/* Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/op_compat_sensible_pass.h" #include #include #include #include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_def_api.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_info.h" namespace { std::unordered_set global_extra_attrs = { "op_role", "op_role_var", "op_namescope", "op_callstack", "op_device", "@ENABLE_CACHE_RUNTIME_CONTEXT@", "is_test", "use_mkldnn", "mkldnn_data_type", "use_quantizer", "use_cudnn", "name", "with_quant_attr"}; } // namespace namespace paddle { namespace framework { namespace ir { AttrCompat& AttrCompat::IsStringEQ(const std::string& value) { conditions_.emplace_back([value](const Attribute& attr) -> bool { return value == PADDLE_GET_CONST(std::string, attr); }); return *this; } AttrCompat& AttrCompat::IsStringIn(const std::set& candidates) { conditions_.emplace_back([candidates](const Attribute& attr) -> bool { std::string value = PADDLE_GET_CONST(std::string, attr); for (auto& str : candidates) { if (str == value) { return true; } } return false; }); return *this; } AttrCompat& AttrCompat::IsStringMatch( const std::function& func) { conditions_.emplace_back([func](const Attribute& attr) -> bool { std::string value = PADDLE_GET_CONST(std::string, attr); return func(value); }); return *this; } AttrCompat& AttrCompat::IsIntIn(const std::set& candidates) { conditions_.emplace_back([candidates](const Attribute& attr) -> bool { int value = PADDLE_GET_CONST(int, attr); return candidates.find(value) != candidates.end(); }); return *this; } AttrCompat& AttrCompat::IsLeftDefault() { const std::string& op_name = op_compat_->Name(); if (!OpInfoMap::Instance().Has(op_name)) { conditions_.emplace_back([=](const Attribute& attr) { LOG(WARNING) << "Op (" << op_name << ") is not find in op library!"; return false; }); return *this; } const OpInfo& op_info = OpInfoMap::Instance().Get(op_name); const AttributeMap attrs = op_info.Checker()->GetDefaultAttrsMap(); if (attrs.find(attr_name_) == attrs.end()) { conditions_.emplace_back([=](const Attribute& attr) { LOG(WARNING) << "Op (" << op_name << ") has no default attr:" << attr_name_; return false; }); } else { Attribute default_attr = attrs.at(attr_name_); conditions_.emplace_back([=](const Attribute& attr) -> bool { if (attr == default_attr) { return true; } LOG(WARNING) << "Attribute:(" << attr_name_ << ") of Op (" << op_name << ") not equal to default value!"; return false; }); } return *this; } bool AttrCompat::operator()(const OpDesc& op_desc) { if (!op_desc.HasAttr(attr_name_)) { if (!optional_) { LOG(WARNING) << "The non-optional Attr(" << attr_name_ << ") of Op (" << op_compat_->Name() << ") not find ! "; } return optional_; } const Attribute attr = op_desc.GetAttr(attr_name_); for (auto& func : conditions_) { if (!func(attr)) { return false; } } return true; } AttrCompat& AttrCompat::IsOptional() { optional_ = true; return *this; } AttrCompat& AttrCompat::IsBoolEQ(bool v) { conditions_.emplace_back([v](const Attribute& attr) -> bool { bool value = PADDLE_GET_CONST(bool, attr); return value == v; }); return *this; } InputOrOutputCompat& InputOrOutputCompat::IsTensor() { conditions_.emplace_back([](const std::vector& input) -> bool { return input.size() == 1u; }); return *this; } InputOrOutputCompat& InputOrOutputCompat::IsOptional() { optional_ = true; return *this; } bool InputOrOutputCompat::operator()( const std::vector& input) const { if (input.empty()) return optional_; for (auto& func : conditions_) { if (!func(input)) { return false; } } return true; } AttrCompat& OpCompat::AddAttr(const std::string& attr_name) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( attr_compats_.find(attr_name), attr_compats_.end(), platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "The attrubute compat with the same name has been added")); attr_compats_.emplace(attr_name, AttrCompat(attr_name, this)); return attr_compats_.at(attr_name); } InputOrOutputCompat& OpCompat::AddInput(const std::string& name) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(input_compats_.find(name), input_compats_.end(), platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "The input with the same name has been added")); input_compats_.emplace(name, InputOrOutputCompat(name, this)); return input_compats_.at(name); } InputOrOutputCompat& OpCompat::AddOutput(const