import paddle.v2.fluid.framework as framework import numpy as np __all__ = [ 'ConstantInitializer', 'UniformInitializer', 'NormalInitializer', 'XavierInitializer' ] class Initializer(object): """Base class for variable initializers Defines the common interface of variable initializers. They add operations to the init program that are used to initialize variables. Users should not use this class directly, but need to use one of its implementations. """ def __init_(self): pass def __call__(self, param, block): """Add corresponding initialization operations to the network """ raise NotImplementedError() def _compute_fans(self, var): """Compute the fan_in and the fan_out for layers This method computes the fan_in and the fan_out for neural network layers, if not specified. It is not possible to perfectly estimate fan_in and fan_out. This method will estimate it correctly for matrix multiply and convolutions. Args: var: variable for which fan_in and fan_out have to be computed Returns: tuple of two integers (fan_in, fan_out) """ shape = var.shape if not shape or len(shape) == 0: fan_in = fan_out = 1 elif len(shape) == 1: fan_in = fan_out = shape[0] elif len(shape) == 2: # This is the case for simple matrix multiply fan_in = shape[0] fan_out = shape[1] else: # Assume this to be a convolutional kernel # In PaddlePaddle, the shape of the kernel is like: # [num_filters, num_filter_channels, ...] where the remaining # dimensions are the filter_size receptive_field_size =[2:]) fan_in = shape[1] * receptive_field_size fan_out = shape[0] * receptive_field_size return (fan_in, fan_out) class ConstantInitializer(Initializer): """Implements the constant initializer """ def __init__(self, value=0.0): """Constructor for ConstantInitializer Args: value: constant value to initialize the variable """ assert value is not None super(ConstantInitializer, self).__init__() self._value = value def __call__(self, var, block): """Add constant initialization ops for a variable Args: var: Variable that needs to be initialized block: The block in which initialization ops should be added Returns: the initialization op """ assert isinstance(var, framework.Variable) assert isinstance(block, framework.Block) # Initialization Ops should be prepended and not appended op = block.prepend_op( type="fill_constant", outputs={"Out": var}, attrs={ "shape": var.shape, "data_type": int(var.data_type), "value": self._value }) var.op = op return op class UniformInitializer(Initializer): """Implements the random uniform distribution initializer """ def __init__(self, low=-1.0, high=1.0, seed=0): """Constructor for UniformInitializer Args: low: lower boundary of the uniform distribution high: upper boundary of the uniform distribution seed: random seed """ assert low is not None assert high is not None assert high >= low assert seed is not None super(UniformInitializer, self).__init__() self._low = low self._high = high self._seed = seed def __call__(self, var, block): """Add uniform distribution initialization ops for a variable Args: var: Variable that needs to be initialized block: The block in which initialization ops should be added Returns: the initialization op """ assert isinstance(var, framework.Variable) assert isinstance(block, framework.Block) # Initialization Ops should be prepended and not appended op = block.prepend_op( type="uniform_random", outputs={"Out": var}, attrs={ "shape": var.shape, "data_type": int(var.data_type), "min": self._low, "max": self._high, "seed": self._seed }) var.op = op return op class NormalInitializer(Initializer): """Implements the random Normal(Gaussian) distribution initializer """ def __init__(self, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, seed=0): """Constructor for NormalInitializer Args: loc: mean of the normal distribution scale: standard deviation of the normal distribution seed: random seed """ assert loc is not None assert scale is not None assert seed is not None super(NormalInitializer, self).__init__() self._mean = loc self._std_dev = scale self._seed = seed def __call__(self, var, block): """Add normal distribution initialization ops for a variable Args: var: Variable that needs to be initialized block: The block in which initialization ops should be added Returns: the initialization op """ assert isinstance(var, framework.Variable) assert isinstance(block, framework.Block) # Initialization Ops should be prepended and not appended op = block.prepend_op( type="gaussian_random", outputs={"Out": var}, attrs={ "shape": var.shape, "data_type": int(var.data_type), "mean": self._mean, "std": self._std_dev, "seed": self._seed }) var.op = op return op class XavierInitializer(Initializer): """Implements the Xavier initializer This class implements the Xavier weight initializer from the paper Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks[1] by Xavier Glorot and Yoshua Bengio. This initializer is designed to keep the scale of the gradients approximately same in all the layers. In case of Uniform distribution, the range is [-x, x], where x = sqrt(6 / (fan_in + fan_out)). In case of Normal distribution, the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is sqrt(2/ (fan_in + fan_out)). References: [1] Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks. International conference on artificial intelligence and statistics. ( """ def __init__(self, uniform=True, fan_in=None, fan_out=None, seed=0): """Constructor for XavierInitializer Args: uniform: whether to use uniform or normal distribution fan_in: fan_in for Xavier initialization. If None, it is inferred from the variable. fan_out: fan_out for Xavier initialization. If None, it is inferred from the variable. seed: random seed Note: It is recommended to set fan_in and fan_out to None for most cases. """ assert uniform is not None assert seed is not None super(XavierInitializer, self).__init__() self._uniform = uniform self._fan_in = fan_in self._fan_out = fan_out self._seed = seed def __call__(self, var, block): """Add xavier initialization ops for a variable Args: var: Variable that needs to be initialized block: The block in which initialization ops should be added Returns: the initialization op """ assert isinstance(var, framework.Variable) assert isinstance(block, framework.Block) f_in, f_out = self._compute_fans(var) # If fan_in and fan_out are passed, use them fan_in = f_in if self._fan_in is None else self._fan_in fan_out = f_out if self._fan_out is None else self._fan_out if self._uniform: limit = np.sqrt(6.0 / float(fan_in + fan_out)) op = block.prepend_op( type="uniform_random", outputs={"Out": var}, attrs={ "shape": var.shape, "data_type": int(var.data_type), "min": -limit, "max": limit, "seed": self._seed }) else: std = np.sqrt(2.0 / float(fan_in + fan_out)) op = block.prepend_op( type="gaussian_random", outputs={"Out": var}, attrs={ "shape": var.shape, "data_type": int(var.data_type), "mean": 0.0, "std": std, "seed": self._seed }) var.op = op return op