# Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. include(ExternalProject) # Creat a target named "third_party", which can compile external dependencies on all platform(windows/linux/mac) set(THIRD_PARTY_PATH "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/third_party" CACHE STRING "A path setting third party libraries download & build directories.") set(THIRD_PARTY_CACHE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" CACHE STRING "A path cache third party source code to avoid repeated download.") set(THIRD_PARTY_BUILD_TYPE Release) set(third_party_deps) # cache funciton to avoid repeat download code of third_party. # This function has 4 parameters, URL / REPOSITOR / TAG / DIR: # 1. URL: specify download url of 3rd party # 2. REPOSITORY: specify git REPOSITORY of 3rd party # 3. TAG: specify git tag/branch/commitID of 3rd party # 4. DIR: overwrite the original SOURCE_DIR when cache directory # # The function Return 1 PARENT_SCOPE variables: # - ${TARGET}_DOWNLOAD_CMD: Simply place "${TARGET}_DOWNLOAD_CMD" in ExternalProject_Add, # and you no longer need to set any donwnload steps in ExternalProject_Add. # For example: # Cache_third_party(${TARGET} # REPOSITORY ${TARGET_REPOSITORY} # TAG ${TARGET_TAG} # DIR ${TARGET_SOURCE_DIR}) FUNCTION(cache_third_party TARGET) SET(options "") SET(oneValueArgs URL REPOSITORY TAG DIR) SET(multiValueArgs "") cmake_parse_arguments(cache_third_party "${optionps}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) STRING(REPLACE "extern_" "" TARGET_NAME ${TARGET}) STRING(REGEX REPLACE "[0-9]+" "" TARGET_NAME ${TARGET_NAME}) STRING(TOUPPER ${TARGET_NAME} TARGET_NAME) IF(cache_third_party_REPOSITORY) SET(${TARGET_NAME}_DOWNLOAD_CMD GIT_REPOSITORY ${cache_third_party_REPOSITORY}) IF(cache_third_party_TAG) LIST(APPEND ${TARGET_NAME}_DOWNLOAD_CMD GIT_TAG ${cache_third_party_TAG}) ENDIF() ELSEIF(cache_third_party_URL) SET(${TARGET_NAME}_DOWNLOAD_CMD URL ${cache_third_party_URL}) ELSE() MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Download link (Git repo or URL) must be specified for cache!") ENDIF() IF(WITH_TP_CACHE) IF(NOT cache_third_party_DIR) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Please input the ${TARGET_NAME}_SOURCE_DIR for overwriting when -DWITH_TP_CACHE=ON") ENDIF() # Generate and verify cache dir for third_party source code SET(cache_third_party_REPOSITORY ${cache_third_party_REPOSITORY} ${cache_third_party_URL}) IF(cache_third_party_REPOSITORY AND cache_third_party_TAG) STRING(MD5 HASH_REPO ${cache_third_party_REPOSITORY}) STRING(MD5 HASH_GIT ${cache_third_party_TAG}) STRING(SUBSTRING ${HASH_REPO} 0 8 HASH_REPO) STRING(SUBSTRING ${HASH_GIT} 0 8 HASH_GIT) STRING(CONCAT HASH ${HASH_REPO} ${HASH_GIT}) # overwrite the original SOURCE_DIR when cache directory SET(${cache_third_party_DIR} ${THIRD_PARTY_CACHE_PATH}/third_party/${TARGET}_${HASH}) ELSEIF(cache_third_party_REPOSITORY) STRING(MD5 HASH_REPO ${cache_third_party_REPOSITORY}) STRING(SUBSTRING ${HASH_REPO} 0 16 HASH) # overwrite the original SOURCE_DIR when cache directory SET(${cache_third_party_DIR} ${THIRD_PARTY_CACHE_PATH}/third_party/${TARGET}_${HASH}) ENDIF() IF(EXISTS ${${cache_third_party_DIR}}) # judge whether the cache dir is empty FILE(GLOB files ${${cache_third_party_DIR}}/*) LIST(LENGTH files files_len) IF(files_len GREATER 0) list(APPEND ${TARGET_NAME}_DOWNLOAD_CMD DOWNLOAD_COMMAND "") ENDIF() ENDIF() SET(${cache_third_party_DIR} ${${cache_third_party_DIR}} PARENT_SCOPE) ENDIF() # Pass ${TARGET_NAME}_DOWNLOAD_CMD to parent scope, the double quotation marks can't be removed SET(${TARGET_NAME}_DOWNLOAD_CMD "${${TARGET_NAME}_DOWNLOAD_CMD}" PARENT_SCOPE) ENDFUNCTION() MACRO(UNSET_VAR