// Copyright (c) 2022 CINN Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include #include #include "paddle/cinn/auto_schedule/auto_tuner.h" #include "paddle/cinn/common/target.h" #include "paddle/cinn/frontend/net_builder.h" #include "paddle/cinn/frontend/optimize.h" #include "paddle/cinn/frontend/paddle_model_convertor.h" #include "paddle/cinn/frontend/syntax.h" #include "paddle/cinn/hlir/framework/graph_compiler.h" #include "paddle/cinn/hlir/framework/node.h" #include "paddle/cinn/hlir/framework/pass.h" #include "paddle/cinn/ir/ir_base.h" #include "paddle/cinn/runtime/flags.h" #include "paddle/cinn/utils/data_util.h" #include "test/cpp/cinn/program_builder.h" /* This test is used as a tool to evaluate or compare performance of 3 schedules(no schedule, manual schedule, * auto-schedule). One can specify which schedules to be evaluated through `FLAGS_evaluate_knobs` and specify which * operator or model through `--gtest_filter=PerformanceTester.xx`, for example, `FLAGS_evaluate_knobs=4 * --gtest_filter=PerformanceTester.Matmul` means it will evaluate auto-schedule on Matmul operator. You can refer to * explanation of following flags or parameters for more detail. */ DEFINE_string(resnet50_model_dir, "./ResNet50", "the path to paddle model resnet50."); // Flags that control which schedule tests will be run. // Bit with index 0 controls no schedule test, means options = 1 = "001" will run no schedule test. // Bit with index 1 controls manual schedule test, means options = 2 = "010" will run manual schedule test. // Bit with index 2 controls auto schedule test, means options = 4 = "100" will run auto schedule test. // The default value is -1, which means that this flag is disabled to set the options DEFINE_int32(evaluate_knobs, -1, "the options to control which schedule tests will be run."); DECLARE_int32(cinn_parallel_compile_size); namespace cinn { namespace auto_schedule { using ::cinn::hlir::framework::BuildScope; using ::cinn::hlir::framework::Graph; using ::cinn::hlir::framework::GraphCompiler; using ::cinn::hlir::framework::Instruction; using ::cinn::hlir::framework::Scope; class PerformanceTester : public ::testing::Test { public: struct Options { // times of compiled runtime program will be executed repeatedly. int repeat_times = 2; // the num_tuning_rounds for auto tuning int num_tuning_rounds = 2; // knobs to control which schedules will be measured, refer to FLAGS_evaluate_knobs explanation std::bitset<3> evaluate_knobs = 0UL; }; void SetUp() override { FLAGS_cinn_parallel_compile_size = 0; } void Evaluate(const frontend::Program& program) { if (FLAGS_evaluate_knobs >= 0) { options_.evaluate_knobs = FLAGS_evaluate_knobs; } VLOG(3) << "evaluate_knobs = " << options_.evaluate_knobs; auto worker_fn = [this, &program]( const std::string& schedule_name, BuildRuntimeProgramFn build_fn, bool execute = true) { Context::Global().ResetNameId(); VLOG(3) << "Initialize graph."; auto graph = std::make_shared(program, target_); VLOG(3) << "Apply graph pass."; hlir::framework::ApplyPass(graph.get(), "OpFusionPass"); VLOG(3) << "Build " << schedule_name << " program."; auto scope = BuildScope(target_, graph); auto graph_compiler = std::make_unique(target_, scope, graph); auto runtime_program = (this->*build_fn)(graph.get(), graph_compiler.get()); if (execute) { VLOG(3) << "Execute " << schedule_name << " program."; runtime_program->ExecuteTest(options_.repeat_times); } }; // if no