// Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // Copyright (c) 2021 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. syntax = "proto2"; package paddle.fleet; enum Mode { COLLECTIVE = 1; PS = 2; PIPELINE = 3; HETER = 4; // support XPU and GPU computing server } message RecomputeConfig { repeated string checkpoints = 1; optional bool enable_offload = 2 [ default = false ]; repeated int32 checkpoint_shape = 3; optional bool enable_tuning = 4 [ default = false ]; // incubate for auto parallel } message ShardingConfig { optional string sharding_segment_strategy = 1 [ default = 'segment_broadcast_MB' ]; optional float segment_broadcast_MB = 2 [ default = 32.0 ]; repeated string segment_anchors = 3; optional int32 sharding_degree = 4 [ default = 8 ]; optional int32 mp_degree = 5 [ default = 1 ]; optional int32 dp_degree = 6 [ default = 1 ]; optional bool hybrid_dp = 7 [ default = false ]; optional int32 gradient_merge_acc_step = 8 [ default = 1 ]; optional bool optimize_offload = 9 [ default = false ]; optional bool pp_allreduce_in_optimize = 10 [ default = false ]; optional int32 pp_degree = 11 [ default = 1 ]; optional bool optimize_cast = 12 [ default = false ]; // Optimizer sharding. Temporary plans and may be deprecated optional bool _dp_as_optimizer_sharding = 13 [ default = false ]; optional int32 stage = 14 [ default = 1 ]; optional bool enable_tuning = 15 [ default = false ]; // incubate for auto parallel } // for dygraph message MpConfig { optional bool sync_param= 1 [ default = false ]; optional bool sync_grad= 2 [ default = false ]; optional bool sync_moment= 3 [ default = false ]; optional string sync_mode= 4 [ default = 'broadcast' ]; } message PpConfig { optional bool dp_comm_overlap = 1 [ default = false ]; optional bool delay_scale_loss = 2 [ default = false ]; } message HybridConfig { optional int32 dp_degree = 1 [ default = -1 ]; optional int32 mp_degree = 2 [ default = 1 ]; optional int32 pp_degree = 3 [ default = 1 ]; optional int32 sharding_degree = 4 [ default = 1 ]; optional MpConfig mp_configs = 5; optional PpConfig pp_configs = 6; } message AMPConfig { optional float init_loss_scaling = 1 [ default = 32768.0 ]; optional int32 incr_every_n_steps = 2 [ default = 1000 ]; optional int32 decr_every_n_nan_or_inf = 3 [ default = 2 ]; optional float incr_ratio = 4 [ default = 2.0 ]; optional float decr_ratio = 5 [ default = 0.8 ]; optional bool use_dynamic_loss_scaling = 6 [ default = true ]; repeated string custom_white_list = 7; repeated string custom_black_list = 8; repeated string custom_black_varnames = 9; optional bool use_pure_fp16 = 10 [ default = false ]; optional bool use_fp16_guard = 11 [ default = true ]; optional bool use_optimizer_fp16 = 12 [ default = false ]; // auto parallel effective only } message LocalSGDConfig { optional int32 k_steps = 1 [ default = 1 ]; optional int32 begin_step = 2 [ default = 1 ]; } message AdaptiveLocalSGDConfig { optional int32 init_k_steps = 1 [ default = 1 ]; optional int32 begin_step = 2 [ default = 1 ]; } message GradientMergeConfig { optional int32 k_steps = 1 [ default = 1 ]; optional bool avg = 2 [ default = true ]; } message DGCConfig { optional int32 rampup_begin_step = 1 [ default = 0 ]; optional int32 rampup_step = 2 [ default = 1 ]; repeated float sparsity = 3; } message LarsConfig { optional float lars_coeff = 1 [ default = 0.001 ]; optional float lars_weight_decay = 2 [ default = 0.0005 ]; optional float epsilon = 3 [ default = 0.0 ]; repeated string exclude_from_weight_decay = 4; } message LambConfig { optional float lamb_weight_decay = 1 [ default = 0.01 ]; repeated string exclude_from_weight_decay = 2; } message BuildStrategy { optional bool enable_sequential_execution = 1 [ default = false ]; optional bool fuse_elewise_add_act_ops = 2 [ default = false ]; optional bool fuse_bn_act_ops = 3 [ default = false ]; optional bool fuse_relu_depthwise_conv = 4 [ default = false ]; optional bool fuse_broadcast_ops = 5 [ default = false ]; optional bool fuse_all_optimizer_ops = 6 [ default = false ]; optional bool enable_inplace = 7 [ default = false ]; optional bool enable_backward_optimizer_op_deps = 8 [ default = true ]; optional bool cache_runtime_context = 9 [ default = false ]; optional bool fuse_bn_add_act_ops = 10 [ default = true ]; optional bool enable_auto_fusion = 11 [ default = false ]; optional bool enable_addto = 12 [ default = false ]; optional bool fix_op_run_order = 13 [ default = false ]; optional bool allow_cuda_graph_capture = 14 [ default = false ]; optional int32 reduce_strategy = 15 [ default = 0 ]; optional bool fuse_gemm_epilogue = 16 [ default = false ]; optional string debug_graphviz_path = 17; optional bool fused_attention = 18 [ default = false]; optional bool fused_feedforward = 19 [ default = false]; } message ExecutionStrategy { optional int32 num_threads = 1 [ default = 1 ]; optional int32 num_iteration_per_drop_scope = 2 [ default = 10 ]; optional int32 num_iteration_per_run = 3 [ default = 1 ]; optional bool use_thread_barrier = 4 [ default = false ]; } message GradientScaleConfig { // Optional value ['avg', 'sum', 'customized'] // If avg, loss@grad will be divided by the number of devices, // that is, the gradient will be accumulated and averaged among // multiple devices. // Else if sum, the gradient will accumulated among multiple // devices. optional string scale_strategy = 1 [ default = 'avg' ]; // The avg_loss flag is used to determine the position of average // If scale_gradient is False, it will avg the loss@Grad before grad merge. // Otherwise, it will do grad merge firstly, then avg the grad after merging. optional bool scale_gradient = 2 [ default = false ]; } message AsyncConfig { optional int32 k_steps = 1 [ default = -1 ]; optional int32 max_merge_var_num = 2 [ default = 1 ]; optional int32 send_queue_size = 3 [ default = 16 ]; optional bool independent_recv_thread = 4 [ default = false ]; optional int32 min_send_grad_num_before_recv = 5 [ default = 1 ]; optional int32 thread_pool_size = 6 [ default = 1 ]; optional int32 send_wait_times = 7 [ default = 1 ]; optional bool runtime_split_send_recv = 8 [ default = false ]; optional bool launch_barrier = 9 [ default = true ]; optional string heter_worker_device_guard = 10 [ default = 'cpu' ]; optional int32 lr_decay_steps = 11 [ default = 10 ]; optional int32 use_ps_gpu = 12 [ default = 0 ]; } message TrainerDescConfig { optional string dump_fields_path = 1; repeated string dump_fields = 2; repeated string dump_param = 3; repeated string stat_var_names = 4; optional string trainer = 5; optional string device_worker = 6; repeated string local_sparse = 7; repeated string remote_sparse = 8; } message PipelineConfig { optional int32 micro_batch_size = 1 [ default = 1 ]; optional int32 accumulate_steps = 2 [ default = 1 ]; optional string schedule_mode = 3 [ default = '1F1B' ]; optional bool p2p_cache_shape = 4 [ default = true ]; optional bool enable_partial_send_recv = 5 [ default = true ]; } message TensorParallelConfig { optional int32 tensor_parallel_degree = 1 [ default = 1 ]; optional int32 tensor_init_seed = 2 [ default = -1 ]; } message QatConfig { optional bool channel_wise_abs_max = 1 [default = true]; optional int32 weight_bits = 2 [default = 8]; optional int32 activation_bits = 3 [default = 8]; repeated string not_quant_pattern = 4; optional string algo = 5; } enum TableType { PS_SPARSE_TABLE = 0; PS_DENSE_TABLE = 1; } message TableParameter { optional uint64 table_id = 1; optional string table_name = 2; optional string table_class = 3; optional uint64 shard_num = 4 [ default = 1000 ]; optional TableType type = 5; optional TableAccessorParameter accessor = 6; optional bool compress_in_save = 7 [ default = false ]; // for cache model optional bool enable_sparse_table_cache = 10 [ default = true ]; optional double sparse_table_cache_rate = 11 [ default = 0.00055 ]; optional uint32 sparse_table_cache_file_num = 12 [ default = 16 ]; // for patch model optional bool enable_revert = 13 [ default = false ]; optional float shard_merge_rate = 14 [ default = 1.0 ]; } message TableAccessorParameter { optional string accessor_class = 1; optional uint32 fea_dim = 4 [ default = 11 ]; // field size of one value optional uint32 embedx_dim = 5 [ default = 8 ]; // embedx feature size optional uint32 embedx_threshold = 6 [ default = 10 ]; // embedx feature create threshold optional CtrAccessorParameter ctr_accessor_param = 7; repeated TableAccessorSaveParameter table_accessor_save_param = 8; optional SGDParameter embed_sgd_param = 10; optional SGDParameter embedx_sgd_param = 11; optional GraphSGDParameter graph_sgd_param = 12; } message GraphSGDParameter { optional uint32 nodeid_slot = 1 [ default = 9008 ]; optional float feature_learning_rate = 2 [ default = 0.05 ]; } message SGDParameter { optional string name = 1; optional SparseNaiveSGDRuleParameter naive = 2; optional SparseAdagradSGDRuleParameter adagrad = 3; optional SparseAdamSGDParameter adam = 4; } message SparseNaiveSGDRuleParameter { // SparseNaiveSGDRule optional double learning_rate = 1 [ default = 0.05 ]; optional double initial_range = 2 [ default = 0.0001 ]; repeated float weight_bounds = 3; } message SparseAdagradSGDRuleParameter { // SparseAdaGradSGDRule|StdAdaGradSGDRule optional double learning_rate = 1 [ default = 0.05 ]; optional double initial_g2sum = 2 [ default = 3.0 ]; optional double initial_range = 3 [ default = 0.0001 ]; repeated float weight_bounds = 4; } message SparseAdamSGDParameter { // SparseAdamSGDRule | SparseSharedAdamSGDRule optional double learning_rate = 1 [ default = 0.001 ]; optional double initial_range = 2 [ default = 0.0001 ]; optional double beta1_decay_rate = 3 [ default = 0.9 ]; optional double beta2_decay_rate = 4 [ default = 0.999 ]; optional double ada_epsilon = 5 [ default = 1e-08 ]; repeated float weight_bounds = 6; } message CtrAccessorParameter { optional float nonclk_coeff = 1 [ default = 0.1 ]; // to calculate show_click_score optional float click_coeff = 2 [ default = 1 ]; // to calculate show_click_score optional float base_threshold = 3 [ default = 1.5 ]; // show_click_score > base_threshold, this feature can be saved optional float delta_threshold = 4 [ default = 0.25 ]; // delta_score > delta_threshold, this feature can be saved optional float delta_keep_days = 5 [ default = 16 ]; // unseen_day < delta_keep_days, this feature can be saved optional float show_click_decay_rate = 6 [ default = 0.98 ]; // show/click will update to // show/click * // show_click_decay_rate after a day optional float delete_threshold = 7 [ default = 0.8 ]; // threshold to shrink a feasign optional float delete_after_unseen_days = 8 [ default = 30 ]; optional int32 ssd_unseenday_threshold = 9 [ default = 1 ]; optional bool show_scale = 10 [ default = true ]; repeated float load_filter_slots = 11; } message TableAccessorSaveParameter { optional uint32 param = 1; optional string converter = 2; optional string deconverter = 3; } message FsClientParameter { optional string uri = 1; optional string user = 2; optional string passwd = 3; optional string hadoop_bin = 4; } message DistributedStrategy { // bool options optional Mode mode = 1 [ default = COLLECTIVE ]; optional bool amp = 2 [ default = false ]; optional bool recompute = 3 [ default = false ]; optional bool localsgd = 4 [ default = false ]; optional bool dgc = 5 [ default = false ]; optional bool gradient_merge = 6 [ default = false ]; optional bool lars = 7 [ default = false ]; optional bool lamb = 8 [ default = false ]; optional bool pipeline = 9 [ default = false ]; optional bool elastic = 10 [ default = false ]; optional bool auto = 11 [ default = false ]; optional bool a_sync = 12 [ default = true ]; optional bool sync_nccl_allreduce = 13 [ default = true ]; optional int32 nccl_comm_num = 14 [ default = 1 ]; optional bool use_hierarchical_allreduce = 15 [ default = false ]; optional int32 hierarchical_allreduce_inter_nranks = 16 [ default = 1 ]; optional bool sync_batch_norm = 17 [ default = false ]; optional bool fuse_all_reduce_ops = 18 [ default = true ]; optional int32 fuse_grad_size_in_MB = 19 [ default = 32 ]; optional float fuse_grad_size_in_TFLOPS = 20 [ default = 50 ]; optional bool cudnn_exhaustive_search = 21 [ default = false ]; optional int32 conv_workspace_size_limit = 22 [ default = 512 ]; optional bool cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent = 23 [ default = false ]; optional bool adaptive_localsgd = 24 [ default = false ]; optional bool fp16_allreduce = 25 [ default = false ]; optional bool sharding = 26 [ default = false ]; optional float last_comm_group_size_MB = 27 [ default = 1 ]; optional bool find_unused_parameters = 28 [ default = false ]; optional bool tensor_parallel = 29 [ default = false ]; optional bool without_graph_optimization = 30 [ default = true ]; optional int32 fuse_grad_size_in_num = 31 [ default = 8 ]; optional bool calc_comm_same_stream = 32 [ default = false ]; optional bool asp = 33 [ default = false ]; optional bool fuse_grad_merge = 34 [ default = false ]; optional bool semi_auto = 35 [ default = false ]; optional bool adam_d2sum = 36 [ default = false ]; optional bool auto_search = 37 [ default = false ]; optional bool heter_ccl_mode = 38 [ default = false ]; optional bool is_fl_ps_mode = 39 [ default = false ]; optional bool with_coordinator = 40 [ default = false ]; optional bool qat = 41 [ default = false ]; optional bool split_data = 42 [ default = true ]; optional RecomputeConfig recompute_configs = 101; optional AMPConfig amp_configs = 102; optional LocalSGDConfig localsgd_configs = 103; optional GradientMergeConfig gradient_merge_configs = 104; optional DGCConfig dgc_configs = 105; optional PipelineConfig pipeline_configs = 106; optional AsyncConfig a_sync_configs = 107; optional LarsConfig lars_configs = 108; optional LambConfig lamb_configs = 109; optional AdaptiveLocalSGDConfig adaptive_localsgd_configs = 110; optional ShardingConfig sharding_configs = 111; optional HybridConfig hybrid_configs = 112; optional TensorParallelConfig tensor_parallel_configs = 113; optional TrainerDescConfig trainer_desc_configs = 114; repeated TableParameter downpour_table_param = 115; optional FsClientParameter fs_client_param = 116; optional QatConfig qat_configs = 117; optional BuildStrategy build_strategy = 201; optional ExecutionStrategy execution_strategy = 202; optional GradientScaleConfig gradient_scale_configs = 203; } message DistributedJobInfo { optional int32 worker_num = 1; optional int32 server_num = 2; repeated string worker_ips = 3; repeated string server_endpoints = 4; optional string origin_startup = 5; optional string origin_main = 6; // without backpropagation and optimization optional string distributed_main = 7; // with backpropagation and optimization optional string optimizer_name = 8; // optimizer name optional DistributedStrategy strategy = 101; }