VAR_NAME) UNSET(${VAR_NAME} CACHE) UNSET(${VAR_NAME}) ENDMACRO() # Funciton to Download the dependencies during compilation # This function has 2 parameters, URL / DIRNAME: # 1. URL: The download url of 3rd dependencies # 2. NAME: The name of file, that determin the dirname # FUNCTION(file_download_and_uncompress URL NAME) set(options "") set(oneValueArgs MD5) set(multiValueArgs "") cmake_parse_arguments(URL "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) MESSAGE(STATUS "Download dependence[${NAME}] from ${URL}, MD5: ${URL_MD5}") SET(${NAME}_INCLUDE_DIR ${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}/${NAME}/data PARENT_SCOPE) ExternalProject_Add( download_${NAME} ${EXTERNAL_PROJECT_LOG_ARGS} PREFIX ${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}/${NAME} URL ${URL} URL_MD5 ${URL_MD5} TIMEOUT 120 DOWNLOAD_DIR ${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}/${NAME}/data/ SOURCE_DIR ${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}/${NAME}/data/ DOWNLOAD_NO_PROGRESS 1 CONFIGURE_COMMAND "" BUILD_COMMAND "" UPDATE_COMMAND "" INSTALL_COMMAND "" ) set(third_party_deps ${third_party_deps} download_${NAME} PARENT_SCOPE) ENDFUNCTION() # Correction of flags on different Platform(WIN/MAC) and Print Warning Message if (APPLE) if(WITH_MKL) MESSAGE(WARNING "Mac is not supported with MKL in Paddle yet. Force WITH_MKL=OFF.") set(WITH_MKL OFF CACHE STRING "Disable MKL for building on mac" FORCE) endif() endif() if(WIN32 OR APPLE) MESSAGE(STATUS "Disable XBYAK in Windows and MacOS") SET(WITH_XBYAK OFF CACHE STRING "Disable XBYAK in Windows and MacOS" FORCE) if(WITH_LIBXSMM) MESSAGE(WARNING "Windows, Mac are not supported with libxsmm in Paddle yet." "Force WITH_LIBXSMM=OFF") SET(WITH_LIBXSMM OFF CACHE STRING "Disable LIBXSMM in Windows and MacOS" FORCE) endif() if(WITH_BOX_PS) MESSAGE(WARNING "Windows or Mac is not supported with BOX_PS in Paddle yet." "Force WITH_BOX_PS=OFF") SET(WITH_BOX_PS OFF CACHE STRING "Disable BOX_PS package in Windows and MacOS" FORCE) endif() if(WITH_PSLIB) MESSAGE(WARNING "Windows or Mac is not supported with PSLIB in Paddle yet." "Force WITH_PSLIB=OFF") SET(WITH_PSLIB OFF CACHE STRING "Disable PSLIB package in Windows and MacOS" FORCE) endif() if(WITH_ARM_BRPC) MESSAGE(WARNING "Windows or Mac is not supported with ARM_BRPC in Paddle yet." "Force WITH_ARM_BRPC=OFF") SET(WITH_ARM_BRPC OFF CACHE STRING "Disable ARM_BRPC package in Windows and MacOS" FORCE) endif() if(WITH_LIBMCT) MESSAGE(WARNING "Windows or Mac is not supported with LIBMCT in Paddle yet." "Force WITH_LIBMCT=OFF") SET(WITH_LIBMCT OFF CACHE STRING "Disable LIBMCT package in Windows and MacOS" FORCE) endif() if(WITH_PSLIB_BRPC) MESSAGE(WARNING "Windows or Mac is not supported with PSLIB_BRPC in Paddle yet." "Force WITH_PSLIB_BRPC=OFF") SET(WITH_PSLIB_BRPC OFF CACHE STRING "Disable PSLIB_BRPC package in Windows and MacOS" FORCE) endif() endif() set(WITH_MKLML ${WITH_MKL}) if(NOT DEFINED WITH_MKLDNN) if(WITH_MKL AND AVX2_FOUND) set(WITH_MKLDNN ON) else() message(STATUS "Do not have AVX2 intrinsics and disabled MKL-DNN") set(WITH_MKLDNN OFF) endif() endif() if(WIN32 OR APPLE OR NOT WITH_GPU OR ON_INFER) set(WITH_DGC OFF) endif() if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "3.5.2") set(SHALLOW_CLONE "GIT_SHALLOW TRUE") # adds --depth=1 arg to git clone of External_Projects endif() ########################### include third_party according to flags ############################### include(external/zlib) # download, build, install zlib include(external/gflags) # download, build, install gflags include(external/glog) # download, build, install glog include(external/boost) # download boost include(external/eigen) # download