# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # Copyright (c) 2021 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Functions for Auto SParsity (ASP) training and inference. """ import copy import numpy as np import paddle from paddle.fluid import framework, global_scope, program_guard, layers from paddle.fluid.initializer import ConstantInitializer from paddle.fluid.contrib import sparsity from paddle.fluid import core __all__ = [ 'decorate', 'prune_model', 'set_excluded_layers', 'reset_excluded_layers' ] def set_excluded_layers(main_program, param_names): r""" Set parameter name of layers which would not be pruned as sparse weights. Args: main_program (Program, optional): Program with model definition and its parameters. param_names (list): A list contains names of parameters. """ ASPHelper.set_excluded_layers( main_program=main_program, param_names=param_names) def reset_excluded_layers(main_program=None): r""" Reset exculded layers setting corresponding to :attr:`main_program`. If :attr:`main_program` is None, then all configurations of excluded_layers would be cleaned. Args: main_program (Program, optional): Program with model definition and its parameters. """ ASPHelper.reset_excluded_layers(main_program=main_program) def decorate(optimizer): r""" Wrap the given optimizer as a OptimizerWithSparsityGuarantee, which would insert necessary ops for ASP workflows when calling minimize() Args: optimizer (Optimizer): A Optimizer used for training. Returns: OptimizerWithSparsityGuarantee: A wrapper for ASP to decorate `minimize` function of the given optimizer. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle import paddle.fluid as fluid from paddle.fluid.contrib import sparsity main_program = fluid.Program() startup_program = fluid.Program() paddle.enable_static() with fluid.program_guard(main_program, startup_program): input_data = fluid.layers.data(name='data', shape=[None, 128]) label = fluid.layers.data(name='label', shape=[None, 10]) hidden = fluid.layers.fc(input=input_data, num_flatten_dims=-1, size=32, act=None) prob = fluid.layers.fc(input=hidden, num_flatten_dims=-1, size=10, act=None) loss = fluid.layers.mean(fluid.layers.square_error_cost(prob, label)) optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.1) optimizer = sparsity.decorate(optimizer) # if do sparse training with Fleet, please replace above decorate with: # strategy = paddle.distributed.fleet.DistributedStrategy() # strategy.asp = True # optimizer = fleet.distributed_optimizer(optimizer, strategy=strategy) optimizer.minimize(loss, startup_program) """ return ASPHelper.decorate(optimizer) def prune_model(place, main_program=None, n=2, m=4, func_name=sparsity.MaskAlgo.MASK_1D, with_mask=True): r""" Pruning parameters of supported layers in :attr:`main_program` via specified mask generation function given by :attr:`func_name`. This function supports both training and inference controlled by :attr:`with_mask`. If :attr:`with_mask` is True, it would also prune parameter related ASP mask Variables, else only prunes parameters. *Note*: If parameters are supported and in FP16, please set :attr:`n`=2, :attr:`m`=4, if they in FP32, then :attr:`n`=1, :attr:`m`=2` to further enable Sparse Tensor Core acceleration. *Note*: If calling this function with :attr:`with_mask`, it should call `OptimizerWithSparsityGuarantee.minimize` and initialization (`exe.run(startup_program`)) before (For successfully obtain mask Variable). Typically set `with_mask` as true for training (have called `OptimizerWithSparsityGuarantee.minimize`) and false for inference only. To obtain OptimizerWithSparsityGuarantee, please see `sparsity.decoreate()`. Args: place (fluid.CPUPlace()|fluid.CUDAPlace(N)): Device place for pruned parameter and mask Variables, and N means the GPU's id. It should be the same as created instance of Executor. main_program (Program, optional): Program with model definition and its parameters. Default is `paddle.static.default_main_program() n (int): n of `n:m` sparse pattern. m (int): m of `n:m` sparse pattern. func_name (MaskAlgo, optional): The function name to generate spase mask. Default is `MaskAlgo.MASK_1D`. All options please refer to `MaskAlgo`. with_mask (bool, optional): To prune mask Variables related to parameters or not. Ture is purning also, False is not. Defalut is True. Returns: dictionary: A dictionary with key: `parameter name` (string) and value: its corresponding mask Variable. