# Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import multiprocessing import os import six import sys from .. import compat as cpt from . import framework from .framework import cuda_places, cpu_places from . import core __all__ = ['CompiledProgram', 'ExecutionStrategy', 'BuildStrategy'] ExecutionStrategy = core.ParallelExecutor.ExecutionStrategy BuildStrategy = core.ParallelExecutor.BuildStrategy InferNativeConfig = core.NativeConfig InferAnalysisConfig = core.AnalysisConfig def _place_obj(place): p = core.Place() p.set_place(place) return p def _is_pserver_mode(main_program): main = main_program if main_program \ else framework.default_main_program() for op in main.global_block().ops: if op.type in ["send", "recv"]: return True return False def _has_backward_op(graph): for node in graph.nodes(): if node.is_op() and node.op() is not None and \ node.op().type().endswith("_grad"): return True return False def _prune_feed_ops(program): # prune the feed ops in the program. pop_idx = [] for i, op in enumerate(program.global_block().ops): if op.type == "feed": pop_idx.append(i) for index in pop_idx[::-1]: program.global_block()._remove_op(index) def _has_optimize_op(block): for op in block.ops: op_maker = core.op_proto_and_checker_maker optimize = core.op_proto_and_checker_maker.OpRole.Optimize if op_maker.kOpRoleVarAttrName() in op.attr_names and \ int(op.all_attrs()[op_maker.kOpRoleAttrName()]) == int(optimize): return True return False def _has_optimizer_in_control_flow(program): if not program: program = framework.default_main_program() for op in program.global_block().ops: if op.type == "conditional_block_grad": sub_block = program.block(op._block_attr_id("sub_block")) if _has_optimize_op(sub_block): return True return False class CompiledProgram(object): """ The CompiledProgram is used to transform a program or graph for various optimizations according to the configuration of build_strategy, for example, the operators' fusion in the computation graph, memory optimization during the execution of the computation graph, etc. For more information about build_strategy, please refer to :code:`fluid.BuildStrategy`. Args: program_or_graph (Graph|Program): This parameter is the Program or Graph being executed. build_strategy(BuildStrategy): This parameter is used to compile the program or graph with the specified options, such as operators' fusion in the computational graph and memory optimization during the execution of the computational graph. For more information about build_strategy, please refer to :code:`fluid.BuildStrategy`. The default is None. Returns: CompiledProgram Example: .. code-block:: python import paddle.fluid as fluid import numpy place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) # fluid.CPUPlace() exe = fluid.Executor(place) data = fluid.data(name='X', shape=[None, 1], dtype='float32') hidden = fluid.layers.fc(input=data, size=10) loss = fluid.layers.mean(hidden) fluid.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.01).minimize(loss) exe.run(fluid.default_startup_program()) compiled_prog = fluid.CompiledProgram( fluid.default_main_program()) x = numpy.random.random(size=(10, 1)).astype('float32') loss_data, = exe.run(compiled_prog, feed={"X": x}, fetch_list=[loss.name]) """ def __init__(self, program_or_graph, build_strategy=None): if isinstance(program_or_graph, core.Graph): self._graph = program_or_graph # don't not create a new program here. self._program = None elif isinstance(program_or_graph, framework.Program): _prune_feed_ops(program_or_graph) self._graph = core.Graph(program_or_graph.desc) self._program = program_or_graph else: raise TypeError( "The type of program_to_graph parameter is wrong, expected Graph or Program, but received %s" % type(program_or_graph)) self._scope = None self._place = None self._executor = None self._compiled = False self._is_data_parallel = False self._is_inference = False self._loss_name = None self._share_vars_from = None self._places = None self._build_strategy = build_strategy self._exec_strategy = None def with_data_parallel(self, loss_name=None, build_strategy=None, exec_strategy=None, share_vars_from=None, places=None): """ This interface is used to transform the input Program or Graph to a multi-graph to run the model in data parallel mode. Users can use the build_strategy and exec_strategy to set some optimizations that can be applied during the construction and computation of the Graph, such as reducing the number of AllReduce operations, specifying the size of the thread pool used in the computation Graph running the model, and so on. **Note: If build_strategy is specified when building CompiledProgram and calling with_data_parallel, build_strategy in CompiledProgram will be overwritten, therefore, if it is data parallel training, it is recommended to set build_strategy when calling with_data_parallel interface.