#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2021 CINN Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import unittest import cinn import numpy as np from cinn import common, framework, ir, lang, runtime class SingleOpTester(unittest.TestCase): ''' A unittest framework for testing a single operator. Two methods one should override for each Operator's unittest 1. create_target_data 2. test_op ''' def setUp(self): np.random.seed(0) self.counter = 0 self.target = common.DefaultHostTarget() def create_target_data(self, inputs_data, attrs): ''' create the target of the operator's execution output. ''' raise NotImplementedError def test_op(self): ''' USER API The real use case should implement this method! ''' pass def to_test_op( self, input_shapes, output_shapes, op_name, attrs, out_index=None, do_infer_shape=False, ): ''' Test the operator. ''' self.compiler = cinn.Compiler.create(self.target) inputs = [] inputs_data = [] for i_shape in input_shapes: expr_shape = [] inputs_data.append( np.around(np.random.random(i_shape).astype("float32"), 3) ) for dim_shape in i_shape: expr_shape.append(ir.Expr(dim_shape)) inputs.append( lang.Placeholder( "float32", self.__gen_var_name(), expr_shape ).to_tensor() ) args = [] temp_inputs = [] alignment = 0 if self.target.arch == common.Target.Arch.X86: alignment = 32 for in_data in inputs_data: temp_inputs.append( runtime.cinn_buffer_t( in_data, runtime.cinn_x86_device, alignment ) ) for in_data in temp_inputs: args.append(runtime.cinn_pod_value_t(in_data)) if output_shapes is None: correct_result, output_shapes = self.create_target_data( inputs_data, attrs ) else: correct_result = self.create_target_data(inputs_data, attrs) func = self.__lower(op_name, inputs, output_shapes, attrs) builder = lang.Module.Builder(op_name, self.target) builder.add_function(func) module = builder.build() self.compiler.build(module) fn = self.compiler.lookup(func.name()) out = [] for out_shape in output_shapes: out.append( runtime.cinn_buffer_t( np.zeros(out_shape).astype("float32"), runtime.cinn_x86_device, alignment, ) ) if do_infer_shape: infer_shapes = framework.Operator.get_op_shape_attrs("infershape") out_shapes = infer_shapes.infer_shape( op_name, input_shapes, attrs.attr_store ) print("out_shapes", out_shapes) for out_shape in out_shapes[1:]: out.append( runtime.cinn_buffer_t( np.zeros(out_shape).astype("float32"), runtime.cinn_x86_device, alignment, ) ) for out_data in out: args.append(runtime.cinn_pod_value_t(out_data)) fn(args) out_result = out[len(out) - 1].numpy() if out_index is not None: out_result = out[out_index].numpy() np.testing.assert_allclose(out_result, correct_result, atol=1e-4) def __lower(self, op_name, inputs, output_shapes, attrs): types = [common.Float(32)] strategy_map = framework.Operator.get_op_attrs("CINNStrategy") func = strategy_map.apply_strategy( op_name, attrs, inputs, types, output_shapes, self.target ) logging.warning('func:\n\n%s\n', func) return func def __gen_var_name(self): self.counter = self.counter + 1 return "Var_" + str(self.counter) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()