle(); #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_HIP auto mode = axis == rank - 1 ? MIOPEN_SOFTMAX_MODE_INSTANCE : MIOPEN_SOFTMAX_MODE_CHANNEL; PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS(phi::dynload::miopenSoftmaxForward_V2( handle, paddle::platform::CudnnDataType::kOne(), descp, logits_data, paddle::platform::CudnnDataType::kZero(), descp, softmax_data, MIOPEN_SOFTMAX_LOG, mode)); #else auto mode = axis == rank - 1 ? CUDNN_SOFTMAX_MODE_INSTANCE : CUDNN_SOFTMAX_MODE_CHANNEL; PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS(phi::dynload::cudnnSoftmaxForward( handle, CUDNN_SOFTMAX_LOG, mode, paddle::platform::CudnnDataType::kOne(), descp, logits_data, paddle::platform::CudnnDataType::kZero(), descp, softmax_data)); #endif int threads = 128; int blocks = (N * dim * D + threads - 1) / threads; // compute cross entropy, input is log softmax CrossEntropyExpHardLabel<<>>( loss_data, softmax_data, labels_data, N, dim, D, ignore_index); } } template void CrossEntropyWithSoftmaxCUDAKernel(const GPUContext& dev_ctx, const DenseTensor& logits, const DenseTensor& label, bool soft_label, bool use_softmax, bool numeric_stable_mode, int ignore_index, int axis, DenseTensor* softmax, DenseTensor* loss) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( dev_ctx.GetPlace().GetType(), AllocationType::GPU, phi::errors::Unavailable("softmax_with_cross_entropy operator's " "CUDA kernel only runs on GPU device.")); // do not with softmax op, and input is softmax if (!use_softmax) { DenseTensor* softmax_out = softmax; const DenseTensor* softmax = &logits; const DenseTensor& labels = label; const int rank = softmax->dims().size(); const int axis_v = phi::funcs::CanonicalAxis(axis, rank); const int axis_dim = softmax->dims()[axis_v]; const int n = phi::funcs::SizeToAxis(axis_v, softmax->dims()); const int d = phi::funcs::SizeFromAxis(axis_v, softmax->dims()); auto* softmax_out_data = dev_ctx.template Alloc(softmax_out); auto* loss_data = dev_ctx.template Alloc(loss); phi::funcs::SetConstant set_constant; set_constant(dev_ctx, loss, static_cast(0)); if (axis_dim == 1) { set_constant(dev_ctx, softmax_out, static_cast(1)); return; } DenseTensor softmax_2d(*softmax); softmax_2d.Resize({n, d}); DenseTensor labels_2d(labels); labels_2d.Resize({n, labels.numel() / n}); DenseTensor loss_2d(*loss); loss_2d.Resize({n, 1}); DenseTensor softmax_out_2d(*softmax_out); softmax_out_2d.Resize({n, d}); // math::CrossEntropyFunctor support axis is the last if (axis_v == -1) { paddle::operators::math::CrossEntropyFunctor()( dev_ctx, &loss_2d, &softmax_2d, &labels_2d, soft_label, ignore_index, axis_dim); return; } // if axis is not the last, we need a new impliment if (soft_label) { auto* logits_data = softmax->data(); auto* labels_data = labels.data(); const int kDimLog2 = static_cast(Log2Ceil(axis_dim)); const int kDimCeil = 1 << kDimLog2; #ifdef __HIPCC__ int kThreadPerBlock = 256; #else int kThreadPerBlock = 512; #endif int kBatchPerBlock = 1; int blocks = (n * d + kBatchPerBlock - 1) / kBatchPerBlock; dim3 threads(kThreadPerBlock / kBatchPerBlock, kBatchPerBlock, 1); CrossEntropySoftLabel <<>>(loss_data, NULL, logits_data, labels_data, n, axis_dim, d / axis_dim, kDimLog2); } else { // HardLabel auto* logits_data = softmax->data(); auto* labels_data = labels.data(); int