** Args: loss_name (str): This parameter is the name of the loss variable of the model. **Note: If it is model training, you must set loss_name, otherwise the result may be problematic**. The default is None. build_strategy(BuildStrategy): This parameter is used to compile the program or graph with the specified options, such as operators' fusion in the computational graph and memory optimization during the execution of the computational graph. For more information about build_strategy, please refer to :code:`fluid.BuildStrategy`. The default is None. exec_strategy(ExecutionStrategy): exec_strategy specifies the options that can be changed when running the current model, such as the thread pool size. For more information about exec_strategy, please refer to :code:`fluid.ExecutionStrategy`. The default is None. share_vars_from(CompiledProgram): If share_vars_from is set, the current CompiledProgram will share the parameter value with the CompiledProgram specified by share_vars_from. This parameter needs to be set when model testing is required during model training, and the data parallel mode is used for training and testing. Since CompiledProgram will only distribute parameter variables to other devices when it is first executed, the CompiledProgram specified by share_vars_from must be run before the current CompiledProgram. The default is None. places(list(CUDAPlace)|list(CPUPlace)|None): This parameter specifies the device on which the model is running. If you want to run on GPU0 and GPU1, places are [fluid.CUDAPlace(0), fluid.CUDAPlace(1)]; if you want to run with 2 CPUs, places are [fluid.CPUPlace()] * 2. If the parameter is not set, i.e. the parameter is None, the available device will be obtained from the environment variable when the model is executed: If the GPU is used, the currently available device ID is obtained from the environment variable FLAGS_selected_gpus or CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES when the model is executed; CPU, when the model is executed, the currently available CPU number is obtained from the environment variable CPU_NUM. For example, export CPU_NUM=4, if the environment variable is not set, the executor will add the variable to the environment variable and set its value to 1. The default is None. Returns: CompiledProgram Example: .. code-block:: python import paddle.fluid as fluid import numpy import os use_cuda = True place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if use_cuda else fluid.CPUPlace() parallel_places = [fluid.CUDAPlace(0), fluid.CUDAPlace(1)] if use_cuda else [fluid.CPUPlace()] * 2 # NOTE: If you use CPU to run the program, you need # to specify the CPU_NUM, otherwise, fluid will use # all the number of the logic core as the CPU_NUM, # in that case, the batch size of the input should be # greater than CPU_NUM, if not, the process will be # failed by an exception. if not use_cuda: os.environ['CPU_NUM'] = str(2) exe = fluid.Executor(place) data = fluid.data(name='X', shape=[None, 1], dtype='float32') hidden = fluid.layers.fc(input=data, size=10) loss = fluid.layers.mean(hidden) test_program = fluid.default_main_program().clone(for_test=True) fluid.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.01).minimize(loss) exe.run(fluid.default_startup_program()) compiled_train_prog = fluid.CompiledProgram( fluid.default_main_program()).with_data_parallel( loss_name=loss.name, places=parallel_places) # NOTE: if not set share_vars_from=compiled_train_prog, # the parameters used in test process are different with # the parameters used by train process compiled_test_prog = fluid.CompiledProgram( test_program).with_data_parallel( share_vars_from=compiled_train_prog, places=parallel_places) train_data = numpy.random.random(size=(10, 1)).astype('float32') loss_data, = exe.run(compiled_train_prog, feed={"X": train_data}, fetch_list=[loss.name]) test_data = numpy.random.random(size=(10, 1)).astype('float32') loss_data, = exe.run(compiled_test_prog, feed={"X": test_data}, fetch_list=[loss.name]) """ assert not self._is_data_parallel, "Already compiled with parallel, cannot be recompiled." assert not self._is_inference, "Cannot compile with both data parallel and inference." self._is_data_parallel = True # FIXME(zcd): Currently, the build_strategy can be set during creating # CompiledProgram or calling with_data_parallel, and it may be confusing, # but in the long run, we should set up build_strategy only when creating # CompiledProgram, and exec_strategy should be deprecated. if build_strategy is not None: self._build_strategy = build_strategy self._exec_strategy = exec_strategy self._loss_name = loss_name self._share_vars_from = share_vars_from self._places = places if _has_backward_op(self._graph): assert self._loss_name is not None, "The loss name of CompiledProgram is None. The loss name should be set if CompiledProgram contains backward part." if self._places is not None: if not isinstance(self._places, (list, tuple)): self._places = [self._places] return self def _with_inference_optimize(self, config): """ Add inference optimize Args: config: instance of `NativeConfig` or `AnalysisConfig` to create predictor Returns: self """ assert not self._is_data_parallel, "Cannot compile with both data parallel and inference" assert not self._is_inference, "Already compiled with inference, cannot be recompiled." assert any([ isinstance(config, InferNativeConfig), isinstance(config, InferAnalysisConfig) ]) self._is_inference = True self._infer_config = config return self def _with_distributed(self): raise NotImplementedError( "Subclass of CompiledProgram should implement _with_distributed method." ) def _compile_data_parallel(self, places, use_cuda=False, scope=None): if self._share_vars_from: if scope: sys.stderr.write("share_vars_from is set, scope is ignored.