one is set, build no/manual schedule cases to ensure their build functions are valid if (options_.evaluate_knobs.none()) { worker_fn("no schedule", &PerformanceTester::BuildNoScheduleProgram, /* execute */ false); worker_fn("manual schedule", &PerformanceTester::BuildManualScheduleProgram, /* execute */ false); } else { if (options_.evaluate_knobs.test(0)) { worker_fn("no schedule", &PerformanceTester::BuildNoScheduleProgram); } if (options_.evaluate_knobs.test(1)) { worker_fn("manual schedule", &PerformanceTester::BuildManualScheduleProgram); } if (options_.evaluate_knobs.test(2)) { worker_fn("auto schedule", &PerformanceTester::BuildAutoScheduleProgram); } } } protected: using BuildRuntimeProgramFn = std::unique_ptr (PerformanceTester::*)(Graph*, GraphCompiler*); std::unique_ptr BuildNoScheduleProgram(Graph* graph, GraphCompiler* graph_compiler) { const auto& dtype_dict = graph->GetAttrs>("inferdtype"); const auto& shape_dict = graph->GetAttrs>("infershape"); std::shared_ptr op_lowerer = std::make_unique(dtype_dict, shape_dict, target_); GraphCompiler::CompileOptions compile_options; compile_options.with_instantiate_variables = true; if (graph->fusion_groups.empty()) { hlir::framework::ApplyPasses(graph, {"BuildNonFusedGroupsPass"}); } compile_options.groups = graph->fusion_groups; for (auto group : graph->fusion_groups) { compile_options.lowered_funcs.push_back(op_lowerer->LowerWithoutSchedule(group)); } VLOG(3) << "===========================No Schedule LoweredFunc Begin==========================="; for (const auto& funcvec : compile_options.lowered_funcs) { for (const auto& func : funcvec) { VLOG(3) << func; } } VLOG(3) << "===========================No Schedule LoweredFunc End============================="; return graph_compiler->Build(compile_options).runtime_program; } std::unique_ptr BuildManualScheduleProgram(Graph* graph, GraphCompiler* graph_compiler) { return graph_compiler->Build(); } std::unique_ptr BuildAutoScheduleProgram(Graph* graph, GraphCompiler* graph_compiler) { auto tuner = std::make_unique(target_, graph); AutoTuner::Config tuning_config; TuningOptions tuning_options; tuning_options.num_tuning_rounds = options_.num_tuning_rounds; tuning_options.num_measure_trials = 2; tuning_options.num_samples_per_iteration = 2; tuner->Initialize(tuning_config, graph_compiler); TuningResult tuning_result = tuner->Tune(tuning_options); GraphCompiler::CompileOptions compile_options; compile_options.with_instantiate_variables = true; compile_options.Apply(tuning_result); VLOG(3) << "===========================Auto Schedule LoweredFunc Begin==========================="; for (const auto& funcvec : compile_options.lowered_funcs) { for (const auto& func : funcvec) { VLOG(3) << func; } } VLOG(3) << "===========================Auto Schedule LoweredFunc End============================="; return graph_compiler->Build(compile_options).runtime_program; } #ifdef CINN_WITH_CUDA Target target_ = common::DefaultNVGPUTarget(); #else Target target_ = common::DefaultHostTarget(); #endif Options options_; }; constexpr int batch_size = 2; TEST_F(PerformanceTester, Mul) { Evaluate(tests::OpBuilder("mul").Build({{"X", {32, 16}}, {"Y", {16, 32}}})); } TEST_F(PerformanceTester, Add) { Evaluate(tests::OpBuilder("elementwise_add").Build({{"X", {1, 56, 56, 256}}, {"Y", {1, 56, 56, 256}}})); } TEST_F(PerformanceTester, Matmul) { Evaluate(tests::OpBuilder("matmul").Build({{"X", {batch_size, 