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle import paddle.fluid as fluid import paddle.fluid.core as core from paddle.fluid.contrib import sparsity paddle.enable_static() main_program = fluid.Program() startup_program = fluid.Program() place = paddle.CPUPlace() if core.is_compiled_with_cuda(): place = paddle.CUDAPlace(0) with fluid.program_guard(main_program, startup_program): input_data = fluid.layers.data(name='data', shape=[None, 128]) label = fluid.layers.data(name='label', shape=[None, 10]) hidden = fluid.layers.fc(input=input_data, num_flatten_dims=-1, size=32, act=None, name="need_sparse") hidden = fluid.layers.fc(input=hidden, num_flatten_dims=-1, size=32, act=None, name="need_dense") prob = fluid.layers.fc(input=hidden, num_flatten_dims=-1, size=10, act=None) loss = fluid.layers.mean(fluid.layers.square_error_cost(prob, label)) # Setup exluded layers out from ASP workflow. # Please note, excluded_layers must be set before calling `optimizer.minimize()`. sparsity.set_excluded_layers(main_program, ["need_dense"]) optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.1) optimizer = fluid.contrib.mixed_precision.decorator.decorate(optimizer ) # Calling sparsity.decorate() to wrap minimize() in optimizer, which # will insert necessary masking operations for ASP workflow. optimizer = sparsity.decorate(optimizer) optimizer.minimize(loss, startup_program) exe = fluid.Executor(place) exe.run(startup_program) # Must call `exe.run(startup_program)` first before calling `sparsity.prune_model` sparsity.prune_model(place, main_program, func_name=sparsity.MaskAlgo.MASK_2D_BEST) """ return ASPHelper.prune_model( place=place, main_program=main_program, n=n, m=m, func_name=func_name, with_mask=with_mask) class ProgramASPInfo(object): r""" ProgramASPInfo is a container to keep ASP relevant information of Pragrom. It contains three inner-variables: 1. __mask_vars (Dictionary): Key is parameter's name and vaule is its corresponding sparse mask Variable object, which is created by `ASPHelper.create_mask_variables`. 2. __masks (Dictionary): Key is parameter's name and vaule is its corressponding sparse mask Numpy array, which is created by `ASPHelper.prune_model`. 3. __excluded_layers (List): It stores name of layers which should not involve into ASP workflow. """ def __init__(self): self.__mask_vars = {} self.__masks = {} self.__excluded_layers = [] def update_mask_vars(self, param_name, var): self.__mask_vars[param_name] = var def update_masks(self, param_name, var): self.__masks[param_name] = var def update_excluded_layers(self, param_names): self.__excluded_layers.extend(copy.deepcopy(param_names)) def reset_excluded_layers(self): self.__excluded_layers = [] @property def mask_vars(self): return self.__mask_vars @property def masks(self): return self.__masks @property def excluded_layers(self): return self.__excluded_layers class ASPHelper(object): r""" ASPHelper is a collection of Auto SParsity (ASP) functions to enable 1. training models with weights in 2:4 sparse pattern on FP16 or 1:2 sparse pattern on FP32 from scratch. 2. pruning well-trained models into 2:4 sparse pattern on FP16 or 1:2 sparse pattern on FP32 for fine-tuning. """ MASK_APPENDDED_NAME = '_asp_mask' SUPPORTED_LAYERS = {'fc': 'w_0', 'linear': 'w_0', 'conv2d': 'w_0'} __asp_info = {} @classmethod def set_excluded_layers(cls, main_program, param_names): r""" This is the implementation of `sparsity.set_excluded_layers`, for details please see explanation in `sparsity.set_excluded_layers`. """ asp_info = cls._get_program_asp_info(main_program) asp_info.update_excluded_layers(param_names) @classmethod def reset_excluded_layers(cls, main_program=None): r""" This is the implementation of `sparsity.reset_excluded_layers`, for details please see explanation in `sparsity.reset_excluded_layers`. """ if main_program is None: for asp_info in cls.__asp_info: asp_info.reset_excluded_layers() else: cls._get_program_asp_info(main_program).reset_excluded_layers() @staticmethod def decorate(optimizer): r""" This is the implementation of `sparsity.decorate`, for details please see explanation in `sparsity.decorate`. """ return OptimizerWithSparsityGuarantee(optimizer) @classmethod def prune_model(cls, place, main_program=None, n=2, m=4, func_name=sparsity.MaskAlgo.MASK_1D, with_mask=True): r""" This is the implementation of `sparsity.prune_model`, for details please see explanation in `sparsity.prune_model`. """ checked_func_name = sparsity.CheckMethod.get_checking_method(func_name) if main_program is None: main_program = paddle.static.default_main_program() asp_info = cls._get_program_asp_info(main_program) for param in