eigen3 include(external/threadpool)# download threadpool include(external/dlpack) # download dlpack include(external/xxhash) # download, build, install xxhash include(external/warpctc) # download, build, install warpctc include(external/utf8proc) # download, build, install utf8proc list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_eigen3 extern_gflags extern_glog extern_boost extern_xxhash) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_zlib extern_dlpack extern_warpctc extern_threadpool extern_utf8proc) include(external/lapack) # download, build, install lapack list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_eigen3 extern_gflags extern_glog extern_boost extern_xxhash) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_zlib extern_dlpack extern_warpctc extern_threadpool extern_lapack) include(cblas) # find first, then download, build, install openblas message(STATUS "CBLAS_PROVIDER: ${CBLAS_PROVIDER}") if(${CBLAS_PROVIDER} STREQUAL MKLML) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_mklml) elseif(${CBLAS_PROVIDER} STREQUAL EXTERN_OPENBLAS) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_openblas) endif() if(WITH_MKLDNN) include(external/mkldnn) # download, build, install mkldnn list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_mkldnn) endif() include(external/protobuf) # find first, then download, build, install protobuf if(TARGET extern_protobuf) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_protobuf) endif() if(WITH_PYTHON) include(external/python) # find python and python_module include(external/pybind11) # download pybind11 list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_pybind) endif() IF(WITH_TESTING OR WITH_DISTRIBUTE) include(external/gtest) # download, build, install gtest list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_gtest) ENDIF() if(WITH_ONNXRUNTIME) include(external/onnxruntime) # download, build, install onnxruntime态paddle2onnx include(external/paddle2onnx) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_onnxruntime extern_paddle2onnx) endif() if(WITH_GPU) if (${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION} LESS 11.0) include(external/cub) # download cub list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_cub) endif() set(URL "https://paddlepaddledeps.bj.bcebos.com/externalErrorMsg_20210928.tar.gz" CACHE STRING "" FORCE) file_download_and_uncompress(${URL} "externalError" MD5 a712a49384e77ca216ad866712f7cafa) # download file externalErrorMsg.tar.gz if(WITH_TESTING) # copy externalErrorMsg.pb, just for unittest can get error message correctly. set(SRC_DIR ${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}/externalError/data) if(WIN32 AND (NOT "${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" STREQUAL "Ninja")) set(DST_DIR1 ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/fluid/third_party/externalError/data) else() set(DST_DIR1 ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/third_party/externalError/data) endif() set(DST_DIR2 ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/python/paddle/include/third_party/externalError/data) add_custom_command(TARGET download_externalError POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${SRC_DIR} ${DST_DIR1} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${SRC_DIR} ${DST_DIR2} COMMENT "copy_directory from ${SRC_DIR} to ${DST_DIR}") endif() endif(WITH_GPU) if(WITH_XPU) include(external/xpu) # download, build, install xpu list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_xpu) endif(WITH_XPU) if(WITH_MLU) include(external/concurrentqueue) # download, build, install concurrentqueue