\n") if not self._share_vars_from._is_data_parallel: raise ValueError( "The shared Program is not data parallel, cannot " "share variables from it.") if self._share_vars_from._executor is None: raise ValueError( "The shared Program is not compiled and executed, so there is no " "variables to share.") self._local_scopes = self._share_vars_from._executor.local_scopes() else: assert scope is not None, "" self._local_scopes = [] assert isinstance(places, tuple) or isinstance(places, list), \ "Currently , The places type can only be list or tuple, but the input type is {}.".format(type(places)) if self._build_strategy is None: self._build_strategy = BuildStrategy() self._build_strategy.is_distribution = _is_pserver_mode(self._program) if self._exec_strategy is None: self._exec_strategy = ExecutionStrategy() self._exec_strategy.use_cuda = use_cuda if self._exec_strategy.num_threads == 0: if self._exec_strategy.use_cuda: # Experiments on se-resnext shows that too many threads hurt # performance. Worth tunning for other models in the future. self._exec_strategy.num_threads = len(places) * 4 else: self._exec_strategy.num_threads = len(places) * 2 if self._build_strategy.num_trainers > 1: assert self._is_data_parallel, \ "If you use multi-trainer to train the model, you should use "\ "the data parallel model, i.e. calling with_data_parallel function." # TODO(wuyi): trainer endpoings should be passed in through # build_strategy, not program.xxx. # TODO(gongwb): let user to set them once. if self._program and self._build_strategy.num_trainers > 1 and \ self._program._trainers_endpoints: tps = self._program._trainers_endpoints assert self._build_strategy.num_trainers == len( tps), "The trainer numbers is not equal to endpoint numbers." self._build_strategy.trainers_endpoints = tps if self._program: self._build_strategy.nccl_comm_num = self._program._nccl_comm_num self._build_strategy.use_hierarchical_allreduce = self._program._use_hierarchical_allreduce self._build_strategy.hierarchical_allreduce_inter_nranks = self._program._hierarchical_allreduce_inter_nranks if self._build_strategy.sync_batch_norm: self._build_strategy.enable_sequential_execution = True if self._program is not None and self._program._enable_dgc: assert use_cuda, "DGC only used under CUDA environment." assert self._build_strategy.num_trainers * len( places) > 1, "DGC is not avaliable for single card training." assert self._build_strategy.reduce_strategy == BuildStrategy.ReduceStrategy.AllReduce, "DGC \ only can be used for AllReduce BuildStrategy." # DGC doesn't support fuse for now, close fuse. self._build_strategy.fuse_all_reduce_ops = False self._persistable_vars = [] for node in self._graph.nodes(): if node.is_var() and node.var() is not None and node.var().persistable() and \ node.var().type() != core.VarDesc.VarType.RAW: self._persistable_vars.append(cpt.to_text(node.name())) places = list(map(_place_obj, places)) # ParallelExecutor would broadcast all the parameters during initializing. # The parameters of each process should be in the same ordered for the data-parallelism # distributed training to keep the broadcast correct. self._persistable_vars = list(set(self._persistable_vars)) self._persistable_vars.sort() return core.ParallelExecutor( places, self._persistable_vars, cpt.to_text(self._loss_name) if self._loss_name else six.u(''), self._scope, self._local_scopes, self._exec_strategy, self._build_strategy, self._graph) def _compile_inference(self): return core.create_paddle_predictor(self._infer_config) def _compile(self, scope, place): """Compile the program based on the configs. Args: scope: The variables (resources) that are associated with this compiled program. place: The location that the compiled program will be run on. Returns: self """ if self._compiled: if scope and self._scope != scope: raise ValueError("Cannot compile program with different scope.") if place and not self._place._equals(place): raise ValueError("Cannot compile program with different place.") return self self._compiled = True self._scope = scope self._place = place if self._is_inference: self._executor = self._compile_inference() else: if self._is_data_parallel: self._places = self._get_places(self._place, self._places) else: self._places = [self._place] # Todo(liym27):If optimizer is used in control flow, # training on multi-places is not supported now, will # be supported later. if len(self._places) > 1 and \ _has_optimizer_in_control_flow(self._program): raise NotImplementedError( "If optimizer is used in control flow, " "training on multi-places is not supported now.") self._executor = self._compile_data_parallel( use_cuda=isinstance(self._place, core.CUDAPlace), scope=self._scope, places=self._places) return self def _get_places(self, place, place_list): has_set_place = (place_list is not None) if has_set_place: for p in place_list: assert p._type() == place._type(), \ "Place type not match. You may set wrong type of places." else: place_list = cuda_places() if isinstance( place, core.CUDAPlace) else cpu_places() assert place_list, "No places for execution." return place_list