main_program.global_block().all_parameters(): if ASPHelper._is_supported_layer(main_program, param.name): weight_tensor = global_scope().find_var(param.name).get_tensor() weight_nparray = np.array(weight_tensor) # The double transpose ops here make sure pruning direction consistent with cuSparseLt. # SPMMA in cuSparseLt: D = (AxB) + C, where matrix A (mxk) is sparse matrix. # cuSparseLt would prune matrix A along k dimension. # In sparse training, layer weight matriices is viewed sparse matrix A, so # the math fomula should be 'Act(WX + b)'. However, default fomula in PaddlePaddle # is 'Act(XW + b)'. For enabling SPMMA, weights and inputs should be transposed # for computing, Act( (W^T X^T)^T + b). Therefore, we have to prune alog k dimension # of W^T, which is m dimension of W. Moreove, all mask generating functions in # sparsity/utils is row-major pruning. That is the reason we have to transpose weight # matrices beforce invoking create_mask. Then we transpose the result maks to make # sure its shape to be the same as the input weight. weight_sparse_mask = sparsity.create_mask( weight_nparray.T, func_name=func_name, n=n, m=m).T weight_pruned_nparray = np.multiply(weight_nparray, weight_sparse_mask) weight_tensor.set(weight_pruned_nparray, place) assert sparsity.check_sparsity(weight_pruned_nparray.T, n=n, m=m, func_name=checked_func_name), \ 'Pruning {} weight matrix failure!!!'.format(param.name) if with_mask: weight_mask_param = global_scope().find_var( ASPHelper._get_mask_name(param.name)) assert weight_mask_param is not None, \ 'Cannot find {} variable, please call ASPHelper.minimize' \ ' and initialization (exe.run(startup_program)) first!'.format(ASPHelper._get_mask_name(param.name)) weight_mask_tensor = weight_mask_param.get_tensor() weight_mask_tensor.set(weight_sparse_mask, place) asp_info.update_masks(param.name, weight_sparse_mask) return asp_info.masks.copy() @staticmethod def _get_mask_name(param_name): r""" Return mask name by given parameter name :attr:`param_name`. Args: param_name (string): The name of parameter. Returns: string: The mask name of :attr:`param_name`. """ return param_name + ASPHelper.MASK_APPENDDED_NAME @staticmethod def _get_not_ASP_relevant_vars(main_program): r""" Get all parameters's Variables in :attr:`main_program` but excluded ASP mask Variables. Args: main_program (Program): Program with model definition and its parameters. Returns: list: A list of parameter Variables in :attr:`main_program` (excluded ASP mask Variables). """ var_list = [] for param in main_program.global_block().all_parameters(): if ASPHelper.MASK_APPENDDED_NAME not in param.name: var_list.append(param) return var_list @classmethod def _get_program_asp_info(cls, main_program): if not main_program in cls.__asp_info: cls.__asp_info[main_program] = ProgramASPInfo() return cls.__asp_info[main_program] @classmethod def _is_supported_layer(cls, main_program, param_name): r""" Verify if given :attr:`param_name` is supported by ASP. Args: param_name (string): The name of parameter. Returns: bool: True if it is supported, else False. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.fluid as fluid from paddle.fluid.contrib.sparsity.asp import ASPHelper main_program = fluid.Program() startup_program = fluid.Program() with fluid.program_guard(main_program, startup_program): input_data = fluid.layers.data(name='data', shape=[None, 128]) fc = fluid.layers.fc(input=input_data, num_flatten_dims=-1, size=32, act=None) for param in main_program.global_block().all_parameters(): ASPHelper._is_supported_layer(main_program, param.name) # fc_0.w_0 -> True # fc_0.b_0 -> False """ if ASPHelper.MASK_APPENDDED_NAME in param_name: return False for layer in cls._get_program_asp_info(main_program).excluded_layers: if layer in param_name: return False for name in ASPHelper.SUPPORTED_LAYERS: if name in param_name and \ ASPHelper.SUPPORTED_LAYERS[name] in param_name: return True return False @classmethod def _minimize(cls, optimizer, loss, main_program=None, startup_program=None, parameter_list=None, no_grad_set=None): r""" This function is a decorator of `minimize` function in `Optimizer`. There are three steps: 1. Call :attr:`optimizer`.minimize(:attr:`loss`) 2. Create sparse mask Tensors according to supported layers in :attr:`main_program`. 