threads = 128; int blocks = (n * d / axis_dim + threads - 1) / threads; CrossEntropyHardLabel <<>>(loss_data, logits_data, labels_data, n, axis_dim, d / axis_dim, ignore_index); } // cause of input is softmax // copy to output softmax, directly phi::Copy( dev_ctx, *softmax, dev_ctx.GetPlace(), false, softmax_out); return; } const int rank = logits.dims().size(); const int axis_v = phi::funcs::CanonicalAxis(axis, rank); int axis_dim = logits.dims()[axis_v]; const int64_t n = phi::funcs::SizeToAxis(axis_v, logits.dims()); const int64_t d = phi::funcs::SizeFromAxis(axis_v, logits.dims()); auto* softmax_data = dev_ctx.template Alloc(softmax); auto* loss_data = dev_ctx.template Alloc(loss); if (axis_dim == 1) { phi::funcs::SetConstant set_constant; set_constant(dev_ctx, softmax, static_cast(1)); set_constant(dev_ctx, loss, static_cast(0)); return; } if (soft_label) { auto* logits_data = logits.data(); auto* labels_data = label.data(); SoftmaxWithCrossEntropySoftLabel(dev_ctx, rank, axis_v, logits_data, labels_data, softmax_data, loss_data, n, axis_dim, d / axis_dim); } else { if (!numeric_stable_mode) { // CUDNN kernel only suppoer 2-D tensor and perfome softmax on last dim DenseTensor logits_2d(logits); logits_2d.Resize({n, d}); DenseTensor softmax_2d(*softmax); softmax_2d.Resize({n, d}); DenseTensor labels_2d(label); labels_2d.Resize({n, label.numel() / n}); DenseTensor loss_2d(*loss); loss_2d.Resize({n, 1}); paddle::operators::math::SoftmaxCUDNNFunctor()( dev_ctx, &logits_2d, &softmax_2d); paddle::operators::math::CrossEntropyFunctor()( dev_ctx, &loss_2d, &softmax_2d, &labels_2d, false, ignore_index, axis_dim); } else { auto* logits_data = logits.data(); auto* labels_data = label.data(); SoftmaxWithCrossEntropyHardLabel(dev_ctx, rank, axis_v, logits_data, labels_data, loss_data, softmax_data, n, axis_dim, d / axis_dim, ignore_index); } } } template void CrossEntropyWithSoftmaxKernel(const Context& dev_ctx, const DenseTensor& logits, const DenseTensor& label, bool soft_label, bool use_softmax, bool numeric_stable_mode, int ignore_index, int axis, DenseTensor* softmax, DenseTensor* loss) { auto dtype = label.dtype(); if (soft_label) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( dtype, paddle::experimental::CppTypeToDataType::Type(), phi::errors::InvalidArgument("The Input(Label) should be with the " "same data type as Input(Logits).")); CrossEntropyWithSoftmaxCUDAKernel(dev_ctx, logits, label, soft_label, use_softmax, numeric_stable_mode, ignore_index, axis, softmax, loss); } else { PD_VISIT_INTEGRAL_TYPES(dtype, "CrossEntropyWithSoftmaxCUDAKernel", ([&] { CrossEntropyWithSoftmaxCUDAKernel( dev_ctx, logits, label, soft_label, use_softmax, numeric_stable_mode, ignore_index, axis, softmax, loss); })); } } } // namespace phi #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_HIP PD_REGISTER_KERNEL(cross_entropy_with_softmax, GPU, ALL_LAYOUT, phi::CrossEntropyWithSoftmaxKernel, float, phi::dtype::float16) {} #else #if CUDNN_VERSION_MIN(8, 1, 0) PD_REGISTER_KERNEL(cross_entropy_with_softmax, GPU, ALL_LAYOUT, phi::CrossEntropyWithSoftmaxKernel, float, double, phi::dtype::float16, phi::dtype::bfloat16) {} #else PD_REGISTER_KERNEL(cross_entropy_with_softmax, GPU, ALL_LAYOUT, phi::CrossEntropyWithSoftmaxKernel, float, double, phi::dtype::float16) {} #endif #endif