# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import paddle from paddle.fluid import core from functools import reduce from paddle.distributed.fleet.meta_optimizers.common import is_loss_grad_op from paddle.distributed.fleet.meta_optimizers.common import OpRole, OP_ROLE_KEY, OP_ROLE_VAR_KEY import re import os def check_broadcast(block): """ if a var is broadcasted, it should have a sync_comm before this var is used, if not, raise error. if the broadcasted var has a fill_constant op, the fill_constant op should stay forward before the broadcast op, and before a sync_calc op. Otherwise, raise error. """ broadcast_vars = {} for idx, op in enumerate(block.ops): if op.type == "c_broadcast": var_name = op.desc.input_arg_names()[0] if "@BroadCast" in var_name: if var_name in broadcast_vars: raise ValueError("var_name areadly exist: {}" "the old pos is {}, the new pos is {}". format(var_name, broadcast_vars[var_name][ "broadcast_pos"], idx)) broadcast_vars[var_name] = { "fill_constant_pos": -1, "broadcast_pos": idx, } for idx, op in enumerate(block.ops): if op.type == "fill_constant": var_name = op.desc.output_arg_names()[0] if var_name in broadcast_vars: broadcast_vars[var_name]["fill_constant_pos"] = idx continue last_sync_comm_op_idx = -1 last_sync_calc_op_idx = -1 for idx, op in enumerate(block.ops): if op.type == "c_sync_comm_stream": last_sync_comm_op_idx = idx continue if op.type == "c_sync_calc_stream": last_sync_calc_op_idx = idx continue if op.type == "c_broadcast": var_name = op.desc.input_arg_names()[0] if "@BroadCast" in var_name: if broadcast_vars[var_name]["fill_constant_pos"] != -1: assert (last_sync_calc_op_idx != -1) assert (broadcast_vars[var_name]["fill_constant_pos"] < last_sync_calc_op_idx) assert (last_sync_calc_op_idx < idx) continue for input_name in op.desc.input_arg_names(): if input_name in broadcast_vars: assert (broadcast_vars[input_name]["broadcast_pos"] != -1) assert (broadcast_vars[input_name]["broadcast_pos"] < last_sync_comm_op_idx) assert (last_sync_comm_op_idx < idx) return def check_allreduce_sum(block): """ if a Var is allreduced, the op order should be: - 0: op that generate Var - 1: sync_calc - 2: allreduce_sum op - 3: sync_comm - 4: op that use Var """ var_status = {} for op in block.ops: if op.type == "c_allreduce_sum": var_name = op.desc.input_arg_names()[0] var_status[var_name] = -1 for op in block.ops: if op.type == "c_sync_calc_stream": for var_name in var_status: if var_name in var_status and var_status[var_name] == 0: var_status[var_name] = 1 elif op.type == "c_allreduce_sum": var_name = op.desc.input_arg_names()[0] if var_status[var_name] == -1: raise ValueError("{} is not generated, but you are" "trying to all-reduce it".format(var_name)) if var_status[var_name] == 0: raise ValueError("There should be a sync_calc op " "after generate Var: {} and before the" "c_allreduce_sum op".format(var_name)) assert (var_status[var_name] == 1) var_status[var_name] = 2 elif op.type == "c_sync_comm_stream": for var_name in op.desc.input_arg_names(): if var_name in var_status and var_status[var_name] == 2: var_status[var_name] = 3 else: for input_name in op.desc.input_arg_names(): if input_name in var_status: if var_status[input_name] != 3: raise ValueError("There should be a sync_comm op " "after allreduce the Var: {}".format( var_name)) for output_name in op.desc.output_arg_names(): if output_name in var_status and \ var_status[output_name] == -1: var_status[output_name] = 0 return def get_valid_op_role(block, insert_idx): """ return OpRole.Forward or OpRole.Backward """ op_role = block.ops[insert_idx].attr('op_role') if (insert_idx >= len(block.ops)) or ( op_role in [int(OpRole.Backward), int(OpRole.Optimize)]): return OpRole.Backward if op_role in [int(OpRole.Forward), int(OpRole.Loss)]: return OpRole.Forward return get_valid_op_role(block, insert_idx + 1) def insert_sync_calc_op(block, insert_idx, calc_dep_vars): """ _insert_sync_calc_op """ op_role = get_valid_op_role(block, insert_idx) block._insert_op_without_sync( insert_idx, type='c_sync_calc_stream', inputs={'X': calc_dep_vars}, outputs={'Out': calc_dep_vars}, attrs={OP_ROLE_KEY: op_role}) return def insert_sync_comm_ops(block, insert_idx, nrings, comm_dep_vars): """ _insert_sync_comm_ops """ op_role = get_valid_op_role(block, insert_idx) for i in range(nrings): block._insert_op_without_sync( insert_idx, type='c_sync_comm_stream', inputs={'X': comm_dep_vars}, outputs={'Out': comm_dep_vars}, attrs={'ring_id': i, OP_ROLE_KEY: op_role}) return nrings def insert_fill_constant_ops(block, insert_idx, fill_constant_vars): """ _add_fill_constant_ops """ op_role = get_valid_op_role(block, insert_idx) for broadcast_name in fill_constant_vars: broadcast_var = block.var(broadcast_name) block._insert_op_without_sync( insert_idx, type="fill_constant", outputs={"Out": broadcast_var.name}, attrs={ "shape": broadcast_var.shape, "dtype": broadcast_var.dtype, "value": 0.0, OP_ROLE_KEY: op_role }) return def insert_cast_ops(block, insert_idx, cast_ops): """ _add_cast_ops """ op_role = get_valid_op_role(block, insert_idx) for fp16_name, fp32_name in cast_ops.items(): block._insert_op_without_sync( insert_idx, type="cast", inputs={"X": fp32_name}, outputs={"Out": fp16_name}, attrs={ "in_dtype": core.VarDesc.VarType.FP32, "out_dtype": core.VarDesc.VarType.FP16, OP_ROLE_KEY: op_role }) return def insert_allreduce_ops(block, insert_idx, nrings, allreduce_vars): """ _add_allreduce_ops """ ring_id = -1 for var in allreduce_vars: ring_id = (ring_id + 1) % nrings block._insert_op_without_sync( insert_idx, type='c_allreduce_sum', inputs={'X': var}, outputs={'Out': var}, attrs={'ring_id': ring_id, OP_ROLE_KEY: OpRole.Backward}) return def insert_broadcast_ops(block, insert_idx, nrings, broadcast2root): """ _add_broadcast_ops """ ring_id = -1 op_role = get_valid_op_role(block, insert_idx) for broadcast_name, root_device in broadcast2root: ring_id = (ring_id + 1) % nrings block._insert_op_without_sync( insert_idx, type='c_broadcast', inputs={'X': broadcast_name}, outputs={'Out': broadcast_name}, attrs={ 'ring_id': ring_id, 'root': root_device, OP_ROLE_KEY: op_role }) return DtypeToSize = { core.VarDesc.VarType.FP16: 2, core.VarDesc.VarType.FP32: 4, core.VarDesc.VarType.FP64: 8, core.VarDesc.VarType.INT16: 2, core.VarDesc.VarType.INT32: 4, core.VarDesc.VarType.INT64: 8, core.VarDesc.VarType.BOOL: 1, core.VarDesc.VarType.UINT8: 1, } def get_var_size(param): """ input: - param: var return: var size in Bytes """ assert -1 not in param.shape return reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, param.shape) * DtypeToSize[param.dtype] / 1024.0 / 1024.0 def insert_scale_loss_grad_ops(block, scale=1.0): ''' In order to keep the learning rate consistent in different numbers of training workers, we scale the loss grad by the number of workers ''' for idx, op in reversed(list(enumerate(block.ops))): if is_loss_grad_op(op): loss_grad_var = block.vars[op.output_arg_names[0]] block._insert_op_without_sync( idx + 1, type='scale', inputs={'X': loss_grad_var}, outputs={'Out': loss_grad_var}, attrs={'scale': scale, OP_ROLE_KEY: OpRole.Backward}) def comm_analyse(main_program): """ Analyse the parameter size that need to be broadcast/allreduce during sharding training """ reduce_vars = {} broadcast_vars = {} block = main_program.global_block() for op in block.ops: if op.type == "c_broadcast": var_name = op.desc.input_arg_names()[0] broadcast_vars[var_name] = get_var_size(block.var(var_name)) elif op.type == "c_allreduce_sum": var_name = op.desc.input_arg_names()[0] reduce_vars[var_name] = get_var_size(block.var(var_name)) varsize_count = {} gap = 1 for k, v in broadcast_vars.items(): print("broadcast: {}: {} KB".format(k, v)) if (int(v / gap) in varsize_count): varsize_count[int(v / gap)] += 1 else: varsize_count[int(v / gap)] = 1 for k, v in reduce_vars.items(): print("allreduce: {}: {} KB".format(k, v)) if (int(v / gap) in varsize_count): varsize_count[int(v / gap)] += 1 else: varsize_count[int(v / gap)] = 1 with open("nccl_size.txt", 'w') as f: sorted_varsize = sorted(varsize_count.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]) for varsize, count in sorted_varsize: print("NCCL size {}~{} KB: {}".format(varsize, varsize + 1, count)) f.write("NCCL size {}~{} KB: {}\n".format(varsize, varsize + 1, count)) def add_sync_comm_for_test(program, dist_strategy): """ When clone a test prog by clone from the sharding main prog, part of the sync_comm op maybe be pruned by mistake, this function add the sync_comm op for the test prog. """ #NOTE (liangjianzhong): only support one comm stream by now, use more than one # comm streams will cause error. should be revise in future. block = program.global_block() not_sync_vars = set([]) for op in block.ops: if op.type in ["c_broadcast", "c_allreduce"]: for input_name in op.desc.input_arg_names(): not_sync_vars.add(input_name) if op.type == "c_sync_comm_stream": for input_name in op.desc.input_arg_names(): not_sync_vars.remove(input_name) if not_sync_vars: for nccl_id in range(dist_strategy.nccl_comm_num): block.append_op( type='c_sync_comm_stream', inputs={'X': list(not_sync_vars)}, outputs={'Out': list(not_sync_vars)}, attrs={ 'ring_id': nccl_id, 'op_role': core.op_proto_and_checker_maker.OpRole.Forward }) return def sharding_save_persistables(exe, dirname, main_program, filename=None): """ When use sharding, part of persistable vars are unique and are partitioned in different ranks, and part of persistable vars are duplicated and exist in all the ranks with different values. This function handles the model saving for sharding training. """ def is_opt_vars(var): # NOTE(liangjianzhong): The checks should be updated when add new compatible optimizer # now only Momentum and adam are compatible with sharding checks = [ "_moment1_0", "_moment2_0", "_beta1_pow_acc_0", "_beta2_pow_acc_0", "_velocity_0" ] for check in checks: if var.name.endswith(check): return True return False def is_trainable(var): return isinstance(var, paddle.fluid.framework.Parameter) and var.trainable def sharding_predicate(var): return is_trainable(var) or is_opt_vars(var) if int(os.environ.get('PADDLE_TRAINER_ID', 0)) == 0: paddle.fluid.io.save_persistables( exe, dirname, main_program=main_program, filename=None) else: paddle.fluid.io.save_vars( exe, dirname, main_program=main_program, predicate=sharding_predicate, filename=None) return