std::string& name) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(output_compats_.find(name), output_compats_.end(), platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "The output with the same name has been added")); output_compats_.emplace(name, InputOrOutputCompat(name, this)); return output_compats_.at(name); } bool OpCompat::Judge(const OpDesc& op_desc, const std::string& pass_name) { if (is_first_judge_) { is_first_judge_ = false; if (OpInfoMap::Instance().Has(op_name_)) { auto& info = OpInfoMap::Instance().Get(op_name_); if (info.proto_) { for (const proto::OpProto::Attr& attr : info.proto_->attrs()) { attrs_set_.emplace(attr.name()); } } } const proto::OpDef& op_def = GetOpDef(op_name_); if (op_def.has_extra()) { for (const proto::OpDef_AttrDef& attr : op_def.extra().attrs()) { attrs_set_.erase(attr.name()); } } for (const std::string& attr : global_extra_attrs) { attrs_set_.erase(attr); } for (const std::string& attr : attrs_set_) { if (attr_compats_.find(attr) == attr_compats_.end()) { attr_compats_.emplace(attr, AttrCompat(attr, this).IsLeftDefault()); } } for (auto& attr_compat : attr_compats_) { if (attrs_set_.find(attr_compat.first) == attrs_set_.end()) { LOG(WARNING) << " Attribute(" << attr_compat.first << ") of Op(" << op_name_ << ") is not defined in opProto or is in extra set!" << "The compatable check for this attribute is not use." << " Please remove it from the precondition of pass: " << pass_name.c_str(); } } } for (auto& attr_compat : attr_compats_) { if (!attr_compat.second(op_desc)) { LOG(WARNING) << " Check the Attr(" << attr_compat.first << ") of Op(" << op_name_ << ") in pass(" << pass_name.c_str() << ") failed!"; return false; } } const VariableNameMap& inputs_map = op_desc.Inputs(); for (auto& input_desc : inputs_map) { if (input_compats_.find(input_desc.first) == input_compats_.end()) { if (!input_desc.second.empty()) { LOG(WARNING) << "The Input (" << input_desc.first << ") of Operator (" << op_name_ << ") not registered in OpCompat!"; return false; } } } for (auto& input_val : input_compats_) { if (inputs_map.find(input_val.first) == inputs_map.end()) { if (!input_val.second.Optional()) { LOG(WARNING) << "The No optional Input (" << input_val.first << ") of Operator (" << op_name_ << ") not find in op_desc!"; return false; } } else { if (!input_val.second(inputs_map.at(input_val.first))) { LOG(WARNING) << "The Input (" << input_val.first << ") of Operator (" << op_name_ << ") compat check failed!"; return false; } } } const VariableNameMap& outputs_map = op_desc.Outputs(); for (auto& output_desc : outputs_map) { if (output_compats_.find(output_desc.first) == output_compats_.end()) { if (!output_desc.second.empty()) { LOG(WARNING) << "The Output (" << output_desc.first << ") of Operator (" << op_name_ << ") not registered in OpCompat!"; return false; } } } for (auto& output_val : output_compats_) { if (outputs_map.find(output_val.first) == outputs_map.end()) { if (!output_val.second.Optional()) { LOG(WARNING) << "The No optional Output (" << output_val.first << ") of Operator (" << op_name_ << ") not find in op_desc!"; return false; } } else { if (!output_val.second(outputs_map.at(output_val.first))) { LOG(WARNING) << "The Output (" << output_val.first << ") of Operator (" << op_name_ << ") compat check failed!"; return false; } } } return true; } OpCompat& OpCompatSensiblePass::AddOpCompat(OpCompat&& op_compat) { std::string name = op_compat.Name(); op_compat_judgers_[name].reset(new OpCompat(std::move(op_compat))); return *(op_compat_judgers_[name]); } //! Tell the Op compability of a subgraph. bool OpCompatSensiblePass::IsCompat( const GraphPatternDetector::subgraph_t& subgraph, Graph*) const { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(op_compat_judgers_.empty(), false, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "At least one OpCompat instance should be added")); // Check the all the ops in the subgraph are contained in the // op_compat. for (auto& node_pair : subgraph) { if (!node_pair.second->IsOp()) continue; auto op_type = node_pair.second->Op()->Type(); if (!op_compat_judgers_.count(op_type)) { if (HasOpDef(op_type)) { LOG(WARNING) << op_type << " compat not registered!"; return false; } continue; } auto& judger = *op_compat_judgers_.at(op_type); if (!judger.Judge(*(node_pair.second->Op()), Type())) { return false; } } return true; } } // namespace ir } // namespace framework } // namespace paddle