# Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import numpy as np import paddle import paddle.fluid as fluid import paddle.fluid.core as core from paddle.fluid.backward import append_backward from paddle.fluid.framework import Program, convert_np_dtype_to_dtype_ from testsuite import append_loss_ops, create_op, set_input from white_list import op_threshold_white_list, no_grad_set_white_list from op_test import OpTest from xpu.get_test_cover_info import ( is_empty_grad_op_type, get_xpu_op_support_types, type_dict_str_to_numpy, ) class XPUOpTest(OpTest): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): '''Fix random seeds to remove randomness from tests''' cls.use_xpu = True cls.use_mkldnn = False super().setUpClass() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): """Restore random seeds""" def is_empty_grad_op(op_type): grad_op = op_type + '_grad' xpu_version = core.get_xpu_device_version(0) xpu_op_list = core.get_xpu_device_op_list(xpu_version) if grad_op in xpu_op_list.keys(): return False return True if cls.dtype == np.float16: place = paddle.XPUPlace(0) if core.is_float16_supported(place) == False: return if cls.dtype == np.float64: return super().tearDownClass() def _get_places(self): places = [paddle.XPUPlace(0)] return places def check_output( self, atol=0.001, no_check_set=None, equal_nan=False, check_dygraph=True, inplace_atol=None, check_eager=False, ): place = paddle.XPUPlace(0) self.check_output_with_place( place, atol, no_check_set, equal_nan, check_dygraph, inplace_atol, check_eager, ) def check_output_with_place( self, place, atol=0.001, no_check_set=None, equal_nan=False, check_dygraph=True, inplace_atol=None, check_eager=False, ): self.infer_dtype_from_inputs_outputs(self.inputs, self.outputs) if self.dtype == np.float64: return if self.dtype == np.float16: if core.is_float16_supported(place) == False: return if self.dtype == np.float16: atol = 0.1 return super().check_output_with_place( place, atol, no_check_set, equal_nan, check_dygraph, inplace_atol ) def check_grad( self, inputs_to_check, output_names, no_grad_set=None, numeric_grad_delta=0.005, in_place=False, max_relative_error=0.005, user_defined_grads=None, user_defined_grad_outputs=None, check_dygraph=True, numeric_place=None, check_eager=False, ): place = paddle.XPUPlace(0) self.check_grad_with_place( place, inputs_to_check, output_names, no_grad_set, numeric_grad_delta, in_place, max_relative_error, user_defined_grads, user_defined_grad_outputs, check_dygraph, numeric_place, check_eager, ) def check_grad_with_place( self, place, inputs_to_check, output_names, no_grad_set=None, numeric_grad_delta=0.005, in_place=False, max_relative_error=0.005, user_defined_grads=None, user_defined_grad_outputs=None, check_dygraph=True, numeric_place=None, check_eager=False, ): if hasattr(self, 'op_type_need_check_grad'): xpu_version = core.get_xpu_device_version(0) if is_empty_grad_op_type( xpu_version, self.op_type, self.in_type_str ): self._check_grad_helper() return cast_grad_op_types = get_xpu_op_support_types('cast') cast_grad_op_types_np = [] for ctype in cast_grad_op_types: cast_grad_op_types_np.append(type_dict_str_to_numpy[ctype]) if self.dtype not in cast_grad_op_types_np: return if self.dtype == np.float64: return if self.dtype == np.float16: if core.is_float16_supported(place) == False: return if self.dtype == np.float16: max_relative_error = 1.0 return super().check_grad_with_place( place, inputs_to_check, output_names, no_grad_set, numeric_grad_delta, in_place, max_relative_error, user_defined_grads, user_defined_grad_outputs, check_dygraph, ) a1 = self.get_grad_with_place( place, inputs_to_check, output_names, no_grad_set=no_grad_set, user_defined_grad_outputs=user_defined_grad_outputs, ) a2 = self.get_grad_with_place( place, inputs_to_check, output_names, no_grad_set=no_grad_set, user_defined_grad_outputs=user_defined_grad_outputs, ) a3 = self.get_grad_with_place( paddle.CPUPlace(), inputs_to_check, output_names, no_grad_set=no_grad_set, user_defined_grad_outputs=user_defined_grad_outputs, ) self._assert_is_close( a1, a2, inputs_to_check, 0.00000001, "Gradient Check On two xpu" ) self._assert_is_close( a1, a3, inputs_to_check, max_relative_error, "Gradient Check On cpu & xpu", ) def get_grad_with_place( self, place, inputs_to_check, output_names, no_grad_set=None, numeric_grad_delta=0.005, in_place=False, max_relative_error=0.005, user_defined_grad_outputs=None, check_dygraph=True, ): self.scope = core.Scope() op_inputs = self.inputs if hasattr(self, "inputs") else dict() op_outputs = self.outputs if hasattr(self, "outputs") else dict() op_attrs = self.attrs if hasattr(self, "attrs") else dict() self._check_grad_helper() if ( self.dtype == np.float64 and self.op_type not in op_threshold_white_list.NEED_FIX_FP64_CHECK_GRAD_THRESHOLD_OP_LIST ): numeric_grad_delta = 1e-5 max_relative_error = 1e-7 cache_list = None if hasattr(self, "cache_name_list"): cache_list = self.cache_name_list # oneDNN numeric gradient should use CPU kernel use_onednn = False if "use_mkldnn" in op_attrs and op_attrs["use_mkldnn"] == True: op_attrs["use_mkldnn"] = False use_onednn = True mean_grad_op_types = get_xpu_op_support_types('mean') mean_grad_op_types_np = [] for mtype in mean_grad_op_types: mean_grad_op_types_np.append(type_dict_str_to_numpy[mtype]) self.op = create_op( self.scope, self.op_type, op_inputs, op_outputs, op_attrs, cache_list=cache_list, ) if use_onednn: op_attrs["use_mkldnn"] = True if no_grad_set is None: no_grad_set = set() else: if ( (self.op_type not in no_grad_set_white_list.NEED_TO_FIX_OP_LIST) and ( self.op_type not in no_grad_set_white_list.NOT_CHECK_OP_LIST ) and (not self.is_bfloat16_op()) ): raise AssertionError( "no_grad_set must be None, op_type is " + self.op_type + " Op." ) for input_to_check in inputs_to_check: set_input(self.scope, self.op, self.inputs, place) if not type(output_names) is list: output_names = [output_names] if self.dtype not in mean_grad_op_types_np: prog = Program() block = prog.global_block() scope = core.Scope() self._append_ops(block) inputs = self._get_inputs(block) outputs = self._get_outputs(block) feed_dict = self.feed_var(inputs, place) cast_inputs = list(map(block.var, output_names)) cast_outputs = block.create_var( dtype="float32", shape=cast_inputs[0].shape ) cast_op = block.append_op( type="cast", inputs={"X": cast_inputs}, outputs={"Out": cast_outputs}, attrs={ "in_dtype": convert_np_dtype_to_dtype_(self.dtype), "out_dtype": core.VarDesc.VarType.FP32, }, ) cast_op.desc.infer_var_type(block.desc) cast_op.desc.infer_shape(block.desc) output_names = [cast_outputs.name] loss = append_loss_ops(block, output_names) loss_names = [loss.name] recast_inputs = list(map(block.var, loss_names)) recast_loss = block.create_var( dtype=self.dtype, shape=recast_inputs[0].shape ) recast_op = block.append_op( type="cast", inputs={"X": recast_inputs}, outputs={"Out": recast_loss}, attrs={ "in_dtype": core.VarDesc.VarType.FP32, "out_dtype": convert_np_dtype_to_dtype_(self.dtype), }, ) recast_op.desc.infer_var_type(block.desc) recast_op.desc.infer_shape(block.desc) param_grad_list = append_backward( loss=recast_loss, parameter_list=[input_to_check], no_grad_set=no_grad_set, ) fetch_list = [g for p, g in param_grad_list] executor = fluid.Executor(place) return list( map( np.array, executor.run( prog, feed_dict, fetch_list, scope=scope, return_numpy=False, ), ) ) analytic_grads = self._get_gradient( inputs_to_check, place, output_names, no_grad_set, user_defined_grad_outputs=user_defined_grad_outputs, ) return analytic_grads