list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_concurrentqueue) endif(WITH_MLU) if(WITH_PSLIB) include(external/pslib) # download, build, install pslib list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_pslib) if(WITH_LIBMCT) include(external/libmct) # download, build, install libmct list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_libxsmm) endif() if(WITH_PSLIB_BRPC) include(external/pslib_brpc) # download, build, install pslib_brpc list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_pslib_brpc) else() include(external/snappy) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_snappy) include(external/leveldb) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_leveldb) if(NOT WITH_HETERPS) include(external/brpc) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_brpc) endif() endif() endif(WITH_PSLIB) if(NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE) include(external/gloo) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_gloo) endif() if(WITH_BOX_PS) include(external/box_ps) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_box_ps) endif(WITH_BOX_PS) if(WITH_ASCEND OR WITH_ASCEND_CL) include(external/ascend) if(WITH_ASCEND OR WITH_ASCEND_CL) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_ascend) endif() if(WITH_ASCEND_CL) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_ascend_cl) endif() endif () if (WITH_PSCORE) include(external/snappy) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_snappy) include(external/leveldb) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_leveldb) if (WITH_ARM_BRPC) include(external/arm_brpc) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_arm_brpc) else() include(external/brpc) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_brpc) endif() include(external/libmct) # download, build, install libmct list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_libmct) if (WITH_HETERPS) include(external/rocksdb) # download, build, install libmct list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_rocksdb) endif() endif() if(WITH_XBYAK) include(external/xbyak) # download, build, install xbyak list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_xbyak) endif() if(WITH_LIBXSMM) include(external/libxsmm) # download, build, install libxsmm list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_libxsmm) endif() if(WITH_DGC) message(STATUS "add dgc lib.") include(external/dgc) # download, build, install dgc add_definitions(-DPADDLE_WITH_DGC) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_dgc) endif() if (WITH_LITE) message(STATUS "Compile Paddle with Lite Engine.") include(external/lite) endif (WITH_LITE) if (WITH_CINN) message(STATUS "Compile Paddle with CINN.") include(external/cinn) add_definitions(-DPADDLE_WITH_CINN) if (WITH_GPU) add_definitions(-DCINN_WITH_CUDA) add_definitions(-DCINN_WITH_CUDNN) endif (WITH_GPU) if (WITH_MKL) add_definitions(-DCINN_WITH_MKL_CBLAS) add_definitions(-DCINN_WITH_MKLDNN) endif (WITH_MKL) endif (WITH_CINN) if (WITH_CRYPTO) include(external/cryptopp) # download, build, install cryptopp list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_cryptopp) add_definitions(-DPADDLE_WITH_CRYPTO) endif (WITH_CRYPTO) if (WITH_POCKETFFT) include(external/pocketfft) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_pocketfft) add_definitions(-DPADDLE_WITH_POCKETFFT) endif (WITH_POCKETFFT) if (WIN32) include(external/dirent) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_dirent) endif (WIN32) if (WITH_INFRT) include(external/llvm) list(APPEND third_party_deps ${llvm_libs}) endif() if (WITH_IPU) include(external/poplar) list(APPEND third_party_deps extern_poplar) endif() add_custom_target(third_party ALL DEPENDS ${third_party_deps})