2048}}, {"Y", {2048, 1000}}})); } TEST_F(PerformanceTester, Relu) { Evaluate(tests::OpBuilder("relu").Build({{"X", {batch_size, 64, 56, 56}}})); } TEST_F(PerformanceTester, Conv2d) { std::vector strides{2, 2}; std::vector paddings{3, 3}; std::vector dilations{1, 1}; int groups = 1; std::string conv_type = "forward"; std::string data_format = "NCHW"; std::string padding_algorithm = "EXPLICIT"; Evaluate(tests::OpBuilder("conv2d").Build({{"X", {batch_size, 3, 224, 224}}, {"W", {64, 3, 7, 7}}}, {{"stride", strides}, {"padding", paddings}, {"dilation", dilations}, {"groups", groups}, {"conv_type", conv_type}, {"data_format", data_format}, {"padding_algorithm", padding_algorithm}})); } TEST_F(PerformanceTester, Pool2d) { std::vector input_shape{batch_size, 64, 112, 112}; std::string pooling_type = "max"; std::vector ksize{3, 3}; std::vector strides{2, 2}; std::vector paddings{1, 1, 1, 1}; bool ceil_mode = false; bool exclusive = true; bool global_pooling = false; std::string data_format = "NCHW"; bool adaptive = false; std::string padding_algorithm = "EXPLICIT"; Evaluate(tests::OpBuilder("pool2d").Build({{"X", {batch_size, 64, 112, 112}}}, {{"pool_type", pooling_type}, {"kernel_size", ksize}, {"stride_size", strides}, {"padding_size", paddings}, {"ceil_mode", ceil_mode}, {"exclusive", exclusive}, {"global_pooling", global_pooling}, {"data_format", data_format}, {"adaptive", adaptive}, {"padding_algorithm", padding_algorithm}})); } TEST_F(PerformanceTester, BatchNorm) { std::vector input_shape{batch_size, 64, 112, 112}; std::vector scale_shape{64}; std::vector bias_shape{64}; std::vector mean_shape{64}; std::vector variance_shape{64}; float epsilon = 1e-5f; float momentum = 0.9f; const std::string& data_layout = "NCHW"; Evaluate( tests::OpBuilder("batch_norm") .Build( {{"X", {batch_size, 64, 112, 112}}, {"scale", {64}}, {"bias", {64}}, {"mean", {64}}, {"variance", {64}}}, {{"epsilon", epsilon}, {"momentum", momentum}, {"data_layout", data_layout}})); } TEST_F(PerformanceTester, Reshape) { std::vector output_shape{batch_size, 2048}; Evaluate(tests::OpBuilder("reshape").Build({{"X", {batch_size, 2048, 1, 1}}}, {{"shape", output_shape}})); } TEST_F(PerformanceTester, Softmax) { std::vector axes = {-1}; std::string mode = "fast"; std::string data_format = "AnyLayout"; Evaluate(tests::OpBuilder("softmax").Build({{"X", {batch_size, 1000}}}, {{"axes", axes}, {"mode", mode}, {"data_format", data_format}})); } TEST_F(PerformanceTester, Scale) { float scale = 1.0f; float bias = 0.0f; bool bias_after_scale = true; Evaluate(tests::OpBuilder("scale").Build({{"X", {batch_size, 1000}}}, {{"scale", scale}, {"bias", bias}, {"bias_after_scale", bias_after_scale}})); } TEST_F(PerformanceTester, LookupTable) { int64_t padding_idx = -1; Evaluate( tests::OpBuilder("lookup_table") .Build({{"table", {50001, 768}}, {"ids", {10, 128, 1}, common::Int(64)}}, {{"padding_idx", padding_idx}})); } TEST_F(PerformanceTester, Gather) { int axis = 3; Evaluate(tests::OpBuilder("gather").Build( {{"operand", {10, 12, 128, 512}}, {"index", {1, 1, 1, 128}, common::Int(32)}}, {{"axis", axis}})); } // paddle model test TEST_F(PerformanceTester, ResNet50) { CHECK_NE(FLAGS_resnet50_model_dir, ""); std::unordered_map> feeds = {{"inputs", {batch_size, 3, 224, 224}}}; Evaluate(cinn::frontend::PaddleModelConvertor(common::DefaultNVGPUTarget()) .LoadModel(FLAGS_resnet50_model_dir, true, feeds)); } } // namespace auto_schedule } // namespace cinn