3. Insert masking ops in the end of parameters update. *Note*: Please use `ASP.decorate` instead when applying distributed training with `Fleet`. (Due to there is a invisiable graphs optimization in `Fleet.minimize()` which make training graph cannot be modified anymore.) Args: optimizer (Optimizer): A Optimizer used for training. loss (Variable): A Variable containing the value to minimize. main_program (Program, optional): Program with model definition and its parameters. Default is `loss.block.program`. startup_program (Program, optional): Program for initializing parameters in `parameter_list`. Default is `paddle.static.default_startup_program()`. parameter_list (Iterable, optional): Iterable of `Variable` or `Variable.name` to update to minimize `loss`. The default value is None, at this time all parameters will be updated. no_grad_set (set, optional): Set of `Variable or `Variable.name` that don't need to be updated. The default value is None. Returns: list: operators from :attr:`optimizer`.minimize(:attr:`loss`). list: pairs of parameters and their gradients. """ if main_program is None: main_program = loss.block.program if startup_program is None: startup_program = paddle.static.default_startup_program() optimizer_ops, params_and_grads = optimizer.minimize( loss, startup_program, parameter_list, no_grad_set=no_grad_set) cls._create_mask_variables(main_program, startup_program, params_and_grads) cls._insert_sparse_mask_ops(main_program, params_and_grads) return optimizer_ops, params_and_grads @classmethod def _create_mask_variables(cls, main_program, startup_program, params_and_grads): r""" Create sparse mask Tensors according to supported layers in :attr:`main_program`. This function is called in second step of `ASPHelper._minimize` Args: main_program (Program): Program with model definition and its parameters. startup_program (Program): Program for initializing parameters. params_and_grads (list): Variable pairs of parameters and their gradients. """ asp_info = cls._get_program_asp_info(main_program) with program_guard(main_program, startup_program): for param_and_grad in params_and_grads: if ASPHelper._is_supported_layer(main_program, param_and_grad[0].name): mask_param = layers.create_parameter( name=param_and_grad[0].name + ASPHelper.MASK_APPENDDED_NAME, shape=param_and_grad[0].shape, dtype=param_and_grad[0].dtype, default_initializer=ConstantInitializer(value=1.0)) mask_param.stop_gradient = True mask_param.trainable = False asp_info.update_mask_vars(param_and_grad[0].name, mask_param) @classmethod def _insert_sparse_mask_ops(cls, main_program, param_grads): r""" Insert masking ops in the end of parameters update. This function is called in third step of `ASPHelper._minimize` Args: main_program (Program): Program with model definition and its parameters. params_and_grads (list): Variable pairs of parameters and their gradients. """ block = main_program.global_block() asp_info = cls._get_program_asp_info(main_program) for param_grad in param_grads: if param_grad[0].name in asp_info.mask_vars: block.append_op( type='elementwise_mul', inputs={ "X": param_grad[0], 'Y': asp_info.mask_vars[param_grad[0].name] }, outputs={'Out': param_grad[0]}, attrs={'axis': -1, 'use_mkldnn': False}) class OptimizerWithSparsityGuarantee(object): r""" OptimizerWithSparsityGuarantee is a wrapper to decorate `minimize` function of given optimizer by `_minimize` of ASPHelper. The decorated `minimize` function would do three things (exactly same as `ASPHelper._minimize`): 1. Call `minimize` function of given optimizer. 2. Call `ASPHelper._create_mask_variables` to create mask Variables. 3. Call `ASPHelper._insert_sparse_mask_ops` to insert weight masking ops in the end of `loss`'s Program. """ def __init__(self, optimizer): self._optimizer = optimizer self._learning_rate = optimizer._learning_rate self._learning_rate_map = optimizer._learning_rate_map def minimize(self, loss, startup_program=None, parameter_list=None, no_grad_set=None): r""" This function is to call `ASPHelper.minimize()` and return its return Args: loss (Variable): A Variable containing the value to minimize. startup_program (Program, optional): Program for initializing parameters in `parameter_list`. Default is `paddle.static.default_startup_program()`. parameter_list (Iterable, optional): Iterable of `Variable` or `Variable.name` to update to minimize `loss`. The default value is None, at this time all parameters will be updated. no_grad_set (set, optional): Set of `Variable or `Variable.name` that don't need to be updated. The default value is None. Returns: list: operators from :attr:`optimizer`.minimize(:attr:`loss`). list: pairs of parameters and their gradients. """ return ASPHelper._minimize( self._optimizer, loss, startup_program=startup_program, parameter_list=parameter_list, no_grad_set=no_grad_set)